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Knights Of The Old Republic: Darkness Falls

Page: 14 of 32
01-22-2006, 6:26 PM
The Exile said nothing to anyone as she withdrew to her dormitory, sitting on her bunk and taking the band out of her hair, allowing her blonde locks to cascade down her shoulders. To say the least, the day had been rather...exciting. In a matter of hours, she had been attacked three times, found a stow-away on her ship, met Crystal, the Doctor, Tegan, Nyssa, Karda, and now Jasra, as well as found out about some kind of would-be trap for her on Taris, and that the Jedi Council had called her urgently, even sending a Jedi out to give her the message. Not to mention the emmotional stress of reliving her past when she explained to Crystal what had happened durning the war. Wow. A lot to swallow.
She rested her head against the pillow, one leg propped up on the matress, the other dangling over the side, and an arm pressed over her eyes as she tried to block out almost non-existant light. Unable to shut up her restless mind, she meditated, her mind wandering to the time when Disciple had first taught her his techniques.
"Knock knock."
So much for resting. Kira lifted her arm from her eyes, cracking an eyelid open to see Atton framed in the doorway. She stood, facing him. "Yes?"
"Look..." he said, coming over to her, "I know how hard today was on you. I just wanted to know if you were alright with all of this?"
The Exile turned away, walking to the opposite wall, feeling a headache coming on. "I'm fine. It's just been a long day."
She felt her stomach do several flips as strong, caring arms folded around her waist, pulling her back against Atton's chest. "Perhaps you should get some rest then." he whispered in her ear, his breath tickling her skin. She sighed as she felt his face press against the side of her head, his lips playing across her skin and hair.
In a moment, Kira came to her senses, and pulled away from him. "Atton, please, not now." she said softly, brushing hair from her eyes.
"What? What's wrong?"
The Exile was silent for several moments, lightly biting a finger. Rather than answer his question, she posed another: "What happened that night at the cantina? With Jasra?"
"What happened?" she asked again, an edge to her voice, as she whirled on him.
The Scoundrel sighed. "It was after that long run we had in the Outer Rim. When we returned to the Taris sector to refuel, I needed a break. So I grabbed my pazzak deck and went to the local cantina.
"It was a lucky night. The fools on Taris seemed hardly capable of even counting their cards, let alone playing. I raked in so many credits...anyway, I...ran quite a tab at the bar that night. A big one. When I had taken pretty much all the players' credits, I retired to the other room to enjoy my jama juice. That's...where I saw Jasra. Mind you I was extremly drunk at the time..."
"I remember that I hadn't seen you return before I went to bed that night."
"Well, I was out pretty late--"
"Past five a.m?"

((OOC: Long post, I'll post more later.))
01-22-2006, 6:51 PM
Jasra was still upset by the confrontation with Tegan, but was slowly calming down. “Crystal, I know you said you weren’t Force Sensitive, but can you teach me how to conceal my thoughts better? Share with me any techniques you use?”
01-22-2006, 7:10 PM
Crystal smiled. "That shouldn't be too difficult. I can also instruct you in some Force barriers... I may not be Force Sensitive, but I've read the minds of plenty of them. I'll teach you both Force barriers and actual physical barriers as best as I can."

01-22-2006, 7:28 PM
“Thanks.” Jasra grinned shyly. “I was never very good at putting up a Force Barrier. That’s something Master Kelva used to get on my case about. Said my concentration was lacking.” She rolled her eyes. “My Force ‘barriers’ come out…well, more like a Force reflection. It works, but it’s only effective against someone who’s using the Force against me. I’ve picked up a few things on my own, but it’s no substitute for actual instruction.”

Crystal isn't so scary after all, Jasra thought. In fact, she's likeable. And I don’t have many friends. Couldn’t hurt to have another one. Especially one with such useful abilities. Maybe being stranded on the Ebon Hawk isn't so bad after all.
 The Doctor
01-22-2006, 7:28 PM
((I'm going to assume that Disciple is manning the helm, as both Kira and Atton are in the dormitory. Just so you know, the Doctor was lying when he said he didn't know Disciple's name.))

The Doctor entered the cockpit, only to find it empty except for Disciple. He smiled slightly, taking the copilot's seat.
*Hello there, Mical. How are you?*
01-22-2006, 7:42 PM
"Well I'm not the best substitute for a Jedi Master," Crystal said with a smile. "But we'll manage."

She took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "One of the things that hinders you most is how much you try to hide." She paused and frowned. "What I mean is, you mask your Force Sensitivity. With so much energy focused on doing that and the things requred for everyday life (breathing, eating, talking, thinking), you have little left for things like barriers in the mind."
01-22-2006, 7:45 PM
The Disciple, being asked by Atton to watch the Hawk's hyper-space preperation, sat in the pilot's chair, checking and rechecking the systems. It wasn't a very hard job, as the Hawk did pretty much everything on its own, but every once in a while, there was a little glitch...
"Hello there, Mical. How are you?"
The Jedi jumped, not so much in surprise of the appearence of the Doctor...but how he had greeted him. Disciple looked up at the different-looking man.
"You...How do you--"


"Don't try lying to me, Atton. I know what happened that night." the Exile said, her voice quiet.
The Scoundrel heard the hurt in her voice, and it tore him apart. "Kira...please--" He said, reaching for her, but she threw and arm out, knocking his touch aside.
"Don't...don't touch me. Kriea was right all along." she stared at him, her eyes burning into his with a flame he had never seen before, even as tears fell. "You're nothing but a lying, cheating fool! It was a mistake trusting you!"
"What? I can't go out for one night with another woman," Atton said, his voice growing in decible, "But you can flirt with Disciple and any other man we happen to come across?!"
The Exile's mouth dropped, hurt and anger both vying for control of her features, "I--"
"Don't think I didn't see the way you were looking at Karda earlier!" he shouted, "I could tell what you were thinking! Disciple saw it too."
"At least I didn't sleep with either of them." she said quietly, a look of pain and disappointment in her eyes. That look alone was enough to quell the Scoundrel's temper.
His mouth opened and closed as he tried to find the right words. None came. "Kira--I..."
 The Doctor
01-22-2006, 7:51 PM
*It's alright, Kira doesn't know. And I'm not going to tell her,* said the Doctor, cutting Mical off in mid-sentence.
*As to how I - you were about to ask how I know, isn't that correct? You told me everything. Not intentionally, of course, but there were hints to your past that I put together, with a little help from the TARDIS databanks from this era.
*I tell you this as a friend whom you've forgotten - or rather, haven't met yet - you must tell her. She needs to know.*
01-22-2006, 7:57 PM
"" the Jedi looked back to the controls again,hidding his emmotions, "I'm not sure I know what you're talking about."
Which was a lie. As a matter of fact, Disciple had a very good idea what the Doctor was talking about...but he wasn't sure what the Doctor had meant. Tell her? He...he couldn't...
 The Doctor
01-22-2006, 8:01 PM
*I know what you're thinking: why would you tell her? What would it accomplish? Trust me, Mical. She needs to know. Now more than ever. If I'm right, I am not here by accident. The Time Lords have sent me on missions before without telling me, and I believe they have done it now - I believe something is about to happen, something improtant that history has not recorded. She needs to be able to trust you completely, or else all will fail. How can she trust you when she doesn't even know your name?*
01-22-2006, 8:11 PM
"What would be the point?" he asked quietly, "She...doesn't need to know my name...It seems hardly likely to me that she would trust me more if she knew my name..."


Atton was saved from saying anymore when a crying Exile collapsed against his chest. "I don't want to fight, Atton." she said softly, "I...I just want to trust you..."
01-22-2006, 8:12 PM
“You mean you want me to let the Force just… flow?” Jasra shifted uncomfortably and her brow furrowed with uncertainty. “Crystal, I’m not sure I can do that. I mean, not here. Not… now.”

Crystal’s gaze remained steady, silently urging her to try.

Jasra sighed with resignation, then she closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She found it difficult to allow the Force to flow through her. But after a moment, she relaxed. She concentrated first on calming her own mind, like her Master had taught her. Then she extended into sensing those around her on the rest of the ship. The Doctor was in the cockpit with…another Jedi?

Her eyes popped open. “How many Jedi are on this ship anyway?” she muttered. Then she tried again. First centring herself, then detecting Crystal, the Doctor & the unknown Jedi in the cockpit, Karda in the Garage, Kira in the other dormitory with Atton,…. Atton!

Her eyes popped wide open. “Oh, no. I think I’ve caused a big problem,” she said to Crystal. “Between Kira and Atton. He’s told her. Or rather, she’s told him.” She gave Crystal a worried look. “I don’t think I can do this now. It’s… it’s too disturbing.”
 The Doctor
01-22-2006, 8:16 PM
*Perhaps not. But she will find out eventually. Would you prefer her to find out from you, or some other source?* the Doctor looked at him meaningfully.
*But, enough of that. Are we on course for Taris yet?*
01-22-2006, 8:51 PM
"Atton and Kira are alright," Crystal said soothingly. "They've had an argument and decided they don't want to fight... only to trust one another. Keep going." A small smile came to her lips. "You're alright."
01-22-2006, 8:58 PM
The small, invisible ship hovered silently atached to the bottom of the Hawk, it's lone passenger getting a bit bored. When were they going to just go? He let his mind drift a bit, and for a second felt Jasra reaching out, but he snesed her as well, and thoguh she might catcha b reif glimpse he was gone a second later. She knew about that trick though, about hiding one's self ... and somehow she knew that was what had happened.

(If crystal tries to sense him she'll feel somethign odd, it will 'feel' like a human brain, but the content will look like what one might expect in a droid brain. numbers, and such.)
01-23-2006, 3:41 PM
Jara felt slightly uneasy by Crystal’s request to continue. But the telepath's words were strangely soothing, and the suspicious thoughts in Jasra’s mind vanished before they could even take hold.

Once again, she closed her eyes and concentrated, allowing the Force to flow freely. It was almost a foreign feeling—after all, it had been years since she had allowed herself to do this in the company of others—but, with Crystal beside her she somehow felt compelled to continue. She reached out, further and further until…

Startled by what she felt, Jasra withdrew. She frowned. What was that? Powerful… living… vengeful. Then, whatever it was she had sensed had been abruptly ripped away. Cautiously, she searched for it again. It was just out of reach, a veiled whisper, but it was there. Somewhere. Waiting… hiding…. Her brow creased with distress. Dark.

Her eyes shot open. Without a word to Crystal, Jasra rose, darted out the door and headed for the cockpit. The Doctor and the unknown blonde-haired Jedi barely had time to turn their heads, let alone do anything to counter the Force Stasis field she cast at them.

She knew her Stasis Fields were crap, but having caught them unprepared, she figured it would hold them long enough for her to do what she needed to. “I’m sorry,” she apologised to them as she reached over the Disciple’s incapacitated body to gain access to the control panel. “But we have to go. Now.”

Seeing the co-ordinates were already laid in for Taris, she clamped her hand on the hyperdrive lever, pushed the button to rev up for hyperspace travel, and just as the engines began to whine, she thrust the lever forward.

The Ebon Hawk, with Karda's ship (and Brax's mysterious invisible ship, too) dangerously docked with it, hurled into hyperspace.

The sudden thrust sent her backwards and she landed on the cockpit floor in an undignified heap. She sighed with relief. She knew she would probably get yelled at by someone for doing what she did. But at least they were on their way to Taris. And away from whatever dark and vengeful creature that was stalking them.
01-23-2006, 3:52 PM
Crystal said nothing as Jasra hurried out toward the cockpit. She sensed the same thing Jasra had, but instead of acting immediatlely, she probed deeper into it. The mind felt startlingly like she suspected a droid's brain might function. Numbers and equations flew back and forth. Then, the Hawk lurched into hyperspace, throwing Crystal roughly to the ground. When she recovered, the mind was gone.
 The Doctor
01-23-2006, 4:16 PM
The Doctor didn't have time to counter the stasis field fully. He remained aware of his surroudings, but he couldn't do anything to stop Jasra from throwing the Ebin Hawk into hyperspace. Managing to break free of the stasis field, he did a quick scan of the consoles to see where she was taking them - she had left the coordinates in place, she had just activated the engines. He turned around and helped Jasra to her feet.
*Next time, you might want to try asking, first, my dear,* he said.
01-23-2006, 4:24 PM
"Actually, now that you ask..." Disciple said, seeing a blinking light on the console. He reached forward to hit a button...and found he couldn't move.
Stasis field? But who--
In a moment, his question was answered. A woman came hurtling into the cockpit.
"I'm sorry, but we have to go. Now." she said, reached over him, and sent the ship hurtling into hyperspace. The resulting jolt sent her slamming to the floor. As the stars in the viewscreen seemed to enlongate, the Hawk entered hyperspace, and was gone.
Releasing himself from the Stasis Field, Disciple stood up and walked over to the woman. As he had been meditating for most of the past few hours, he hadn't met or seen her before.
"Who are you?" he asked.


"I'm sorry, Kira." Atton murmured, tightening his arms around her and pressing her against his chest, "I shouldn't have done that, I know. It won't happen again. I promise."
"Thank you, Atton." she said, quietly, then pulled away from him. "I should really get some rest, today's been rather...exciting."
"Don't worry, I'll make sure no one bothers you." the Scoundrel said with a wink, and walked out, being sure to close the door behind him.
01-23-2006, 4:42 PM
Jasra straightened her tunic as she viewed the Disciple with suspicion. “Jasra,” she answered him, not bothering to mask her Force Affinity anymore since she had just cast a Stasis Field. “Where have you been? And before you even ask, the answer is no. I am not a Jedi.”

She turned abruptly to the Doctor. “I am sorry,” she apologised. “But there wasn’t time to….” She sighed. “Oh, nevermind,” she said dismissively. “It doesn’t matter now. But I wasn’t trying to hijack the ship, if that’s what you were thinking.”
01-23-2006, 4:47 PM
"Well, that certaintly assures me." Disciple said, allowing a bit of skeptisim to creep into his voice. "As for who I am, I am a Disciple. Apparently unlike you, I am a Jedi, and I have been following the Exile for several years now. However, you still haven't truely answered my question. Now, Jasra, who are you?"
 The Doctor
01-23-2006, 5:01 PM
Tegan and Nyssa grabbed the TARDIS console as the ship rocked hard.
"What was that?" asked Tegan.
Nyssa walked over to the sensor screen. "The Ebon Hawk has entered some kind of strange layer of space. This looks somewhat like the the people of Manthora travel great distances. I believe we're now on course for the planet the Doctor told us about, Taris."
"Well, I'm going to the cockpit to make sure. No offense, but I'll feel more safe when I hear it from Kira or Atton."
"Alright, I'm coming to," siad Nyssa, shutting down the monitor. She joined Tegan outside, closing the door behind her. They walked together into the cockpit.
"Doctor, what's... Oh, it's you she said, seeing Jasra. "I should have known that it was you making everything fly about. Atton's a much better pilot than that."
01-23-2006, 5:16 PM
“I’m a lost cause,” she said to the Disciple. Jasra then smiled at Tegan, but her smile wasn’t entirely friendly. “Oh, and I think you’ll find I’m rather good at making things fly,” she said her. Her smile abruptly vanished, and she flicked her wrist. Tegan flew backwards though the corridor, landing unceremoniously on her backside in the main hold, unharmed but embarrassed. Jasra flexed her hand, examining it as if surprised. “You know, my stasis fields might be crap, but my Force Push really isn’t too bad.” She turned to leave the cockpit.
 The Doctor
01-23-2006, 5:21 PM
Tegan was fuming. She stood up, walking towards Jasra as if to slap her, but the Doctor grabbed her by the waist and pulled her behind him.
*That's enough, Tegan!" he said sternly.
"She star-"
*Oh please don't say she started it, Tegan! Are you 22 or 2?*
Tegan wanted to retort, but she bit her tongue. "I'm sorry, Doctor," she said.
*Don't apologise to me, apologise to Jasra," he said. "And you," he looked at Jasra. "You need to grow up a well. You're acting like a spoiled child! You two are going to have to get along - you may be together for quite a while.*
Tegan stepped forward, threw a reproving glance at the Doctor, then turned to Jasra. "I'm sorry," she said, in the best apologetic tone she could manage.
01-23-2006, 5:42 PM
Disciple watched the argument, his expression growing darker every moment.
This doesn't look good. he thought, We'll never get anything done if these women continued to argue. Kira will want to know about this.
"Seems like I missed something." Atton said, walking into the cockpit to see the two women red-faced and snarling at each other.
01-23-2006, 5:44 PM
Jasra frowned at the Doctor. "I only just turned 19, so I'm closer to a child than she is!" she snapped.

Jasra eyed Tegan critically. “Apology accepted,” she said, but her eyes were even a cooler shade of blue than normal.

But if she thinks I’m apologising to her right now, she can forget it, Jasra thought.

She pushed past Tegan, but promptly bumped head on into Atton on his way to the cockpit.
01-23-2006, 5:52 PM
"Whoa, careful there." Atton said as one of the two women bumped into him. He took her by the shoulders, helping her to steady herself...when he noticed it was Jasra. "Oh..." He released her quickly, turning slightly red as memories of...that night...came flashing through his mind...
01-23-2006, 6:05 PM
“Don’t touch me, you… you….!” Jasra was too flustered to find the right word. “Just don’t touch me!” Her brow wrinkled with distress and she shivered. “Sith’s Blood, he must be old enough to be my father,” she muttered to herself under her breath as she scooted past him to return to the relative safety of the dormitory where Crystal was.
01-23-2006, 6:15 PM
"That was an interesting display." Disciple said as Atton strolled into the cockpit, hardly deterred at what Jasra had said.
"Yeah, yeah, try not to turn too red, pretty boy." the Scoundrel said, and flopped down in the pilot's chair, putting his legs up on the dash and putting his hands behind his head. "I see you managed to get us on our way to Taris. Nice job."
"Well...actually..." Disciple began, but when the Scoundrel cocked his head to the side to look at him, he said, "Uh, nevermind."
 The Doctor
01-23-2006, 6:43 PM
*Well, now that we're on our way, may I ask how long it will be until we arrive?* asked the Doctor.
01-23-2006, 6:49 PM
"Ah, not too long." Atton said, watching the viewscreen through half-closed eyelids. "Long enough to catch a few z's."
"Need any help?" the blonde-haired Jedi asked.
"Nah, we're in hyperspace. This thing pretty much flies herself." the pilot said, patting the Hawk's dashboard.
"Very well then, I'll be studying the security feed from earlier. Perhaps we can still discern who this intruder was." and with that, Disciple left down the corridor for the security room.
01-23-2006, 6:50 PM
Jasra had made a wrong turn. She abruptly halted, finding herself standing at the entrance to the garage. Karda was at the workbench and had his back to her, but she knew that he knew she was there. She paused for a moment, eyeing him judgmentally, trying to figure out what he was doing.

Finally, she spoke. “I hope I didn’t damage your ship,” she said quietly. “I know it can be hard on the docking couplings to go into hyperspace when two ships are docked together.” He ignored her, for the most part. She frowned slightly. “If it needs repair, I know someone on Taris that can give you a good deal on parts.” No response. “He owes me a favour.” Still no response. “Just a thought.”

She gave up and turned and went back to find Crystal.
 The Doctor
01-23-2006, 6:53 PM
((I wonder what's happened to EJ? Revan has been quiet lately...))

*I'll help, if you don't mind,* suggested the Doctor. *I'm interested in finding this fellow, as I'm sure you can imagine. Nyssa, Tegan, I want you to go get some rest. No arguing!" he added, as they both opened their mouths to argue. *It's been a long day, and you both need rest. Now go, please.*
They both left, heading back to the TARDIS. The Doctor followed Disciple.
01-23-2006, 7:02 PM
"I'm sure it'll be easier to spot things with two sets of eyes, rather than one." Disciple said, warming up the security terminal and rewinding the records back to when they had first boarded the ship earlier that day. "Here we are, boarding the ship, after refueling. There's...the other you..." the Jedi said, still a bit...confused with the whole situation, "Coming on for a moment, asking permission to dock the TARDIS here...and there you go again..."
01-23-2006, 7:03 PM
Entering the dormitory where Crystal was, Jasra immediately asked, “All right, what was that?” referring to the dark presence she had felt earlier. “And don’t tell you didn’t feel it, too. Was it Sith?”
 The Doctor
01-23-2006, 7:20 PM
"I'm not going to be able to sleep," ehined Tegan. "Not if Jasra could take the helm at any moment."
"Would you stop with putting her down?" relied Nyssa. "She's a nice young woman, you're just to caught up on first impressions."
"And being thrown across a room," Tegan retorted. She noticed a small object shining underneath the large machine in the corner of the garage. "What's that?" she asked. She went over to it, and picked it up.
"It looks like some sort of datapad," Nyssa commented, coming up behind Tegan. "Let me see it."
Tegan passed it Nyssa, staring at it. Nyssa pressed a button at random, and several strange figures popped up on the display. The TARDIS worked in their minds, translating it for them. "It says something about a planet called Omwat," she said curiously. "It looks like something that alien that attacked the Doctor might have dropped! Come on, maybe the TARDIS will have more information about Omwat!"
They burst into the TARDIS, running towards the console. Tegan began operating the database, searching for Omwat.
"Found it. What year is it?"
"I don't know. Wait, the Doctor said something earlier about 3995 BBY or something. Try that."
"Got it. Omwat. It's a primitive planet. No mention of them being a space fairing species," she said, dissapointed. "Hold on. It says that a few years ago, a Jedi found the planet, and was forced to pass the teachings of the Jedi to the few people on the planet able to wield the Force. But the teachings became corrupt as they were passed down, becoming closer to those of the Sith than the Jedi."
"Is there any picture of them in the database?"
"No, but there is a vague description. Tall, gangly... they must be as clumsy as a duck in a ploughed paddock."
"Wait, I thought I saw Revan's name! GO back... yes, he killed their leader about three years ago. A member of something called the Zedai Order was sent to avenge him."
"The Doctor needs to know this. Come on," said Tegan, grabbing the datapad and heading back to find the Doctor.
01-23-2006, 7:32 PM
After spending a while of watching the video feed, the Disciple had skipped forward to the point just before they actually saw the intruder. He had turned down the volume in order to minimize distraction. He watched the feed intently...
"Hold on..." he said, his eyes narrowing, "Every few moments...there's a blip in the picture. Right...there." he said, pointing to a spot above the co-pilot's seat.
"Try slowing down the frames." the Doctor suggested.
"Exactly what I was thinking." the Jedi murmured as he rewound the feed. He allowed the footage to play again, slowing it down to five seconds per frame. When the abnormality appeared, he paused it immediatly. "There." he said, cropping the image and enlarging. "That's where was hiding."

((OOC: Sorry for the mini-charry control, Doc :xp: ))
 The Doctor
01-23-2006, 7:39 PM
((I'M GOING TO CRY NOW!!! I don't mind. It beats me having to post antoher one liner:)))

The Doctor stared at the thing. *Yes, that's him alright,* he said darkly.
Tegan came running into the room, Nyssa right behind her. *I though I told you two to-*
"Doctor, we found something. In the garage bay. We think that alien might have dropped this," said Tegan, handing the Doctor the datapad. He turned to Disciple.
*Have you ever heard of a planet called Omwat?*
01-23-2006, 7:46 PM
"Omwat?" Disciple said increduously, "No, never." he peered at the datapad, "Though I suppose it is more than likely that some planet beyond the Outer Rim is called Omwat. The area is hardly ever explored and is mostly a mystery. There are a few planets that are known to those who know how to find them, such as a place called Kamino, but that's the extent of my knowlage."
 The Doctor
01-23-2006, 7:55 PM
*Perhaps Kira will know more? She explored the Outer Rim during her exile, did she not?*
01-23-2006, 8:01 PM
"She did...but..." The truth was, Disciple was uncomfortable with asking Kira anything about her time in the Outer Rim...though he did suppose it had to be done. "She's resting, at the moment. Perhaps we'll ask her when she awakens?"
01-23-2006, 8:28 PM
"I felt it," Crystal answered quietly. "But not in the same way. I'm not Force Sensitive so nothing feels the same to me as it does to you. You sense the Force within. I sense the mind." She shook her head uncertainly. "As to what it was, I can't fully say. Its mind had a different configuration... very different."

She sighed. "It reminded me of my idea of what a droid brain might sound like, all numbers and algebraic algorithms, letters and numbers intermixed in a pattern I couldn't understand at a glance."

She collected a part of that memory and sent it to Jasra's mind to show her what she'd heard, saying, "It sounded like this."
 The Doctor
01-23-2006, 9:42 PM
*Yes, perhaps it could wait for a while. But she should be told as soon as possible.* He turned to Nyssa and Tegan. Thank you for ringing this to our attention. Now, off to bed.*

He felt a stabbing pain in his temple. He gasped in pain, his vision blurring momentarily.
01-23-2006, 9:43 PM
Jasra cringed from Crystal's projection. "I've...I've heard something like that before," she said slowly. "It's... it's...." She stopped herself. It's like the background noise I hear when I speak with 'Togo,' she thought. "Well, it's cold," was what she said instead. "I know that sounds more like a feeling, but..." She shrugged, and then sat down on one of the beds in the corner of the dormitory. "I'm tired," she sighed. "I need some rest. We'll be in orbit around Taris in a few hours. And I'll need to be sharp when I contact my employer."
01-23-2006, 9:47 PM
Crystal nodded. She'd picked up on the 'Togo' reference in Jasra's mind, but decided to ask about it later.
01-23-2006, 9:54 PM
"Are you alright, Doctor?" Disciple asked hurriedly, putting a hand on his shoulder and ready to put his healing skills to use, should the need arise.
01-24-2006, 12:20 AM
It had taken all of Brax's skill to keep himself attached tot he ship as they intiated the hyperspace jump. But somehow he managed it. And so he hurtled along through space, he had felt some strange projectino into his mind, not like being touched in the force ... somethign different, but aright before the jump he was pretty sure he'd stopped whatever it was from sensing him. He hoped so anyway, it would not due if they realized he was 'tagging' along with them.
 The Doctor
01-24-2006, 4:20 PM
The Doctor's eyes were closed, and his breeathing was heavy. *Yes, I believe so. I just ne-* he fell against the bulkhead, grabbing his head again.
"Is it some kind of complication with the regeneration?" asked Tegan, who had stopped when she saw the Doctor in pain.
*I don't think so. I have no way of knowing for certain, but I doubt it.*
Tegan examined the Doctor's eyes, which were red. "It looks like you're having some kind of alergic reaction."
*That's impossible. Time Lords can't have allergies,* said the Doctor stubbornly.
"But you are half human," Tegan pointed out.
*Ah yes, that's true,* conceded the Doctor. He was struck by a sudden inspiration. *As I recall, hyperdrive engines emit high levels of spectrometric radiation. Humans are impervious to it - in fact, I'm not sure if they are even aware of it's existence. Spectrox toxaemia is not unheard of in the few human/non-human hybrids that have existed.*
"Is there some sort of treatment for it?" suggested Tegan.
The Doctor turned to Disciple. *Do you happen to have a plant in storage known as celery? It is a powerful restorative. You may know it something else, I don't know.*
01-24-2006, 4:28 PM
"Celery? Er, yeah, we have some. Come with me, if you can." he said, and began off into the cargo hold, searching through the food stores until he found a package of green veggies. Strange something like this could be a powerful healent. he thought, holding up the bag.
 The Doctor
01-24-2006, 4:57 PM
*Thank you. I'll need two stocks, probably. Is it replicated?* he asked. *Oh, never mind, you don't have that technology yet.*
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