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Knights Of The Old Republic: Darkness Falls

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 The Doctor
01-26-2006, 3:48 PM
*Perhaps he's right, Jasra,* said the Doctor, who had followed them into the cockpit. *Kira, I recommend that you limit the number of people who accompany you to meet with Jasra's employer. To large a group would attract suspicion.*
01-26-2006, 4:28 PM
“Group?” Jasra frowned at the Doctor. “She can’t bring a ‘group’ with her,” she said incredulously. “My employer wants to meet with her alone. Besides,” she eyed Kira over, “I sense she’s capable enough to take care of herself. She and I will be fine on our own.”
 The Doctor
01-26-2006, 4:33 PM
*What?! She can't go alone!* exclaimed the Doctor. *It's far to dangerous, even for a Jedi. I think that either Atton or Disciple, or possibly even both, should at least escort both of you to wherever it is you'll be meeting your 'employer'.*
01-26-2006, 4:44 PM
"Or," Kira said, "Perhaps we can each slip in. No one can know they're with me if they don't see them with me."
 The Doctor
01-26-2006, 4:48 PM
The Doctor had an idea. *Kira, if I gave you a small tracking device. I could lock onto your signal and take the TARDIS to meet you once you arrive. You would simply activate it when you arrive. I can take anyone - the entire crew with me, if needed,* said the Doctor excitedly. *I could even place it somewhere discreet, such as the hilt of your lightsaber, or perhaps-"
he looked at her hair. *Your lightsbaer could be removed from you. But oerhaps it coul be placed in your hair band.*
01-26-2006, 4:57 PM
"I knew you were here for a reason." Kira joked, a smile lighting her face, "That would be perfect! Though...I don't think a big blue box materializing out of no where would go over too well with anyone trying to enjoy their drinks..."
"Better as a failsafe." Disciple said, finishing her thought, "Only activate the signal if you need help."
 The Doctor
01-26-2006, 5:09 PM
*Yes, an obvious alien artifact fading into existence in the middle of a bar is not something that would go over well on a xenophobic planet. One moment, I'll put together a homing becon,* he said, leaving the cockpit at a run.

Nyssa and Tegan stopped in the main room as the Doctor ran towards the, *Nyssa, Tegan, get back to the TARDIS,* he said quickly. He opened the door and walked through the console room to the hallway, where he turned left. He opened another door, leading into his workshop. Tegab and Nyssa stood bhind him, watching curiously.
*Coaxial tranceiver...* he muttered to himself. *Trilanium power cell....* he grabbed parts from across the table, assembling them with speed and skill. *Now, something to dampen the signal from their detectors... aha! That will do nicely,* he said, grabbing a small device from across the table. He picked up a piece of semi-spherical metal metal, and secured the tracer to it. It looked like a fairly attractive hairpin. *I should really make a pair of these for you two... it might keep you out of trouble...* he muttered. Standing quickly, he returned to the console room, Nyssa and Tegan following. *Stay here, I'll be right back.*
He left the TARDIS, and returned to the cockpit. *If I may see your hairband for a moment, ms. Starr,* he asked polielty.
01-26-2006, 5:15 PM
“All right. I have to admit it’s a good idea to leave someone behind on the ship,” Jasra said, sulkily crossing her arms across her chest. “Someone’s going to have to keep an eye out for scavs trying to dismantle your ship while its docked." She gave Atton a look. "Since ‘fly boy’ seems insistent on landing in the salvager’s quarter.”
01-26-2006, 5:26 PM
"Hey, its the cheapest place around that isn't infested with gizka or some other rodent, alright?" he said, fairly annoyed, "Besides, anyone even throws a glance at the Hawk, I'll have her tri-barrel class A starcruiser blasters on them in the blink of an eye."
"If I may see your hairband for a moment, Ms. Starr."
"That was fast." Kira said, turning to the Doctor. She quickly pulled the band from her hair, allowing it to once again fall over her shoulders. Fixing the blonde locks so that they layed normally, she handed the band over to the Doctor.
 The Doctor
01-26-2006, 5:30 PM
*Thank you,* said the Doctor, taking the band from her. He secured the device to the band, and passed it back to her. *You can activate it by twisting the plate to your left - no, sorry, your right,* he corrected himself. *It will also activate if you are exposed to any kind of lethal gas - even a Jedi cannot last forever while breathing hotraletic gas,* he said.
*Atton, Disciple, I suggest you wait on the TARDIS with myself, Nyssa, and Tegan. If Kira and Jasra should encounter any danger, we will have to leave right away. I cannot use the time circuit anymore, but the spacial circuit is still operating.*
01-26-2006, 5:32 PM
Jasra snorted at Atton's comment. “Just like a man to talk about how big his guns are,” Jasra muttered with disgust under her breath. She smiled sweetly, but not genuinely at Atton. “Whatever you say. You’re the pilot.”
01-26-2006, 5:38 PM
"Damn it." he muttered. He never knew that a woman could be so damn frustrating! Well...actually...he cast a glance at the Exile over his shoulder as she murmured a 'thank you' to the Doctor and retied her hair. Maybe he did. "And just like a woman to act as if everything she said was right."
"Alright," he announced, "Grab a seat everyone. We're entering the atmosphere."
As everyone either found a seat or braced themselves against the walls, the ship vibrated and rocked steadily as the freighter pushed through the air and clouds. Within moments, the Hawk had leveled out, the pistons on the landing gear had fired, and the ship lurched to a halt.
"Gentle enough landing for you, princess?" he asked Jasra, "Or could you have done better?"
Hearing what he had said, Kira rolled her eyes. Men.
"Everyone know what they're doing?"
01-26-2006, 5:48 PM
Princess? Jasra thought. Did that yelt rat just call me ‘princess?’ Jasra’s eyes narrowed. “Oh, I know what I’m doing.” She rose, and as she passed behind Atton’s chair (being that the Doctor and the Disciple were in the way) she whispered to him, “And you of all people should know that I’m no princess.” She straightened her tunic and checked her blaster. “All right,” she said to Kira. “Let’s go.”
01-26-2006, 5:50 PM
"I'm following the two of you," Crystal said quietly from the doorway. "Don't worry. I'll keep to myself. Nobody'll know I'm with you, but somebody needs to be there if you need help sooner than it takes to activate that beacon." She shrugged. "Who better to be there than the one who'll know something's wrong slightly before it actually goes wrong?"
 The Doctor
01-26-2006, 5:50 PM
((You just love that yelt rat thing, don't you Jasra? :p))

*I will be in the TARDIS, awaiting the signal. If anything goes wrong, K9 and I will be there in a matter of seconds.*
01-26-2006, 6:07 PM
Atton burried his face in his hands, rubbing his eyes as if he was tired. "Women." he murmured. In reality, he was hiding the slightly red tinge his skin had taken on.
"Well, I guess it would be a smart thing to have another person along." Kira said, nodding to Crystal. "Though you have to be sure to keep as far from us as possible. If you're found out, things could get real sour, real fast."
She turned to the Doctor, "Be sure to be ready with the TARDIS. I don't know when or if I need help, but I'd rather the TARDIS be prepped and ready to go ASAP."
"I think that's everything, Jasra," Kira said, resecuring her saber to the back of her belt, as to keep it hidden, "Lead on."
01-26-2006, 6:14 PM
"They won't even realize I'm there until you need me," Crystal answered with a smirk.
 The Doctor
01-26-2006, 6:21 PM
Tegan was leainging against the TARDIS console, her hands folded in front of her. "What are you doing, Nyssa?" she asked.
Nyssa was sitting on the floor in front of K9, some of the Doctor's tools in front of her.
"Jasra is taking Kira to meet with her employer," she stated matter-of-factly. "The Doctor is going to want to be ready with the TARDIS in case she's runs in to trouble. He'll need K9 if he's going to be able to do anything."
She put down the tool she was holding, and placed the new face plate over K9's circuits. "K9?" she said quietly.
K9's ears began to move, and his tail shifted slightly - then smoke began to escape from his neck joint, and the light that had activated in his eyes went out again.
01-26-2006, 6:26 PM
The stench of depravity and decay hit Jasra squarely in the face as she descended down the ramp with Kira and Crystal. At the end of the ramp, she paused, recalling the unpleasant memories of when she herself had first arrived on this deprived planet. She turned and gave Crystal a look.

Crystal showed no outward signs of being repulsed or disgusted, but Jasra was still slightly suspicious that she still might be able to read her thoughts, even if no one else could. “I’ll try my best to keep my thoughts to the present,” she said aloud to her.

“C’mon,” she said to Kira. “Sig’s Cantina isn’t far, but we’ll have to sneak by Hedra the Hutt’s place to get there. Gamorreans guard the front, Rodians the side route, and the alley around the back….” Jasra sighed. “Last I heard it was mined and was patrolled by an assault droid. Personally, I’d choose the Rodians route, as I’m better with bribes and blasters than mind manipulation and disabling mines takes too long, but I’ll leave it up to you.”
01-26-2006, 6:33 PM
"Urgh," Kira said, "I can't stand the smell of Gammoreans. Or their annoying, oinking language. I vote the Rodian route." she said, "Not to mention, its a lot more fun to play mind games with someone who's at least slightly intelligent."


"Alright, the Hawk's running on her security systems. She'll recognize the homing signal you gave to Kira," Atton said to the Doctor, "But'll turn anyone else into swiss cheese."
"Come," Disciple motioned to them, "Kira could need help at any time. I suggest getting the TARDIS ready."
 The Doctor
01-26-2006, 6:34 PM
*Yes, I agree,* said the Doctor, turning around and leaving the cockpit.

He opened the TARDIS door, and saw Nyssa on the floor with a number of his tools out in front of her.
*Nyssa, what are you doing?*
She jumped, not having heard him enter. "Oh. I was trying to fix K9, but I'm not having much luck..."
*Yes, I'm not surprised. He was hit hard by that... whatever it was. He'll most likely need a new neural chip. That's why I had him shut down, to prevent his memory from degrading.*
01-26-2006, 6:37 PM
Crystal was far enough back that she hadn't physically heard the discussion, but she understood the question and shrugged. To be less obvious, she would take the other road. She communicated as much to both Kira and Jasra mentally.
01-26-2006, 6:44 PM
"Is there anything we can do to help?" the Disciple asked, stepping into the odd box, getting a sense of vertigo at the emmense size of the room inside the small box. Atton stepped in behind him, leaning against one of the walls, hands in his pockets. He looked around anxiously, and didn't try and hide how his fingers were itching to wrap themselves around his blasters.
01-26-2006, 6:51 PM
Jasra grinned. “Rodians it is then.”

She led Kira, with Crystal taking a different route nearby, through the twisted corridors of rubble until the Hedra’s place came into view. A flashing sign above the side door welcomed sentients to…

“The Den,” Jasra said. “Disgusting place, even by current Tarisian standards.”

There were six Rodians, all armed with blaster pistols, and two with grenades, guarding the side entrance and the alleyway, and hassling any and all who refused to enter or pay a high toll to pass through.

Jasra looked pensively at Kira. “I know we sort of got off on the wrong foot,” she started, “but do you think you could teach me a bit more about Force mind manipulation? I've never quite been able to master the technique.”
 The Doctor
01-26-2006, 6:52 PM
*Actually, there is really nothing to be done now but wait,* said the Doctor. *I have set the coordinates for rematerialisation,*
He pulled a large red lever on his left, and the door closed with a strange buzzing sound.
*And I believe you'll find that your blaster will not work in here, mr. Rand,* he said. *The TARDIS deactivates all weapons inside her.
*Now, I suggest you hold on to something. Dematrialisation can be a little bumpy sometimes.*
He flicked a set of switches, and the humming in the room stopped with a dull thud. The column began to move up and down, and the engine noise ( once again filled the air.
*I've set the TARDIS to activate the cloister bell when the homing signal is activated,* he said.
01-26-2006, 6:54 PM
Kira smiled. "Of course. Though, I'm not sure how much I could tell you at the moment."
She looked to the Rodians they were quickly approaching. "It could be quicker for you to learn by feeling and example. How much do you know already?"


"Er...right..." Atton said, pretending to understand. I think I prefer star ships. No matter how fast or useful this thing is.
01-26-2006, 7:01 PM
Jasra considered for a brief moment. “Well, I can do simple things, like make them hear a sound that they didn’t, or suggesting that they’re hungry when they’re not. But nothing much beyond that.”
01-26-2006, 7:04 PM
"OO!" one of the Gamorreans called at seeing Crystal. "Betcha Hedra would like this one!"

Crystal eyed the approaching creatures coolly. "You all want to leave me alone," she told them icily. Feelings of fear flooded them and they fled in terror. Crystal smirked and continued.
01-26-2006, 7:07 PM
"Hmm...alright. Here, I'll persuade one of the rodians ahead. When I do, be sure to feel for changes in the Force current and pay close attention to the activity on both our minds. Then, it'll be your turn." Kira said. She had always had trouble explaining the Force Persuade, even to Disciple when she first trained him. It was a difficult thing to master, even as an apprentice, but a useful tool nontheless. Turning her sights to Jasra, Kira gently caressed the girl's mind through the Force, giving a descreet wave of her hand. "I think you ought to be nicer to Tegan. She does help us."
01-26-2006, 7:22 PM
Then, it'll be your turn." Kira said.

“All right, I’ll pay attention,” Jasra said, and readied her mind to absorb whatever changes in the Force she could detect from the Exile and the approaching Rodian.

Kira gently caressed the girl's mind through the Force, giving a descreet wave of her hand. "I think you ought to be nicer to Tegan. She does help us."

“Maybe I should apologise to Tegan when we get back,” Jasra heard herself say. “After all, she does help us.” She suddenly frowned and shook her head. “Huh? What?” She looked at Kira, who was sporting a look of innocence. “Hey!” Jasra said accusingly. “That’s not funny!”
01-26-2006, 7:25 PM
Brax had broke off from the Hawk just prior to it's entering the atmosphere, and he piloted his small ship down into the city. He dropped out as he had on Nar Shadaa, landing ina quit hidden away place.

"I'll need you ready to pick me up quickly." He told his driod, and moved quietly through the place. So Jasra had managed to capture That Exile person it seemed, not to deal with Revan, and all would be well. Revan would likely tag along with the Exile, so he figured he'd beat them all to the punch.

He gave the assault droid in the back the right password, and it directed him through the mines easily, then slipped inside the Den. Taking a seat at a table near the door into the back room, where he knew the Exile would be taken.
 The Doctor
01-26-2006, 7:33 PM
Revan awoke from his meditation in the turret station.
He's here.
He climbed down the ladder, through the gravity shift, and into the hallway. He took his lightsaber off of his belt, and headed for the docking ramp. T3-M4 whistled at him as he passed.
"Just stay here, T3," he said. "Guard the Ebon Hawk. I'll be back."

As he walked down the docking ramp, he looked around for any sign of the creature. He didn't see any. Keeping his lightsaber well hidden, he walked towards the main street, passing a group of particularly ugly Duros, who looked like they were having a quiet argument over a package of spice.
One of the Duros pointed at him, and they began to move leisurely towards him. He readied his lightsaber, but gave no sign that he noticed them.
As one of the Duros pulled a blaster and fired, he ignited his lightsaber. The reflected blaster shot hit the shooter square in the chest, sending him falling to the ground. The others ran away, realizing that they had just tried to mug a Jedi.
Deactivating his lightsaber, Revan looked around for the creature again. He noticed a small little cantina with an old luminescant sign on it.
The Den
He's there, he thought to himself. I can sense him.
01-26-2006, 7:34 PM
The Exile laughed, "Oh, but it is." she said, "But I wouldn't use it to actually make you do anything you wouldn't want to--"
"Hey! What you doin'?"
The Rodians had finally spotted them.
It's about time. Kira thought, I was beginning to think that they were blind!
"Oh, we're just passing through." she said, flashing a winning smile at the 'lead' rodian. By now, he and the others had formed a line, blocking their path.
"You have to pay to use this road." the leader said, "Five hundred credits."
"Five hundred credits?" Kira asked, shooting Jasra a glance, "Don't you think that's a bit much?"
"Er...yeah, I guess it is a lot, isn't it? Alright, three hundred."
"Give it a shot." she murmured to Jasra, "But nothing too drastic. If it goes wrong, I'd rather not have it come to a fight."
01-26-2006, 7:39 PM
Crystal continued until she found Sig's Cantina. She glanced around, reassuring herself that Kira and Jasra were still not in sight and went in.
01-26-2006, 7:51 PM
Jasra reached out with the Force to find the Rodian’s mind that Kira had so helpfully guided her to. Like Kira asked, she gave it a shot.

“Three hundred?” Jasra gently waved her hand. ”That’s awfully generous of you to offer to pay us that much for leaving you alone. Especially on your wages. We couldn’t possibly accept anything more than fifty credits.”

The Rodian hesitated. Jasra exchanged an anticipatory look with the Exile.

“All right,” said the Rodian after a moment. “Here’s fifty credits. Now beat it!” He waved his arms for his troop to return to their posts.

“How was that?” Jasra asked Kira.
 The Doctor
01-26-2006, 7:52 PM
Revan entered the Cantina. He looked around, masking his thoughts. He moved slowly and quietly, even in the crowded cantina. He spotted the alien in the corner by the door to the back room. Not making eye contact, he went to the bar and ordered a Pilasite Ale. The drink arrived within seconds, and he sat at the bar.
01-26-2006, 7:55 PM
"Perfect." Kira said with a smile, "You're a fast learner."
"Hey, what did I say? Get outta here!!!"
"Oh, don't worry, we were just leaving. I know how much you want to go back inside and drink yourself to sleep tonight, so I won't keep you waiting."
"She's right guys, c'mon, let's go."
Kira giggled lightly, "I love the Force."
01-26-2006, 8:41 PM
“I’m beginning to love it as well,” Jasra said, pocketing the credits. “C’mon, let’s get to Sig’s before they figure out what happened. It’s this way.”

Sig’s place wasn’t the most flashy of cantina’s, but it was the safest. At least, from Jasra’s perspective. Two heavily armed Mandalorian bouncers with Kath Hounds stood on either side of the door, ready to refuse entrance to anyone they deemed ‘undesirable’.

One of the bouncers immediately recognised Jasra. “Wondered when you would come back, Jas,” he said, leering at her, then Kira. “People have been asking about you.”

“I bet,” Jasra replied dryly.

“And who’s your pretty friend?” asked the other bouncer, raising his eyebrows with interest.

“Erm, she’s…new,” Jasra answered. She gave Kira a look, and shook her head very slightly. “Don’t try persuasion on them, it won’t work, just follow my lead and agree, and I’ll explain when we get inside,” her look said. “Is Sig around?”

“He stepped out for a…bite,” said the first bouncer, giving her a mischievous grin. “But he’ll be back in a few minutes.”

Jasra nodded and led Kira inside. “C’mon,” she said quietly. “The back bar isn’t normally that crowded this time of day. We can wait for Sig there. He acts as my go-between for Togo.”

Jasra led Kira past the main bar, through the Pazaak lounge, and then to the back area…where the dancers were.
01-26-2006, 8:45 PM
"Well, this is rich." Kira murmured at the whistles and promises of 'good times' from some of the more drunk patrons.
Jasra led her into the dancer's area. "You said that Sig was you go-between for Togo. I thought you said you didn't know the name of your employer?"
01-26-2006, 9:08 PM
Jasra grinned. “I don’t,” she said. “That’s just what Sig calls him. The story goes that before Sig ran this place, he used to be sort of Togo's… errand boy, so to speak," she explained. "Sig was told ‘to go’ here and ‘to go’ there…so Togo. Sig might know his real name, but Togo is how he refers to him in front of anyone else. Heck, I don't even know if 'he' is really a 'he.' Never met him." She grinned again. "Perhaps we will today though."
01-27-2006, 3:22 PM
"Perhaps we will," Kira agreed, scanning the bar. As promised, there was almost no one there, save a few stragglers and dancers.
 The Doctor
01-27-2006, 3:46 PM
((Are Revan and Brax in the same bar as Kira and Jasra? I'm going assume that they are, until told otherwise.))

Revan glanced around the bar again, and his blood froxe - Kira and that Jasra woman had just entered. Cursing himself under his breath, he glanced over at the alien. He wanted to resolve this now, but he couldn't risk screwing up the meeting with Jasra's employer. He stood up, placed a few dozen credits under his half empty glass, and walked towards the side door, ignoring the woman who came up to him and placed arm on his shoulder. Two rodians stood guard at the door, both armed with blasters.
"What do you want?" one of them snapped as Revan approached. He waved his hand subtly, reaching out with the Force.
"You don't care about my business."
"Bah, I don't give a yelt rat's behind what you're doing." said the guard dismissively.
"You'll let me pass."
"Get out of here!" the guard continued, throwing open the door. Revan walked through it into the cold evening air of Taris.
01-27-2006, 6:40 PM
“Jasss-ra!” Sig had appeared seemingly out of nowhere from behind the bar.

Jasra frowned at him. There was something about the Devaronian that was always a bit disconcerting. “Sig,” she greeted him coolly. “I need to see Togo. I’ve got his…” She flicked her eyes towards Kira. “His goods,” she decided on saying.

Sig carefully eyed Kira. “That’sss her?” He snorted.

Jasra nodded. “So, where can I find him?”

Sig smiled, or maybe it was a snarl. It was hard for Jasra to tell with Sig’s mouthful of pointed teeth.

“This way,” he said, beckoning her by curling a long-nailed finger.

Jasra and Kira followed Sig to a door that led to a back room behind the bar. Jasra had always known the room was there, but she had never ventured into what Sig called ‘the inner sanctum’. She inhaled with trepidation.

The room was nothing special. Well, there were the two assault droids on either end. And the control switches for a force shield on the wall. And, was that the hint of a trap door underneath the….

“Have a seat,” Sig said smoothly to the women. “Togo will join you momentarily.”

Sig left and the door shut with a resoundingly secure thud. No sooner than it had shut, the force shield came on, surrounding the visible exits with a hazy blue shimmer.

Jasra felt for her Master’s lightsaber she kept tucked in her boot. She only used it for ‘special’ occasions. And she had a feeling that one was just around the corner.
01-27-2006, 6:46 PM
"Well, that was definatly reassuring." Kira said sarcastically, eyeing the now locked door pointedly. Wait, sarcasm? Atton was getting to her.
She gazed around the room, locating possible escape routes. Of course, the doors were thick, locked, and forcefielded, and the walls seemed to be made of starship-grade durasteel. No windows, either. That was always comforting.
"And I think I'd rather remain standing." she murmured, seeing the slight depression and gap beneath the chair.
01-27-2006, 6:46 PM
Crystal watched with pretended disinterest as Kira and Jasra were taken out of sight. She looked away slightly disturbed. She reached out and felt for Jasra's mind. Finding it, she mentally spoke to her.

What happened? I can't see you guys any more.
01-27-2006, 7:02 PM
“We’re in Sig’s inner sanctum,” Jasra replied to Crystal. “But don’t worry. We’re all right for the moment.”

The lights dimmed.

“I think.”

A large panel opened up in the ceiling, directly above the table in the middle of the room. A pulsating mechanical hum started up, and a black floating, spherical, medium-sized droid lowered itself into the room to hover over the table. Jasra thought she heard Kira gasp.

The droid’s center eye ‘eye’ glowed as a pale blue hologram of a man was projected into one of the chairs. “Greetings, Exile,” said the hologram. “I am Togo.”
01-27-2006, 7:07 PM
As the black spherical droid lowered itself into the room, Kira caught her breath. She... she knew that droid! A hologram projected from the droid's large, red eye.
"Greetings, Exile." it said, "I am Togo."
"Togo? Or would rather be called G0-T0?" she breathed.
01-27-2006, 7:23 PM
“GO-TO?” The droid hummed silently for a moment. “Ah. Yes. My predecessor.” More humming and clicking. “I should have calculated the probability that you would have uncovered his true identity. I am his ‘backup’ copy, if you will. The order and maintenance of the Galaxy was far too important for him not to make one. You understand, of course?”
01-27-2006, 7:41 PM
"Hmm." Kira mumured, folding her arms into the sleeves of her Jedi robes. This was a different Exile from the one Jasra had met on the Ebon Hawk. No more playing around. Kira was ready. "I understand that you've sent out several bounty hunters after me, including Jasra. You're acting almost exactly the same as your...'copy' did. I hope you didn't drag me out here to ask the same thing as G0-T0."
01-27-2006, 7:50 PM
Brax didn't notice Revan right away, but he saw Jasra and the Exile, frowning deeply. Sig, the bar's owner led them off thoguh, he glanced around, and saw what would have become a confrenation if Revan hand't used force powers. Which also meant he saw Revan. Brax pushed up from his seat, "Charge my tab," He told the watiress as he moved past her, his pale blue skin almost sheened in the dark lighting of the bar. His grey hair was tied back into a thick cord, and his claws flexed with anticipation.

"It is time, Revan, it is time for you to die." he whispered, as he moved toward the door, nearly bumping into crystal as he spoke. His soft words faintly heard by her. Then he was moving faster, ducking through the crowd, and then out the door that revan had exited.

"REVAN!" He called, his clawed gauntlets taking on a faint red glow. "I know you are here. Face me."
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