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Knights Of The Old Republic: Darkness Falls

Page: 17 of 32
01-27-2006, 8:14 PM
“On the contrary,” said Togo. “I brought you here to….”

“A droid?” Jasra interrupted incredulously. “I was working for a…for a stupid droid?!”

“I am a highly sophisticated artificial intelligence capable of functioning in a complex and multi-tasking manner well beyond the capacity of any organic.”

“Still…you’re a droid!” Jasra said with obvious chagrin.

Togo shut the hologram off. “There is once again a threat to the Galaxy, Exile,” Togo said to Kira. “A threat that only you can counter. I did not send other bounty hunters to find you. But there are… others who are looking for you for much the same reason.”

A small arm extended from the droid. A panel on the front popped open, and the arm retrieved an irregularly shaped golden-coloured crystal. The arm set the crystal down on the table in front of Kira. “Do you know what this is?” Togo asked her.

Jasra viewed the crystal with interest. She didn’t know what it was, but she could feel the pulse of Dark power within it.
01-27-2006, 8:22 PM
Kira peered at the crystal, shivering at the smothering, dark aura that was eminating from the tiny crystal. She had only come across a sample of these once before...
"Why have you brought it here?" she asked in obvious disgust.
01-27-2006, 8:28 PM
Crystal was getting slightly worried. It had been a while and she had not detected any other life forms entering the place where Kira and Jasra were. Then, she frowned as she brought to the surface something she'd been trying to ignore; machine transmissions.

"Oh..." she murmured. Though she could not read droids, she suddenly understood that this droid was Jasra's 'employer'. Great, she thought to herself. Then, she shrugged. At least she'd be able to tell by Kira and Jasra if something went wrong.
01-27-2006, 8:48 PM
“Ah, so you recognise it. Good.” More clicks and hums. “I see that my calculations were correct in predicting that you may have come across such a rarity as a Gayat Crystal in your wanderings. But this is not an ordinary Gayat Crystal. It is one of the five shards of the ‘Key to the Galaxy.’ If the shards are rejoined, the Key has the power to regulate the harmonics of every living thing in the Galaxy. I’m sure you will agree that in the wrong hands, the power of the Key could be devastating.”
01-27-2006, 8:57 PM
"And let me guess. Some power-hungry psycho is collecting them, right?" Kira asked. She could guess where this was going. "What needs to be done?"
01-27-2006, 8:58 PM
(Crystal did you miss overhearing brax on my post?)
01-27-2006, 8:59 PM
Still slightly nervous, Crystal began monitoring both Jasra's and Kira's minds. If anything happened, she'd realize it as quickly as they would. Kira's hands would just barely be activating the beacon by the time Crystal arrived to help. She waited, completely tense, ready to move the second she was needed.

((You said Brax was already out the door and Crystal's pretty focused on what's happening around Kira and Jasra, so I figured she wouldn't have heard or paid any attention to him.))
01-27-2006, 9:04 PM
(Kay, just checking.)
01-27-2006, 9:32 PM
“Your task, Exile," said Togo, "will be to find the remaining shards to keep them out of the hands of … ‘undesirables’ intent on reforming the Key and using its power for their own selfish purposes. You, Exile, having once been severed from the Force as the shards have been from the Key, have the unique ability to sense the location of the other shards. Once you tune yourself to this crystal, you will be able to find the next shard—the next piece of the puzzle, to use a clichй. You will bring the shards here to me. Being as I am not affected by the Living Force, I will be unaffected by the Key’s power and will be able to destroy it. Only then will the Galaxy be safe from destruction.” More humming. “Although, the probability that you will succeed is… slim. As I said, there are ‘others’ who wish to harness your ability to locate the shards and use the crystal’s indomitable power for themselves.”

“Why can’t the shards be destroyed individually?” asked Jasra. “Seems to me if you destroy one, you’d eliminate the possibility of having the Key ever being whole again.”

More hums and clicks. “The molecular structure of the Key is directly related to the Force. Only when the shards are reunited and re-tuned with one another could you contemplate the Key’s destruction. Although…” More humming. “Please feel free to attempt such a futile task.”

Jasra accepted the challenge. She drew out her Master’s lightsaber and ignited it. She laid the blade on top of the golden hued crystal. It began to glow, then…

“What the…?” Jasra’s lightsaber began to sputter, then it abruptly shut down completely. “Aw, crap!”

“So, Exile,” said Togo, ignoring Jasra’s display. “Will you accept this task? If so, take the crystal in your hand. Tune yourself to its harmonics. I believe you will find it quite cool, despite the clumsy attempts of Miss Lantill.”
01-27-2006, 9:39 PM
Crystal's head turned sharply and she contacted Jasra.

Just a warning; many of your thoughts are concealed, but your emotions are still leaking... and they're dragging bits and pieces of other information with them.
01-27-2006, 9:43 PM
Jasra sent a thought back to Crystal.

”Things are getting pretty weird in here. The power in my lightsaber was just… 'eaten' by some sort of odd crystal.”
01-27-2006, 9:46 PM
Crystal couldn't help but make a face at that. It was quickly masked and she began to consider Jasra's words.

I felt Kira recognizing something... the crystal? What is it?

Her words conveyed curiosity and worry.
01-27-2006, 9:49 PM
Kira looked with surprise as Jasra pulled a saber from her boot and tried to slice the crystal in no avail. The lightsaber's blade went out like a lightbulb.
“So, Exile,” said Togo, “Will you accept this task? If so, take the crystal in your hand. Tune yourself to its harmonics. I believe you will find it quite cool, despite the clumsy attempts of Miss Lantill.”
She looked between T0-G0, and the crystal, her gaze fixating on the pulsating shard. She tentitavly reached out her hand, brushing a finger over its surface. Immediatly, a surge of power went flying up her arm, jolting her to full alertness. Her senses were on fire...and it felt great. She needed to feel it again, and so scooped the shard into her hand, feeling the power surge through her again. She also felt several more blips of power just like it, dancing on the edge of her senses. She sneered at T0-G0. "Why should I bring them back to you?" she murmured. "I'm wise-up to your plan. You'll have me run around the galaxy, collecting these things only to return them to you so you could use it for your own greeds." she narrowed her eyes, "How about I just keep this one? No one can complete the 'puzzle' without the last 'piece'."
 The Doctor
01-27-2006, 9:58 PM
((Changed a few things, huh Jasra? Weren't there supposed to be 6 pieces in total? Meh, I guess it really doesn't matter. I forget what we discussed.... does the Doctor know about the key? I didn't think so, but I just want to double check.))

Revan heard his name called. He ignited his lightsaber and turned. There was the beast, it's claws glowing slightly.
"I am ready for you," he called back. He raised his lightsaber into a defensive position.
01-27-2006, 10:06 PM
”The droid called it a Gayat crystal,” Jasra replied to Crystal. “But not just any Gayat crystal. It’s like THE Gayat crystal. The Key to the Galaxy. Ever heard of…” Jasra swallowed hard as she felt the change in Kira. ”Uh-oh. Something’s not right here.”


Togo hummed rhythmically. “I detect a change in your brain wave patterns, Exile. Good. This means that you are attuning yourself to the shard’s harmonics. But you are an organic, susceptible to emotions and desires. And this is exactly why I have initiated such extreme security measures. I think you will find it impossible to leave this room with that particular shard in hand. The Force Barrier within this chamber is also tuned to its harmonics. It will remain in this room, even if you attempted to extract it with a matter transporter.”

“Erm…maybe you should just let him have it,” Jasra suggested quietly to Kira, sensing that something wasn’t quite right with her. “After all, we can always come back for it later.” She frowned with uncertainty. “Right?”

”Erm… Crystal? Is Kira the only one that can activate that beacon thing?"
01-27-2006, 10:14 PM
Crystal stood slowly. I don't think so... I feel her change too...

She contacted Kira. What the hell do you think you're doing? Settle down!

Even as she said this, she began moving.
01-27-2006, 10:15 PM
Kira's eyes flashed dangerously. "Bastard." she murmured. "How could a stupid droid like you possibly hope to protect something like this? Especially with everyone who is supposedly after it. It would be safest with me."
“Erm…maybe you should just let him have it,” Jasra suggested quietly, “After all, we can always come back for it later. Right?”
The Exile snarled. "He'll have taken it and hidden it by then. Either that or it'd be stolen. Besides, if I'm the only one who can sense them, wouldn't I be the person who would have the rightful possession of at least the first shard of the Shikon no tama?"
 The Doctor
01-27-2006, 10:16 PM
The Doctor sat on the floor of the TARDIS, his eyes closed, sweat pouring down his forehead. He was muttering something in some strange language.
*Humratay Hublrayvu, Humratay Hublrayvu, Humratay Hublrayvu....*
"Doctor? What are you doing?" asked Tegan.
*I'm trying to reach Crystal... find out what's going on... Humratay Hublrayvu...*

Crystal.... can you hear me....?

*Unfortunately.... my mental abilities are a little bit.... rusty....* he said slowly. *I'm not sure... if she'll hear me....*
01-27-2006, 10:23 PM
"Shikon no tama?" Jasra frowned. Oh dear, she's speaking in tongues. This is worse than I thought. Crystal, what should I do? "Erm...Kira? You're scaring me. A lot. Just...just put it down, yeah?"
01-27-2006, 10:34 PM
"Put it down?" the Exile laughed, "If only you felt this power, Jasra!" she said, clutching the crystal even tighter. After a moment, she opened her palm again, gazing at the shard. "Who would have thought? Such a tiny thing could have such a great effect!"
01-27-2006, 10:52 PM
Crystal felt the Doctor contacting and responded. Get in here... something's gone wrong.

Then, she tried again to contact Kira. You've lost control, Kira. Have you forgotten who and what you are? I'm coming to you. Now.

She pushed through the first door, stopping only long enough to change the thoughts of any guards around, frightening them out of their minds and out of her way.

((My plan is to have Crystal take the crystal from Kira. It'll affect her differently... and permanently.))
 The Doctor
01-27-2006, 10:57 PM
The Doctor opened his eyes suddenly, and almost fell over in his haste to stand.
*Crystal needs us. Now. I'm setting the coordinates so we can rematerialise as close to her as possible. I can't get an exact location, but we should be alright...*
He began flicking more switches, and the column began to move again.

The TARDIS' engines ( began to sound in the cantina, and the tall blue box faded into existence just next to where Crystal had been sitting. Many of the patrons drew their blasters, and a few of the dancers screamed. The door opened, and the Doctor ran out, followed by Tegan, Nyssa, Atton and Disciple, the latter two with their weapons ready ((That alright, FFWM?)). The patrons who had drawn their weapons hid them, noticing the lightsaber held by one of the newcomers. The Doctor ran up to the door where Crystal stood. *What's wrong?*
01-27-2006, 11:06 PM
While Kira stared reflectively at the shard in her hand, Jasra saw her opportunity. She lunged towards the Exile, hoping to get at the beacon control the Doctor had put in her hairband. Unfortunately, Kira took her sudden advance as an attempt to steal the shard.

And while Jasra struggled with Kira, Togo’s lasers targeted the Exile. They fired, five quick, short, stun bursts. Unprepared for the sudden attack, the Exile fell to the floor, unconscious. The crystal dropped from her hand and skidded across the durasteel floor.

“Silly organics,” said Togo, rising to hover just above Jasra, who was hunched over the unconscious Exile in a protective manner. “I think our friend has decided to take up my offer, Jasra Lantill,” said Togo. “Now that she has felt the power of the crystal, her desire to possess the other shards will be irresistible. She will find them, and she will return here for the last piece. And as for you….” One of the droids mechanical arms suddenly shot out, injecting something into Jasra’s arm.

“Ow!” Jasra said, rubbing her arm.

“You will accompany her. If only to have that implant removed when your task is completed. And please do not be foolish enough to attempt its removal on your own. The consequences would be… painful and quite likely fatal.”

Jasra scowled. “Why me? Why not use one of her crew or one of the passengers to keep track of her?”

“Because you are dispensible,” Togo said. “Make no mistake, if you fail, I have several other ‘candidates’ at my disposal. And now, I believe it is time for you to depart.”

Jasra felt the floor begin to move. “Oh, you mechanised son-of-a….”

The durasteel floor, except for the area that they had been mistakenly assumed was a trap door, suddenly tilted strangely, sending them towards the door and the crystal towards the other end of the room. The Force field lifted, the door opened, and Jasra and Kira both tumbled out into the area behind the bar.

Jasra stared deadpan at the Doctor and crew in front of her. Then she felt for the beacon on Kira's hairband and pressed the button.
 The Doctor
01-27-2006, 11:10 PM
*It's a little late for that now, Ms. Lantill,* said the Doctor. *Come on, to the TARDIS. I don't think the locals are very impressed with us at the moment. Come!* and with that, he turned around and ran to the TARDIS, holding the door open.
01-27-2006, 11:13 PM
Acting on instinct, Crystal lunged forward into the room, chasing the crystal. She wasn't sure why, but she felt compelled to chase it down. She slid after it and reached for it... and her fingers closed around it. Then, she was hidden from view.

Only a few seconds later, Crystal came flying back, unconscious and empty-handed.
01-27-2006, 11:15 PM
Brax gave no word of acknowledgement. He had what he wanted, and lept ... his knees bent, then sprung forward. He cleared the fairly decent distance between the two of them with ease, his clawed gauntlets coming down in a rapid slash at Revan's head and face.

(If he blocks the blow, the gauntlets act as lightsabers for parrying and the like, feel free to have a little control of Brax if that makes it go faster.)
 The Doctor
01-27-2006, 11:27 PM
((ok, I'll take a little bit of control, but not over any dialogue. I'm told I'm fairly decent at writing fight scenes, so if it's bad..... blame Jasra :xp: ))

Revan parried the blow, then twisted his lightsaber away from the thing's claws. He swung around, trying to cut through them, but they simply collided and sparked - they were far to strong. He jumped backwards as an attack came at his head. He landed on top of a table, sending the glasses falling to the ground, spilling their contents on the poor patrons who had been sitting at the table. He jumped again as an attack came at his knees. He flipped forward and landed behind the creature, and swung at it's back. He managed to pierce it's thick skin, but nothing more. The wound oozed a strange colour blood, but was to shallow to do any lasting damage. The beast turned and lunged, it's claws glowing with a blood red light. Revan barely got out of the way, the sharp claws tearing into his tunic. Three bloody scratches formed on his now partially expsed chest, but he ignored the pain ((what kind of fight scene is it if someone doesn't lose their shirt?)). He parried another attack, then made one of his own. The two combatants swung at each other, ignoring the fleeing cantina patrons and employees in their way.
Revan heard the Doctor calling to the others. He spared a glance over to the - what did he call it? The TARDIS? - and saw that they were almost there. Would the Doctor wait for him? He used the Force to push the beast back, then had to try again with more power behind it for it to be effective. The creature stumbled back slightly, giving him the chance he needed. He swung out with his lightsaber one last time, missing, then turned and ran towards the Doctor.
"Doctor!" he called, just to make sure that he knew he was there.
Doctor? though Brax. I killed the Doctor! What in blazes....?
He began to chase Revan. A group of bounty hunters bravely stood in his path, probably hoping that the Jedi would reward them later. Brax lashed out with his claws, and the bounty hunters fell to the ground, ugly gashes in their throats. He looked up - the bounty hunters had detered him long enough. Revan was gone.
01-27-2006, 11:43 PM
Kira was slowly coming around, as Crystal, was suddenly ejected from the room, falling in a heap near Jasra. Jasra stared dumbfoundly at her, then Kira, then at the Doctor. “I think Crystal’s just stunned,” she said to him. “Like Kira." As the Doctor ran back to the TARDIS to hold open the door, Jasra glared at Tegan standing nearby. "Well, just don't stand there looking like a Bantha caught in a spotlight," Jasra snapped. "Help me get them up!"
01-27-2006, 11:50 PM
Crystal's eyes fluttered open. "What's going on."
 The Doctor
01-27-2006, 11:51 PM
"No need to get your knickers in a bunch!" retorted Tegan, grabbing Kira under the arm and hauling her up. She stumbled towards the TARDIS, where the Doctor was holding the door open.
Revan came up to her. "I'll take her, you go help with Crystal!" he said, lifting Kira clear of the floor and running into the TARDIS with her.
Tegan turned around and ran over to Crystal, helping Jasra lift her. Together, they stumbled towards the TARDIS, Atton and Disciple giving them cover from any trigger happy rodians in the cantina.
She looked at Crystal as she heard her speak. "What's going on?"
"It's alright, we're heading back to the TARDIS. Hold on!"
01-28-2006, 12:03 AM
As she and Tegan carried Crystal to the TARDIS, Jasra suddenly felt something… familiar. And Dark.

No sooner than Crystal was safely inside, Jasra wheeled around and shot out the door, running past Revan as he entered with Kira.

“I’ll meet you at the ship!” she called over her shoulder as the TARDIS disappeared.

One of the injured bounty hunters from the aftermath of the battle with Brax, was still clutching his Force Pike. Jasra grinned. It was her favourite weapon. And as she had left her own Force Pike in her burning ship….

“Mind if I borrow this?” she asked the bounty hunter as he clutched at his bleeding throat. He gurgled. “Thanks,” she said in reply. The man slowly sank to the floor.

Jasra gave the pike a quick, graceful flourish and readied herself to face off with…

What the heck is that thing anyway?

“You,” she said challengingly to Brax. “You were on the Ebon Hawk. You’ve been stalking it. Why?”
01-28-2006, 12:07 AM
Brax yowled, there was not much else to consider it ... a bestial scream as the Tardis disapeared. His eyes filled with rage, they grey color turning yellow and red with his hatred. Then they locked on the other one, Jasra.

"Why?" He repeated her question, his eyes were pure evil as he stared at her. His clawed gauntlets flexed. "Because Revan deserves death. Pure and simply. I will take his heart and feast upon it. He forfeit his life to my people when he murdered our leader." Brax bent his knees a bit, getting ready to pounce.

The back of his mind itched with something ... a presence he had felt.
01-28-2006, 12:31 AM
“So you’re not after the Exile? Only Revan?” She slowly began to circle him, eyes never leaving his, readying herself for an attack.

She wanted to occupy him long enough for the occupants of the Ebon Hawk to get settled and ready for take off. And, of course, there was always the possibility of learning a new Force trick from him. She’d learned a few from Sith before during battles. They seemed more than willing to teach her if she proved her worth, even if she ended up yielding to them at the end.

“Ha! I find that hard to believe.” She adjusted her grip on her pike. “I can feel your Darkness. Tell me, what kind of leader was he? Was he Dark like you as well?” She grinned. “If so, he probably deserved death,” she taunted.
01-28-2006, 12:41 AM
"Foolish Jedi," He hissed the words, "You think it's all black and white? It's not. You block off your emotions, you spend your lives emerging yourself in not being a part of the force. You will never understand the force if you don't let your emotions guide you. Hate, fear, anger, they are emotions yes, but so is love, happiness, and friendship. Where you see darkness, I see balance."

His claws scraped across a wall, digging deep furrows into it. "I was paid to find the exile, but you did tht job. Togo just wanted it done, he didn't care who did it." His eyes were fading in color a bit, the cool grey of them returning.
01-28-2006, 12:44 AM
"I'm not a Jedi." She eyed him critically, watching for any hints of his next move. "Balance, huh? So...." She flourished her pike. "Teach me."
01-28-2006, 1:04 AM
"You move like one."

He considered her quietly for a few moments. "Teach you? So that you will be stronger? So that you can try to defeat me." He laughed, "Instead I will kill you, and in your death, as you become one with the force, you will learn." He shot forward, grabbing for the forec pike as his other claw slashed at her stomach.
01-28-2006, 1:09 AM
Crystal's senses gradually returned and she realized that Jasra was not with them.

Jasra? She closed her eyes and tried to expand her thought bubble, but her eyes shot suddenly open. What was that?

"Wha..." she murmured. Then, she shook herself free from Tegan, who was still steadying her and ran from the TARDIS... and found herself in the Ebon Hawk.

"Oh, no, no, no!" she murmured and hurried out. Slowly, changes began to appear. Crystal's hair lightened to a dark blonde and her eyes darkened to a deep blue. But Crystal was oblivious to the changes, completely focused on getting to Jasra. And that's when the change became obvious to her.

Someone was in her way. With an angry thought, she brushed him away, no hand movements or anything. A second stood in her way and she leapt over him without a second thought... but her feet never regained contact with the ground. She continued gliding overhead, but when she realized what was happening, she gasped and dropped to her feet.

"Ip vzhe pane og amm vzhipt tadsef!" she murmured to herself. Then, she shook it off, deciding that finding Jasra was more important. A flash of Jasra fighting some strange creature flew through her mind.

"No!" she screamed. And then, she was there... not far from where Jasra stood, watcing the strange creature take his first swing. She drew her lightsaber.

"She doesn't stand alone," Crystal growled angrily.

((Jasra, be a bit puzzled as to who's standing up for you... she doesn't look much like the Crystal Jasra remembers.))
 The Doctor
01-28-2006, 1:15 AM
The Doctor watched as Crystal began changing in front of his eyes. No, he thought to himself. No, she can't be a Time Lord!
He watched as she moved frantically around the TARDIS. She pushed him out of her way, then dissapeared in to thin air.
01-28-2006, 1:19 AM
Brax grabbed Crystal's lightsaber, by the blade. It was in all likelyhood the strangest thing anyone in the bar had ever seen. But he grabbed it like one would grab a steel pole, as if the blade was not burning hot light. He squeezed, and the blade flickered, and then sputtered out.

"Toys." He said with a smirk, and then he turned ... and ran, his claws tore through the door, and he vanished even before he should have. His mind disapeared even to crystal ash e pulled his force cloack around himself.

(His gloves are Cortosis weave, and force attuned. the lightsaber will work again, it just died for a few moments)
01-28-2006, 1:27 AM
Being a dancer, Jasra’s reactions had been quick and her body very flexible. As Brax had attacked, she had arched her back, retracting her midsection as his claws caught the edge of her tunic, leaving only scratches. Then instead of backing away from him as he seemed to expect, she had moved forward, using the end of the pike to catapult over him as he had lunged for her. Momentarily satisfied with her success at repelling his attack, she had suddenly began to have doubts. Perhaps he had just been toying with her. His claws and gauntlets were formidable. Still, she readied herself for another attack.

Then, suddenly, there was a Jedi standing there beside her, lightsaber brandished in challenge to Brax. Jasra's mouth hung open.
01-28-2006, 1:36 AM
((This saber isn't an average saber... the gem within is rare and nobody knows where to find it... Crystal has the only one known to be in existence large enough to use in a saber. It'll be on in a few seconds.))

Crystal muttered something unintelligible and pressed a button on the side of her saber twice. The third time she pressed it, the saber flickered back to life.

"He'll regret that," she told Jasra. "You just wait and see."

In the artificial light of the cantina, Crystal's blade glowed a purplish-red. The door opened and the saber flickered hazy green for a second. Then, the door closed and the other color returned. Crystal turned a knob near the top of the saber and nodded.

"That should do it," she told Jasra. "Now he'll not be able to short it out. I've made it stronger. Don't much like to do that... I like to give a fair fight, but if he can do that, it's not much fair, is it?"
01-28-2006, 1:43 AM
Jasra couldn't help but to continue to stare at the unfamiliar woman with the unusual lightsaber who had probably just saved her life. Well, not totally unfamiliar. She resembled her former Master, Kelva. But Kelva was dead, right? This couldn't be her. Kelva was taller, wasn't she? And Kelva's nose was slightly wider. And her chin more rounded. Still, this woman looked like she could be Kelva's sister. "Wha...huh?" was all Jasra could say in response. "Erm..not. Fair. Right."
01-28-2006, 1:44 AM
Crystal offered Jasra a confused smile. "Jasra?" she asked. "Is something wrong?"
01-28-2006, 1:51 AM
Jasra nodded, and opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came out. Finally, something did. And it came out like an uncontrollable flood.

"Well, yeah! I'd say something is wrong! Who the heck are you? Where did you come from? And what kind of lightsaber is that? And what kind of creature was that? Where did he go? And how did he disable a saber blade? And....?"
01-28-2006, 2:02 AM
Crystal looked slightly surprised. Then, she laughed.

"Who am I?" she echoed. "As for how I got here so fast, I surprised myself... just 'poof'! And here I am. My lightsaber has a one of a kind gem inside, one that creates a much stronger blade. If I choose, and I usually do, I can slip a second crystal, sort of a dilluting crystal into place between the gem and the output."

Then, she looked around. "But as for that creature, I've never seen anything like it in my life. He disabled the blade by squeezing... apparrently he can catch a blade. And now I've lost him... I don't sense him anywhere."

Still noting confusion on Jasra's face, Crystal stopped smiling. "You weren't joking when you asked who I am..."

It wasn't a question and Crystal began to wonder if Jasra had lost her memory... but wait.

"My voice," she murmured. It was definitely different. Panic spread over her face and she turned to Jasra.

"What do I look like?" she demanded. Without waiting for an answer, she pulled at her hair, bringing it around within view of her eyes.

"Xzhav vzhe zhemm zhaquepef vo ne?" she gasped. Turning again to face Jasra, she said, "This isn't my hair! This isn't my voice! What the hell happened to me?"
01-28-2006, 9:45 AM
"What do I look like?" she demanded. Without waiting for an answer, she pulled at her hair, bringing it around within view of her eyes.

"Xzhav vzhe zhemm zhaquepef vo ne?" she gasped. Turning again to face Jasra, she said, "This isn't my hair! This isn't my voice! What the hell happened to me?"

Her appearance was different. Her voice was different. Even her Force signature felt different, but yet the strange language the woman spoke sounded oddly familiar…. “Erm….Crystal?” Jasra said uncertainly. “Is that you?”

A spark of recognition in the woman’s blue eyes told Jasra that she was indeed Crystal.

“Well... how the heck should I know what happened to you?” Jasra blurted. “Last time I saw you, you were lying in an unconscious heap in front of the inner sanctum door! Tegan and I had to drag you into the TARDIS while that creature was attacking Revan. Then the TARDIS vanishes, I pick a fight with that ‘in-balance-with-the-Force’ blue shredder guy to keep him occupied for a while, and just when it looks like I’m about to get myself disembowled, you appear out of nowhere, looking hauntingly similar in appearance to my old master, Kelva, and save me from …!” She paused pensively. “Wait a minute….you went into the inner sanctum,” she said slowly. Then her eyes narrowed slightly. “You touched it, didn’t you?” she said accusingly. “Like Kira did. You touched that Gayat crystal shard, didn’t you!”

She backed up a few cautious steps. She had seen that piece of shiny golden rock change the Exile’s frame of mind from Jedi-like to Sith-like while she had been holding it in her hand. Now, she suspected Crystal had touched it as well, and she had been transformed from a dark-eyed brunette to a blue-eyed blond. Jasra wondered if there was anything else that had changed.

“Erm…maybe we should get back to the Ebon Hawk,” she said with trepidation. “See if Kira is all right and if the others are ready to go.” She looked around at the destruction in the bar caused by Revan’s battle with Brax. Oddly, enough, it didn’t look that much different than when they had come in, apart from a few broken tables and a couple of bloodied bounty-hunter corpses. Of course, Sig wasn’t going to be happy about the mess. Nor would he be happy that most of his patrons had left without paying in their haste to escape the carnage. Sig would be looking for someone to pay, and Jasra could do without being his scapegoat. Especially since Togo had not only failed to pay her for her services thusfar, but now had implanted something in her to blackmail her into working for him for free. “I don’t think it’s a good idea for us to linger here much longer.”
 The Doctor
01-28-2006, 10:22 AM
((The Doctor thinks Crystal is a Time Lord. I know she's not, but the Doctor thinks she is.))

The Doctor stared at where Crystal had disappeared.
"Doctor, are you alright?" asked Nyssa.
*Nyssa, please tell me you saw that as well....*
"Se what, Do-"
*Oh, dear God...* he said. He was panting, and there was a look of terror on his face. *Nyssa, Tegan. We have to leave. Now.*
"LEAVE?!" they yeled in unison.
"But Doctor, Kira needs our help!"
"We can't abandon her!"
*You don't understand!* the Doctor yelled, flicking switches and turning dials. *Crystal.... she......* he couldn't say it. To say it out loud would make it true, make it absolute. *They've found me. Trapping me here wasn't good enough. They've come to...* he let his voice trail off.
"Doctor, do you mean that the Time Lords have sent someone to.... kill you?" asked Tegan tentatively.
*No, Tegan,* he said. *Time Lords do not assasinate. They will take me back to face trial for whatever trumped up charges they have this time, then sentence me.*
"What could they possibly charge you with?" asked Nyssa incredulously. "You've saved the universe dozens of times over, you're the only one to ever defeat the Master, or the Daleks, or the Cybermen. Not to mention-"
*That doesn't matter to them!* he yelled. still flicking switches. *They'll most likely charge me with 'conduct unbecoming a Time Lord,* he said darkly. *A load of Trilo slime, but it will get me convivted.*
He pulled one final lever, and the TARDIS kicked in to action.
"Wait! What about us?!" yelled Revan. "We don't want to travel around with you!"
((I'm going to make Atton threated the Doctor, if that's alright, FFWM?))
Atton pulled his blasters and pointed them at the Doctor. "Take us bac, Doc. Now!"
*I'm sorry, Atton. I will return you, but you must wait until it is safe for me to return.*
The TARDIS began to shake, and the pillar began to smoke.
*No no no no no!* yelled the Doctor. *The time circuit has been locked! I can't leave this time frame!*
"Well we can at least leave this galaxy, can't we?" asked Tegan.
*Yes,* he respomnded. *Perhaps Earth... no, there's a war on. Some meglomaniac named Hitler... under control of the Master....*
"Doctor, look!" yelled Nyssa, pointing at the pillar. The lights on it were flashing randomly and it had stopped moving. With a deep thud, the console went dark.
*NO!* yelled the Doctor. *Those....* he trailed off, leaving the console room in anger, throwing open the door to the rest of the TARDIS.
01-28-2006, 10:48 AM
Disciple turned back to where Kira lay on the examination table of the med bay. She was stirring.
"Kira?" he asked tentitivly.
She cracked her eyes open slightly, peering at him. He could see a slight, gold tinge to the edge of her iris, but it was fading rather quickly. "Are you alright?"
She closed her eyes and sighed again. "Depends on what you mean by 'alright'." her head sagged back against the exam table. "He took the crystal, didn't he?"
"Er..." Crystal? What was she talking about?
He was saved a response by Atton, who came wheeling into the room. "Where's Jasra and Crystal??" he asked hurriedly.
"Jasra didn't get in the TARDIS with us. I think Crystal went out to find her."
Disciple replied.
"Damn it!!" Atton yelled. "Well, get ready. We're blasting off this rock as soon as they return." and with that, the Scoundrel was gone.
" are you feeling?" Disciple asked the Exile.
"I was just shot five times. How do you think I feel?" she asked with a half-hearted smile.
He reached out, meaning to place his hand on her forehead to take her temperature, but she caught is wrist.
"I'll be fine." she said, with the same half-hearted smile, "I...I just need to rest a while."
 The Doctor
01-28-2006, 11:04 AM
The Doctor threw a glass vial across the laboratory, where it shattered, spilling it sontents all over the floor. He flipped over the table where, and hour ago, he had assembled the tracer. The pieces of metal and circutry cascaded across the floor. He punched the wall, sending a stab of paion up his arm - the wall left undamaged. He collapsed against the wall, sliding down to the ground. He was panting. They've found me, he thought. They've found me. They'll bring me back to Gallifrey, give me a biased trial, then execute me.
He stood. He wouldn't let that happen - who knew what they would do with Nyssa and Tegan? For all he knew, they would execute them, too. He burst into the console room, where Nyssa and Tegan sat next to K9 quietly. He ignored the, duxked under the console, and pulled open the console. He began fiddling with wires, repositioning them and disconnectiong them. The lights on the console came back on. He moved to the next console, and pried it open as well. He pulled out a long pipe, and examined it - it had a small computer screen on the side. The numbers were constantly changing, the combination never remaining the same.
"Doctor?" asked Tegan carefully. "What is that?"
*That, Tegan,* he responded, now surprisingly calm. "Is the time circuit. The combination has been encrypted - there's now ay I can predict what it will be, or how to unencrypt it. We may be forced to stay here.*
"But we can leave this galaxy, can't we?" asked Nyssa.
*No, we can't,* said the Doctor, getting frustrated again. *The long distance capacitor has burnt out,* he said, holding up a piece of circuit board that they hadn't seen him pull out. There were about a dozen ruptured microchips along the side.
01-28-2006, 11:26 AM
"Hold on to me," Crystal told Jasra. "I sense the Doctor has grown very nervous. We need to get back..."

She muttered something about wishing she knew exactly how much she could do and, in Crystal's words, 'poof'! They reappeared in the TARDIS and observed the Doctor under one of the consoles.

"Doctor?" Crystal asked, stepping forward slightly and letting go of Jasra. "Is something wrong?"
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