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Knights Of The Old Republic: Darkness Falls

Page: 12 of 32
01-06-2006, 6:34 PM
“As far as I know, my employer only wants to talk to you,” Jasra answered Kira.

Which is the truth. As far as I care to speculate.

“I know you are suspicious, Kira.”

You’d be stupid not to be.

“In fact, I have my own suspicions about him.”

And some very definite, but rude opinions.

“I believe he’s hired others besides me to find you.”

The slimy little Hutt slug! Whoever he is.

“And it would be my extreme pleasure to confront him about his ‘lack of professional consideration.’”

And perhaps blast him into oblivion. Well, after he’s paid me, of course.

“So all I can tell you is that he wants to meet with you. Face to face. More specifically, he said your “physical presence is necessary for the conversation to be productive.”

Productive how? Ah, well, that is the 20,000 credit question, isn’t it?

“My offer to escort you to Taris is genuine. I don’t wish you any harm.”

Of course, once you've met with him, you’re on your own, sister.

“But if you don’t meet with him, I can assure you there will be others who will want to meet with you.”

Probably lots of them, probably with blasters, and probably sooner than later.

“But it’s up to you, Kira. If you decide not to come with me to Taris, I’ll leave you be. After all, I have no personal grudge against you.”

01-06-2006, 6:38 PM
Kira looked to Atton and Crystal.
"I still don't like this. This has 'trap' written all over it." Atton murmured.
"Did you get anything from her?" Kira asked Crystal.
"'Get anything'? What're you talking about?" Atton asked.
Kira didn't answer. She had an idea of what Crystal was doing...but she wouldn't mention it yet. She would talk with her first.
01-06-2006, 6:48 PM
"20,000 credits," Crystal murmured. She shuddered. "I'm liking this less and less. She doesn't know her employer's exact reasons for wanting to see you, but she doesn't much care. So long as she gets her money, she'll deal with him... even if she hates him enough to call him some less than flattering things."

She shook her head. "I don't know, Kira... I just don't like this. She's not doing anything to us yet... but I can't garuntee it'll stay that way."
01-06-2006, 6:51 PM
"She also said that there were others hired to find me...perhaps they'd be less welcoming than her...I don't know..." Kira sighed and sagged against the dash. "Why is it that everywhere I go I'm always being hunted?"
01-06-2006, 7:18 PM
"This one might be bought," Crystal said thoughtfully. "She's in the job for the credits... doesn't much care what happens to you after she gets her money. But then she also wouldn't mind killing her current employer... so long as she gets her money." She paused thoughtfully. "I don't know about you, but I have some money we might use to persuade this Jasra Lantill to help us."

She sighed. "We have to find out what this employer of hers wants you for. Get me close enough and I can find out... but I still don't like the thought of going along with this. If Jasra contacts him, I can maybe trace the signal, build up a mental network far enough to find him..." she frowned. "It's a big maybe, but it's the only thing I can think of that might work to tell us what he wants."
01-06-2006, 7:35 PM
((OOC: Post 680! Whou-hou! Sorry...))


"Even combined, I doubt the whole crew of this ship could pay her off. 200,000 credits is a lot of money, and someone happened to blow all our earnings at a pazzack game..." Kira said, a hint of a grin on her face.
"Hey, odds were good. Sort of." Atton said, shrugging his shoulders.
"Even if we leave her, we'll probably still be hunted...Maybe we should deal with this guy, see what he wants..."
"Nuh-uh, no way, bad idea." the Scoundrel said.
"I don't may be our only choice...unless Crystal can establish a connection." The Exile turned to her, "What do you need to be able to trace a connection?"
01-06-2006, 7:40 PM
Crystal was thoughtfully silent as she tried to see how far she could expand her thought bubble. With a frown, she shook her head.

"If I'm going to hear what's on his mind, we'll have to be closer than we are," she said. "Just over whatever planet he's on." She hesitated. "I suggest going along with Jasra for now. If I catch any kind of trouble, I'll stay close to you so you'll be the first to know."
01-06-2006, 7:45 PM
Kira looked worried and Atton knew it. The Scoundrel placed a hand on her shoulder. "I said I'd protect you. I meant it."
The Exile closed her eyes, and sighed. "I don't want to fight anymore. I don't want to kill." she murmured, hardly loud enough for anyone to hear. She hit the comm. button, "Jasra? Is that offer for escort to Taris still open?"
01-06-2006, 7:47 PM
So, he was right, there was a good chance of me bumping into this 'jedi exile' on my hunt. whoever would have figured. (Feel free to pick that up crystal, but not the location of his ship)

Brax had rested his ship nearly ontop of the hawk. He was so close that if the force wasn't guiding his every momveement, they would probably have collided by now. But this would let him listen in to all their conversations, and follow them wherever they happened to go. It wasn't comfortable in his tiny ship, but he was used to that.

Jasra had seen the ship, for those few seconds. It was beautiful, about the length of two men laying head to head. The front end was a point, like a blade. The pilot laid down in the ship, more or less. Laying in the hollow part that carveded out from that tip. And it was solid black, even the area that must have been how the pilot saw out. A small astromech droid was deposited on the tip, a half rounded, half angled head all that peaked out. (I have a drawing I will get around to posting when i have more time)
01-06-2006, 7:55 PM
Crystal jumped. "Wha..." she murmured. She closed her eyes momentarily and frowned.

"I don't mean to cause any alarm," she said quietly, "but our stowaway is still somewhere close... but as to where exactly, I'm not sure."
01-06-2006, 8:27 PM
Tappity, tappity, tappity…

Jasra lightly drummed her fingernails on the console. They were taking too long, she thought. If the Exile didn’t come with her, not only would she lose her bounty, but someone else would quite possibly collect it! Damn that reclusive, soul-sucking, son-of-a-banth ….

”Jasra? Is that offer for escort to Taris still open?"


Jasra straightened up in her chair, not from disbelief in what she had heard, but in alarm at what she had felt. Even from this distance she could sense Kira’s reluctance to fight, her need for…peace. There is no emotion, there is peace. The Jedi Code echoed in her ears in the sound of her former Master’s voice. And, for a brief moment, Jasra felt shame. And fear. In quick reaction, she pulled her connection to the Force in even deeper, wanting to bury it, hiding from it as she hid it from others.

“You’re accepting my offer?” she asked Kira through the comm. “Just like that?”

Oops. Jasra mentally kicked herself for saying that last bit out loud. Maybe they would mistake her moment of fear for suspicion. She hoped so. She took a deep breath, and willed the Jedi Code and any thoughts of her former Master out of her head.

The Jedi say they speak truths, she thought to herself, and then they lie. They say you are never alone, and then they abandon you. They say the Dark Side is evil, but it’s the only way you can survive.

“I’ll give you the co-ordinates to the rendezvous point at Taris,” she said calmly into the comm. “I’m to contact my employer for further instructions upon arrival, so be on your guard. I will.”
01-06-2006, 8:27 PM
"All the more reason to get out of here." Kira said, still awaiting a response from the Moon Shadow.
01-06-2006, 8:38 PM
Crystal jumped and stared out toward Jasra's ship. "There is no emotion..." she muttered. "What?" She glanced over at Kira and Atton. "Guys, I think Jasra may have had a little Jedi training... she just recited a portion of the Jedi code to herself."

She frowned. "She's also afraid... though of what, I'm not yet sure. Keep her talking... the more she thinks, the more I catch. But agree to go with her... I want to hear the thoughts of the employer behind her."
01-06-2006, 8:47 PM
((OOC: Heheh, Jasra and me posted at the exact same time. :D ))


"Is there some reason why we wouldn't go?" Kira asked into the comm. "Some reason we shouldn't?" She was already almost positive that this was a trap, but Crystal said she may have Jedi training...perhaps if she...
"Perhaps some way that you'd betray us? That your greed would get the better of you?"
"Some way that you'd murder us??" Atton shouted.
"Quiet, Atton. Remember what little I've taught you of the Code..."
"There is no emotion, there is peace. Got it." Atton said, catching on to the Exile's plan.
01-06-2006, 9:39 PM
Jasra’s mouth dropped. What? Did she hear Kira right? Her index finger slammed down hard on the comm key.

“Me?” she snapped, her control of her emotions wavering as she reacted from what she perceived as threats from Kira. “Betray? Murder? You’re one to talk about betrayal…Exile. If anything, I should be wary that you won’t betray or murder me. After all, I’m sure that your body count is much higher than mine. Jedi… Sith… you’re all the same,” she scoffed. “How do I know you won’t turn on me once I’ve contacted my employer? Hmm?

“Perhaps you’re right. Perhaps you shouldn’t come with me. Perhaps I’ll just leave you to deal with my employer on your own. Just remember, I didn’t have to help out with those pirates. I could have just stood back and watched!”

Like I watched my Master, she thought. Watched the Sith cut her down, while I hid where she had told me to. Jasra leaned back in her chair. She could feel olds fears begin to surface. Fear of discovery, fear of loss, fear of …forgiveness. And why? What or who was making her recall all these feelings that she thought were long since buried?

She tried to shake it off, focusing on the task of plotting a course for Taris. No amount of credits was worth this anguish, she thought.

“I’m going to Taris,” she said into the comm. “Stay or follow, it’s of no matter to me.”
01-06-2006, 9:46 PM
"Master," Crystal murmured. "She was in Jedi training. The Sith killed her Master. She fears loss..." she tilted her head. "Fears forgiveness... but she's not quite sure why." She shook her head. "I've been slightly manipulating her thought processess, but I can't do much more without her discovering me. I'd better pull back to simple observation again."
01-06-2006, 9:59 PM
Betray? Murder? You're one to talk about betrayal...Exile!....I'm sure your body count is much higher than mine...
The words cut through the Jedi like a knife. Tears welled in Kira's eyes as nightmares from her past surfaced. She tried to calm herself, stop the flow...but no Jedi teaching helped her here. No Jedi had seen the amount of slaughter...killed as she had...
Kira stood, her face turned downward in an attempt to hide her tears. "Atton..." her voice was shakey at first, but she strengthened. Sort of. "Follow her. We will see what this person wants." If they want to kill me, let them try. Perhaps, for once, they'll succeed...
"I'll be meditating in the dorm if anyone needs me..." and with that, the Exile was gone.
Atton watched her go, the sound of her shaking voice imprinted on his mind. What this Jasra had said had truely stung her...With a sigh, the Scoundrel took a familiar seat in the captain's chair.
" we go. Whether to our deaths or not, who knows..."
01-06-2006, 10:02 PM
Tears found their way to Crystal's eyes. One of the drawbacks of mind-reading was how often emotions flooded the mind. Emotions, nightmares. Crystal glanced out at Jasra's ship for a second before turning to follow the Exile. If Kira needed someone to talk to, who better than one who had already seen her mind?

"Kira," she called quietly. "You may not want to talk right now, but I think it might be helpful."
01-07-2006, 9:24 AM
"Master," Crystal murmured. "She was in Jedi training. The Sith killed her Master. She fears loss..." she tilted her head. "Fears forgiveness... but she's not quite sure why." She shook her head. "I've been slightly manipulating her thought processess, but I can't do much more without her discovering me. I'd better pull back to simple observation again."
Jasra’s hand hovered over the ship’s hyperdrive controls, ready to head off to Taris. Suddenly, like the release from a high-pressure valve, a wave of regained control washed through her. She shook her head.

What was she doing? she asked herself. Why had she lashed out at the Exile like that? It wasn’t like her to lose her cool. She had blown this job and its very lucrative payment over what? A few words from an exiled Jedi? Something wasn’t right here. From the moment she had gotten near the Exile’s ship, she had felt…odd.

She frowned. Was the Exile using some sort of Force technique on her that was causing her memories and feelings to go haywire? She had only been thirteen when her Master had died—only a young Padawan when the Council had sent them away from the Academy on Coruscant, along with the rest of the Jedi, in order to avoid Sion’s force-sensitive seeking Sith. Sure, she had survived, even picked up a few Force tricks on her own over the last six years, but she was far from being an expert.

She looked through the viewing window at Karda’s ship. Perhaps it wasn’t the Exile at all. Perhaps it was Karda, she speculated. After all, he had been rather quiet since the pirates had been destroyed. Surely he had been monitoring her transmissions to the Ebon Hawk. And it wasn’t like a Jedi to pass up the chance to show off their skills at mediation or boast about their hypocritical beliefs on justice.

She waited for a moment, then silently cursed herself before she hit the comm button one more time. “Ebon Hawk…erm… I’m sorry. I’m…I’m just a bit on edge here. If you still wish me to escort you to Taris, then I will. If not, then I’ll be on my way. Just say the word. And not that it’s worth much to you,” she added, “but I swear that I’ll do my best to protect you from any harm while you’re there.” She hailed Karda’s ship. “And what about you, Jedi? Are you coming, staying, or what?”
01-07-2006, 1:06 PM
"You can save your apologies for later, the Exile isn't here. Though I an escort isn't too bad of an idea." Atton said, warming up the engines which had been in idle for a rather long time.


"So many dead..." Exile said quietly, her back facing Crystal, "So much's something that no one should have to experience...Malachor..."
"General, we can't rush the Mandalorians! They refuse to give ground, it's suicide! Half our 'toon is already dead! You saw the mines we ran through. We don't have any strength left..."
"We just need our reinforcements-"
"General, there is no one coming. There is no one left.
"Hundreds died that day..." she turned to face Crystal now, saying "I'm sorry, I shouldn't speak of this to you...It''s too hard."
01-07-2006, 1:09 PM
"If it helps you to speak, then speak," Crystal answered, taking a small step forward. Tears were filling her eyes. "It's not like your mind isn't leaking it to me anyway."
01-07-2006, 1:27 PM
The Exile chuckled hollowly. "Then what would be the point of talking, as you know everything I have seen and what I am thinking?"
Kira smiled forlornly, "No...I think it is best that I deal with this on my own...but thank you."
And with that, she left down the corridor, continuing to head for the dormitory.
Perhaps that's where I Exile.

((OOC: Where's Rob and the Doctor?...hmmm...))
01-07-2006, 1:46 PM
((No idea... but Crystal isn't happy right now... as you'll see :( :p ))

With a frown Crystal followed, muttering something that sounded like, "Ozh gos tiv'zht tale!" and lifted a hand, stopping Kira in her tracks. "The point isn't my need to hear your words, fanpiv! The point is your need to speak." She dropped her hand and took a deep breath as if trying to calm herself before continuing.

"If you don't trust me and that's the reason you merely want to be alone, then I understand and will leave you alone," she said quietly. "But if you're merely being a stubborn civzh, then you can expect me to be a little annoyed!"

((Be a little confused here... Crystal is speaking a language nobody knows. I put that language in italics... but I suspect you'd have been able to tell anyway :D ))
01-07-2006, 2:57 PM
What did she say?
It was strange...Crystal had spoken in a language that even Kira couldn't understand.
"What is it that you want to hear me say? That I and my companions lead a glorious assault against the last of the Sith to save the ones we loved? That I valiantly lead the soldiers under me into battle against all odds? It is nothing like that..."
01-08-2006, 12:56 AM
"It has nothing to do with a need for me to hear you speak," Crystal answered, much more calmly now. "It has more to do with your need to speak." She sighed. "Kira, I know you haven't spoken of your feelings on these subjects to anyone... not even to yourself. True, you allow a few memories to surface, but that's not enough."

She glanced away for a second before turning back to Kira. "You've hidden your feelings, even from yourself... understand this; if you do so long term, it will kill you. It's helpful to talk it through." She glanced away for a second again before moving forward a little and gesturing toward the dormitory.

"But not here in the middle of the hall," she said. "We'll move to a somewhat more secluded place. You need to talk your feelings through, but the others need to see you as a strong leader. You know this and therefore you wouldn't be able to do what you need to in such an open place."

"Ozh Gost!" Crystal murmured in what seemed like amusement. "Xzhav an I tayiph?"

She shook her head and followed Kira into the dormitory.
 The Doctor
01-08-2006, 1:02 AM
((Ok guys, I'm back from my temp ban, and am glad to be back.))

It was utter bliss. He simply lay there in the zero room, not wanting to open his eyes. He didn't even have to worry about the TARDIS - he had taken off without setting a course, and the TARDIS had been flying aimlessly through the time matrix for over a week. He lay there, his mind wandering to his favourite planet. It was called Earth. He thought of his favourite city, London, his mind falling breifly on the time he had saved it from the Master, with a great deal of help from Nyssa... Nyssa!
The Doctor's eyes snapped open, his memory rushing back. The Jedi Exile, Kira Starr, needed his help, as did his friends. He sat bolt upright, marvelling at how very clear his thoughts had become - the regeneration was complete. He burst through the door from the zero room and ran flat out to the console room. He began flicking switches as fast as he could, setting a course for the Ebon Hawk - barely a picosecond after he left. Nobody would notice he was gone.
The TARDIS flickered for a fraction of a second, not noticeable to anyone, even a droid. A strange man burst from the doors, and, closing the door behind him, he ran to the cockpit of the Ebon Hawk. As he turned into it, he saw a small group of people, including his companions Nyssa and Tegan. Nobody had noticed him yet.
*Hello there. I'm back!*
((I would have made the Doctor run in to Kira and Crystal, but I don't know if WJ and FFWM want to be alone for a while to continue their current dialogue.))
01-08-2006, 6:33 AM
((welcome back, Doc. we missed ya))

Kreta paced up and down in the ancient Sith ship. He had Massasi to carry out his every peck and call and was very comfortable in the Dark Ship. But there was a feeling in the back of his head. That he would lose the war along with his friend, Malagant if they continued just like this. He had to discuss tactics with the Sith Lord soon. Right now, he would grab a bite to eat and think it over as he did so.
01-08-2006, 2:58 PM
(((Sorry I've been gone so long, and I don't even have a temp ban as an excuse for it. I had to catch up fast)))

Karda sat in the cockpit of his fighter, listening to the transmissions between the Moon Shadow and the Ebon Hawk over again. He had been silent on the comm system, hoping to learn Jasra's intentions, but he had too many questions.

For one, he kept feeling a small amount of force sensitivity on Jasra, which was strange. He also sensed a small mental intrusion into her mind, yet- it wasn't from the force. It was from some other source or power.

He did not trust her, or her offer of escort to Taris. Obviously a trap, but why did somebody want the Jedi Exile, and why were their others? The strange stowaway that had appeared in her ship, and the three space pirates that had come and attacked her ship.

Something's wrong. Too many people know about and are interested in the Exile. The words came through his mind again and again as he meditated in his cargo hold.

I don't trust any of them. Not even the Exile now. Or Revan and the Doctor. All this can't be a coincidence. The Jedi Masters must see the Exile, and this Jasra, or these unknown entities approaching her cannot interfere. But who is hunting Kira, and why? He suddenly felt very distrustful of them in the ship.

And that female who got on board their ship on Nar Shaddaa. Something is different about her, something I can't place. Karda needed to speak with the Exile. Something else was at work here, something that he couldn't place.

Walking into the Exile's ship, he found Atton Rand. Guarding his mind and keeping watch for any disturbances, he approached him. "Where's Kira? I need to speak with her immediately about this 'Jasra'."
01-08-2006, 4:57 PM
"She's in the dormitories, but...I wouldn't disturb her right now. She's...she was pretty shaken after what Jasra had said." Atton said rather quietly. He kept his eyes down, checking the nav charts over and over again, even though there was never a flux or difference in the information. "I would give her some time before you start interogating her."


"I...I don't even know where to start..." the Exile said as she and Crystal entered the dormitory. Kira pressed her back against the cool metal of one of the bunks, sliding to the floor. "So much has happened..."

((OOC: And I really don't know...:D ))
01-08-2006, 5:08 PM
((We'll just sorta skip an hour, have both Kira and Crystal in tears and call it good :D ))

An hour later...

Crystal sat in silence, tears in her eyes. Then, quietly, she stood and said, "That helped you... I can tell." She wiped her eyes and turned toward the door. "If you ever feel the need to talk more of this through, don't hesitate to get me."

She opened the door and went out, carefully masking her emotions. Truth be told, she felt relieved. Because of Kira's mental 'leakage' before this, Crystal had known some of what the Exile had been dealing with... and it was weighing both of them down. Now that Kira had been willing to talk some of it through, some of the burden fell away from Crystal as well.

"Vzhapl you," she murmured glancing back toward the dormitory.
01-08-2006, 6:10 PM
Kira was refreshed, relieved. Relaxed, even. Perhaps Crystal was right. Maybe she really did just need to talk about it. "Thank you." she murmured in response to Crystal's offer. As she stood to walk out, the Exile asked, "What is that language you keep speaking? I've never heard it before."
01-08-2006, 6:21 PM
Crystal shook her head. "Something I picked up as a child," she said. "Nobody's been able to identify what it is." She shrugged. "A habit of mine, I suppose... if I get annoyed or amused, the words tend to slip out without my actually meaning to use them."
 The Doctor
01-08-2006, 9:30 PM
((Who is in the cockpit right now? Atton isn't, and I know Kira and Crystal are in the dormitories. Is Disciple in there? I kinda need someone to be in there right now.... may be Revan?))
01-08-2006, 9:41 PM
With her own course to Taris already laid in, Jasra transmitted the landing co-ordinates for the meeting place to the Ebon Hawk.

Taris had been virtually destroyed by Malak’s fleet; but there had been some survivors, and the scraggly remnants of the lower city gangs had quickly stepped in to ‘manage’ what little remained. Chaos, not the Republic ruled there, and Taris was fast becoming a favoured pitstop for mercenaries and spice traders—and cantinas, pazaak dens, and spice parlours had sprouted up like weeds. With the constant conflicts between the gangs for control, Taris was even worse than Nar Shaddaa. Although it did have one redeeming quality. It smelled better.

Jasra’s thoughts wandered to the rendezvous point her employer had chosen—a cantina run by a Devaronian named Sig. For Taris standards, Sig’s place wasn’t a hive of criminal activity, but it looked the part having enough shady looking customers with not much to do apart from drink Juma Juice, chew spice, and squint at people. At one time, Jasra had been desperate enough for credits to have done some dancing for Sig. He paid worse than a Hutt, but he did have the reputation for keeping his dancers safe from any unwanted advances by over appreciative customers. But after this job, she’d have enough credits to never have to degrade herself like that ever again. She sighed. That is, if she hadn’t blown this job already.

While she waited for word that they were ready to depart, she wondered why Karda still hadn’t yet answered her. His ship was now docked with the Ebon Hawk. He was probably trying to talk the Exile out of going to Taris—telling that her it could be a trap, that she shouldn’t trust Jasra, that she should talk to the Jedi Masters first, yada, yada, yada….

Jasra hoped the Exile didn’t listen to him and change her mind. After all, it was the Jedi Council that had exiled her in the first place, so why should she show any allegiance to them now? More importantly, if the Jedi Karda did fail to convince her, Jasra hoped that he didn’t decide to come along. Providing an escort to an exiled Jedi was one thing, but to have an actual Jedi along for the ride? She certainly could do without that.
01-09-2006, 7:58 PM
((OOC: Actually, Atton's in the cockpit. He's preping the Hawk to go to Taris. And Rob, if its alright, I'm going to have your character go for a cup of coffee :D ))

"Hmm...strange." Kira said, storing away what Crystal had told her. "If you'll excuse me, I think I'll check on Atton..."


A light bleeped on the star charts, and Atton hit a button, allowing the coordinates sent to him by Jasra to log themselves into the nav computer.
"How are we doing?" Kira asked, as she entered the cockpit, looking over the Scoundrel's shoulder.
"Not too bad. We just got our coordinates, and we're ready to jump. Just waiting for the go-ahead from our 'Republic' friend over there." he swivled the chair around, facing the Exile. "Are you alright? Before you had me pretty scared..."
"Oh...yeah, I'm fine. Sorry about that." Kira said, her face tinging slightly red. "I just had to...think things through, a little."
"Well, I'm glad to see you alright. Oh, and before I forget, the other Jedi is looking for you."
"Who? Karda? Where is he?"
"I think he went to go get some java or something."


Kira came into the main hold, moments later, to find Karda, a steeming mug in his hands. "You wanted to see me?"
 The Doctor
01-09-2006, 10:22 PM
((OK, I've changed what's going on with the Doctor. He's walked into the cockpit after Kira has left and Atton is alone in there.))
The Doctor turned into the cockpit. There was Atton, sitting at the pilot station, laying in the coordinates for - he squinted slightly - Taris. He walked up silently behind Atton, not saying a word until he was only a foot behind Atton's chair.
*Hello there, Atton. I'm back*
01-09-2006, 11:18 PM
"Hmm? Oh yeah, there's something I want to talk to you about." Karda said. "It's about Jasra- Maybe this really isn't news, but frankly, I don't trust her, or who she is working for. There's too many people looking for you, it just isn't natural. I think it would be better if you went back to the Jedi Council, then you can perhaps clear this up."
01-10-2006, 1:03 AM
Crystal listened from a distance, catching the thoughts of Karda and Kira rather than their words. While she agreed with him on not trusting Jasra, she didn't want Kira to go back to the Jedi Council... not yet. Carefully, lightly, she planted suggestions in Kira's mind.

But we have to find out who's behind Jasra, the implanted thought whispered in Kira's mind, in Kira's voice. Running away isn't an option... if we run, we can't discover all of who's after us. No, Karda. We have to keep going. If we get close enough, Crystal says she can figure out who Jasra's employer is.

With the thoughts sent to Kira's head, Crystal pulled her thought bubble back, just far enough to be undetected, but still close enough to hear what was going on.
01-10-2006, 4:45 PM
"But we have to find out who's behind Jasra," Kira said, "Running away isn't an option... if we run, we can't discover all of who's after us. No, Karda. We have to keep going. If we get close enough, Crystal says she can figure out who Jasra's employer is."
Kira had to stop herself from showing her confusion. Those words...weren't hers. She agreed with them...but...
"Besides, even if we leave to speak with the Council, more will come. It seems to me that it would be smarter to go to see this mysterious employer first."
The Exile studied Karda for a moment, before adding "I know what you're thinking, and I won't run away. I won't, I promise."
01-10-2006, 6:11 PM
Crystal grinned and pulled her thought bubble back just far enough so that all she felt was Jasra. She picked up on a few of the woman's thoughts... where the meeting was to take place. Then, she wrinkled her forehead. As Jasra thought of how she'd once danced for Sig, images flashed through her head and were picked up by Crystal.

"Fithutviph!" she exclaimed as a convulsive shudder ran through her and she lost her concentration. Her thought bubble collapsed, enclosing only her own mind.
 The Doctor
01-11-2006, 4:27 PM
((FFWM, is Atton the only one in the cockpit? Someone needs to acknowledge this strange new comer who nobody recognizes.))
01-11-2006, 7:48 PM
((Um... is the Doctor's mind still the same? 'Cause if it is, that would be a rather entertaining sequence to do with Crystal... since she'd feel his mind approaching, but after seeing him, she'd probably freak out :D ))
 The Doctor
01-11-2006, 8:53 PM
((It is almost identical, though it does have small differences. This Doctor is different than the previous one in that he is less sarcastic, taking a more direct approach at humour. His intelligence is also more obvious, and he explains himself even less than his previous selves. He is more compassionate, as well as more protective of those he cares about - which will play an important role with a particular character later.
Maybe the Doctor landed the TARDIS wrong, and only Crystal can see or hear him, being a telepath, just like him. That would explain why Atton doesn't notice him, and why nobody has ackknowledged him yet.))

The Doctor stared at Atton for a moment, who did nothing. He moved over to the pilot's chair. He raised his right hand, hesitated, then waved it energetically in front of Atton's eyes. Atton did nothing, his eyes remaining on the controls. The Doctor reached out with his telepathic abilities, trying to reach Atton's Jedi senses. Nothing happened.
*I must have miscalculated the spacial flux...* he pondered out loud. *I'm out of phase with......* he trailed off.
There was no way he knew how to fix the problem using anything but the TARDIS - and doing it could blow a whole in the side of the Ebon Hawk.
*That's what I get,* he said, sighing heavily. *For not double checking my controls. Oh, how I wish I still had Romana....* he trailed off, thinking of a way to fix the problem without compromising the Ebon Hawk's life support system. It was a simple matter of re-alligning the Ebon Hawk's hyperdrive coils to emit a coherrnt tetryon field. He was sure Bao-Dur could do it, but had no way of communicating the solution with him. He was mentally kicking himself for making such a foolish mistake when it hit him - Crystal. She was a telepath, and should be able to sense him. He ran through the Ebon Hawk's corridors, looking for her, calling out her name, hoping that she would hear him.
01-11-2006, 11:17 PM
Karda thought for a moment, studying Kira. "All right, I guess. But I would suggest you be careful- are you sure you won't change your mind? This isn't going to be good, it doesn't feel right." He stopped for a moment. "I won't stop you, but I must insist that it would be better for you to go back to the Jedi Masters, instead of going off like this with some strange person."
01-12-2006, 12:30 AM
Crystal had her hands over her eyes, but nothing was wrong with her hearing. Someone was calling her... she opened her eyes and after a quick mental scan (and another shudder as the scan brought the mental picture of Jasra dancing for Sig), she realized that it was the Doctor calling her. With that knowledge mixed with a little confusion as to why he wanted her, she ran off to find him.

When she was close enough that she could see him, she said, "What is it, Doctor?" Then, she saw him and exclaimed, "Ozh Gost! Xzhav zhaquesef vo you?"

She reached out to him mentally and found slight differences in his mental structure. Then, she translated herself. "What happened to you?"
01-12-2006, 3:22 PM
((OOC: Sorry, I didn't respond, Doc, but I think that this version may be a bit more entertaining :P ))


"Look, Karda..." Kira began, "I thank you for your concern but I've been in some rather tight spots before, and, with the help of my companions, managed to survive. I doubt that anything waiting on Taris for us would be more than we can handle."
She paused a moment, "I won't stop you from returning to the Council, if you wish to leave...though it would be helpful to have another Jedi for the proceedings on Taris."
 The Doctor
01-12-2006, 4:47 PM
((No problem, FFWM. This way is a little funner, anyway.:)))
*The new appearence? I've regenerated - it's difficult to explain. You see, my people have the ability to heal faster than most species. To heal mortal wounds, however, we must sacrifice our wounded body. I was attacked by our intruder, and forced to sacrifice my body to survive. It's a shame, really - I rather liked that body.* he jumped as if he had just rememberd something. *Oh, and what do you think of my new face, by the way? I wasn't so sure of it myself, at first, but it sort of grows on you. Nice and youthful, don't you think?* he said, looking at himself in the semi-reflective bulkhead. *At anyrate, I'm glad you can hear and see me. You see, I tried speaking to Atton in the cockpit, as well as T3-M4 down the hallway, and neither one of them responded. I know Atton can be difficult at some times, but he wouldn't ignore a complete stranger, which is what I would appear to be to him.* the Doctor paused, taking a deep breath, then continued. *I must have miscalculated the spacial flux capacitor value while landing the TARDIS, as I seem to be slightly out of phase with the rest of the universe - to put it in terms a being from your galaxy can understand, I'm in between universes. I can fix the problem, but it would be dangerous to the Ebon Hawk. Unless you help me, that is.*
((BTW WJ, his voice has changed too, as well as his physical appearence.))
Tegan and Nyssa sat in the garage bay, speaking of their concerns for the Doctor - as he had told them, this was his 14th body - he was only supposed to get 13. Nyssa said that even though she had studied Gallifreyan regeration in school on Traken, she had never heard of a Time Lord regenerating for a 13th time. Tegan stood up suddenly.
"Well that doesn't matter, Nyssa! I'm going in to see if he's alright! We can't leave him alone tight now!" she walked off to the docking bay hatch. She was about to open the door, when the sound of the engines ( kicking in made her jump back. "Doctor?" she asked quietly. "Doctor?!?" she had to scream the last one, as the engines grew louder and louder. The TARDIS faded out of existance. Nyssa came running behind Tegan. Tegan turned around, her eyes filled with tears. At that moment, the sound of the TARDIS returned - but it was different ( than the sound she knew. She turned around to stare at where the sound indicated the TARDIS would appear, but it never did.
01-13-2006, 12:45 PM
((I figured so, but I also assumed that he'd be attempting to reach her mentallly more than audibly. So she's responded to the mental call more than the verbal call. :) ))

"Oh..." Crystal murmured. She nodded. "Of course. I'll help in any way I can."
 The Doctor
01-13-2006, 9:42 PM
*Excellent, thank you. We will need to speak with Bao-Dur - he's the only one on board who can modify the Ebon Hawk's engines reliably.*
 The Doctor
01-18-2006, 9:58 PM
((Since this thread hasn't been posted in for a long time, wildjedi has given me permission to take control of Crystal for one post to get things rolling again.
I will also be posting as Bao-Dur here, as it hasn't been specified if FFWM is controlling him or not, I don't think. You may take control of him at any time, FFWM.))

Bao-Dur was lying down on his back in the engine room, his head inside a conduit. He was trying to repair a coolant line before it ruptured and killed everyone on board. He shifted his hand across the floor, looking for the circuit bridge. It was handed to him. "Thanks, T3." he said.
"Don't mention it." said a female voice. Bao-Dur started, smacking his head into the conduit trying to sit up. He got his head untangled from the cables, and found himself looking at a woman he knew only by sight, someone who Kira had invited onboard the Hawk.
"Where did you come from?"
"It doesn't matter." said Crystal. "The Doctor needs your help."
"The Doc.... who?"
"A friend of Kira, just like me."
Bao-Dur sighed heavily. "Any friend of the General's is a friend of mine. How can I help? Where is this 'Doctor'?"
Crystal looked uncertain for a moment how to proceed. She decided that honesty was the best policy.
"He's right here. About a foot to my right."
Bao-Dur looked around the room, but saw nobody else there. "Is this some kind of joke?"
"No, no joke." she paused. "He says that you can trust me....." she said, knowing how stupid this sounded. "He also says your fear is baseless, and that she's alright. You're supposed to know what that means, but..." ((This again has no impact on the story.)) Crystal was silent for a moment, as if listening to something, then continued.
"The Doctor ways that he needs you to, and I quote: 'initiate a coherent tetryon field from the hyperdrive coils'."
Bao-Dur stared at her. He had studied tachyon fields, but didn't have any practical experience with them.
"He says he can guide you through it if you want."
He didn't know what to sat. Was this woman just playing mind games with her?
"Alright.... I'll try. But I don't know what this will-"
Crystal put up a hand to silence him. She turned her head slightly, then turned and spoke to mid-air.
"What?!?" she said, obviously not understanding what she was hearing. She stared into space for a moment, then nodded, sighed, and turned back to Bao-Dur, who was thouroghly confused. "The Doctor says that - yes I know, Doctor - he says that you'll need a spacial tranceiver."
"I suppose I could find one, somewhere. But what does this, uhm... Doctor hope to accomplish?"
"He says it's beyond your comprehension." she said after a moment. "Sorry." she added as an after thought.
"The Doctor wouldn't happen to be a Jedi, would he?" he asked jokingly. "Alright, I'll give it a try. It shouldn't take long, I just need to find the-"
"The Doctor says that the frequency is 0.00.996. That mean anything to you?"
"Yes." was all he said. He replaced the panel he had been working in, walked to the hyperdrive, and opened the coil assembly unit. He picked up a small, rectangular device with a blue light on the top, and began runninf it along the coils inside.
"The Doctor's left for the TARDIS." said Crystal. Bao-Dur ignored her.
The Doctor thanked Crystal then ran out of the room. He ran to the TARDIS, stopping in front of Tegan and Nyssa outside the TARDIS.
*I'll see you both in a moment." he said, knowing full well that they couldn't hear him. He ran into the TARDIS, which they presumably couldn't see, and closed the door behind him. He walked over to one of the monitors on the console and turned it on, monitering the spacial particles on the EBon Hawk. The negative end of the scale sky-rocketed - Bao-Dur had been successful. He reached out with his mind, trying to reach Crystal. He felt her mind distantly.
*Tell him to stop*
He waited a moment. The tetryon particle count remained steady. Smiling, the Doctor pulled a single lever on the TARDIS console, and the pillar began to glow. It moved up and dow a few times, the engine noise ( began to grind.
Bao-Dur stopped immidiately, then looked up.
"Is something wrong?"
"No. That's it. You've done it. The Doctor can return now."
A moment later, they heard the familiar grinding noise ( They both ran towards the sound, meeting Tegan and Nyssa on the way. The four of them stood there watching as the TARDIS materialised in front of them. The door opened, and a man who Bao-Dur had never seen before stepped out. He immidiately took a liking to the man, his kind face intensified by the strange glass object perched on his nose in front of his eyes. He pulled these off, smiling.
*Thank you, Bao-Dur. I must say I did not enjoy that experience.*

((I'm now passing control of Crystal back to wildjedi.))
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