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Knights Of The Old Republic: Darkness Falls

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12-16-2005, 6:06 AM
Kreta stiffened. There it was again. The Force was rippling. That was the Dark signature of the one he sought. Kreta slapped the emergency button and his ship exploded into realspace. He sat still, searching with a fine toothcomb for the ripples. They had vanished. Kreta thumped his fist on the panel in anger. He would find that Dark Lord and defeat him if it was the last thing he did. He flipped a switch and his ship shot back into hyperspace.
12-16-2005, 3:02 PM
"We weren't ready for this sort of thing, otherwise we would've been able to get out of here a lot faster than we did," Kira said, "And, yeah, I've noticed we're being followed."
She looked at a screen in front of her, flipping a switch, and a rear-view camera whirred to life on the back of the ship, revealing the ship that was tailing them. "A Jedi-class fighter..." she said, after studying it a moment. "Do you think we should..."
"There's no telling who or what is on that ship. For the moment, I think it's best if we wait and see." Atton said, predicting what she would have said next.
A moment later the comm. beeped and all four looked at the dash where a red light was blinking. Someone was transmitting a message to the Hawk...
 The Doctor
12-16-2005, 3:25 PM
*That's a Jedi ship, is it not?* said The Doctor from behind her. *Why are we running? Surely you would be able to sense if they were a threat?"
12-16-2005, 3:43 PM
"Just because we know they're there doesn't mean we can sense their intentions." she explianed. Kira stared at the blinking light before hesitantly opening the channel...
12-16-2005, 10:15 PM
"And a Jedi ship doesn't always indicate the presence of a Jedi," Crystal added.
 The Doctor
12-16-2005, 11:22 PM
*My mistake. Now let's be quiet so we can hear what they (ie Rob) have to say.*
12-17-2005, 12:52 AM
"This is Jedi Knight Karda, to the Ebon Hawk. Do you read me?" Karda said as soon as he saw that the ship had answered him.
12-17-2005, 11:41 AM
"This is the Ebon Hawk; we hear you loud and clear, Karda. What's your buisness tailing us?"
12-17-2005, 1:05 PM
"I was sent by the Jedi Masters on this mission. They sighted you off Hal Hutta, and they sent me to find out what the Ebon Hawk was up to. Who is this? Is this the Jedi Exile, or another occupant of the ship?" Karda replied.
12-17-2005, 1:09 PM
"This is Kira, the Jedi Exile." she said, a disapproving sigh escaping Atton's lips. "What buisness does the Council have with me? I thought they were all dead."
12-17-2005, 1:23 PM
"If you mean Vrook, Kavar, and Zez-Kai, then yes, they are dead. But the Jedi were able to rebuild and gather more force-sensitives to them after the war. The Jedi Enclave on Dantooine has been partially rebuilt, and is home to several Jedi. The current Jedi running things are the 'Masters' of which I spoke." Karda paused. "When you fled from the smuggler's moon, I followed you, perhaps not the only one. My intentions were just to see what you were doing. Would you mind if I boarded, where we could talk better?"
12-17-2005, 8:08 PM
Crystal shook her head and allowed feelings of wariness to bleed out of her mind, surrounding her in a tight bubble that only those in the cockpit could feel. To those without the Force, it felt as if they had suddenly become nervous. The Jedi members of the group felt the same nervousness, but they also sensed that it orignated from Crystal.

Feelings of nervousness were gradually replaced by those of indifference and she said quietly, "We won't know how truthful he's being until we can get him close enough... I may not like it, but getting him in here is the only way we can really know his intentions."
12-17-2005, 8:35 PM
"I have to agree with Crystal." Brandon said. "And what did that jedi mean about you being 'Jedi Exile'?"
 The Doctor
12-17-2005, 8:38 PM
*Well, you see, she was sentemced to live in Exile after she abandoned you and your fleet after te Malforian ((incorrect on purpose)) Wars.*
12-17-2005, 8:55 PM
"Mandalorian," Crystal corrected.
 The Doctor
12-17-2005, 9:10 PM
*Yes, that's them. I believe she was the only one to return, weren't you?* The Doctor asked rhetorically. *But that is beside the point. I believe I could bring you inside the TARDIS to our persuers ship, if you would like to speak to him face-face.*
12-17-2005, 9:13 PM
"NO!" Crystal said forcefully. Then, in a much more calm voice she said. "No. He has to come here. If something goes wrong, most of us know this ship... know our surroundings. Over there..." she shook her head. "He needs to come here."
 The Doctor
12-17-2005, 9:53 PM
*I assure you that it would be perfectly safe. I know oyu're thinking that I am wrong, mr Rand, so you may come as well, if you wish. I will also be their, and I assue you that between Atton and myself, nohting can happen to you, ms. Starr.*
"Nyssa and I would be there too. We--"
*No you will not, Tegan. You will stay here on the Ebon Hawk and assist Disciple here. You may be needed here.*
"But Doctor, we don't know the first thing about the Ebon Hawk. We'd be much more use--"
*I am responsible for both of you, and I will not allow either of you to come. I will bring K9 along, too. ((I know K9 isn't supposed to be with Peter Davison's Doctor, but The Doctor isn't supposed to be here either, now is he?)).* The Doctor pulled out a thin instrument from his pocket, held it up to his lips, and blew. For a minute, nothing happened. Then, an electronic screech came from the main room ((This is T3 screaming, if that's alright)), and a small robotic dog ( entered the room.
"Master?" (
12-17-2005, 9:57 PM
Karda waited for several minutes before speaking again. "I assure you, I mean you no harm, and I doubt I could cause any trouble there anyways. I need to speak with you."
 The Doctor
12-17-2005, 10:03 PM
*You must decide now, ms Starr. Do you wish to speak to him face to face?*
12-17-2005, 10:22 PM
Brax's senses shifted outward, moving through the ship quietly. Listening to the conversation between Jedi and Jedi. It too much of his effort to do this, and for a few seconds his presence could be felt on the ship, but he pulled away, back into himself. His cloack going back up, but it had been there, for a few brief seconds. A dark void somewhere on the ship itself.

Another Jedi. And I'm fairly sure the male Jedi in the cockpit is the one I seek.
 The Doctor
12-17-2005, 10:25 PM
"Master." said K9. "There appears to be a spacial disturbance in the Ebon Hawk."
*Where is it coming from, K9?*
"It originates from the garage bay, Master. It was present for approximately 0.48563--"
*That's enough, K9. It's nothing, I'm sure.*
12-18-2005, 12:12 AM
Crystal wasn't so sure, but she kept her mouth shut. She still wanted to investigate on her own. She couldn't well do that with the others being suspicious. So she kept her thoughts and feelings to herself and left the cockpit.
12-18-2005, 9:39 AM
Kira waited for a moment, listening to what the others had said. Was he dangerous? Well...even if he was, it would be only one of him and at least eight of them...
"Very well, if you wish to board the Hawk, we will be waiting for you." she said over the comm.
12-18-2005, 11:49 AM
Revan knew something was wrong. Somehow, a Dark Jedi was sensed, then, it disappeared. "I think there is a Dark Jedi on the Hawk." Brandon guessed in his mind. "I don't know how he got on here, but if the crew is going to be safe, I'll need to find it." "I will meet with him at the loading ramp." Brandon volenteered. Revan got up and headed to the ramp, but at the same time, sensing for the Dark Jedi.
 The Doctor
12-18-2005, 12:48 PM
The Doctor bent down to talk to K9.
*K9, I want you to follow him.* he said. *If you get into any trouble, call me immediately.*
"Understood, Master." K9 then followed Revan quietly. The Doctor then truned to Kira.
*Are you sure you want him to come aboard? He could be here to take you back to the Council.*
12-18-2005, 5:21 PM
Karda recieved the message from the ship and maneuvred his fighter to the Hawk. As the two ships connected, Karda got out and walked into the ship. Took them long enough. Of course, he knew why, they probably didn't trust him. He would just have to show them that he was on their side.
12-18-2005, 7:44 PM
Kelborn stood rather quietly in the corner, while all of these new happenings were going on around him. But he was a very impatient man, even for a Mandalorian. "All of you are too trusting." He muttered, as he followed Revan toward the loading ramp. "Ill see for myself." He sprinted off behind Revan.
 The Doctor
12-18-2005, 9:26 PM
K9 moved ot the side of the corridor as the Mandalorian ran past him, apparently not seeing him. He then rolled down the corridor, chasing Revan and Kelborn.
12-19-2005, 4:23 AM
Brax was focused solely on keeping himself hidden, he was fairly certain that somebody had sensed him, and so keeping hidden was the number one thing on his mind at the moment. He kept his senses as alert as he could, hearing movement not int he garage itself but near by, and keeping his own sounds to a zero.

Ayecee stayed back, watching the two ships dock, camera taking images of the action, for it's master's later purusal.
12-19-2005, 1:19 PM
Karda walked into the Ebon Hawk, looking around at the ship. After a moment, he recognized the Jedi Exile.
12-19-2005, 1:54 PM
Kreta's ship pumelled out of hyperspace again. This time in the Korriban system. He had receive word from the Mandalore about the Sith Lord's last location, Korriban's Dreshdae Cantina, while in hyperspace and was itching with excitement. He set the ship down in the port and walked down the ramp, hood raised. The port authority was visibly frightened but as his duty, he said,
"S-Sir. I fear you need to pay the landing fees in order to-"
"Yeah, yeah." Kreta said impatiently. He fished in his pockets and drew out a 50 credit coin and tossed it at the port authority.
"That's all you get. Take it or leave it."
Cloack billowing behind him, he walked quickly to the cantina. As he turned the corner, he saw his man. Smiling fiercely under his hood, he went up to the man: the bartender.
"What can I get you?" the man asked politely.
"The location of your Sith Lord friend," growled Kreta.
The bartender's face became deathly white at this and he backed away.
"S-S-Sith friend? I-I don't make friend's w-with Sith Lords."
"Oh. Then why are you so scared?"
The bastender swallowed audibly. Kreta stood up from the stool he had been sitting on, grabbed the front of the bartender's clothing and pulled him close to his face.
"Tell me where he is." he whispered savagely.
"I don't know." the bartender replied.
"This is a Sith world, my friend." Kreta said, getting angrier by the second. "I could chop off your limbs and throw you in the mud and nobody would care. Tell me where he is."
"I really don't know." whimpered the bartender.
"Sith Lords can tell when they are being lied to. I'll ask you one last time politely: Where is he?"
"I swear I don't know."
Kreta yelled with frustration. He extended his hand and blue bolts of lightning began to arc out on the bartender. The locals began to abandon their activities and flee to safety. The bartender screamed and screamed. Finally he pleaded.
"Stop....stop... I'll tell you all I know, please don't hurt me."
Kreta hauled the man to his feet and made him sit down on a stool and began listening intently.
"A friend of mine owns a lot of unique objects," began the man. "One day, the Sith you're looking for came in and asked me for some of his merchandise. Since it is his policy to know the reason for the purchase, I asked him why he needed them."
He poured himself a drink and took a hurried sip.
"He told me that he was going on an expedition to the Septilo System in the far reaches of ancient Sith territory. He was apparently headed for Septilon Aurek, the fifth planet from the main sun."
"What more do you know?" asked Kreta in a low voice.
"Nothing. I can give you the coordinates but he did not tell me any more."
Kreta pulled out a datapad and dropped it on the counter.
"Give me the coordinates."
The bartender fumbled with the pad and withing a minute, he had recorded the coordinates of Septilon Aurek.
"Can you tell me what this Dark Lord wanted from your friend's merchandise?" Kreta asked.
"Just some of his best quality reflector cups and crystal polishing foam. My friend has the best of those kind in the Galaxy."
"Would you happen to have those on you now?" Kreta inquired.
"As a matter of fact, yes."
The bartender fumbled beneath the bar and took out a small box. He drew out a smaller package and a cube of polishing foam.
"Here you are," he said, setting the items on the counter. "I25 credits for the cup and 100 credits for the foam."
Kreta paid the man and left with his merchandise. Apparently, the Dark Lord wanted an excellent lightsaber. Well now he would have one too.
With the coordinates of the Dark Master's most recent location, he would be able to sense him in the Dark Side and follow him to his destination, wherever that was.
Darth Kreta smiled. The Dark Lord's days were numbered.
 The Doctor
12-19-2005, 8:15 PM
K9 stopped. He turned to face the garage, a long antenna extended from his head. After a few seconds, the antenna fell back into place and he turned around. A man had entered the Ebon Hawk.
"Welcome to the Ebon Hawk, human." he said. "I am K9. Please follow me to the cockpit."
He began rolling towards the cockpit, scanning the new man covertly. He was human, age about 25 years old. K9 alsp detected a long object hanging from the man's belt, containing a source of mineral element 97KI2: Cortosis. ((This is just to demonstrate what K9 is capable of. It may come in handy later, depending on where the storyline goes.))
12-19-2005, 8:26 PM
The Dark Hooded figure, stood at the large open view panel from his observation deck, the BASILISK floated in orbit, high above the ancient Sith world called ZIOST. This planet was once home to Naga Sadow's great war machine, and now it would be the heart of his darkness as well. He would awaken the ancient Massassi warriors, they would rebuild and repopulate the planets great fortresses. He would unite the ancient Sith peoples of Ziost, and the wretched hive, of new Sith hiding from the republic, under a new more powerful banner......his, he knew that the time to strike was now, whilst the JEdi were still weak and rebuilding from countless wars, Sion had served his purposes well, what would seem like failure, after such near victory, was exactly what the dark figure had planned for. Sion's fury, had weakend the Jedi to a new low, and would set the table for his Darkness. Finally, he thought to himself, after over 500 years of exodus, Darth Malagant had returned. He knew he had the upper hand, the jedi knew nothing of his existence, neither did the republic, or Malak's Sith for that matter. He would rebuild the Sith empire of old, and strike at the hearts of all his enemies. He folded his arms accross his armored arms accross his armored chest, and stared out of darkness, into a future which he forsaw, contained the greatest darkness.


Kelborn stood at the ship's ramp with Revan, to see who their new guest was. He watched as yet another jedi made his way onto the ebon hawk. " Another jedi to add to the mix.....I think there are more of you here on this ship, than in the temple on Coruscant." He stated sarcastically.
 The Doctor
12-19-2005, 8:30 PM
((But are you sure The Doctor hasn't heard of you;)

Do you want your character to be a complete secret, or can the Doctor have heard of him before, but not know much about him, etc. Until you respond, I'll assume that you want him to be a complete secret.))
12-19-2005, 8:34 PM
(( The doctor can know the fact that Freedon Nadd had an apprentice, one that was very powerful. One that during the peak of his training dissappeared into darkness, of rumor and whispers through the force. You don't know his name though....that won't officially be revealed to the Ebon Hawk crew, until he is revealed to the Galaxy at large.........I'm still deciphering all of his aspects, I'm still writing his backstory and stuff. :D ))
 The Doctor
12-19-2005, 8:37 PM
((No problem. The Doctor will have no idea who this guy is until he is discovered to be the apprentice of Freedon Nadd, if that is ever revealed.))
12-19-2005, 8:48 PM
(( It will be at some point later on, as this thing plays out.))

The Dark Figure struted powerfully onto the bridge of the BASILISK. He hissed for the ships command droid. " Awaken the Massassi! The time has come for them to serve me." The Battle droid bowed, and turned to a small flashing console, which he pressed. "It is done, the hibernation squence has been deactivated Lord Malagant, The Masssassi will soon be at your disposal. He straightened up, he remebered his Sith title Darth Malagant.....The one his master Freedon Nadd had given him, but it had been over five centuries since he had heard it uttered aloud. He nodded his concealed features at the droid, who quickly went about its duty as ships commander.

Deeper within the bowels of the ship, in the heart of its dark Alchemy chambers, the legions of Massassi began to stir. Glass shattered, as they burst from their incubation chambers, in response to their new master's call.
12-19-2005, 9:18 PM
"Easy, Kelborn." Revan told Kelborn with a smile under his mask. "Welcome to the Ebon Hawk. My name is Brandon Oneda. But you may know me as my true name, Revan." Revan then held out his hand to shake Karda's.
 The Doctor
12-19-2005, 11:35 PM
K9 arrived in the cockpit again, this time alone.
"Human Jedi has boarded the ship, Master." he said. "No weapons detected other than standard Jedi lightsaber."
*Good work K9. Now, to the TARDIS. As long as he's here, we may as well take a look around his ship - that is, unless you have any objections, ms. Starr?"
K9 turned around and headed back to the docking ramp.
12-20-2005, 10:53 PM
"You're Revan? The one who defeated Malak in the Sith war, after losing his memory?" Karda said, visibly impressed. "I've wanted to meet you for a long time, but I never thought I'd find you here- neither did the Jedi Masters." Karda looked at the cockpit. "Is the Jedi Exile here also, along with you? And everyone else from her 'crew'?"
 The Doctor
12-20-2005, 11:01 PM
"Jedi 'kira Starr' is present, as are eight human life forms aboard, excluding yourself, as well as several alien life forms, including one Zabrak, one Miraluka, and two droids." said K9, coming around the corner again. "There is also one Gallifreyan Time Lord on board - my Master, the Doctor."

The Doctor pulled a small key out of his pocket, inserted it into the TARDIS' key hole, and opened the door. He then put the key back in his pocket, pulling the thin instument out and blowing. Down the corridor. K9's "ears" began rotating.
"Master?" he said, before turning around and hurrying to the main bay. He followed The Doctor into the TARDIS, The Doctor closing the door behind him. For a few moments, there was silence. Then, a loud metallic screech, like a key being dragged across the inside of an old piano's strings, filled the ship. The TARDIS dissolved into thin air.
12-20-2005, 11:57 PM
Crystal cringed at the sound and moved to where she could stare at the newcomer. She prodded his mind, but the feeling was unlike anything he'd have ever felt if the prodding were done by a Force sensitive. Crystal's eyes fell to staring at the floor and the prodding stopped.
12-21-2005, 3:16 PM
((Sorry it's taken me so long to respond. I've kinda fallen into my Xbox for a while...:D))

Kira nodded to the Doctor as he and K9 entered the TARDIS and was gone. She then moved to the ship's ramp to greet this 'Karda', Atton and Disciple following close behind.
"I assume you would be Karda," she said, approaching the newcomer. As she neared, she extended a hand, "I'm Kira Starr, the Jedi Exile. And these are my companions, Disciple and Atton Rand."
12-21-2005, 3:30 PM
"Yes," said Karda. "Jedi Knight Karda Jal-Ordo. I'm one of the Jedi that was trained at the Jedi Enclave on Dantooine. Its a pleasure to finally meet you, and," he turned to Atton and the Disciple. "You two, also."
 The Doctor
12-21-2005, 4:17 PM
The clean, new Jedi ship was a stark contrast to the Ebon Hawk's old faded panels. The TARDIS materialised in the cockpit, looking extremely out of place amonst the clean buttons and switches. The door opened, and The Doctor and K9 stepped out.
*Can you scan the ship K9?* he asked, intending for him to begin the scan immediately. K9 took him to literally, however.
"Program acheivable, Master." ( he said.
The Doctor rolled his eyes. *Then do it, please. And don't be so literall.*
K9's ears began to spin, and a faint whiring sound could be heard. "Negative, Master." he responded.
The Doctor looked around anxiously.
*What do you make of it, K9?*
"Question not understood. Kindly rephrase." (
*Oh, forget it*
"Erase memory banks." a series of sounds are heard. "Memory erased. (
*Well, let's take a look around. You go that way and I'll go this way.* And he walked off to his left, dissapearing around the corner.
12-21-2005, 4:51 PM
"Who is that guy, anyways?" Karda said, watching the strangely dressed man dissapear with the robot.
 The Doctor
12-21-2005, 5:26 PM
"He's the Doctor," said Tegan, coming around the corridor just as The Doctor ran past her. "Hello, my name is Tegan. I'm a friend of the Doctor's"
"I'm also with the Doctor. My name's Nyssa."
12-21-2005, 7:07 PM
Brax sat silently, listening to the commotion not to far from his hiding place inside of the swoop bike that was only a few meters from the boarding ramp and the new Jedi. Revan was here, as was somebody calling themselves the Jedi Exile, and at least one other Jedi. Not to mention a half dozen or so other people.

Well coming out of the swoop didn't sound like a good idea any time soon. Brax was cofident in his abilites, but he wasn't stupid.
12-22-2005, 5:10 PM
(I'm going to call him Revan throught the entire story unless he's introducing himself. Also, I'm going to be celebrating Christmas away from the computor so, FFWM12, control Revan after this post, ok?")

Revan looked suprised. "Strange how the 'Doctor' can disappear like that." He said. He looked at the new Jedi, Karda. "Tell me, Karda, who are the Jedi Masters you refer to?" "Vrook, Vander, and Dorak from the Enclave?"
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