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Darth Eggplant

Latest Posts

Page: 25 of 44
Posted in: Poem: Narrative
 Darth Eggplant
10-03-2002, 12:09 AM
*snaps* I still think you are feeling mauve and melencholy. still angst and ennui fuel the heart and soul...  [Read More]
Posted in: 65 Pick Up
 Darth Eggplant
10-02-2002, 1:09 AM
I don't get the joke.... these seem like perfectly natural adds to me...... "Senior" personal ads seen in Florida and Arizona newspapers: FOXY LADY: Sexy, fashion-conscious blue-haired beauty, 80s, slim,5'-4" (used to be 5-6),...  [Read More]
Posted in: a poem
 Darth Eggplant
10-02-2002, 1:32 AM
*:D *...  [Read More]
Posted in: Lost Cause, Part II
 Darth Eggplant
10-03-2002, 12:05 AM
I found it quite disturbing and yet educational and very funny at the same time. :jawa...  [Read More]
Posted in: Astrology Fandango
 Darth Eggplant
10-01-2002, 1:05 PM
I am sorry to hear your lament I guess you'll have to go out to sea now. :D remember though this is the Excelsior line of astrology and well for the money, you takes what you can get. also I tried to take standard european translations of astrolo...  [Read More]
Posted in: Astrology Fandango
 Darth Eggplant
09-30-2002, 8:11 PM
greetings to all GF forum newbies! from the round purple one: DarthEggplant 'Do you know where you left your keys?' in case you have ever found yourselves pondering this question or even some of life's deeper questions, I may be able to help you...  [Read More]
Posted in: a fast-moving movie trivia game
 Darth Eggplant
09-30-2002, 11:41 AM
Ron Perlman: 'Name of the Rose' 'Beauty and the Beast' (tv movie and series)...  [Read More]
Posted in: a fast-moving movie trivia game
 Darth Eggplant
09-30-2002, 1:17 AM
ron perlman, also in Alien 4 the director did both Delecatessan and this movie. the guy I think stanley from Delecatessan was in City of the Lost Children and Alien 4, I think the guy who directed Delecatessan and City of the lost Children also dire...  [Read More]
Posted in: Poem: Mid-Autumn's Morn
 Darth Eggplant
09-30-2002, 1:20 AM
*snaps in appreciation, bone daddy*...  [Read More]
Posted in: What's your fav cutscene from GF?
 Darth Eggplant
09-30-2002, 6:00 PM
Muchos Nachos! to Sanspoof and Tall Guy. I am officially almost now finished year one. man I am crazy. I most likely have a thousand screen shots from this year alone. I am not going to use them all at my site, but I am going to compile disc's...  [Read More]
Posted in: Manny and... "Mano"??
 Darth Eggplant
10-02-2002, 1:18 AM
any and all submissions welcomed Sanspoof. and yes Tall Guy and Metallus are right. Manny says: Hijole Mano! he is saying "Sh!t! Man(brother)*dude* check out that... kind of like 'we don't need no sticking badges man!'...  [Read More]
Posted in: Manny and... "Mano"??
 Darth Eggplant
10-01-2002, 1:16 PM
sounds right to me Holy Hijole! :)...  [Read More]
Posted in: We're Dead Tonite, Manny
 Darth Eggplant
09-30-2002, 11:32 AM
Z ~ Zapata, Lola...  [Read More]
Posted in: K-Jo'Round 2
 Darth Eggplant
09-30-2002, 8:16 PM
^ was so excited by the thought of GendoTheGreat's approach that he forgot to use arrows. < is knee deep in sheep V the next person Will Not Be Gendo....  [Read More]
Posted in: K-Jo'Round 2
 Darth Eggplant
09-30-2002, 5:39 PM
^ ah yes, a cheap whine; another is "I wanna go to Miami" (which reminds me CSI Miami is on tonight.) < yumm cookies, (not the internet kind either) V and now here's Gendo!...  [Read More]
Posted in: K-Jo'Round 2
 Darth Eggplant
09-30-2002, 11:36 AM
^ just a bunch of eyeballs wearing top hats, the Ramones are way cooler! < (Sha-La-La) Howling at the Moon V:lsduel:...  [Read More]
Posted in: K-Jo'Round 2
 Darth Eggplant
09-30-2002, 1:00 AM
^ the Residents did the music for the Inscape game called "Bad Day at the Midway" and until you have heard "Lottie the Human Log" you ain't heard nothing yet. < likes purple letters they compliment my avitar nicely. and make...  [Read More]
Posted in: Important Question
 Darth Eggplant
10-02-2002, 11:50 PM
my opinion is whatever works best for you, will be happy to accept it in toliet paper. so long as the CD is okey dokey. would like to see more artwork, but again have no prefference other than owning a copy....  [Read More]
Posted in: Grim Fandango Name-Game!
 Darth Eggplant
10-02-2002, 1:07 PM
Alonso Quijana *he was on the LaMancha Sub* (I read it in a book) :D...  [Read More]
Posted in: Grim Fandango Name-Game!
 Darth Eggplant
10-02-2002, 1:35 AM
Velasco *because V follows U*...  [Read More]
Posted in: Grim Fandango Name-Game!
 Darth Eggplant
09-30-2002, 11:29 AM
Glottis *I like your user name Za'Xeriaw reminds me of one of those psyonic crow creatures you find in Onieros in Clive Barkers Game 'Undying'*...  [Read More]
SEEDS NOT WEEDS Seed Sower Plant your Seed in me step aside, watch it grow grow in strength and power but Be not powerful Yourself Bloom and Spread forth Shoots fragile growth with determination spring into ripeness, Harvest thy Crop and waste it...  [Read More]
Posted in: So SAD: Well maybe just Surreal
 Darth Eggplant
10-02-2002, 1:44 PM
SOCIOLOGY Strung out words, Self Actualization Sociopath Kleptomaniac Dichotomies of movement Frigid, Loose and Easy, Goody Two-Shoes Slut: judgement of Reality, Rationality; Catholic Atheist Baptist Hare Krishna Definition of Class Social Democr...  [Read More]
Posted in: So SAD: Splinters in my Minds Eye
 Darth Eggplant
10-02-2002, 2:27 PM
thank you! very high praise indeed coming from the land of some of the greatest peots, authors and writers of all time....  [Read More]
Posted in: So SAD: Splinters in my Minds Eye
 Darth Eggplant
10-02-2002, 1:58 PM
THERE IS NO PLACE FOR CORPORATION IN THE LAND OF KIPPLES DOMAIN Standing, like two icons in the sky the towers stand. Made of gleaming white rock they appear as bones of the earth, erected as a monument, to the Free Enterprise system and the Ma...  [Read More]
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