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Darth Eggplant

Latest Posts

Page: 29 of 44
Posted in: Demon Lemur Preservation Society
 Darth Eggplant
09-12-2002, 8:25 PM
Hello, I am Darth Eggplant the round purple one; and I am here to talk to you all about the Demon Lemur Preservation Society. I am hear now at the edge of the Petrified Forest in Demon Spider country where a wildlife conservatory has been set up to...  [Read More]
Posted in: Tierra de los Muertos, complete
 Darth Eggplant
09-12-2002, 1:17 AM
the forums said your PM box is full 8 time to delete the old messages....  [Read More]
Posted in: Tierra de los Muertos, complete
 Darth Eggplant
09-11-2002, 4:16 PM
what is a last chance and a Lube? and Croc did you vote against Lube and last Chance the poll was for part 10? and if you did not vote that way who did? and 8of12 see my last PM about what I kind of thought some might react to this last segment....  [Read More]
Posted in: Tierra de los Muertos, complete
 Darth Eggplant
09-11-2002, 11:20 AM
MEEEEEE!!!!!! I got to the Star Gate first! I got to the mythical After Life. I am the Eggplant of Destiny. it was very funny, .....BUT I will not say... I should PM you 8of12 to ask something... but I really enjoyed it a lot and it was a fun ten w...  [Read More]
Posted in: New York Stories
 Darth Eggplant
09-12-2002, 1:26 AM
global events happen all the time, very few cause people to stop dead in their tracks on a planetary scale. JFk's Assassination the moon landing, Apollo 13, the World Trade Center bombing *the death of princess Di* had a large impact, but without a...  [Read More]
Posted in: New York Stories
 Darth Eggplant
09-11-2002, 1:47 AM
my last memory of New York and the World Trade Center, my favourite one was a business trip in october 1987. It was a bright sunny day. The trip was a successful business venture and a great holiday to boot. This was New York, prior to it's clean...  [Read More]
Posted in: Snopes dot com
 Darth Eggplant
09-10-2002, 4:40 PM
this was sent to me today from my friend Oook the libraian. thought it was funny. this site is a great place for Debunking Urbal Legend.  [Read More]
Posted in: why is the game titled "Grim Fandango"??
 Darth Eggplant
09-11-2002, 10:02 AM
most soul's here want one but Lucasarts most likely will not make one. so it has been said and spoken and thought...  [Read More]
Posted in: why is the game titled "Grim Fandango"??
 Darth Eggplant
09-10-2002, 4:18 PM
oh yes rush, we forget ourselves greetings and welcome to the GF forums, I am the round purple one and Tall Guy is the coolest Brit in the UK and one of the Mod's of our forum, and Gendo; well words fall short of describing his greatness. thes...  [Read More]
Posted in: why is the game titled "Grim Fandango"??
 Darth Eggplant
09-10-2002, 4:10 PM
(can not remember song or performer) there is an old tune swing jazz, big band, film noir era singing of tripping the Light Fandango which really echoes into Gendo's dito and Tall Guy's explanation and Olivia does wax poetically as such. plus it...  [Read More]
Posted in: Saves??????
 Darth Eggplant
09-11-2002, 10:09 AM
I guess the obvious is to place the .exe file into the Grim Fandago folder and double click on it to install....  [Read More]
Posted in: HAIKU The Art of Word
 Darth Eggplant
09-09-2002, 4:25 PM
Casablanca had Rick's Cafe, in Morrocco they had no Sake...  [Read More]
Posted in: K-Jo'Round 2
 Darth Eggplant
09-12-2002, 8:33 PM
^ Oook! < Why did someone decide that a Tomato; a fruit, would be a good thing to put onto of spaghetti? why not blueberries? V snip, snap, snottle and tweak, you zigged when you should have zagged....  [Read More]
Posted in: K-Jo'Round 2
 Darth Eggplant
09-11-2002, 9:22 AM
^ you did last night nudge, nudge, ;) ;) < do you ever suppose fish get tired of eating seafood? V you again, don't you have a life!...  [Read More]
Posted in: K-Jo'Round 2
 Darth Eggplant
09-11-2002, 2:00 AM
^ I know you are but what am I? < silly putty should never be baked in the oven. it is must better BBQ'ed V has a Fear and Loathing of Las Vegas...  [Read More]
Posted in: K-Jo'Round 2
 Darth Eggplant
09-10-2002, 10:54 AM
^ don't mess with me fool! or I'll send in Mr T sucker! < hey Tall Guy has a new computer and is actively and creatively raising money to subsidise it:D V wouldn't it be good to be in your bowling shoes, even if it were for half a frame, woul...  [Read More]
Posted in: Important Question
 Darth Eggplant
09-11-2002, 9:38 AM
that is indeed a fair price, I don't think people should complain too much. I think even 20 with shipping would not have caused too much concern. especially since you said the audio quality will be much better and you said I believe each part will h...  [Read More]
Posted in: Guess who I saw!
 Darth Eggplant
09-10-2002, 4:27 PM
your avitar already has the chrome dome appearance so you are part way there already scabb. but hey guess who I saw? every star in town for the Toronto Film festival. and Gossip journalists say that Susan SHarrandon and Dustin Hoffman have bee...  [Read More]
Posted in: *The Princess Diaries* (aka Pocky World)
 Darth Eggplant
09-11-2002, 5:04 PM
Therapist when you break it down; "The Rapist" think about it....  [Read More]
Posted in: Word Association Part 2
 Darth Eggplant
09-11-2002, 9:17 AM
*;) the little known asian import of that song; "Hey Eggplant Schuezwan."*...  [Read More]
Posted in: Word Association Part 2
 Darth Eggplant
09-11-2002, 2:03 AM
'sitting on a park bench, snot is running down his nose; hey GendoTheGreat'...  [Read More]
Posted in: Word Association Part 2
 Darth Eggplant
09-10-2002, 10:48 AM
synthetic girls...  [Read More]
SHADOW REFLECTS SHADOW For years I have found myself beneath the Moons Shadow reflecting blindly on it, or shallowly I have gazed upon those slender beams trying to capture them for my Queen the results have proven quite hollow for surface Beauty...  [Read More]
Posted in: So SAD: Well maybe just Surreal
 Darth Eggplant
09-11-2002, 4:41 PM
BLOOD OZONE, THE ECOLOGY WAR Red Ozone slip into my bones cut me deep; gouge take Humanity away. Arm the man wearing tin pan hats, put away their rifles, let them have spray cans instead. The silent hiss; envelope; boil and blister my skin Ozon...  [Read More]
Posted in: So SAD: Splinters in my Minds Eye
 Darth Eggplant
09-11-2002, 4:53 PM
FEEDING THE ANIMALS Went to sleep, I dreamt of the Killing Machine. Fed the Animals on my porch heard a noise, heard Her approach with no feelings I said,"Hi" looked away into the sky clouds hovered in turned to grey I looked away f...  [Read More]
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