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Keyan Farlander

Latest Posts

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Easiest way to do this is figure out where the Assault Shuttle comes in, wait for it, and torpedo it into oblivion the instant it jumps in. It may launch a few troopers before you can get it, but you should be able to take them out fast....  [Read More]
Gotta go to a house warming party tonight. It's going to suck....  [Read More]
The more pertinent question is: Are they hot? The one I know is incredibly beautiful. The other girl is her sister, but I have never seen her....  [Read More]
too bad you couldn't fix it so they sang the right pitch ;) my apologies if these girls were friends of yours... One is. And actually, I probably could have. But come on, they're OK. They were just having a little fun and spreading a little Christm...  [Read More]
That's nice,.. although when you said "l33t producer skillz" I was really expecting something different... such as a full on techno-dance remix. I kept waiting for the phat drum-machine beatz and LFO-filter swept pulsing synth part to kick...  [Read More]
Well, I've kicked off the new year by applying some of my l33t producer skillz. Here is a file of two girls singing "Joy to the World": Joy to the World (  [Read More]
Well, the new year is coming up fast. Nothing to do but face it head on. "I'm going in...cover me, Porkins."...  [Read More]
I have no memory of ever saying any of those things. Except the killing and eating part. I'm still going strong with that. Hey Nute, we should hang out sometime......  [Read More]
So I have to work this weekend afterall. Blah....  [Read More]
Been working a ton lately - trying to meet a deadline on Monday. I hope I don't have to work over the weekend......  [Read More]
I'm not sure which fate would be worse: To be miserable and depressed because the relationship you are in ends disasterously... or: To be miserable and depressed because you sat on your hands and the relationship never happened, and you are now fa...  [Read More]
well we'd have to go down to look for a place to live and knowing if its going to be one bedroom or two is easier to decide before we leave! So kids move in together on the first date these days? Interesting. No matter what her intentions, I predic...  [Read More]
You've let them know we exist! for shame! Quickly brothers, to the defenses! :D The first rule of is you do not talk about  [Read More]
There are a lot of American cars I would never buy. Dodge, GM......  [Read More]
Keyan, maybe your Fords have been stellar, but you haven't compared them to the wonders that are Toyotas. POS's they are not. I compared them before I went out and bought a new car, that's for sure....  [Read More]
Happy New Year, all. In response to a post by Ike in the last thread: I'll tell you why. it's a frikkin american car, that's why! it's a bloody ford, and fords are crap. why on earth would you willingly subject yourself to yet another american car?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Joystick
 Keyan Farlander
01-04-2006, 7:47 PM
Frankly, I own a Sidewinder, with tons of buttons, hat, throttle, etc. but I find it no better than my old two-button joystick. I wind up using the keyboard for most things even though I map them to the joystick. It just feels more comfortable. The o...  [Read More]
Posted in: problems with xwa
 Keyan Farlander
08-10-2005, 11:17 AM
Also check for your most recent video card drivers. It works fine for me on XP home, but I had to get new drivers for my video card first. I have an nVIDIA card, though....  [Read More]
Posted in: The One Year Thread Redux
 Keyan Farlander
02-22-2005, 8:25 PM
Under normal circumstances I would laugh at you for being a pathetic coward, but this is a special case. You have to be really careful with women you work with. I've seen guys get fired for sexual harassment just for asking a girl out who works at th...  [Read More]
Posted in: The One Year Thread Redux
 Keyan Farlander
02-21-2005, 8:01 PM
Originally posted by Ikhnaton In a word, MONEY. I was laid off of too many jobs in the IT biz and had started to become stagnant. My choices to break the stagnation were not appealing to me, so I decided to look into the field of medicine where I wo...  [Read More]
Posted in: The One Year Thread Redux
 Keyan Farlander
02-20-2005, 1:37 PM
Hey, Ike. You're changing careers to teeth? That's a pretty big change, isn't it? What made you choose that?...  [Read More]
Posted in: The One Year Thread Redux
 Keyan Farlander
02-20-2005, 8:43 AM
Originally posted by edlib How about the cute bald chick from the first Star Trek movie? I don't even remember what species she was supposed to be... but weren't they supposed to be emitting pheromones all the time that drove all the male crew mem...  [Read More]
Posted in: The One Year Thread Redux
 Keyan Farlander
02-18-2005, 8:40 PM
Originally posted by Nute Gunray But now, back to the whole point of this, I feel like crap. But why? Nothing happened. I'm beating myself up because I was a sissy and didn't talk to someone. Now I lost my train of thought. But I feel like crap beca...  [Read More]
Posted in: The One Year Thread Redux
 Keyan Farlander
02-17-2005, 8:13 PM
When this forum hits 88 miles per hour, you're gonna see some serious ****. *Dances to Huey Lewis and the News*...  [Read More]
Posted in: The One Year Thread Redux
 Keyan Farlander
02-17-2005, 12:50 PM
Thanks Mr. Free Audio Advice Guy... ...I mean edlib ;)...  [Read More]
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