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Posted in: Is JK2 dead/dying? (merged)
09-04-2002, 5:45 AM
Just download and try ProMod. Or enable autodownload and join one of my servers. Praxeum Knights Saber Only FFA - Promod Beta 2 IP: Praxeum Knights CTF - Promod Beta 2 IP: Promod eliminates the inferiori...  [Read More]
Posted in: Is JK2 dead/dying? (merged)
08-29-2002, 9:12 PM
I agree nearly as of current I"m counting 882 JK2 servers worldwide. Comparetively Star Trek Elite Force only has some 100 - 150 servers if even that anymore, and still many clans and players playing... Far from dead... far from dead.......  [Read More]
Posted in: Is JK2 dead/dying? (merged)
08-27-2002, 7:26 AM
It has, it's called Promod. :) come play it at Praxeum Knights Saber Only FFA - Promod IP: Praxeum Knights CTF - Promod IP: If default 1.04 combat seems too dull for you, give promod...  [Read More]
Originally posted by SDF h36hYp3r21 haha okay cool, pardon me then :D its a cool game if your into anime and big mecha :cool: its a cross between armored core and quake anyhow any custom maps on your server? Not yet, but probably will. I'm curren...  [Read More]
Hmmm... no. never even heard of that game. I've played RTCW on the axis team... but never a game called Axis....  [Read More]
DarkJedi Yes this is my server. I usually play by the name of [DR]KnightHawk. And yes I use these forums frequently. Although I have a hard time keeping track of topics considering the traffic round here anyway.... No problem on adding those models...  [Read More]
Posted in: What exactly is not lame?
05-23-2002, 7:32 AM
Demangel..... Want to be an admin?...  [Read More]
Posted in: What exactly is not lame?
05-23-2002, 7:29 AM
Originally posted by Homosexual Ewok All sarcasm aside, I still don't see why people complain about "move spammers". Honestly, to me a person who does the same thing over and over with little or no variation, is quite frankly, one Hell o...  [Read More]
I play lightside now almost exclusively. Especiall since darkside powers seem to be way underpowered in 1.03 patch... but anyway... My favorite lightside powers are this.. Absorb - Basically I can count on either sabering someone to death, or the...  [Read More]
Posted in: Easier Way To Kick?? Help Appreciated.
05-13-2002, 10:56 PM
1. "g_filterban 1" must be set in your config file for ip banning to work. 2. use "addip" to add an ip to the ban list. (FYI: 0 is considered a wildcard, ex. would bann all ips in the 192.168.1 range) 3. use "re...  [Read More]
Posted in: New Admin, little help please?
05-10-2002, 10:12 PM
Okay your first questions. Log files and stats. "set logfile 1" "set g_log "jk2ffa.log" that's what I use to get a logfile. For the most part it's similar to Q3 but the convenitons used and maybe even some more won't prob...  [Read More]
Posted in: Server Console and Config commands
05-10-2002, 10:34 PM
The commands can all be found via the console screen. I think you just open it up type a "/" and press the tab key. AS for what they all do.... good luck. For the cvars that are not jk2 specific you can find any good q3 admin site and shoul...  [Read More]
Posted in: Dedicated or the actual server itself?
05-10-2002, 10:01 PM
it doesn't kill the server thread per se. But it does effectively shut it down, but it does not kill the process. At least not on my linux box. I would imagine even the win server probably doesn't shutdown when someone tries to crash it....  [Read More]
Posted in: Attention All Admins
05-10-2002, 2:23 AM
In case some of you are still unaware. There seems to be a rash of people able of crashing servers. I'm not sure if this affects winx86 servers as well but my linux server has been crashed at least 5 times now in the last day or so. The method they...  [Read More]
Posted in: g_jediVmerc ?!?!?
05-10-2002, 2:21 AM
I got a server running @ It does indeed need to be set at the command line "+set g_jediVmerc 1" Otherwise nothing else. Make sure you have guns enabled though. hehe....  [Read More]
Posted in: Status of the JK2 Admin Bot
05-23-2002, 6:54 PM
So hmmm what is the status of the admin bot? I run a server with 2 rules, and am getting sick of hitting my bind all the time for it. If I just had a util to flash a server msg I'd be happy. :)...  [Read More]
Since we're on the subject I just recently opened a Team FFA Server with Jedi v Merc Enabled.... Also Force Teams are also enabled so that red team can only use dark, and blue can only use lightside. It's called "jk2.lowgra...  [Read More]