I recently noted g_jediVmerc in the server status screen :)
What does it do, anyone figured out yet, and could tell me what's behind that thingy ?
The settting, g_jediVmerc makes it so that players have to choose between Jedi (Force/Saber) and Merc (No Force/Guns). Based on my conversations with Raven, it may need to be set in the command line. I haven't played with it yet, although they encouraged me to do so. ;)
I got a server running @
It does indeed need to be set at the command line "+set g_jediVmerc 1"
Otherwise nothing else. Make sure you have guns enabled though. hehe.
Whoa, great, thx guys fot the info. I'll try it out ;)
Please report back about how you like the game play. ;)
Yepp, I'll report as soon as I have a server with it up and running. I'm actually out of spare servers a bit *g*
I am currently running a server that is configured for Jedi vs Merc
not sure if it is successful yet.
feel free to go have a look