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Page: 126 of 133
Posted in: Release 1's Easter Egg
01-19-2003, 3:42 PM
For those that are interested, here's how to access Release 1's Easter Egg: 1. Fire up a MP server. 2. Turn on cheat mode (devmap MAPNAME) 3. Toggle on motf_justicezone (motf_justicezone 1) Thus enter The Justice Zone! While in the Zone, no crimes...  [Read More]
Posted in: Current Status
01-19-2003, 3:04 PM
I'm currently finishing up the rewrite of the splash damage code. It's now much more realistic with ghoul2 hitdetection and fragmentation / concussion damage simulation. However, I've been have a lot of trouble getting it to work. My projectile math...  [Read More]
Posted in: Current Status
01-19-2003, 2:54 PM
As MotF's Coder and Team Lead, I'm responsible for implimenting all our features. I'll try to post here to let everyone now what I'm currently working on. Also watch the rest of this forum for more up-to-the-minute information on MotF....  [Read More]
Posted in: Motf
01-19-2003, 3:25 PM
We'll probably release Release 2 when I've gotten all the Ghoul2 stuff locked down as with some other possible features. Sorry about that, I accidently closed the thread for a minute there. :( Anyway, after Ghoul2, I'm not quite sure what I'll work...  [Read More]
Posted in: Motf
01-19-2003, 2:34 PM
Damn it Ytmh! Don't make me get out "the box"!...  [Read More]
Posted in: Motf
01-19-2003, 2:22 PM
Doh! You beat me to it!...  [Read More]
Posted in: Abortion
01-14-2003, 6:03 PM
Originally posted by Reborn Outcast Just becuase it had the self-consciousness and instincts of an ant doesn't make it human? I don't quite understand what you are trying to say about this... It has no intelligence or self-consciousness at that po...  [Read More]
Posted in: Abortion
01-14-2003, 2:24 PM
People like that are just plain stupid. There's not much you can do about it. It's not like you can selectively ban abortions....  [Read More]
Posted in: Abortion
01-14-2003, 6:42 AM
I don't accept abortion as means of birth control, though. A lot of teens think that's "no biggie". Who?! It's not exactely comfortable, and it is expensive. But do you agree with Cjais that a fetus is a blueprint... I don't but if you do...  [Read More]
Posted in: Abortion
01-13-2003, 11:07 PM
The test were suppose to take place before my mom know she was pregnent. I was probably just a bunch of cells at that point. My personal opinion on abortion is that it should be legal and availible. Quality of life is a serious consern for me. We ca...  [Read More]
Posted in: Abortion
01-13-2003, 9:17 PM
I agree that people aren't careful enough with sex, but that's a slightly different issue. I really doubt most people just have abortions "without a second thought". The ones that do probably don't care about anything anyway....  [Read More]
Posted in: for or against human cloning?
01-17-2003, 8:51 PM
Animal/human organs are good to a point. Since they don't have the same DNA as the patient, there's a risk of rejection AND the patient MUST take anti-rejection drugs for the rest of their lives. Cloned organs wouldn't have that problem. And, what a...  [Read More]
Posted in: for or against human cloning?
01-17-2003, 7:04 PM
I agree there has to be some ethical/moral boundaries to the research. However, I think you're assuming that all people value human life. They don't. I think our personal value for a person's life is based on our relationship to them, weither we de...  [Read More]
Posted in: for or against human cloning?
01-17-2003, 4:59 PM
DNA doesn't work that way. Cloning the whole body is much easier since you don't have to know how to make the cloned cells be a certain body part OR figure out a way to make the cloned part grow into a whole organ OR keep it alive outside the body....  [Read More]
Posted in: for or against human cloning?
01-15-2003, 9:11 PM
I think you have a point about devaluing human life but I disagree with how it relates to cloning. You first have to be able to clone a whole person before you can expect to be able to clone individual parts for medical purposes. As for failed attemp...  [Read More]
Posted in: for or against human cloning?
01-15-2003, 12:46 AM
'Cause it's already a bunch of human cells. Duh!...  [Read More]
Posted in: for or against human cloning?
01-14-2003, 2:26 PM
Originally posted by Master_Keralys It's not voluntary for the fetus. Does my finger have any say on what it does today? :)...  [Read More]
Posted in: for or against human cloning?
01-13-2003, 6:59 PM
Originally posted by Master_Keralys The thing is, it is more convenient to destroy fetuses to harvest the stem cells. And more difficult and painful to get them from anywhere in an adult (the spine is a strong source of stem cells, too). But which d...  [Read More]
Posted in: Masters of the Force: Release 1
01-19-2003, 3:21 PM
Ok, the new MotF Forums ( are up. Please post all MotF related stuff there. I'll have this thread transferred there when I can find a mod for the Valley....  [Read More]
Posted in: Masters of the Force: Release 1
01-16-2003, 10:41 PM
Our standing is that gameplay comes first. Everything else comes if/then we feel like it (not often). If we didn't, we'd have to spend all our time on grimacky stuff instead of the important stuff....  [Read More]
Posted in: Masters of the Force: Release 1
01-16-2003, 3:46 PM
Well, the big news is that I got the new surface-based Ghoul2 hit detection mostly working. You actually have to hit the surface of the model to score a hit. This translates to better visual Dodging and reasonable hitzone based features like hitzone...  [Read More]
Posted in: Masters of the Force: Release 1
01-14-2003, 4:26 AM
My review of that mod: It's good. The dodging system was thoughtful. At first, I was imagining that this mod would have some slow mo stuff going on like Style over Substance. I figured every dodge would just slow the game down. 1. Unfortunately, ti...  [Read More]
Posted in: Masters of the Force: Release 1
01-14-2003, 4:14 AM
Ok all. I'm back from break. I've got a new hitzone set up based on Herr's idea/notes. However, I need betatesters to fill in the gabs in my "surface to hitzone" code. I need people to test the mod by firing weapons at a still kyle model pl...  [Read More]
Posted in: OLD - WIP: Masters of the Force
01-19-2003, 3:11 PM
Ok, the new MotF Forum is up. This thread has been transfered to there and closed. Please post any MotF related stuff there....  [Read More]
Posted in: OLD - WIP: Masters of the Force
01-14-2003, 4:12 AM
Ok all. I'm back from break. I've got a new hitzone set up based on Herr's idea/notes. However, I need betatesters to fill in the gabs in my "surface to hitzone" code. I need people to test the mod by firing weapons at a still kyle model pl...  [Read More]
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