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Page: 130 of 133
Posted in: 1 Charmed power complete in SP - Freezing
11-06-2002, 3:48 AM
That's pretty good for no source code. :) I imagine you could totally impliment it in MP with the MP source. It sounds like a cool effect....  [Read More]
Posted in: Masters of the Force: Release 1
11-18-2002, 9:09 PM
Progress Report 11/18/02 ok, people. I got the animation priorty problem fixed as while as various new additions to the system. I'm going to need everyone that wants to be a REAL betatester to contact me. There's a lot of new varibles that need to b...  [Read More]
Posted in: Masters of the Force: Release 1
11-14-2002, 5:53 AM
Progress Report 11/14/02 I now have a bug-free version of the early Release 1 code up and running. Things are taking longer than anticipted to get everything to work/look the way it SHOULD. Mathmatically, the dodge code is perfect (except for map...  [Read More]
Posted in: Masters of the Force: Release 1
11-09-2002, 8:01 PM
Progess Report 11/9/02: Got a second compile version of MotF up and running. The easter egg appears to be fully working except for a possible minor bug. As for Dodge, dodge IS operational except I must have screwed up the math SOMEWHERE because both...  [Read More]
Posted in: Masters of the Force: Release 1
11-06-2002, 2:57 AM
Well, sorry for the lack of updates. I've been spending my time on other things than updating all the time. :) Anyway, Release 1 is well on track. Hopefully, it'll be ready to go in about a week. Release 1 will contain that LEAST the following... R...  [Read More]
Posted in: Masters of the Force: Release 1
10-13-2002, 8:56 PM
Hi all, I'm just creating this so people can comment on Release 1 of MotF. The main thread for this Mod is here. ( I'll be continuously checking and commenting in this thread while Release 1 i...  [Read More]
Posted in: ProMod: Maps Wanted!
10-09-2002, 2:48 PM
Originally posted by Syfo-Dyas It ends up being a being a question of urgency. Right now tuning the gameplay seems like the most important issue. But once you've hit a plateau in that area, maybe it's time to add in some goodies to increase popular...  [Read More]
Posted in: ProMod: Maps Wanted!
10-08-2002, 2:30 PM
However, in staying focused, Promod was/is designed for competitive multiplayer. That means for human players. Therefore, I doubt bot routes will be a concern at all in a Promod map pack. That's a good point but a lot of people probably play Promod...  [Read More]
Posted in: ProMod: Maps Wanted!
10-08-2002, 2:49 AM
I'd keep the Mod a straight and simple gameplay Mod, but I do agree with Syfo-Dyas on one point. Any maps NEED Bot routes. Otherwise, a LOT of people, including me, wouldn't play them. It shouldn't be THAT hard to add some basic bot routes....  [Read More]
Posted in: ProMod: Maps Wanted!
10-07-2002, 11:25 PM
*BANG* Damn, Matrix quoters. :D...  [Read More]
Posted in: ProMod: Maps Wanted!
10-07-2002, 6:05 PM
Why? Promod doesn't make any changes to the maps, right?...  [Read More]
Posted in: OLD - WIP: Masters of the Force
11-18-2002, 9:04 PM
Progress Report 11/18/02 ok, people. I got the animation priorty problem fixed as while as various new additions to the system. I'm going to need everyone that wants to be a REAL betatester to contact me. There's a lot of new varibles that need to b...  [Read More]
Posted in: OLD - WIP: Masters of the Force
11-14-2002, 5:56 AM
First off, according to's main page, the forums are getting reorganized. So, this thread and the other MotF threads may end up in the Showcase forums in the next week. Progress Report 11/14/02 I now have a bug-free version of the early Rele...  [Read More]
Posted in: OLD - WIP: Masters of the Force
11-09-2002, 8:03 PM
Oh, ok. :) Anyway... Progess Report 11/9/02: Got a second compile version of MotF up and running. The easter egg appears to be fully working except for a possible minor bug. As for Dodge, dodge IS operational except I must have screwed up the math...  [Read More]
Posted in: OLD - WIP: Masters of the Force
11-06-2002, 4:50 PM
Which one?...  [Read More]
Posted in: OLD - WIP: Masters of the Force
11-06-2002, 2:54 AM
Well, sorry for the lack of updates. I've been spending my time on other things than updating all the time. :) Anyway, Release 1 is well on track. Hopefully, it'll be ready to go in about a week. Release 1 will contain that LEAST the following... R...  [Read More]
Posted in: OLD - WIP: Masters of the Force
10-13-2002, 9:00 PM
Ok, I've started a thread for comments on Release 1 here. (  [Read More]
Posted in: OLD - WIP: Masters of the Force
10-13-2002, 8:37 PM
Ok, things are pluging along. Y, ASk, and me have been doing some serious design discussion over the last couple of weeks. I think we're about ready to start programming for Release 1. I'll be going over the DD in the next couple of days and try to g...  [Read More]
Posted in: OLD - WIP: Masters of the Force
10-09-2002, 1:45 AM
Well, we kind of need people that have more availible time than that. But we can always use more people in the design discussions. :) Just stop by the official IRC channel during the day...or the weekly meeting and join in on the discussion. :)...  [Read More]
Posted in: OLD - WIP: Masters of the Force
10-07-2002, 12:13 AM
Only two people showed up for the meeting. Is it at a bad time or is noone actually interested in attending?...  [Read More]
Posted in: OLD - WIP: Masters of the Force
10-05-2002, 1:53 AM
Weekly Team Meetings: Starting tomorrow, we're going to have weekly team chat meetings on Saturday at 9pm PST. We will be meeting on IRC. Server: Channel: #motf These are openning meetings, so the "public" is welcome. Feel...  [Read More]
Posted in: OLD - WIP: Masters of the Force
10-05-2002, 1:38 AM
All the "special" moves are being retooled or removed. Read the design doc for details....  [Read More]
Posted in: OLD - WIP: Masters of the Force
09-23-2002, 3:37 PM
hmmmm...probably, blasters cause kickback just like anyother gun.......  [Read More]
Posted in: OLD - WIP: Masters of the Force
09-23-2002, 3:21 PM
Define "recoil". :) You talking recoil as in aim recoil or gun kick back? As for the repeater alt fire, I think it depends A) on how powerful the alt fire is, and B) how far the range is....  [Read More]
Posted in: OLD - WIP: Masters of the Force
09-15-2002, 9:47 PM
I've redone the Open Positions/Roster posting at the beginning of the thread. It's now much more in depth and updated more often. :)...  [Read More]
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