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Darth Xander

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Page: 3 of 8
Posted in: [K1] Sith Reskin Mods
 Darth Xander
03-08-2008, 9:34 AM
Awesome!!...  [Read More]
Posted in: Armband icon not showing in game?
 Darth Xander
03-02-2008, 5:59 AM
Also did you make the new entry in baseitems.2da ?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Armband icon not showing in game?
 Darth Xander
03-01-2008, 7:23 PM
Did you alter the model variation of the armband to match the new icon?...  [Read More]
Posted in: [W.I.P] K1 USM
 Darth Xander
03-22-2008, 8:10 PM
Here's a little saber that I've whipped up in my down time. It's called 'Jolly Roger.' What do you think? Wow, you could have that lightsaber hidden in a skeleton utp or something :l...  [Read More]
Posted in: [W.I.P] K1 USM
 Darth Xander
03-03-2008, 12:55 PM
Nice hilts guys, Hey DDD hers an idea how baout I make sum hitls and u map em?...  [Read More]
Posted in: [WIP]PMHC02 Chiss Head
 Darth Xander
02-24-2008, 8:19 AM
Maybe try using some NPCs head for the Chiss reskin e.g Bastila, Vrook etc any other unique ones....  [Read More]
Posted in: [WIP]Golden armor of bendak starkiller[K1]
 Darth Xander
02-24-2008, 7:01 AM
SS,I have already made a new appearance type because bendak uses the appearance of Alien_Mandlorian_03 and I made a new one Alien_Mandlorian_99.I found only one utc file "tar02_bendak021.utc" due to which bendak is able to wear the golden a...  [Read More]
Posted in: end game
 Darth Xander
02-24-2008, 7:37 AM
Yeah it is....  [Read More]
Posted in: [WIP][K2] The Last Sith Lord
 Darth Xander
02-24-2008, 7:41 AM
If you can you should make the "Last Sith Lord" look identical to your pc so he/she really is the oppisite....  [Read More]
Posted in: [tsl] KOTOR: Revenge of Revan
 Darth Xander
02-24-2008, 7:51 AM
I have a feeling this is going to become a very long thread; sweet idea I hope it works out....  [Read More]
Posted in: Load-up screen when entering custom planets
 Darth Xander
02-19-2008, 2:25 AM
Did you remember to change the LoadScreenID in the .are file so it corresponds with the new row of your loadscreens.2da?...  [Read More]
 Darth Xander
02-24-2008, 7:55 AM
Does this work for TSL?...  [Read More]
...Maybe dancers if possible Gamorrean dancers??? :barf::barf2:...  [Read More]
I am so sorry to have wasted your time guys but the reason why none of my ut*s spawned was because teh appearance for my npc is flaud and I gotta fix that so that explains why it wouldn't appear and I accidentally saved my plc as a .uti I corrected t...  [Read More]
I tried that and no I didn't do what DDD reccomemended I will do though. Eidt: i have tried a few more things, I have placed one of my npcs i made in the git, and i have repacked the git. But is still the same the only difference is that everything...  [Read More]
I'm afraid you can't have looked very hard. First page of 'General Tutorials and Tools': Sorry DI but those tuts didn't do much good for me, I tried adding...  [Read More]
i couldn't find anything....  [Read More]
Yes, and I followed the tut through thrre is nothing wrong. its just I am now ready to impelment characters and such....  [Read More]
Posted in: Making Cinematics
 Darth Xander
02-18-2008, 2:16 AM
This is a fairly insane idea *chucks rotten tomato* hee hee, anyway have you considered using the space battle modules for your cinematic? Or making a simple area with only a skybox that has stars and etc and using the planet's galaxy map model for t...  [Read More]
How about the remains of a church perhaps?...  [Read More]
Posted in:  Taris Ruins Mod Beta Release
 Darth Xander
03-22-2008, 8:14 PM
I supposed the easy part of this mod was that no area reskins were needed as it is the same planet....  [Read More]
Posted in: Brotherhood of Shadow - Expansion Pack
 Darth Xander
03-22-2008, 9:34 PM
Wow BoS is like a completley alternate way of playing KOTOR, by following another storyline. Fantastic idea!!...  [Read More]
Posted in:  Ajunta Pall Unique Appearance
 Darth Xander
03-22-2008, 8:24 PM
Woow looks just like my history teacher!!...  [Read More]
Posted in:  Cantina Bastila
 Darth Xander
03-24-2008, 7:02 AM
hehehehe awesome mod KK!!...  [Read More]
Posted in:  Another HK-50 reskin
 Darth Xander
02-25-2008, 6:46 AM
Wow those are the best HK skins I have ever seen!!...  [Read More]
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