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[WIP][K2] The Last Sith Lord

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02-18-2008, 6:48 PM
OK, now that I am more confident as a modder, I can do ok re-skins, have a greater knowledge of scripting, and I now know what GetObjectByTag and GetFirstPC means :lol: ...

I am ready to do my first major mod. The Last Sith Lord, about a forgotten Sith Lord seeking Revenge on the Sith and Jedi... Why though?

This mod has changed a lot over time. But I have eventually decided to make a new planet called Byorn, there will be loads of side quests, in addition to the main one with the last Sith Lord. His name is Darth Cradus.(if your in for some history then Cradus, comes from the Latin Root crudus, which means bleeding)

Byorn was a planet forged through the force directly. It can increase one's force strength and let them learn new abilities. The Jedi have been here for millenia, using the immense power of the planet to hide them from the Sith(including Darth Nihilus). Darth Cradus has however discovered this planet and has been waiting to find a way to harness the intense force power from the planet, and the Jedi Exile will provide a perfect distraction...
02-18-2008, 7:15 PM
Maybe a little more detail will spark some interest. Theres only one statement about the actual mod.
02-22-2008, 11:33 PM
 Marius Fett
02-23-2008, 5:46 AM
The landing pad looks great, but i'm not too keen on the Sith's tatoos.

They look a bit over the top if you know what I mean...
02-23-2008, 5:46 AM
I have to say, it looks good!

Needs some tinkering here and there, but still! :D
02-23-2008, 12:05 PM

I agree, although the tatoos are still in production.

Hmm, currently I am working on the main city area for Korynant, I can't think of any modules that would work for that though. Any suggestions?
 Marius Fett
02-23-2008, 12:28 PM
Maybe Onderon and Telos?
 Taak Farst
02-23-2008, 12:42 PM
I understand the tatoos are still being made but the prgress looks like u used a lot f paint coz f all the white bits (gaps or somet)
02-23-2008, 11:21 PM
I'm too lazy to do some good tatoo's, so I just used Uthar's head. :P

More screenies. :)

The reason you don't combine heads (

The Last Sith Lord (again) (

Comments appreciated.
02-23-2008, 11:31 PM
This looks cool :)
 Darth Xander
02-24-2008, 7:41 AM
If you can you should make the "Last Sith Lord" look identical to your pc so he/she really is the oppisite.
03-29-2008, 1:46 AM
I am very sorry that I haven't been updating the mod, I have been extremely busy with school, friends, and Super Smash bros. Brawl. :naughty:

Yeah, I updated the first post so that it made sense, and if you read it you'll know that this is now a planet mod. Planet name is Byorn. Anyway more screenshots.

The Galaxy Map (

The Jedi Academy on Byorn (

Ghost Showdown! (

Killed by a Sith (

Holocrons... Unite! (

The Ebon Hawk (

Quick Note: Yes I know that the Sith Armor is Archer's, and I plan to give him credit for it too. Here is the direct quote from kotorfiles (;78278)

You can use the files from this mod for everything you want but if you publish it, you have to mention me in the readme.

And I do plan to mention him!

Also, that Bao Dur to Maul was from me, I didn't use the one from kotorfiles.(should be pretty obvious though)

More screens when I get some more stuff done.
 Darth Payne
03-29-2008, 9:17 AM
You're going to make the sith 'ghost' better right?

At the moment it looks nothing like a ghost or hologram.

It looks more like Ajunta Pall from K1, a normal sith wearing a shield.
03-29-2008, 11:56 AM
If Bioware got away from it than I can too! :P

Nah, I'm gonna give him a unique appearance, if heads.2da will cooperate with me. Otherwise...:rifle1:
03-29-2008, 3:35 PM
If you can you should make the "Last Sith Lord" look identical to your pc so he/she really is the oppisite.

Wouldn't that have to be a reskin on every PC in the game, plus a ton of scripts?
04-06-2008, 12:21 AM
New screenshots featuring the tomb of Nadan Narrak.

Dark Jedi Ghost, textured by DarthDingDong. Thanks mate :thumbsup:

And one of a person!

Comments appreciated.
04-06-2008, 10:12 AM
A new planet...

will be compatible with Coruscant mod?
 Ferc Kast
04-06-2008, 10:55 AM
Wait a second...Haven't I seen that Dark Jedi Ghost somewhere before? :confused: It looks very familiar for some reason. It looks cool so far. :thumbsup:
 Marius Fett
04-06-2008, 11:18 AM
Wait a second...Haven't I seen that Dark Jedi Ghost somewhere before? :confused: It looks very familiar for some reason. It looks cool so far. :thumbsup:

Yeah, it was originally for my Ajunta Pall reskin which I asked you for advice on .

I decided to give it to Exile for his mod though. :)

Glad you like it!
04-21-2008, 12:38 AM
Again, Exile hasn't updated this thread a lot. Now I understand why placeables are so horrible :p. I've been busy with school too, but I've mostly been experimenting with scripting and modeling new areas (which haven't turned out too well). I've been scripting checks too(some taking longer than others).

I've also decided that the Exchange has established a bounty hunter guild on Byorn as well. Their everywhere aren't they?

And one of Nadan Narrak's Tomb.

I was also wondering whether anyone could do some voice acting for human characters?
04-22-2008, 7:12 PM
Hmmm.... Is that woman somebody's fighting Bastila or a Bastila look alike per chance... or are my eyes deceiving me again? I might be able to do VO's.
04-22-2008, 10:58 PM
It's not Bastila...It's Taeplae, or whatever her name is, it's her head. :P

Czerka is going to be at Byorn instead of the Exchange.

No new screenshots yet, as I'm reskinning right now.

Edit: I have recieved 3ds Max for my birthday, so expect to see me experimenting with models alot.
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