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Page: 47 of 104
Posted in: Where to buy KotOR?
06-29-2009, 4:53 AM
I say get it from amazon. I bought mine new at amazon years ago and had no problems. Why is it $80 for a new copy now? My guess is that though you can get it in the 5 pack, the original box is much harder to find now w/its four "custom art&quo...  [Read More]
Posted in: Try to explain the picture above you!
07-06-2009, 9:58 PM
^Dude looks like a lady  [Read More]
Posted in: The Good Idea/Bad Idea Game
07-09-2009, 12:37 AM
Good idea for the spectators of your public near-suicide. Sleeping on the job....  [Read More]
Posted in: The Good Idea/Bad Idea Game
07-01-2009, 4:50 PM
Could go either way. If you've no intention of meeting anyone IRL from the MMO, what harm? Otherwise..... Karaoke (sp?) when you're 3 sheets to the wind....  [Read More]
Posted in: Not-so-famous Quotes & Phrases Game
07-05-2009, 10:27 PM
If you would have peace.....drop dead b/c there's no peace like that of the grave. --anonymous Roman historian...  [Read More]
Posted in: Not-so-famous Quotes & Phrases Game
06-26-2009, 1:50 PM
Romeo, Romeo....go soak your head you overheated perv. -Juliet...  [Read More]
Posted in: The What if game
06-29-2009, 1:08 AM
Well, if they're the later models, you'd never know....would you (until the second or so before/as they terminated you). What if there were no more music (ie people lost the ability to make it)?...  [Read More]
Posted in: The What if game
06-29-2009, 12:53 AM
It'd be proof that you'd have to be "out of your mind" to even fight superman, nevermind winning. What if you were illiterate?...  [Read More]
Posted in: The What if game
06-28-2009, 2:47 AM
Make sure I've got enough of that acid that made the judge such a terror in Tune Town. What if Samus Aran wanted to kick you in the nether regions? WWYDI Violent J took a **** on a teacher's desk--belonging to a teacher you resented. Then his buddy...  [Read More]
Posted in: Atheist Slogans on Buses
07-08-2009, 10:41 AM
So, which particular Christian groups fall into the stereotype? Calvinists? Lutherans? Catholics? I often find the expression "open-minded liberal" to be quite oxymoronic. EW's basic point is still valid, as he was addressing the US, not th...  [Read More]
Posted in: K1 Enhancement Pack
07-11-2009, 11:54 PM
Well, just discovered your NPC mod pack in your sig. Wish I'd seen it sooner b/c not currently playing K1. Heh, you can always start a new game. Oh, I will eventually. Didn't realize it wasn't completed, got so caught up looking at pic changes I m...  [Read More]
Posted in: K1 Enhancement Pack
07-11-2009, 4:18 PM
Well, just discovered your NPC mod pack in your sig. Like that you replaced some of those generic appearance npcs. Never liked them. Look forward to mod's completion....  [Read More]
Posted in: What Would You Do If?
06-29-2009, 4:37 AM
All depends on whether the "she dragon" is just a nickname and for whom. WWYDI you were the "lucky" recipient of such attention?...  [Read More]
Posted in: What Would You Do If?
06-29-2009, 1:21 AM
I'd piss in a jug, add some herbs and stuff and sell it to them. Give it some exotic name and could market it like "When you really gotta knock the piss out of the next guy, drink..." WWYDI KOTOR comics were done in hentai style?...  [Read More]
Posted in: What Would You Do If?
06-29-2009, 1:13 AM
Feel sorry for Yo mamma. :D WWYDI your lasers broke down and your feet were in traction and you were beset by dumbasses and kettleheads?...  [Read More]
Posted in: What Would You Do If?
06-29-2009, 1:02 AM
Assume I must be "living on the streets" in a cardboard condo. WWYDI if squirrels started taking a dump on your car?...  [Read More]
Posted in: What Would You Do If?
06-29-2009, 12:55 AM
I'd send him to Perez Hilton's place. He'd probably get off for time served (ie community service). :D WWYDI Perez called you a stupid c*nt?...  [Read More]
Posted in: What Would You Do If?
06-28-2009, 2:55 AM
I'd out-Revan Revan and take over the Republic. WWYDI you were stuck on a planet with only SW aliens and no humans and space travel didn't exist?...  [Read More]
Posted in: What Would You Do If?
06-26-2009, 1:43 PM
Become the next "evil genius". WWYDI nobody liked you?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Add two words game
06-28-2009, 2:42 AM
Buckle up, for tomato devil and his mini-me promise to conquer the entire eastern African nation with giant spandex wearing barest giraffes. That's what happened when Hitler's ghost arose from his deep grave and screamed, "Salt Jedi shall not be...  [Read More]
Posted in: Ask A Stupid Question And Get A Stupid Answer
06-29-2009, 1:15 AM
Why? :dev9: Does Marcellus Wallace look like a bitch?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Ask A Stupid Question And Get A Stupid Answer
06-29-2009, 1:01 AM
Wha...wha...what? Does Dracula really eat Count Chocula?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Ask A Stupid Question And Get A Stupid Answer
06-29-2009, 12:51 AM
B/c someone put a decal of a fire hydrant on your car when you're not looking. Does 2+2 really equal 5?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Ask A Stupid Question And Get A Stupid Answer
06-28-2009, 2:52 AM
B/c I'm sleeping. Who are you going now?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Ask A Stupid Question And Get A Stupid Answer
06-26-2009, 1:54 PM
Blam! Blam! Blam! Blam! Blam! We happy, Vincent?...  [Read More]
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