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Bad idea. He'll probably bite your arm off as he greedily gobbles up that fish. Playing footsie with an angry cougar (of the human vartiety).... [Read More]
Bad idea, unless you have a death wish. Eating a hamburger on between 2 Krispy Kreme doughnuts instead of rolls. (yeah, got the idea from DG's food thread in the Swamp).... [Read More]
I'd be the minister and you'd still be the groom. *funeral dirge commences* :devsmoke: What if the world broke out of it's orbit and went looking for another star?... [Read More]
Why are you complaining, you said you wanted it to go 40 feet high and it's only 1/2 way there? Why does your garbage smell like feet wrapped in burnt leathery bacon?... [Read More]
They are axing a virus.......but it ain't listening. When Jupiter is in the 7th house......who's making love to your old lady when you're out?... [Read More]