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Page: 104 of 104
Posted in: Redhawke's OrdMandell mod
08-08-2006, 9:36 PM
Actually killed the rancor, but couldn't get into any second cave. If entrance is lit up area that looks like path out of cavern (like in original Korriban module), then I couldn't enter it. Guess I'll try to reinstall his module and try again....  [Read More]
Posted in: Redhawke's OrdMandell mod
08-08-2006, 7:27 PM
Has anyone who's played this mod ever found the secret area he mentions in the cavern? Tried looking through other posts (got to pg 38 or so of 120+ before eyes started glazing over). Have gotten through everything else, but secret area must be key(?...  [Read More]
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