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Darth Anarch

Latest Posts

Page: 6 of 12
Posted in: Expansion Hero Musings
 Darth Anarch
09-22-2006, 9:44 AM
Hi guys, I was just wondering a few things about the heroes (new and old). Firstly, does the Admonitor :vsd: have any tactical abilities (like the Accusor's proton beam)? Or just a modifier like Tarkin? We haven't heard anything about that yet. Sure...  [Read More]
Posted in: Where's the XFire chat transcript?
 Darth Anarch
09-19-2006, 8:27 AM
Just over a month to go... I can hardly wait....  [Read More]
Posted in: New Heros Replacing Old?
 Darth Anarch
09-21-2006, 9:24 AM
This has become a pointless arguement. Find something worthwhile to argue about. What's up with the backseat moderating here, anyway? If you don't have anything to contribute, why post at all?...  [Read More]
Posted in: New Heros Replacing Old?
 Darth Anarch
09-18-2006, 5:32 PM
They won't be playing a part in the Zann Consortium campaign. But they will still be available in Galactic Conquest and Skirmish games....  [Read More]
Posted in: About FOC 'story' campaign
 Darth Anarch
09-18-2006, 8:03 AM
Does anyone know if the new units for the Rebellion and the Empire will be implemented in the "old" campaigns?...  [Read More]
Posted in: the new units
 Darth Anarch
09-18-2006, 5:35 PM
I think the only new Rebel unit we haven't heard anything about yet is the mysterious Mon Calamari frigate....  [Read More]
Posted in: Forces of Corruption in stores in October
 Darth Anarch
09-16-2006, 11:43 AM
They're just being careful not to promise anything they don't know for sure they can keep. Imagine the uproar among the fans if they said, "It'll be out in two weeks" and then they discovered a last-minute bug that had to be fixed. The whin...  [Read More]
Posted in: Forces of Corruption in stores in October
 Darth Anarch
09-16-2006, 6:56 AM
Late October is a good guess, but any date on any website save for Lucasarts' is just that: a guess....  [Read More]
Posted in: Forces of Corruption in stores in October
 Darth Anarch
09-15-2006, 3:43 PM
Fresh from the Lucasarts website: FoC will be released in October. No specific date, but still...  [Read More]
Posted in: AI and FoC's new features
 Darth Anarch
09-19-2006, 9:29 AM
Based on the chat transcript in the other thread, it looks like the AI has been significantly revamped. Maybe now it will produce more diverse forces....  [Read More]
Posted in: AI and FoC's new features
 Darth Anarch
09-18-2006, 5:32 PM
Ah yes, the "A-wing wall". I know it well......  [Read More]
Posted in: New Preview SERIES at IGN
 Darth Anarch
09-14-2006, 6:37 AM
It says under Bel Iblis' description in one of the screenshots that he "stole the Gargantuan battle platform from an Imperial testing facility". Does that sound like the Rebels are getting a new (possibly stationary) space unit? Also, it l...  [Read More]
Posted in: Admiral Piett ditching his ISD for Executor?
 Darth Anarch
09-20-2006, 1:56 PM
He is in an Imperial Star Destroyer; I can't recall its name at the moment....  [Read More]
Posted in: Admiral Piett ditching his ISD for Executor?
 Darth Anarch
09-14-2006, 5:37 AM
If Piett is in the Executor then he'll be a hero unit, and you'll get him for free (probably at Tech level 4 or 5). If this is the case, I hope you still get the Accuser, although I suppose it's possible they've replaced it with Thrawn's ship....  [Read More]
Posted in: Orbital Bombardment
 Darth Anarch
09-21-2006, 8:23 AM
Me too. By the way, orbital bombardment is going to be in addition to bombing runs, right? Not instead of?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Orbital Bombardment
 Darth Anarch
09-14-2006, 5:37 PM
Why the hell would you bother showing it if it isnt accurate to what we will receive in game? Sorry Wedge, Petroglyph doesnt 'kinda rock like that'. It's a lame marketing ploy. Forget the hype, just show us what we will really get: its like advertisi...  [Read More]
Posted in: Just a few Questions
 Darth Anarch
09-19-2006, 9:33 AM
Something I would like to know is will the price of the capital ships that spawn fighters change when they hit the higher tech level and start spawning the more expensive fighters or is this one advantage of upgrading? I hope you won't have to spend...  [Read More]
Posted in: Just a few Questions
 Darth Anarch
09-18-2006, 5:34 PM
Having more Y-wings/Star Destroyers in orbit will cause the timer on the bombing run ability to go down faster. It's not a lot, but it's there....  [Read More]
Posted in: Just a few Questions
 Darth Anarch
09-15-2006, 12:26 PM
Precisely, which is why it would be useful to still have the Y-wing available should you want to buy it....  [Read More]
Posted in: Just a few Questions
 Darth Anarch
09-14-2006, 7:17 PM
That would make sense. It's good to have options when you're building units, even though I'm sure the B-wing will be far superior....  [Read More]
Posted in: Just a few Questions
 Darth Anarch
09-14-2006, 6:39 AM
You mean like for example Vader will be flying his TIE fighter up until, say, Tech level 4, after which point he'll be in the Executor?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Just a few Questions
 Darth Anarch
09-13-2006, 10:44 AM
It would be nice if the Y-wings were still available even after the B-wing makes its appearance. It's bound to be cheaper, and might be good to have around for system defence and the like....  [Read More]
Posted in: thawn is campaign only?
 Darth Anarch
09-14-2006, 6:16 PM
Just thought I'd mention, Bel Iblis' vehicle is called the Gargantuan Battle platform. The description (but no picture) is on IGN. Edit: Sorry if this is already common knowledge. :jedijaw...  [Read More]
Posted in: thawn is campaign only?
 Darth Anarch
09-14-2006, 6:38 AM
In that case I'm sure there will soon be any number of mods placing him in the Peregrine or some other Dreadnaught. Everyone wins....  [Read More]
Posted in: thawn is campaign only?
 Darth Anarch
09-14-2006, 5:41 AM
Who cares? The Rebels needed a hero unit in a vehicle, anyway. And he can still influence space battles; it's just that he doesn't come in his own ship....  [Read More]
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