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Darth Anarch

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Posted in: Eclipse ?
 Darth Anarch
06-03-2006, 9:28 AM
I hereby reiterate my theory that the Eclipse will be a background unit (like the Death Star) that will not enter combat but rather fire its superlaser at certain intervals. Other opinions, anyone?...  [Read More]
Posted in: FoC doubts and suggestions
 Darth Anarch
06-03-2006, 9:31 AM
Because Zahn didn't know that the clones in the Clone Wars had fought on the side of the Republic. Like everyone else at that time, he assumed that the clones had been the bad guys that the Republic fought against. Makes for a small continuity bump,...  [Read More]
Any chance you could tell us something about what you'll do with the various heroes?...  [Read More]
I agree; the Emperor is plenty tough enough already. Don't forget that his Corrupt ability works on vehicles as well....  [Read More]
Posted in: Some New Random Events...
 Darth Anarch
05-29-2006, 2:47 PM
Yes, the Z-95 isn't a particularly good unit, but if you were given say 3-5 squadrons early on in the game they could be very useful without being overpowering....  [Read More]
Posted in: Some New Random Events...
 Darth Anarch
05-28-2006, 7:48 AM
Those look like excellent ideas to me. I would love to see some more random events in the game. It would also be great if they could be spread out a little more; I've only seen them appear at the very beginning of a Galactic Conquest game, and there...  [Read More]
Posted in: Question regarding Defender
 Darth Anarch
05-28-2006, 6:19 PM
Sounds excellent. So, what about the new Rebel units? (Hint hint...)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Question regarding Defender
 Darth Anarch
05-28-2006, 4:07 PM
I doubt that they'll use the tractor beam as one of the Defencer's special abilities. All it would be able to do with it is capture other fighters, and it would have to remain stationary itself to do so. I think it's more likely that it'll have some...  [Read More]
Posted in: 3-way campaigns?
 Darth Anarch
05-24-2006, 6:34 PM
Will it be possible to have all three factions play against each other in single player Galactic Conquest? I can see why the battles might still be only 1 vs 1, but on the Galactic map it would be great to have three factions instead of two....  [Read More]
Posted in: New Rebellion Space Units
 Darth Anarch
05-30-2006, 8:10 AM
We weren't off topic. That is to say, we were talking about new ships and other units in the game. Not just Rebel ships, sorry, I mean "rebal shipa", but those of other sides as well....  [Read More]
Posted in: New Rebellion Space Units
 Darth Anarch
05-28-2006, 3:05 PM
I don't think there will be any Mandalorian units per se. The fighters in the video are manufactured by MandalMotors, but that's all. And the Boba Fett icon on the Underworld's side is just a placeholder....  [Read More]
Posted in: New Rebellion Space Units
 Darth Anarch
05-26-2006, 1:17 PM
Here's a suggestion: Why don't we hold off pronouncing doom and destruction on the Rebellion until we see what new units they get? Remember, both the B-wing and a new Mon Cal cruiser is in the works, plus probably several more units....  [Read More]
"All is fair in love and war", as the saying goes. And the concept of landing zones is an excellent one, and entirely realistic. Beaches of Normandy, anyone?...  [Read More]
As much as I love Timothy Zahn's Star Wars books (he is by far the best writer to work in the Star Wars universe) I have to tell you that you're wrong on a number of things. First, Zahn did not "invent" Coruscant. He merely put a name to i...  [Read More]
The operative word there is "arguably". :giggle1:...  [Read More]
I hope it's sarcasm. I seriously do. Me too. That was more than just a little scary....  [Read More]
I don't think that they'll implement Suicide Run as a special ability for the B-wing. But like with the ISD and Victory SSD the Executor probably won't have anti-starfighter weaponry; it'll need an escort of Tartans and its own TIEs to defend it from...  [Read More]
No, but for obvious reasons they're going to have to have SOMETHING to fight it with. Otherwise the game will end as soon as the Empire builds it. Even if the pop cap is really high so you can't take too many other ships with it it would be overpower...  [Read More]
If you crave realism, go join the military. I want an entertaining game, not a physics paper on the theoretical power output of a fictional turbolaser or something similar. As is the case with all things fictitious, be it movies, novels or computer g...  [Read More]
Posted in: Still no AT-PT in FoC ?
 Darth Anarch
05-29-2006, 2:45 PM
When you think about it there really isn't any need for AT-PTs in the game. You have AT-STs, TIE Maulers and regular Stormtroopers that all serve as anti-infantry units. Not to mention that in the expansion you also get three different types of DarkT...  [Read More]
Posted in: Still no AT-PT in FoC ?
 Darth Anarch
05-26-2006, 1:19 PM
In any case, the devs told us straight out in the Developer Chat that there won't be any AT-PTs in the expansion. And I agree; it would be too similar to the Pod Walker for there to be much point. I'd rather have something new and different, like the...  [Read More]
Not in EVERY way. One of the things that annoyed me with Rebellion was the incredible amount of micromanagement required. And things took so long to complete that by the time you were told that "the shipyards of Endor have completed their task&q...  [Read More]
Maybe recruitable from the Mercenary Outfitter buildings? Yes, that would be a cool feature....  [Read More]
Posted in: Turbolasers and Shields?
 Darth Anarch
05-28-2006, 7:58 AM
I'm much more inclined to build turbolasers and shields if I'm playing Empire. The Rebels are so fond of using the "Raid" ability and landing a (typical) force of Han and Chewbacca, 1-2 artillery units and some Assault Speeders. At this poi...  [Read More]
Posted in: Order of hardpoint destruction.
 Darth Anarch
05-28-2006, 7:53 AM
If I play Rebels, I always go for the hangars first. With the TIEs out of the way my Y-wings can play havoc with the larger Imperial ships while my own capital ships hammer the Tartans. If I play Empire I go for shield generators first. Those pesky...  [Read More]
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