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Page: 210 of 214
Posted in: What's this game all about anyway ?
05-18-2000, 2:50 PM
The graphics are excellent for an N64 game, I was impressed. The gameplay was limited, but that was because it was an alpha demo. It only featured three levels, and the enemies didn't seem to fire back, plus the Destroyer droids didn't use shields....  [Read More]
Posted in: What's this game all about anyway ?
05-17-2000, 12:59 AM
Oops, cancel that. The review should be up by the end of the week. Doh! Okay, well essentially it boils down to an arcade style, third person shooter. You get to pilot land and space vehicles against the Trade Federation. Imagine a cross between t...  [Read More]
Posted in: What's this game all about anyway ?
05-15-2000, 9:03 PM
We'll try to get our review up by the end of the day.. (here's hoping!) Kurgan...  [Read More]
Posted in: RP Guidelines.
05-07-2000, 12:15 AM
How about no one is allowed to post in all red text? ; ) Kurgan...  [Read More]
05-17-2000, 10:32 PM
Well generally the decision to pick a moderator is made by those in charge of the boards, namely Aristotle, Jeff, or myself. We pick moderators when we see the need for there to be some. That is, as the need arises. We tend to pick people we feel a...  [Read More]
Posted in: Jedi Council:
05-17-2000, 10:36 PM
Hey guys. I'm on vacation, okay?! ; ) I was lucky to snag this computer, so don't expect to see me around too much here until next week though. See my response to this topic in the other post.... Kurgan...  [Read More]
Posted in: MOTS: Change Force Powers?
05-18-2000, 3:10 PM
#2 has a cheats page that lists all the known cheats for MOTS. You should be able to tailor them to what you want. You can still beat her without those powers (all you need is saber skill really), but I can understand your frustration. Kurgan...  [Read More]
Posted in: Riva TNT and JK
05-07-2000, 4:24 PM
-displayconfig, that's what I was thinking of. Been so long, I just couldn't remember. Kurgan...  [Read More]
Posted in: Petition for Dark Forces III
05-07-2000, 3:21 PM
Actually, in the first level of Dark Forces 1, you steal the Death Star plans, so it's actually taking place BEFORE, DURING, and AFTER, the Star Wars movie trilogy (Episodes IV-VI). Dark Forces II: JK takes places some years after ROTJ (Ep. VI), and...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cult/Creed/Ideology Poll:
05-19-2000, 2:14 PM
wizzywig: Good answer! Kurgan...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cult/Creed/Ideology Poll:
05-17-2000, 10:58 PM
Okay, I think I see the problem. When I said "live as good people" I should have said "live as Christ commanded." Question for you, before I write my response to your question. If a person lives as Jesus commanded, are they save...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cult/Creed/Ideology Poll:
05-17-2000, 10:45 PM
No offense intended Wiz. What was my reaction supposed to be? I understand your conviction and wish to validate your opinion, and I think you've done a good job of explaining it. All I'm saying is that your belief, in a nutshell, is what is calle...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cult/Creed/Ideology Poll:
05-17-2000, 12:13 AM
Well wiz, I pretty much expected a long, drawn out series of posts, and I got just that. Have to hand it to you. ; ) Essentially what you have presented to me is a semi-comprehensive argument for the traditional (Protestant) Christian viewpoint....  [Read More]
Posted in: Cult/Creed/Ideology Poll:
05-07-2000, 11:07 PM
Wiz, Some other points to consider. The Gnostics are still around. They would most likely object to being called "a dead cult." They are as dead as any other religion that has faithful followers and practices to this day. As to the number...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cult/Creed/Ideology Poll:
05-07-2000, 10:52 PM
Here's an example of diversity in Jewish belief.. the Sadducees believed there was no resurrection of the dead, and followed a liberal interpretation of the Hebrew Scriptures (as they were at the time). The Pharisees taught strict observanve of The...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cult/Creed/Ideology Poll:
05-07-2000, 10:27 PM
The only thing is, how would you know, objectively, the the writings in the New Testament (or even the current english Protestant Bible) are the true or only ones that are "correct"? Are you saying the writings outside of this "modern...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cult/Creed/Ideology Poll:
05-07-2000, 12:13 AM
Well okay, so you're saying that the only Chrisianity that existed in the beginning was the one portrayed in the New Testament. So that would mean that the noncanonical Christian writings would all have to be written later. And you would have to &q...  [Read More]
Posted in: JPB Forum people read this:
05-16-2000, 4:22 PM
Just posting this to make sure everyone knows about this guy: ========================================= Well, some of you unfortunately know this guy (Rho Elite/OverShadow) and his ego problem that he's let spill over on this forum in recent weeks....  [Read More]
Posted in: E3: We Came, We Saw, We kicked it's #@$~!
05-17-2000, 12:56 AM
You mean to go to E3? Well, you ought to visit ( for that information (when and where). It's held once a year and you have to be at least 18 years of age (unless you are a surgically enhanced British model dresse...  [Read More]
Posted in: E3: We Came, We Saw, We kicked it's #@$~!
05-15-2000, 3:01 PM
Hey everyone, just got off the bus back from E3. Darkhawk (Kevin) had some classes to go to (poor guy) so he's not here and we'll have that next in-depth report on the other LEC titles and overall impressions of E3 coming up, probably tomorrow someti...  [Read More]
Posted in: Episode2 script get it here.
05-15-2000, 3:43 PM
I thought George hadn't even finished writing it yet.. ? Somehow I kind of doubt that you, of all people, have something everybody on the 'net would love to get their hands on (well not me, I'd rather be suprised when the movie comes out). ; ) Kurg...  [Read More]
Posted in: E3 2000, Here we come!
05-09-2000, 6:08 PM
Since the <a href="">.plan</a> server isn't working properly and isn't even listed on the website do to a problem of sorts, I'm going to put my update here for now: <hr><ul>...  [Read More]
Posted in: i don't know how to join a server in mots?????
05-06-2000, 7:19 AM
When you play TCP/IP you can't expect someone to just join.. since there is no world server (other than the zone which is just a bunch of servers on a chatroom basically), you have to use a program like Qtracker to post your game that others can &quo...  [Read More]
Posted in: Super Computer
05-07-2000, 3:24 PM
Ah, and speaking of fast download times, that explains all the eye candy you pack into your posts, dude. Please tone it down for the "rest" who don't have such fast connections. Thanks! Kurgan...  [Read More]
Posted in: Police State America
05-07-2000, 8:39 PM
Hey guys, I know this was a serious discussion, but I couldn't resist. Of course, considering the situation, it would probably take more than this.. Kurgan...  [Read More]
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