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E3 2000, Here we come!

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05-09-2000, 6:08 PM
Since the <a href="">.plan</a>) server isn't working properly and isn't even listed on the website do to a problem of sorts, I'm going to put my update here for now:

<hr><ul></hr>[/list]Finals are over, and summer's here at last!

Well, it's finally official. After a few setbacks and scheduling problems, Darkhawk and I are finally ready to go to this year's <a href="">E3</a>).

We'll be heading for LA tonight, and if all goes well we'll be scoping out the latest software titles at the industry's biggest show. Yes, we'll be scanning the <a href="">LucasArts</a>) booths, and yes, we'll be checking out that hot action title everyone has been waiting for for the last year, Star Wars Episode I: Obi-Wan. We'll keep you posted with all the info we find out. We'll be sure to ply them with questions about all the important stuff, like multiplayer, editing, etc.

Big thanks to <a>Aristotle</a> and <a>Steve Williams</a> of <a href="">IGN</a>) for helping us work out bugs in schedule. We also hope to see <a>Cali-Girl</a> there.
<a href="">LucasGames</a>) Official <a href="">E3</a>) Reporter

[This message has been edited by Kurgan (edited May 09, 2000).]
05-09-2000, 7:51 PM
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