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(Off-topic) Democrat Or Republican

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 Jedi Master Mace Windu
09-02-2000, 10:47 PM
Originally posted by Vagabond:
I respond by saying that you have to look at the messenger. Where did you get your information? From Bush's campaign or the RNC?

<TR><td bgcolor=#00000 valign=top><font color="000000">.</font color><td bgcolor=#00000><font face="BernardMod BT"><font color="red" size="2"> I got it from the website (

It is a good site on how Gore is "dumb as a rock" and how terrible at lying he is.

He hasn't denied it yet. I do believe that the people who made this site did their research. They even said where they got their information.

Besides, awhile back you quoted from Bush, calling him "dumb as a rock ." Well, I in return gave several of Gore's stupid statements, showing him to be equally "dumb as a rock."

Why don't you give the source of where you get all your information Vagabond?

Vagabond and Kurgan, would you tell me what your thoughts are on abortion, prayer in schools, etc.

Also, vagabond, give me your thoughts on him accepting donations from Playboy(then condeming it but still accepting the cash) and his fundraiser at the Buddhist temple(but denying any knowledge of know that it was a fundraiser, but the White House staff knew, the Secret Service knew, his staff knew, the people who were donating money knew, and Gore even acted as if he knew.)

Micro**** mind tricks don't work on me....
Jedi Microsith Warrior

Go To The Rogue Federation Board @

[This message has been edited by Jedi Master Mace Windu (edited September 02, 2000).]
 Pedro The Hutt
09-02-2000, 10:52 PM
And besides, what are you guys with a President that likes the Death Penalty?
And something about death penalty, Who's the worst, The Murderer, or the one that Murders him(that goes from the governor to the persons that flicks the switch of the chair).
I think that there many ways to punich a criminal, but death is not the right one.

I am your father.
 Alloran Centauri
09-02-2000, 11:02 PM
I disagree. If the person is a danger to society - an EXTREME DANGER - then he should be executed. They make it painless and quick, and if they can't take the punishment, they shouldn't have done what they did in the first place.

My thoughts,

09-03-2000, 5:21 AM
I'm all for the death penalty, as long as there is no doubt that the person commited the crime. However, the executions that are happening in Texas do not fit this criteria: the execution of mentally retarded people, the execution of a person based off of one person's eye-witness testimony. No, that's not even enough to lock a person up, much less execute them.

And Bush's comments that he is absolutely positive that no innocent people have been among the hundreds executed during his time as Texas's governor brilliantly illustrates Bush's complete stupidity.

Oh, and I laugh at the source of the anti-Gore information, what was it? ( ??? LOL! Oh, that's got to be objective. Whatever. If that's where you're going for your information, then you might as well just make it up and tell yourself what you want to hear. That's called mental masturbation.

I get my information from the evening news, like everyone else in the country. But wait!. The correct, paranoid response is that the liberal news is out to get the republicans. Get a grip on reality.

Clinton must be a republican then, because they were all over him like flies on $hit during the impeachment. No, the media are equal-opportunity, so drop that lame argument before it even begins, because it just doesn't hold water.

VagabondNomad on the Zone...

All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players...
 Jedi Master Mace Windu
09-03-2000, 11:05 AM
Are you saying that the Republicans who made it are lying? Beaides, I can't my info anywhere else, because the media is all liberal.

And on the statement on Bush and the death penalty, that was a stupid comment.
09-03-2000, 12:35 PM
Lying might be a strong statement, but definitely bending the truth, and absolutely taking things out of context. This is the essence of running a negative campaign, and mark my words that it will backfire. This clearly illustrates Bush's desperation, complete hypocrisy, and his own ability to lie with the best of them - he promised not to run a negative campaign. Yet, low and behold - what to my wandering eyes should appear, but a negative campaign, full of election-year cheer.

Bush apparently feels he can't run his campaign by simply telling everyone what he stands for and believes. Instead, he tries to tear Gore down, trying to scare people his way. Is this a good family value to show American and America's youth? What happened to, "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at alll"? Or does that not apply to adults? Oh, the hypocrisy - anything to get elected. Just throw intelligent debate out the window. GWB is just a stupid little boy riding on his father's coat tails, who hasn't the first idea of what it takes to run a country.

At least Gore has intelligence, whether you like him or not.

VagabondNomad on the Zone...

All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players...
 Jedi Master Mace Windu
09-04-2000, 12:37 PM
<TR><td bgcolor=#00000 valign=top><font color="000000">.</font color><td bgcolor=#00000><font face="BernardMod BT"><font color="red" size="2"> How about having Clinton sex in the Oval Office? Or Clinton selling nuclear secrets to China for campaign cash? Or Gore accepting donations from Playboy? Claiming credit for things he didn't do? Yeah, a real good family values. George Bush might as well be a Democrat.

Micro**** mind tricks don't work on me....
Jedi Microsith Warrior

Go To The Rogue Federation Board @
09-04-2000, 5:54 PM
First of all, whatever Clinton did in office is totally irrelevant when evaluating Gore. Vice Presidents have very little control over what their boss, the actual president does.

Second, who cares about Gore accepting money from Playboy? I would too, if I were him. There's nothing wrong with Playboy, as it's photos are arguably the most artistic of the erotic magazines out, and they never show pink. Any guy who says he's never enoyed looking at a girlie magazine is lying. Both men and women need to loosen up and get in touch with their sensual side. Enough with the puritanical BS, because that's just not reality, my friend.

With regard to Gore inventing the internet, which I assume you're refering too. If you'd stop listening to the Rush Limbaugh hour to get your news, you'd have learned the Gore regrets the choice of words he used. He never meant to say that he, himself, single-handedly invented the internet. That's absurd. He was refering to legislation that he backed, which supported the research that eventually lead to the internet.

Am I a Gore fan? No. Do I think he's perfect? Definitely not. But I do think he's better than Bush. Further, I am a realist and recognize that the next president will either be Gore or Bush. I'm voting for the one that most matches my views, which is Gore.

If you want to cast a protest vote, that's fine too, but due to the screwy electoral college (which must be abandoned in my opinion), your vote won't receive even one electoral vote, hence be insignificant.

VagabondNomad on the Zone...

All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players...
09-04-2000, 7:08 PM
09-04-2000, 7:08 PM
09-04-2000, 7:22 PM
Everybody get out and protest vote (as Vagabond says). Send Mister Republican and Mister Democrat a message.

09-06-2000, 7:44 PM
from linking corpuscles like sausages on a terminal idiom (wink wink!) we hand you: capitol ill ( ranking riptides at a feverish pace. tulsa fritters. godsend of a wheel; neigh.
<font size="1">

[This message has been edited by lightbulba (edited September 06, 2000).]
09-06-2000, 8:47 PM
I am Canadian, so I don't have to choose between hypocrites. I'd probably choose Buchannon though.

My choice is easier. I have to choose between a doddering old man whose last political sensiblities have left him (Jean Cretien), a Red Tory who doesn't even care about winning the election (Joe "Jurassic" Clark), and an openly evangelical Christian who I support on social issues but have certain problems with economically (Stockwell Day).

I have to find out more of exactly what Mr. Day plans on doing to the economy. I do know he'll give us referendums on abortion and the death penalty though (both of which I oppose). I'm not sure it is right to entrust such moral issues to popular vote, but more babies are being murdered every day, so at least it is something.

As for Kosovo, this is how things are in the powderkeg of Europe (and I highly doubt anyone would argue with me):

The various sides have been killing each other off and on for 600 years. It is pure idiocy to think military intervention is going to actually solve the problem. All it will do is shift the balance. The Serbians were on top of the Kosovars at the time of the intervention. Pummelling Serbia may only result in making the Kosovars superior so they can go kill Serbians.

I read a fascinating article a while back. Its thesis was that the UN hinders areas like the Balkans more than it helps. If one side is losing a war badly then it is safe to say the war will be more or less over in a short amount of time. A bad situation for the losing side certainly, but perhaps not as bad as the alternative. If the UN (read: US) supplies the losing side with weapons and help, what is it going to do? Prolong the war. Many more will likely die in that route.

This does not mean I against all interventions. The Balkans are a special case where interfering will just help decide who kills who, not stop the killing.

I am totally behind the US intervention in Grenada (early 80's). My great aunt was on the island at the time, and the US was begged by the Grenadians to help them against the communists. In that case it did help, and I have no doubt it saved many peoples' lives.

I think that (no matter how tough the decision), in circumstances like the Balkans and many African nations intervention should be turned down. The national/tribal rivalries are too deep for intervention to help anybody. All it does is favor one side of killers.

I think, therefore I am pro-life.
09-06-2000, 8:48 PM

VagabondNomad on the Zone...

All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players...
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