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cant spawn millenium falcon

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04-17-2004, 5:19 AM
i cant spawn the falcon. when i put the pk3 file in the base folder and load up the kotor flight school map it says that the .veh is too big. any help here would be nice.
04-17-2004, 5:50 AM
First of all, you double-threaded. Go delete the extra thread.

Second, learn to use the button. It is there for a reason, no one wants to keep repeating the same information over and over again.
 Samuel Dravis
04-17-2004, 6:07 AM
Nice link to an informative thread (

TK, we know you love the search button. Remember, we're only going to have to repeat stuff for around 5 years or so. :p

Rebel: "Suck it, Imp!"
Imperial: "No, you suck it, Imp!"
Imperial 2: "You really need to work on your comebacks."

originally from RvB
04-17-2004, 6:21 AM
You rebel scum!
04-17-2004, 9:06 PM
The Falcon can ONLY be spawned in using mods, since although the code is there, the model is missing from the default JA pk3's.

KOTOR flight school and other mods have a problem due to the vehicle limits in the engine (which some recent mods are changing in their source code IIRC). Whenever you have a problem, the easiest solution is to remove some vehicles from your base folder.

A good place to get a nice working falcon is in the Asteroids Mod.
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