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"Great, Tylor," Karda said to Marshall. "As soon as Captain Wolf departs the ship, then we shall proceed." He punched a few buttons on the console. "I'm loading the co-ordinates into the main computer. You can transfer them t...  [Read More]
"Good question," said Karda to Tylor. He took out his datapad, and connected it up to the control console in front of him. "This is what was recorded." Karda pushed a button, and a holoimage appeared of the Almanac's bridge. At...  [Read More]
Jasra couldn’t help but grin at Karda’s discomfort, and when Crystal turned to look over her shoulder at her, she gave her a playful wink. “Touchy,” Jasra said quietly, but loud enough for Karda to hear. And although he didn’t look at her,...  [Read More]
“Well, if you’re going to be a part of this mission, then we’d better brief you on it,” Karda said reluctantly to Crystal. “Something tells me that we’re going to need all the help we can get.” He looked at his datapad. “Let’s go an...  [Read More]
Karda glared at Crystal. “You would,” he said to her, while behind him Jasra bit back a grin at his discomfort. “It’s good to have you back, Crystal,” Jasra said, with genuine gratefulness. “Nice to have a least one friendly face aboard....  [Read More]
not sure why my post didn't update on the main DTC forum. I'm trying a test post to see if it will fix the problem. Edit: Looks like all is well again! :)...  [Read More]
Jasra watched Crystal leave, then as Karda shouted for her again, she entered the shuttle. “You’re not going to get a very good report if you repeatedly ignore me,” Karda said, while he flipped switches and prepared to take off. “Sorry.”...  [Read More]
"Jasra?" Crystal exclaimed. "You're a Jedi?" Doubts suddenly flooded her. "You... you do remember me, don't you?" Jasra moved forward and suddenly and surprisingly flung her arms around Crystal in a tight hug. “Oh! Am...  [Read More]
Just as Jasra was boarding the shuttle, something made her turn towards the other bay. A very sleek and shiny ship, landing in the early light of the Dantooine dawn. For a moment, it reminded her of another sleek ship… “Brax…” she whispered,...  [Read More]
Jasra took pause as she and Karda came out of the Enclave into the landing pad area. It was early morning, and the first rays of sunlight glistened off the shuttle that stood before them. “It’s the Moon Shadow,” Jasra said quietly, then grinned...  [Read More]
Posted in: Star Wars: Warriors of the Force
05-01-2006, 5:15 PM
Watching with interest from the treetops, Zev nearly let out a snicker as Tacit sent Ty's sword flying into a tree. And with such force, too! The sword's blade was buried halfway into the trunk, and it would take some effort on Ty's part to retrieve...  [Read More]
Posted in: Star Wars: Warriors of the Force
04-29-2006, 8:45 PM
Without even flinching, Zev looked at the singed shoulder pad from the stray shot fired by Tacit's companion, Ty. Reaching up into the branches, Zev picked a large spiky seed pod, aimed, and hurled it towards a tree trunk below. The cone richocheted...  [Read More]
Posted in: Star Wars: Warriors of the Force
04-29-2006, 4:16 PM
A short distance away, Zev was keeping track of the man approaching Tacit and his companions. He was easy to track from up here, his torchlight bouncing up and down as he scrambled his way noisily through the undergrowth. "Clumsy," Zev sai...  [Read More]
Posted in: Star Wars: Warriors of the Force
04-29-2006, 10:50 AM
“Clever boy,” Zev said in a low whispery sort of voice. “Foolish, but clever.” As Tacit made a lunge forward. With lightning quick reactions, Zev leaped upwards, grabbed hold of a low hanging tree branch, and then rode it down to the ground...  [Read More]
Posted in: Star Wars: Warriors of the Force
04-29-2006, 9:59 AM
High above them in a nearby tree, Zev watched the group below. The one they called Ty looked like he needed rest and healing, but obviously he was too proud to really submit to the girl Tari’s ministering. Well, it was his own fault he got injured....  [Read More]
Posted in: MC: AOTE: Rhea
04-29-2006, 4:45 PM
"The Twingeling Twi'Leks?" Beryl said. "The Twingleing Twi'Leks?" Beryl let out a low whistle. "I've been there. It's nice. Very nice." Then she frowned slightly. "Only hope no one recognises me though. Think it wou...  [Read More]
Posted in: MC: AOTE: Rhea
04-29-2006, 3:40 PM
"Corellia?" Beryl frowned a bit. "This place where these so-called 'rich' people are going to be. What's it called?"...  [Read More]
Posted in: MC: AOTE: Rhea
04-29-2006, 3:33 PM
Beryl sighed, indicating her displeasure. But as Nic was the captain... "Why do I get the feeling that I will so regret this later," she said under her breath. She smiled at Nic, quick and cynically. "So, Captain, where is this plac...  [Read More]
You'd better update soon, WJ, or you'll fall back to the dreaded second page! ;)...  [Read More]
Posted in: [FIC]Nic and Jana: A Mercenary's Tale
04-30-2006, 11:02 AM
Glad to know you haven't given up on this StarMark. It's a good story!...  [Read More]
Posted in: [FIC] Hidden Shades of Grey
04-30-2006, 11:17 AM
Pottsie, I'm afraid it won't be for a few days at least. I write my chapters in Word, then paste them on LF, so that's why it looks like these were updated so quickly. In reality, I don't type quite that fast, let alone edit that quickly either. (Lik...  [Read More]
Posted in: [FIC] Hidden Shades of Grey
04-30-2006, 10:40 AM
Yes, Pottsie, I've written quite a bit! Had to break it up into more manageable portions though, hence all the posts. This is the last one for today though. :( ______________________________ Once back at the Gretackmuth settlement, Rade's group wai...  [Read More]
Posted in: [FIC] Hidden Shades of Grey
04-30-2006, 10:14 AM
“Damn! It won’t fit!” Carth said, trying to install one of the SL-relays in the engine. “It’ll fit,” Kye said. “We just need a larger coupling.” “It can’t be too large, or we’ll have a radiation leak,” Carth said. “Duh....  [Read More]
Posted in: [FIC] Hidden Shades of Grey
04-30-2006, 10:05 AM
In the caverns of Mine 23, mynocks swarmed over their prey, once the dying Mandalorian mercenary that was lying on the ground in the middle of the large chamber, but now the three figures standing back to back over his body. They were attracted to a...  [Read More]
Posted in: [FIC] Hidden Shades of Grey
04-30-2006, 9:53 AM
Sorry I've taken so long to update. Between Darth RealLife and the RPs I'm in, I haven't had much time to dedicate to writing my fic. But, that said, I've done a fair amount this time, so... enjoy. :) _________________________________ Back on the...  [Read More]
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