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Knights of the Old Republic: Darkness Falls II - Alliances

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04-29-2006, 9:44 AM
"Why do these people mean anything to you, Telepath?" the Jedi librarian demanded. "You've never met Jasra Lantill and the last time you had anything to say to Karda Jal-Ordo, the two of you got into a fight that ended with Karda choking in midair. It's why you left Dantooine and came here, is it not?"

"You don't need to tell me my own history," Crystal snapped irritably. "Is Karda still on Dantooine?"

"Yes," the librarian agreed. "But why? Are you intending to apologize for what you did to him? It's been so many years, do you think he'll even remember you?"

"That's my business," Crystal retorted. "At any rate, don't you think you'd remember the girl that choked you without any aid from the Force?"

The librarian was left speechless and Crystal turned to leave the archives. Now just to figure out if she had her own ship now that time had been restored to what it should have been.
04-29-2006, 10:25 AM
"Are you sure? Two of your four hearts are still beating beyond safe--"
The look Brax gave him caused Disciple's voice to drift off. With a sigh, he set about releasing the Omwati. "Alright, if you say so...Though I wouldn't go too far. Your body can only hold up to so much."

- - - - -

"Atton?" Kira asked, turning to the pilot.
"Way ahead of you." he said, and slid past her, moving to the controls of the Hawk. "I'm going to notify the others that we're leaving. Our 'friend' in the med lab might have unfinished buisness on Nar that case, he's going to want to get off the ship fast."
04-29-2006, 10:27 AM
Jasra took pause as she and Karda came out of the Enclave into the landing pad area. It was early morning, and the first rays of sunlight glistened off the shuttle that stood before them. “It’s the Moon Shadow,” Jasra said quietly, then grinned at the thought of being in her old ship. Her old stolen ship.

Karda sighed. “Never happened,” he reminded her in a singsong sort of tone.

“I know,” said Jasra, not able to quit grinning. “Still…even you’ve got to admit that it’s more than a coincidence. It’s a sign from the Force that we have to find the others.”

“After our mission,” he said firmly. “And I mean that. Padawan,” he added.

“I know, I know,” said Jasra.

“Karda!” Jasra and Karda both turned at the sound of Master Verga’s voice, and saw the Jedi hurrying towards them. “A word with you before you depart.”

Karda nodded to the shuttle. “Go on,” he said to Jasra. “I’ll be there directly.”

Jasra nodded and headed towards the shuttle alone, glancing now and then over her shoulder at the two conversing Jedi. From the looks on their faces, it was something serious. Perhaps mission related, but then again, perhaps not.
04-29-2006, 2:49 PM
Brax frowned at Mical. "I know what my body is capable of, thanks." He closed his eyes for a moment, and focused ... slowly his hears returned to their normal speed. "I'm fine. I'm just having some issues adjusting to ... things." He pushed up slowly to his feet and looked around.

"Where are Revan and Kira? I need to find Jasra." He moved out of the medical bay, and nearly ran into Atton. He frowned, he didn't like this whole situation, part of him wanted to just tear into these people with his claws and take a shower int he raining blood he would create. But he calmed his emotions.

"Atton, isn't it? Where is Kira? I need to know what's going on ... where are we going?"
04-29-2006, 2:52 PM
"Kira's with Revan and the Doctor in the cockpit. We're going to Naboo, so if you wanted to get your ship, I suggest getting off the Hawk now. The coordinates are set and we're leaving ASAP." came the pilot's response. He was getting a bad feeling about Brax, but if Kira said he was alright...well, he was liable to believe her.
04-29-2006, 3:25 PM
Brax frowned, naboo, what the heck was that?

"I'll stay for now, my ship will join us there."
04-29-2006, 3:31 PM
Atton shrugged. "If you say so."
Within moments, the ship was airborne and in orbit. The hyperdrive hummed to life, and they were gone.
 The Doctor
04-29-2006, 3:35 PM
The Doctor walked into the cockpit of the Ebon Hawk to find Atton, Revan, and Kira there. Nobody was saying anything.
"How long will it take this infernal bucket of bolts to reach Naboo?"
04-29-2006, 3:37 PM
"Keep your pants on." Atton said irritably. "We'll get there when we get there."
"Shouldn't be more than fifteen minutes." Kira said, deciding to elaborate, "Naboo isn't all that far from Nar Shaddaa."
 The Doctor
04-29-2006, 3:54 PM
"Excellent. I shall be in the TARDIS." With that, he turned on his heal and left the room.

"I'm not sure..." muttered Revan. "Something's not right about him. It takes something big to turn a man like the Doctor into... that."
04-29-2006, 3:57 PM
"I know, I was thinking that myself." Kira said. "He just doesn't seem...right."
"Maybe something happened in the Time Line?" Atton suggested, "He died before, remember? He took that ticking time bomb off Thanatos's ship and into the Time Line so it didn't...tear open a wormhole or something. Maybe have had the power of the Shards recreate him instead of just using that weird thing in the TARDIS had some effect on him or something."
"That could be it..." the Exile said, watching after the 'Doctor', "But something just doesn't feel right...It just doesn't seem possible that he could have changed so dramatically..."
04-29-2006, 4:40 PM
It was a different ship than she'd remembered... less menacing, really. It was a beautiful ship and, from her sketchy memory on the subject, Crystal knew that, while it appeared to be defenseless, it was actually heavily armed. She'd designed it and had it built specifically for her. There was no other ship like it in the galaxy and the plans for it were in her possession. The only copy. Unless she decided otherwise, there would be no other ship exactly like it.

"To Dantooine," she said quietly upon entering the cockpit.

"Confirm current location," the computer requested.

"Coruscant," Crystal answered.

"Confirmed current location as Coruscant," the computer reported. "Setting destination as Dantooine."

"Proceed," Crystal ordered. The ship was silent for several seconds. Then, its engines kicked on.

"Authorized for launch," it said. "Life support online. Weapons systems on standby. Shields on standby. Engines online." A pause as it shot smoothly upward and out of Coruscant's atmosphere. Then, "Leaving planetary atmosphere. Standby for hyperdrive activation sequence." It decelerated for a moment and said, "Hyperdrive ready."

"Engage," Crystal commanded. The ship accelerated into hyperspace smoothly.


Some time later, Crystal's ship came out of hyperspace over Dantooine.

"Destination reached," her ship informed her. "Potential landing sites:"

"Land at the Jedi Enclave," Crystal interrutped. "Open a comm channel."

"Comm channel open," the ship stated.

"This is Crystal Gray of the Eagle's Wing," she announced. "Requesting permission to land."

"You've been gone for years, Ms. Gray," the hesitant voice on the other end replied. Crystal sighed.

"I may not achieve my goals by the standards of the Jedi," she said, "but I am no threat to the Jedi."

"We will see," the voice growled softly. "Permission granted to land."

"Commence landing procedure," Crystal ordered. Her ship complied, sweeping down into the atmosphere toward the Jedi Enclave.
04-29-2006, 5:13 PM
Just as Jasra was boarding the shuttle, something made her turn towards the other bay. A very sleek and shiny ship, landing in the early light of the Dantooine dawn. For a moment, it reminded her of another sleek ship…

“Brax…” she whispered, then looked at the ship more closely. No. It wasn’t the same. Still it was unusual and she felt herself drawn to it.

“Something wrong?” Karda asked as he approached.

“That ship… Have you ever seen it before?”

“No,” he replied. “Probably some diplomat from the Senate, come to ask for mediation in a problem. Nothing to be concerned about. C’mon, let’s…”

“Wait,” Jasra said. “The ramp’s lowering. I want to see who disembarks.”

“It’s not our concern,” said Karda, and he turned to board the shuttle. “Come. The Dreadless is waiting for us.”

Reluctant to board, Jasra stood there for a moment, staring at the strange new ship.
04-29-2006, 11:54 PM
It had been several years since Crystal had been to Dantooine, but coming down the ramp to the landing pad refreshed old memories. Back when she didn't have a ship of her own, she met a Republic transport here that took her to Coruscant. Another ship caught her eye and she stared at it for a moment before recognizing it.

"Moon Shadow," she muttered. Then, she realized a young Jedi woman was staring at her. At first, she merely glared. Then, she realized who it was and closed the distance between them rapidly.

"Jasra?" she exclaimed. "You're a Jedi?" Doubts suddenly flooded her. "You... you do remember me, don't you?"
 The Doctor
04-29-2006, 11:59 PM
Rose had to jog to keep up with her companion, taking three strides for every one of his.
"Do you think we could hurry up?" she asked sarcastically.
"Sorry," he said, not looking at her. "It is a remarkable planet," he said suddenly, stopping. "It quite reminds me of Earth, actually. But without all the pollution of your era, the war of the last, and the, uhm... rats... of the next."
"Yes, rats. Big ones about the size of a a dog. And not a tichy little dog like a chihuahua, either. Something more like a labrador. Saw one almost as big as a great dane, once. Amazing dogs, those, though. About as faithful as an animal can be. Much better than a poodle or something. But, I suppose it's better to have a poodle than a fish," he added, spotting a fairly large green fish swim up to the surface of the lake. "Stupid animals, really. Not really good for anything, are they?"
"Alright: what are we going to do?" asked Rose, a touch of hopelessness audible in her voice.
"Oh, come on, Rose, it's just a fish, it's not going to hur-"
"No, I mean... what are we going to do now that we're here? I mean... usually there's a... dalek, or a... a... werewolf or something on top of us by now."
"Well, we'll just have to wait and-"
"Hey! What are you doing down there?"
A man in a military uniform was approaching them, a blaster at the ready. "Who are you?" he asked.
"You see Rose: just be patient!" he said, smiling.
"I said: who are you?" repeated the soldier menacingly.
"Just travellers, my friend, looking for a good time."
"You'll have to do better than that," snapped the soldier, brandishing the blaster. "Come on, I'm taking you up to the palace."
"Palace? Oh, that sounds like fun, don't you think Rose?"
Rose rolled her eyes, smirking slightly.
04-30-2006, 6:45 AM
"Jasra?" Crystal exclaimed. "You're a Jedi?" Doubts suddenly flooded her. "You... you do remember me, don't you?"

Jasra moved forward and suddenly and surprisingly flung her arms around Crystal in a tight hug. “Oh! Am I glad to see you!” she said thankfully.

“Jasra! Hurry up!” came Karda’s voice from inside the shuttle.

Jasra broke her embrace and stood back. “I… I’ve got to go,” she said to Crystal. “I’ve been paired up with Karda for a mission. A Jedi mission. Part of my trials,” she clarified. She looked down at her clothes, then gave Crystal a weak smile. “I’m not exactly where I thought I would be.” Then she looked at Crystal’s impressively sleek ship and grinned. “And neither are you, by the look of things.” Her voice turned serious. “Something’s changed. We have to find the others.”

“Padawan!” Karda shouted again.

“Coming!” Jasra called out over her shoulder. “Look, we’re meeting a Republic ship called the Dreadless in orbit and then heading for the Austrak Sector. Come with us.”
04-30-2006, 9:28 AM
Crystal smiled slightly. "Look on the bright side... at least you're not dancing for Sig..."

She grimaced symathetically. Then, she said, "Ask Karda if he remembers the fight we had before I left Dantooine the first time. Then tell him I'm joining you whether you like it or not. Make it clear this is my decision and ignore the fact that you suggested it. I'd have come to that decision anyway. I'll inform the Jedi that I'm going with you."

She turned and headed off to find the masters of the enclave.
04-30-2006, 12:10 PM
Jasra watched Crystal leave, then as Karda shouted for her again, she entered the shuttle.

“You’re not going to get a very good report if you repeatedly ignore me,” Karda said, while he flipped switches and prepared to take off.

“Sorry.” Jasra sat down in the navigator’s seat and strapped herself in.

The ramp closed, and after receiving clearance, the Moon Shadow lifted off. Karda was a skilled pilot, but Jasra found it hard to keep her hands off the controls. After all, the Moon Shadow had been her ship once, albeit in another time dimension.

As the rolling plains of Dantooine shrunk below them, Karda finally broke the silence between them.


“So what?” Jasra replied.

“So who got off that other ship you were so interested in? Must have been someone important that you felt it was alright to ignore me.”

“An old friend,” Jasra said lightly, knowing that Karda would take the bait.

“What ‘old’ friend?” he asked, snapping his head in her direction. “Some one from the Ebon Hawk? Who?”

Jasra grinned, while she non-chalantly requested docking instructions from the Dreadless. “Thought you didn’t care about finding any of the others.”

“Who?” Karda asked more urgently.

“Did you ever have an argument with another Jedi when you were a Padawan? A fight, perhaps?”

“What does when I was a Padawan have anything to do with….” Suddenly Karda sighed and hung his head. “I knew she seemed familiar! Why couldn’t I see her for who she was then!”

“Who?” Jasra asked, grinning.

Karda glared at her. “You know who. Crystal. It was…oh, I can’t remember now. It was a long time ago.”

“So, you did fight with her?”

“She fought with me. Yes.”

“What’s the difference?”


Jasra turned her head to face him. “What did you fight about?”

Karda considered for a moment. “Philosophy.”

“Philosophy? What, like, which came first, the nuna or the egg?” she said, grinning.

“More like, what makes a Jedi…natural ability or training.”

“And what was your answer?”

“Training,” he said flatly. “Which is what you are lacking. Training and discipline.”

Jasra rolled her eyes. “This is going to be a long journey. I can tell.”

“Permission to dock with the Dreadless granted,” said a hollow voice over the com link. “Proceed to the starboard landing bay.”

“Moon Shadow, acknowledged,” Karda answered. “So, what did Crystal have to say?”

“Nothing much. Only that she was coming with us.”

“What!?” Karda asked incredulously. “This is a Jedi mission. And she is further from being a Jedi than you are at the moment!”

Just then the com link bleeped. It was Master Visas.

“Karda, there is a recent development in your mission,” said Visas’voice over the com link. “A scout, by the name of Crystal Gray, will be joining you in your search. She will meet you on the Dreadless.” There was a pause. “She… she says she knows you.”

“She does,” said Karda. “Unfortunately,” he added under his breath. “Thank you for informing us, Master Visas. I’m sure Ms. Gray will be very… helpful,” he said, grimacing.

Once again, there was silence as Karda guided the Moon Shadow into the landing bay of the much larger Dreadless.

“See? It’s not coincidence,” Jasra said. “It’s the Force. It’s our destiny to reunite with the others.”

“After our mission,” Karda said firmly. “And don’t you forget, I’m in charge here. You take your orders from me, Padawan.”

“You know, I don’t think you’d make a very good Master,” Jasra said. “You’re too…touchy.”

“Touchy? Only because you’re too… provocative.”

“Hey, I’m sorry if I don’t remember much of my ‘past history’.”

Karda gave her a hard look. “Two words. Guided. Meditation. And I won’t hesitate to help you in that arena if need be.”

“Great,” Jasra said flatly. “In the old time, I had a hard time finding Jedi training, and now in this new time, it’s being shoved down my throat.”

The Moon Shadow touched down, and the docking bay began to pressurise.

“Just be mindful of your actions and thoughts,” Karda warned her. “Keep your focus on our present task. Like it or not, you’re a Jedi. And if you believe that the Force is guiding us, then there must be a reason why you are a Jedi now. Keep that in mind.”

The hatch opened and Karda and Jasra stepped aboard the Dreadless.
04-30-2006, 12:28 PM
not sure why my post didn't update on the main DTC forum. I'm trying a test post to see if it will fix the problem.

Edit: Looks like all is well again! :)
04-30-2006, 1:23 PM
((Didn't work... I've had this happen before too... strange, but there's not much we can do about it.))

Several minutes later, the Eagle's Wing touched down next to the Moon Shadow and Crystal left it. She reached out telepathically and located Jasra and Karda. Less than a second later, she was standing just behind them.

"Hello, Karda," she said pleasantly. "How've you been since I heldyou gasping for breath, plastered to the ceiling of the enclave?" She smiled slightly. "It's a vague memory for me... but I like this history better than..." She left her sentence unfinished, knowing both Karda and Jasra knew what she was talking about.
04-30-2006, 1:38 PM
Karda glared at Crystal. “You would,” he said to her, while behind him Jasra bit back a grin at his discomfort.

“It’s good to have you back, Crystal,” Jasra said, with genuine gratefulness. “Nice to have a least one friendly face aboard.”

Karda let out a deep sigh as he raised his eyebrow at Jasra’s comment. “So scout is it?” Karda continued to Crystal. “So, tell me, did the Jedi Council tell you what we are scouting for?”
04-30-2006, 1:44 PM
"They wouldn't," Crystal chuckled. "They believe the only reason I'm here is to rebuild what could have been a good partnership between us. Other than that, they think I am an observer and nothing more. They do not understand that my abilities have increased significantly since I left. I will help when help is needed. Any information I need is to be given to me by the two of you."
04-30-2006, 2:05 PM
“Well, if you’re going to be a part of this mission, then we’d better brief you on it,” Karda said reluctantly to Crystal. “Something tells me that we’re going to need all the help we can get.” He looked at his datapad. “Let’s go and have a chat with Captain Ford and get this ship under my command and everyone briefed.”

Karda headed off towards the bridge, giving a guarded look over his shoulder to see if Jasra was following.

“Let’s go,” Jasra said to Crystal, as she followed him towards the bridge. “And once we’re done with the ‘change of command’ and our ‘briefing’, we need to talk. In private,” she added, raising an eyebrow in Karda’s direction.
05-01-2006, 1:19 PM
((With Jasra's PMmed permission, I am controlling Karda for a post.))

"I couldn't agree more," Crystal said, following Jasra and Karda toward the bridge. She sped up slightly, bringing herself up next to Karda.

"The Jedi feel I should apologize to you for our little dispute," she said. Karda snorted.

"You mean your dispute," he corrected. "I was merely..."

"Using the infuriating illogical logic of your masters," Crystal interrupted. "You scolded me for..."

"For using an ability I did not understand to 'learn' how a lightsaber is constructed," Karda cut her off. "Verga was extremely disturbed at how easily you were able to do that."

"I saw no reason to undergo Jedi training when I was not Force sensitive," Crystal told him.

"And you felt that you could handle a lightsaber with what ingrained skill you had," he replied, glancing over at her. "Don't think I've forgotten our argument simply because we have two histories to remember."

"So you admit the argument involved both of us," Crystal smirked. Karda sighed.

"Call it more a debate from my point of view," he said. "A debate you turned aggressive."

"But you have to admit..." Crystal began, but Karda interrupted.

"I am responsible for Padawan Lantill on this mission," he said. "This conversation is not beneficial to her... or to either of us. The past is what it is. Talking about it will not change it."

Crystal shrugged. "You might like to know my opinion has changed."

Karda turned to face her fully. "Oh?"

Crystal grinned. "A Jedi is made by both natural ability and training."

"More training than natural ability," Karda said. Crystal laughed.

"Now who's creating the bad example for Jasra?" she teased. "Now you want to restart our argument."

Karda rolled his eyes, but said nothing and stepped out onto the bridge, Crystal and Jasra following him.
05-01-2006, 4:30 PM
Jasra couldn’t help but grin at Karda’s discomfort, and when Crystal turned to look over her shoulder at her, she gave her a playful wink.

“Touchy,” Jasra said quietly, but loud enough for Karda to hear. And although he didn’t look at her, she thought she heard him growl a bit, and she grinned.

“Captain Wolf, I presume,” Karda said, striding arrogantly forward and extending his hand. “Pleasure to meet you. I’m Jedi Knight Karda Jal-Ordo.” He turned towards the women. “Jedi Padawan Jasra Lantill, and…” He hestitated. “Crystal Gray. An advisor.”

Captain Wolf returned the handshake. “Welcome aboard the Dreadless. I suppose you’ll be taking command now?” he asked slowly.

“As soon as you are ready,” Karda said. “Have you briefed your crew?”

“Not as such,” said Captain Wolf. “They know they are on a recovery mission, but Admiral Onassi felt that it was best to leave things on a ‘need-to-know’ basis until your arrival.”

“I see.” Karda took a moment to consider. “How many crew aboard?”

“Thirty-two,” said Wolf. “Bridge crew, two medics, three engineers, and the rest soldiers. The Admiral wanted you to be prepared in case you ran into…complications,” he added, seeing the look of surprise on Jasra’s face.

“And will you be staying aboard?” Karda asked.

“Actually, no. Admiral Onassi has other plans for me. But…” Captain Wolf nodded to the pilot’s station. “Our pilot, Marshall Tylor, is quite capable of being second in command. He was handpicked by Admiral Onassi himself.”

Karda nodded. “Very well. If you could instruct Tylor to meet us in the briefing room, Captain, we’ll get things changed over so that you may depart and we can get underway.”

Karda turned and headed for the briefing room, his cloak swooping gracefully behind him as he walked.

“Oooh, I’m impressed,” Jasra commented deadpan under her breath to Crystal. “Aren’t you?”


Karda took his place at the head of the oblong table in the briefing room where Jasra, Crystal, Captain Wolf, and Tylor were sitting in anticipation of the mission briefing.

“Three days ago,” Karda began, “all contact was lost with the Republic ship the Almanac. On board, Jedi Master Bastila Shan and seven prospective Padawans, along with the Almanac’s crew of nine.”

He clicked a button on the hand held remote and a hologram of a Galaxy map appeared in the centre of the table. “They disappeared here,” a spot on the map began to flash. “In the Austrak Sector. A place known for pirates, smugglers, and, the occasional slaver. The Almanac was found, and was intact, but all personnel aboard were missing. No escape pods were fired, there was no sign of any malfunctions, and no sign of any distress or struggle. The only clue we have is a log entry that had them investigating a distress call. We think it was a ruse to lure them to their fate.

“Our task is to find them. We’ll start at the place of their abduction and begin our search with the hyperspace lanes that intersect that area. Now, are there any questions?”

“Do any of the hyperspace lanes happen to lead near Nar Shaddaa?” Jasra asked.

Karda glared at her. “Any other questions?” he said, purposefully not answering.
05-01-2006, 5:31 PM
Captain Wolf headed towards the piolt station after the conference with the jedi knights. He stood behind Marshall and coughed to get Marshalls attention. Marshall spun on his chair to face Captain Wolf.
"Yesss captain?" Asked Tylor, I have feeling this isn't going to be good
"Your needed in the breifing room in five minutes exactly." Said the captain, in an upright military poisture.
"Huh?" Replied Tylor
"Your in second command of the Dreadless during the mission." The captain answered
"Oh right... Cool." Said Tylor as he spun around and continued with his work."I'll be there in five minutes."

~~5 mins later~~
Marshall entered the brief and sat down. After the Jedi finished his briefing and asked for questions.

Tylor stood forward and said "I have a few.What about the ships cameras? Most ships, especially republic ship."
05-01-2006, 5:52 PM
"Good question," said Karda to Tylor. He took out his datapad, and connected it up to the control console in front of him.

"This is what was recorded." Karda pushed a button, and a holoimage appeared of the Almanac's bridge.

At first the bridge was operating normally. Bastila was sitting in the command chair, when the comm officier indicated that they were receiving a distress call. Bastila ordered them to investigate. Then there was a period of static. When the image reappeared, the bridge was empty. All of the control stations seemed to be functioning normally, people.

"That's all that was found, and it's the same with every camera on board--med bay, engineering, crew corridor. The Republic has engineers examining the static covered portion of the holovid, but so far they haven't been successful in recovering any of it."
05-02-2006, 12:21 PM
"You guys have the cordinants for the Austrak. I've preped the ship for hyperspace allready. All it's waiting for is the cordinants and a press of a button and we'll be off" informed Marshall.
05-02-2006, 3:48 PM
"Great, Tylor," Karda said to Marshall. "As soon as Captain Wolf departs the ship, then we shall proceed." He punched a few buttons on the console. "I'm loading the co-ordinates into the main computer. You can transfer them to your navicomputer at your convenience. Now," he said, straightening himself and looking at Jasra and Crystal, "if there are no more questions, we should get ourselves settled. I have a feeling this isn't going to be a quick mission."

Karda, Jasra and Crystal left for their quarters, leaving Captain Wolf to give any handover instructions to Tylor.


In her quarters, Jasra put her pack down and then sat on the bed. She figured that Crystal would either contact her or, if she still had her teleporting abilities, come and see her soon.

But, while she waited, she decided to try and meditate for a bit, in the hopes that she could touch Brax's mind through their Force connection. The dream she had of him the night before worried her.

She closed her eyes, slowed her breathing, and reached out with the Force....
05-02-2006, 6:54 PM
The past few hours had been calming, Brax had slipped into one of the side rooms and was sitting on a bunk, his eyes closed. Filling himself with pleasant thoguths and memories. His body was still reacting oddly to being away from his partner. But .. somethign was strange about that too, he couldn't put his finger on what though.

They were going to someplace called naboo, he'd never heard of it. It didn't seem like anything intersting was going to be there, somethign about an enemy of the Doctor. But this man didn't seem like the other Doctor he had met, he understood ther was some strange thign with 'regeneration' or something. But still it seemed fishy. he'd keep an eye on the man that was for sure.

He had calmed his hearts all down, and his body was seeming okay for now. He lenaed back, and closed his eyes, and set his internal clock to wake him in a few hours, when they got to naboo, and was out like a light.

Omwat is a forested planet, the far north and far south contain raiforests of a cold and snowy kind, the middle portion of the world that of a tropical rainforest. There is one small desert that is said to have been created a long time ago through the use of horrible technology, a large ocean that covers 2/3 of the planet, and three large continents covering the rest. Brax dreamt of home, his home, of Omwat. He stood out in the pouring rain, hot and feeling so good as each drop fell upon him, soaked to the bone.

"Jasra?" He whispered, feeling her presence in the dream. "This is Omwat." he said, smiling when she strode out of the rain to him.
05-03-2006, 10:19 PM
Even though in a meditative state, Jasra grinned as she connected with Brax. It was comforting to feel his presence, visit his thoughts. But this visit wasn't like the dream. She could envision what he was thinking, but couldn't feel things like she had when she was dreaming--the coolness of the rain, the scents of the forest, the touch of Brax's hand has he caressed her face--she couldn't feel any of it.

"Omwat--it's beautiful, Brax," she said to him, smiling softly. "I can see why your people are so protective over it." Then her smile faded. "I'm worried about you. And I'm lost without you. Is this where you are, Brax? Omwat?"
05-04-2006, 1:59 AM
"I wish I was on Omwat," he said, but shook his head. "But I am going to someplace called ... Naboo, there is a man here, claiming to be the Doctor, but I don't think it's really him. He's nothing like the man we met, in the other time." He frowned, his eyes growing fiantly black with anger and annoyance at the situation.

"Where are you? I can get my ship and come to you, just tell me where ... and I'll be there as fast as I can." He nodded, and caressed her cheek. He felt her speaking, about ot tell him something, when suddenly he was awake. He gasped and fell over, his breath hard and his mind realing. It felt like he'd been punched in the stomach ...
05-06-2006, 5:53 AM
"Brax, I'm on a mission for the J...Brax?" Jasra felt their connection breaking as she sensed he was in pain. Then suddenly, it was gone. "Brax!" she exclaimed, and her eyes sprung open.

She felt nauseous, probably an after effect of breaking the connection too soon, and now she was more worried about her partner than ever. Brax needed her. He was in pain and he needed her.

"The Doctor?" Jasra said to herself, recalling what Brax had said. "So Brax has found the others. All of them." She paused a moment as she tried to calm her feeling of anxiety. "But why Naboo?"

Her desire to reunite with Brax was stronger than ever. Quickly, she moved over to the computer console at the desk and began to search through the known hyperspace routes in area of the Austrak sector where Bastila had disappeared. Perhaps there was a connection between there and....

"There it is." A Naboo hyperspace route. Jasra downloaded the information into her datapad, along with the other known hyperspace routes that intersected that area, then headed for Crystal's room. Surely, Crystal must realise that the Force was leading all of the 'time travelers' back together for a reason, and together they would find a way to convince Karda to go to Naboo.
 The Doctor
05-06-2006, 8:40 AM
"What are we going to do?"
"Well Rose, there's nothing we can do, really. Best just play along, and listen to what the man sa- Oh, look at the bird!"
"This isn't the time to-"
"Rose. there's nothing we can do. He's got an Aratech Silenced Blaster at our backs. If we try to escape, we'll end up with a charred hole in our backs. I suggest you relax, and let what happens happen."
"Best listen to the manm Las," said the soldier, smirking.
"I have a question?" she said. "Why does he have a Scottish accent if we're in another galaxy entirely? And... in the distant past?"
"It would take far too long to explain," he said dodgily. "Needless to say, humans are not entirely aware of their full past, now are they?" he smiled.

The soldier led them to a large ornate palace. "It's beautiful," said Rose, awstruck.
"Yes, quite," said her companion, not really looking at it. "Tell me," he turned to the soldier. "I know this is an odd question, but... who is the Monarch, at the moment?" he asked genially.
The soldier glared. "Keep moving," he said, unimpressed. "You are to be detained, and the ship you arrived in detained."
"Oh, don't worry, it's not going anywhere. Not unless I tell it to."
"Even then, it's hit or miss..."
05-07-2006, 11:23 AM
"Here we go again." Kira murmured to Revan as the Ebon Hawk quickly made its way through the atmosphere of Naboo. "Just another whirlwind adventure."

((OOC: Sorry I haven't posted in a while, guys :xp: busy week))
 The Doctor
05-07-2006, 9:13 PM
Revan smiled. "Look on the bright side," he said. "No Sith hanging onto our butts."
05-07-2006, 9:15 PM
Kira smiled as well. "Or Mandalorians." she added.
05-08-2006, 4:30 PM
The door to Crystal's quarters slid open as Jasra approached it, inviting her to enter. Crystal was on the other side of the room, occupied with a computer console, but she glanced up as Jasra entered. With a slight smile, she said, "It's good to see you again, Jasra." Then, she returned her attention to the computer.
05-08-2006, 6:34 PM
“Crystal,” Jasra said as she entered the room, “I’ve been thinking. There is obviously something still connecting all of us that were in the ‘old timeline,’ and it must be related to …”

She stopped, and stared over Crystal’s shoulder at the computer terminal. “Oh. So, you’re searching the hyperspace routes that intersect the Austrak sector, too? Good. What do you think about the Naboo route?”

When Crystal looked up at her curiously, Jasra leaned against the edge of the console table and let out a sigh. “It’s imperative that I find Brax,” she explained. “We’ve got a connection… a bond, carried over from… well, from before.” Jasra bit her lower lip. “And it’s more than just a Force bond. It goes… deeper than that.” She frowned slightly. “He occupies my thoughts, all the time. And,” she said, frowning, “he’s in pain. I can feel it. If I don’t find him soon, he’ll die.” She paused for a moment, then continued. “Brax, the others… they are on their way to Naboo. Probably already there by now. And through our bond, Brax told me that the Doctor was with them, too.” She stared at Crystal intently. “Maybe I’m mistaken, but I thought the Doctor told us that he wasn’t supposed to be here. If he corrected the timeline, then why is he back? Unless…,” her voice trailed off. “Crystal, I fear that something else is wrong. Very wrong. We have to find a way to get this ship to Naboo, with or without Karda’s permission.”
 The Doctor
05-08-2006, 7:05 PM
The Doctor sealed the door shut behind him. He strolled over to the console and punched a few buttons. An image appeared on the screen - an image ok Kira. A data readout began scrolling across the screen.

Name: Kira Starr
Species: Species: Human
Native Galaxy: 113-68
Native Time Frame: Index 004-13-6, Old Republic Era
A short biography followed, outlining her early life, training records, and a record of her exploits near the end of the Great Jedi Purge, shortly after the Civil War.

He punched in another set of commands, and Revan's face filled the screen.
Name: Revan
Species: Species: Human
Native Galaxy: 113-68
Native Time Frame: Index 004-13-6, Old Republic Era
"The Prodigal Knight," he muttered, smiling slightly.

He punched in yet another few commands. This time, Atton's face appeared.
Name: Undetermined
Designation in current time frame: Atton Rand
Species: Species: Human
Native Galaxy: 113-68
Native Time Frame: Index 004-13-6
Not much data on 'Atton Rand'. No redirects either. I'll have to keep an eye on this one...

He then accessed information on Disciple, Crystal Gray, and Jasra Lantill. Nothing relevant - the timeline had been reverted. But presence of another Time Lord told him that there was still something wrong...
He accessed another databank. An image of a young woman with shoulder length blonde hair appeared.
Name: Rose Tyler
Species: Species: Human
Native Galaxy: 22-3
Native Time Frame: Index 904-83-4, Early 21st Terran Century
Like most humans in the Milky Way, Tyler was no threat. At least, she appeared to be no threat. He pulled up the information on Naboo, and began reading.
05-08-2006, 7:10 PM
"I'm glad you two never seem to want to slow down." Atton murmured as he brought the ship in for docking. "Force knows if you did, the galaxy would fall apart."
A console beeped.
"Incoming transmition. Patching it through." the pilot reported, and hit a few keys on the terminal.
"This is the Naboo Docking Authority. Please identify yourself." a man's voice said.
Kira moved closer to the console. "The Ebon Hawk." she said, "We're here for pleasure. To check up on an old friend." she added, just for good measure.
"Very well, your ID checks out. You may dock in Bay 147. Please enjoy your stay on Naboo."
 The Doctor
05-08-2006, 7:12 PM
"They're letting us dock?" said Revan, surprised. "I thought you guys had completely ruined this ship's reputation?"
05-08-2006, 7:17 PM
Crystal frowned. "I don't think that's wise, Jasra," she said quietly. "Look, I want to regroup as much as you do... but the Jedi gave you and Karda a mission. I'm not here to interfere. I'm here to help. I intend to speed this mission up as much as I possibly can..."

She sighed and shifted slightly in her seat. "If not us, who's going to look for Bastila?" Her eyes fell again on the computer and she groaned. "I look at hyperspace routes to settle myself down a bit... relax, let my brain rest. Hyperspace routes may not be straight lines, but each one has a definite beginning and end..."

A few taps to the screen later and the screen was displaying a closer view of the hyperspace routes. Crystal tapped on one and the screen split in half, one half showing the chart and the other showing information on the hyperspace route Crystal had tapped.

"No," she murmured. She tapped the screen several more times and then shook her head. "I've just looked into several potential ways to get to Naboo," she told Jasra. "All of them require a couple of extra jumps, which, if you're trying to do this without Karda's approval, is not the way to go."

She sighed. "Jasra, I know you want to get back to Brax. Believe me, I'd love to get you there... but it looks like we'll have to play along with Karda. I'll do everything in my power to speed up this mission. I'll call on the mental power of every person aboard this ship to increase my telepathic range if I have to, but it's looking like we'll have to find Bastila before we rejoin our friends."

A disappointed silence was shared between them and Crystal said quietly, "I'm sorry."
05-08-2006, 7:55 PM
Kira smiled devilishly. "Ruined? Yes. Completely? Not yet."
"Well, you two have fun." Atton said, getting up, "I have to go get some things before we leave." and with that, he left the cockpit.
 The Doctor
05-08-2006, 9:38 PM
Revan watched Atton leave, a dark look on his face. "I don't trust him," he said, finally voicing what he had been thinking since the previous time line.
05-08-2006, 9:41 PM
"I do." Kira said, watching after him, "He's done more for me and the others than he was ever entitled to do. He's put himself on the line countless times and was always there to watch my back. In some ways...he reminds me of someone else I know." she added on as an afterthought, looking pointedly at him.
 The Doctor
05-08-2006, 9:45 PM
Revan shook his head. "His thoughs are too clouded. He doesn't want us to know anything about him. He's hiding something, I can feel it. I never had anything to hide. I never lied to you. He has."
05-08-2006, 9:49 PM
"I know what he's lied about, Revan." the Exile answered, "And trust me, if you had a past like his, you would want to hide your thoughts as well."
 The Doctor
05-08-2006, 9:53 PM
"That's no excuse," spat Revan, standing quickly. "I'm not exactly proud of my past, either, Kira! I've done horrible things! I killed millions as Darth Revan! I slaughtered men, women, and children! But I don't lie about it! I don't pretend it never happened! I don't betray my friends, change my name, and run away and hide on some **** hole of a planet!"
05-08-2006, 9:57 PM
"Revan!" Kira said, placing her hands on his shoulders, "Settle down. It's just the way he is..." a small smile spread on her features as she realized why he was flying off the handle so easily. "...and it's why he could never be you." She reached up and kissed him lightly, quickly. Then, pulling away, she said, "C'mon. We have work to do."

((OOC:Wheee...sucky post, I know :xp: Though, I have to say that your post is quite interesting, Doc :lol: ))
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