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Star Wars: Warriors of the Force

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04-29-2006, 4:16 PM
A short distance away, Zev was keeping track of the man approaching Tacit and his companions. He was easy to track from up here, his torchlight bouncing up and down as he scrambled his way noisily through the undergrowth.

"Clumsy," Zev said, with a shake of the head. "But would an enemy approach so blatantly? I think not."

Satisfied that the approaching man (Jack) wasn't a threat to Tacit, Zev settled down to watch him and the ones who travelled with him. With one of them wounded, they would be slower, easier to track. Not that they hadn't been easy to track before this.

The girl Tacit seemed to be protecting...she was very easy to track. Her tracks were heavy, and her footfalls loud. Nevermind her incessant chatter.

But as long as Tacit was safe, that's all that mattered to Zev.
04-29-2006, 4:47 PM
"No, it doesn't," Katri agreed quietly, glancing over at Tacit. She sensed nervousness rolling off of him and it bothered her. Something was definitely not right about all of this. The more she thought of it, the less she liked it. This little journey was getting worse by the minute. Then, she sensed another presense.

"Someone is approaching," she told Tacit, being sure to keep her voice low enough that only Tacit would hear. "I don't sense any hostile intentions... but I'll be the first to admit I've not had adequate time to train myself to use my Jedia abilities so well as you seem to."
04-29-2006, 7:56 PM
He stopped for a second, spinning his rifle around by the trigger with his right hand and spinning to a crouch, looking behind them, aiming the rifle in the direction of Zev. He fired a shot off but he couldn't see if it hit or not, but really the laser blast just skimmed Zev's right shoulder- but Ty was never the wiser.

He sighed and stood back up, catching up with them once more. "It's nothing, if they wanted to make themselves known, they would have by now."
04-29-2006, 8:45 PM
Without even flinching, Zev looked at the singed shoulder pad from the stray shot fired by Tacit's companion, Ty. Reaching up into the branches, Zev picked a large spiky seed pod, aimed, and hurled it towards a tree trunk below. The cone richocheted in precisely the angle Zev had wanted it to.

It's sharp spiny outer covering struck Ty from behind, directly below his belt.

Under the mask, Zev grinned. Tacit was the one Zev was tasked to protect. His companions...well, they were just amusing annoyances for the moment.
 The Doctor
04-29-2006, 8:57 PM
"He's been following us for the past few hours," muttered Tacit. "He's no danger. I sense nothing but... curiousity. A touch of arrogance, but..."
04-29-2006, 11:07 PM
Ty jumped a tad when it hit him, bbut soon recovered his posture and began walking. He knew who threw it, but he didn't care. It was better than knowing who it is and having an all out fight with them.
04-30-2006, 6:33 AM
As Jack continued to head up the mountain, he heard voices. He knelt down and dimmed his flashlight He continued to hear the voices but was never able to make out what they were saying. Moving very quickly, he crept towards where the voices were coming from. He soon found himself at the top of a slope that leed onto a pathway. He decided to slid down onto the pathway. He noticed the voices were getting louder and clearer.

He turned his flashlight back to full power and turned to the diraction of the voices. He could just barely see outline of four or five people among the trees. "I hope it god these guys aren't hostile..."
 The Doctor
04-30-2006, 11:45 AM
Tacit flipped his weapon over in his hand, igniting it, as he spun around on the spot to face the light that was no pointed at them. He raised a hand a reached out, pulling the individual towards them roughly. A rather bulky looking man with a large blaster rifle fell to his face in front of him. Tacit kicked the blaster to the side, where Gashon ran to pick it up.
"Who are you?" asked Tacit threateningly.
04-30-2006, 11:52 AM
"Jack. And you are?" Jack pushed himself up and brushed the dirt off his clothes "You wouldn't happen to be with the Oshtenvul would you? Because if you are my not an enemy.. I'm neutral.."
 The Doctor
04-30-2006, 11:56 AM
Tacit felt no deception from 'Jack', but kept his weapon pointed at his chest all the same. "Tacit. And no, we're not Oshtenvul. We're trying to get away from them, actually. I have to get... my friend here... out of the province for a while."
04-30-2006, 12:03 PM
"Really? Intersting..."Jack said as he took off his Jacket and continued to brush the dirt off it. "I'm sort of doing the same. I wanted to get out of the city before... Well this happened. So who do you getting out of the province?"
 The Doctor
04-30-2006, 12:05 PM
Tacit laughed. "You expect me to tell someone I just met which one of us is important enough to need an escort out of here?" He ginned. "And here I thought soldiers had no sense of humour."
04-30-2006, 12:18 PM
"Good point. I'm sure your the type of person who never trusts or travel with anyone thye just met, out of the blue. Now thats over can I have my gun back and I'll be on my way.." He extended a hand for his weapon "And I'm a piolt.. not a soldier.. We're similar expect we get to do loads of cool and dangerous stuff, and we get less pay.. and more blame...."
04-30-2006, 6:11 PM
Ty spun around Tacit, pushing him backwards and withdrawing his sword, bringing it down so where the point of the tip of the blade was a few inches from the crown of his head. "He's not hostile, but I am. Now we keep the gun, and you waltz your clumsy ass back to where you came from, we don't need another one to trust," he said, tightening the grip on his sword. He wasn't going to let Tacit give the man his weapon back.
 The Doctor
05-01-2006, 5:04 PM
Tacit reached out with his mind and threw Ty's hand into the air, sending the sword flying into the tree behind him.
"Knock it off, Ty," he said. He threw the pilot his gun. "There. Take it. We have no use for it - far too uncivilized for my liking."
05-01-2006, 5:15 PM
Watching with interest from the treetops, Zev nearly let out a snicker as Tacit sent Ty's sword flying into a tree. And with such force, too! The sword's blade was buried halfway into the trunk, and it would take some effort on Ty's part to retrieve it.

Zev was pleased with Tacit's progress, and underneath the mask, Zev smiled.
05-01-2006, 5:48 PM
"Thank you," Jack said as he cought his gun "Well I'll be on my way." He turned to leave. However, something came to mind causing him to turn back "Would any of you happen to have a radio or com? I have a good friend and his family I'm worried about. He usually has a radio on him and the frequence to contect him."
 The Doctor
05-01-2006, 5:58 PM
"Sorry," said Tacit, shaking his head. "Too easy to track."
05-01-2006, 11:01 PM
Ty walked over to the tree and grasped it with one hand, turning towards Tacit and walking towards him, the sword sliding out of the tree as the trunk split and fell. He put the sword in his hand-made sheath. "Do that again, and I'll be forced to kill you, Tacit." He said, walking off back towards a nearby village.

"My trip is through, i'm leaving. Tari, if you need me, you know where to find me," he said, walking away from the group.
 The Doctor
05-01-2006, 11:09 PM
Tacit pulled Ty's sword from it's sheath and threw it into a tree again. He rose his own blade. "Make good on that threat. I dare you."
05-02-2006, 12:03 PM
Jack stepped back, out of the way. He wasn't planning to stop the fight and he wasn't going to join in. He didn't care much for Ty, really he would liked it if he died, and he knew that the Tacit would easily take down Ty, the only question was if Ty would die or not.
05-02-2006, 4:48 PM
"Enough!" Tari shouted, standing between the two men and throwing her arms out, as if to hold them away from eachother. Her eyes were narrowed and her brow furrowed as she stared hard at the two. "I will not allow you two to cut each other up. I'm tired of the fighting. Ty, stay where you are. Unless I'm mistaken, you owe me quite a bit of money, meaning you're not going anywhere. Tacit, my father owes you quite a bit of money if I make the journey alive and safe, which puts you under my control. So, here's a deal for you two. Ty, if you stay with us and provide extra protection to myself and Katri to the forest and back to the Embassy, I will held you debt repaid. Tacit, you already know the limitations of your deal with my father. However, if either of you attempt to hurt each other again, then the deals are off. I'll be sure that your pay is cut, Tacit, and upon return to the Embassy, I'll be taking your bike and a month's worth of work in the Embassy to repay your debt, Ty. Am I clear?"
 The Doctor
05-02-2006, 4:57 PM
Tacit narrowed his eyes at Ty, not lowering his weapon. "I don't take kindly to threats," he growled. He moved towards Ty, but didn't go around Tari - he wasn't going to try to get her out of the way. "I don't like threats, I don't like bullies... and I don't like you, Ty." He deactivated his sword. "If you threaten me one more time, you're gone. I don't care how much money you owe her," he spat, indicating Tari. "Gods know she has enough money anyway."
05-02-2006, 5:30 PM
He smirked. "As long as he's done being a prick, i'll stay." He headed over to the tree and pulled it out easily again, twirling it and sticking it into his sheath. He walked past Tacit and Tari, stepping into his original position, turning back around. "And you're the bully, geohound."
05-02-2006, 5:58 PM
"Well I'm glad you lot get along so well," Said Jack sarcastically "with friends like you lot, who needs enemies?" Jack turned on his torch light and turned to leave "Well see ya. And good luck against any jedai you may encounter.."
05-02-2006, 7:33 PM
"And they make the best traveling companions, let me tell you." Tari said sarcastically, shaking her head. Men. Why do they always have to be so thick headed? Turning to Tacit and Ty, she asked, "Can we keep moving now, please? I'd like to get as far away from these Jedia as possible. If they can attack a city a few days before a big meeting is supposed to take place not even thirty yards away, I'm sure kidnapping isn't beyond their means." her voice was level, but the fear shone in her eyes. She tried not to meet any of the others' eyes, lest they see. Rather, she moved ahead of them, her eyes cast downward.
 The Doctor
05-02-2006, 7:39 PM
Tacit was about to take a swing at Ty - just for good measure - when he sensed her fear. It began rolling off of her like water. Igniting his weapon, he continued after her. "She's right. Let's get the hell out of here."
05-02-2006, 10:03 PM
He headed after Tari, keeping alot of distance between her and himself, not speaking another word.
 The Doctor
05-03-2006, 10:26 PM
The rest of the night passed in silence, other than the fading sounds of battle off in the distance. As the sun broke the horizon, they came to a small cliff, overlooking a small village a few miles away.
"Kastor," said Tacit, waving an arm. "As long as we stay out of the Al'hayat's Paw, we'll be fine," he said. "Theres a small hotel we can stay in on the opposite side of the village. We'll spend the rest of the day in the village, and stay until tommorow morning. If we don't hear news of the Captial by then, we'll move further away. Any questions?"
05-03-2006, 11:03 PM
"Is it wise to enter civilization?" Katri asked quietly. She frowned. "Or is this village not what you would consider 'civilized'? Either way, my question stands: is it wise? Anyone we encounter might relay information of our location."
05-04-2006, 3:19 PM
Tari stood at the lip of the cliff, looking over the village, her hand running along the length of her braid with anxiety. What of the Embassy? Had the Jedia attacked it as well? If they did, were the soldiers stationed there enough to defend it? What of her father? Was he alright? Was he alive and safe? Or was he dead, or dying? Too many questions and too few answers. she decided.
"The only way we'll learn of the Capital is if we have human contact." she turned to look at the others, "We have to go to the village."
05-04-2006, 4:13 PM
Jack appeared from the treeline not far to the left of the group. He turned his head and asked "Hi again. You wouldn't happen to know anything about that village over there would you? There are rumors about a village somewhere around here where the residents are run by a group of cannibals who capture, fatten and eat an strangers."
 The Doctor
05-04-2006, 4:18 PM
Tacit rolled his eyes. "Well, I'm not sure. Why don't you do me a favour and go take a look?"
Jack made as if to head towards the village. Tacit grabbed him by the back of the shirt. "Get back here. There is no village like that around here. MAybe down South, but not anywhere around here."
05-04-2006, 7:15 PM
"He's right. This village is reknown for cannabilism, I heard about it back at the camp. We were never allowed near here. They act as a civilized community. Since people would only expect such a village in the South, people are easy pickings for weary travellers." He said, calmly, folding his arms over his chest. "I suggest we steer clear of this village. If we need to go through, it'll be bloody." He glanced at Tacit. "It's your call if you want to risk not believing in me," he said, although his past with these people gave them the right to ignore him, but he was telling the truth, and if they didn't believe him, it didn't matter.
 The Doctor
05-04-2006, 7:22 PM
Tacit rolled his eyes yet again. "There are no cannibals in this part of the country. I've been to this village before. Recently. You two are either stupid, or full of it." He considered for a moment. "Or both."
05-04-2006, 10:35 PM
He sighed. "Fine, I guess i'm a fool, but I swear, a few years ago I heard that they were here, they might not be now, but i'm sure at one time they were.." He said, turning his head to look at the path they just got off of. "Well, if we're going to go, let's go. No need to wait around for the village to come to us, no?"
 The Doctor
05-04-2006, 10:48 PM
((Look guys, we need to go through this village. Stop trying to derail the story, or I'll have to do something about it. Unless you're attempting to write your own characters out, in which case, just keep going. I can have them 'eliminated'.))
05-04-2006, 11:47 PM
(Know you know what I feel. I start an rp, and it's gets screwed up. I'll go along with your story, but I wish you'd *tell* us what the storyline is.. you're leading us blindly. I'll go along, but if you're going to act like that all the time (saying you'd just randomly eliminate characters) then i'm not gonna stay, because I like to rp a character. That's how Ty is. He's a lone wolf, and he hates Tacit. But I guess i'll edit my above post. Tell us where to go next time)
 The Doctor
05-05-2006, 5:35 PM
((I'm the only one that needs to know what the storyline is, and where it's going. It would be like watching a movie when you know exactly what is going to happen and when. Or playing a video game when you already know what's going to happen.
See, the mark of a good RPer is the ability to catch on to an idea that the writer has (ie that we have to go to the village). Which is why I wonder why I even had to say any of this - you're a good RPer, and I'm suprised you didn't catch on.))
05-05-2006, 5:58 PM
((I agree with the Doctor))

"Okay, but if we get attacked, it's parshially your fault. You guys wouldn't mind if I taged along with you guys untill we get to the vilage would you?"
05-05-2006, 6:25 PM
((Well I need to be directed. I thought Ty walking around the village would have a bit of suspense about it. Like he gets captured or something. Oh well, on with the rp. Oh, and Steven, I believe it's spelled 'Partially' :P))
05-06-2006, 6:30 AM
Zev had found it amusing to listen to the traveller's fears of cannibalism in the nearby village. Zev didn't particularly like villages, mainly because as a general rule villagers had no particular liking for Zev's kind, but cannibals? A silly notion, indeed! Even if they had been down South, didn't they know that it wasn't the right time of year for such rituals?

Still, Zev could use some supplies. The forest provided for most of Zev's needs, but there were some things that only a village could supply. Information, ammunition, oh, and pipeweed. Zev had been out of pipeweed for weeks.

As Tacit was travelling with the two women and a semi-injured man, it was no problem for Zev to get to the village first. Mask removed but now wearing a hooded cloak to conceal holsters and weapons and overall identity from any uppity villagers, Zev found a darkened corner of the only inn in the village--a place to inconspicuously observe Tacit and his group arrive while Zev quietly enjoyed an ale and some newly purchased pipeweed. To any observer, Zev would appear as any other wayward traveller, and villagers being villagers, no one would pay much mind. ((OOC: Meaning: no one should recognise Zev when you guys eventually get to the inn/hotel.))
05-06-2006, 11:42 PM
"Doesn't matter to me, just stay out of my way and we'll be fine," he said, stepping around a small stone as he headed towards the village next to Tari. He leaned over and spoke into her ear, "You sure about this? Who knows, that assassin might be lurking there.."
05-07-2006, 11:21 AM
"It's our only choice." Tari answered, her voice quiet, "I can't go on not knowing. I have to hear news of the captial. This is our best bet to get it."
She looked back behind her at the others. Katri, Tacit, Gashon, Jack, and Ty. Five in all.
"If I stick close to you and the others...there would be little danger of an assassin...wouldn't there?"
05-07-2006, 1:48 PM
"I wouldn't bet my life on it. There's always going to be danger. The geohound seems to attract it like a magnet. I agree that I have attracted a few, but everything I've done, I've made sure they touched no one, especially you." He replied, his voice into a whisper, still walking along with her and Tacit. "No matter what happens, stick with me and you'll be alright. Tacit is a good bet too, if we were to separate, i'd suggest him. I'm a great warrior, but I get lost easy," he said, pulling away from her neck with a smirk, then folding his arms behind his head as he walked.
05-07-2006, 1:57 PM
Tari smiled as they walked. "Thanks." she said as Ty pulled away. Knowing that she had at least two of them willing to protect her, she felt considerably safer.
05-07-2006, 2:07 PM
"And I enjoy shotting at any S.O.Bs that would try to hurt.. a lady of your standers." Said Jack patting his gun. "This peace of junk may be sort primative nower days but she sure as h***, packs a punch"
05-07-2006, 4:32 PM
"True, but it's a projectile, and it can easily be blocked or stopped." He said, stopping for a moment, sniffing, then walking forward again. "Smoke."
05-07-2006, 5:05 PM
"In case of that I got this" He said and pulled out a commando blaster. Sniff Sniff
"Could be from the village?"
 The Doctor
05-07-2006, 5:06 PM
"No," said Tacit. "That's the Oshtenvul behind us. They're burning the forest. They want to find Tari."

((If you had something in mind, Kira, I can edit this. As long as you're not burning the village, it doesn't matter.))
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