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Posted in: MC: AOTE: Rhea
04-09-2006, 9:02 AM
Cloud watched Ryshana and Beryl go into a house with some thugs and he waited. Then, he seen Nic, Ry, and Beryl walk out. He waited awhile and walked out to beside Nic. "What happened Nic?" Beryl smiled, very happy to see Cloud. "Nic'...  [Read More]
Posted in: MC: AOTE: Rhea
04-06-2006, 2:01 PM
"Resupply us?" Beryl said to Nic. She gave a sideways glance at Nic, then at Carmen, then Carmen's thugs. From all outside appearances, Carmen looked like an upstanding and wealthy citizen. But from the thugs, the rich furnishings for appea...  [Read More]
Posted in: MC: AOTE: Rhea
04-05-2006, 7:08 PM
Beryl and Ryshana were escorted through the impressive-looking doors of an equally impressive-looking estate house. Beryl’s heels clacked on the highly polished patterned marble floor, as she took notice of the artwork and expensive furnishings th...  [Read More]
Posted in: MC: AOTE: Rhea
04-03-2006, 5:57 PM
Because Beryl had only heard rumours and tales about Jedi mind tricks, she was quite impressed at seeing one in action. She cocked an amused eyebrow as the thugs put their weapons away, but said nothing until they were led outside. "Neat trick,...  [Read More]
Posted in: MC: AOTE: Rhea
04-03-2006, 3:58 PM
Beryl glanced down at the blaster, discretely poking out from inside the man’s jacket, then slowly met Ryshana’s eyes. “Unbelievable,” she said to Ryshana with a shake of her head. “And here I was thinking this day couldn’t possibly get a...  [Read More]
Posted in: MC: AOTE: Rhea
04-03-2006, 2:07 AM
"Me neither," said Beryl. She grinned at Ryshana. "And I suppose I owe you some thanks for bailing me out of a potentially sticky situation. I was just trying to get enough credits to find a secure com link to contact you guys, not eno...  [Read More]
Posted in: MC: AOTE: Rhea
04-03-2006, 1:27 AM
"No, not really." Beryl bit her lip. "I...I guess I should apologise for acting the way I did," she said humbly. "It's just...." She exhaled, trying to collect her thoughts. "I suppose I was a bit...resentful of you...  [Read More]
Posted in: MC: AOTE: Rhea
04-03-2006, 1:10 AM
"But it's no matter," Ryshana said. Beryl looked at her askance. "I'm lucky at cards, yes. But that's all. Luck isn't the same as skill. Or quick reaction time. Or quick thinking under stress. Or targeting an eyeball without the compu...  [Read More]
Posted in: MC: AOTE: Rhea
04-03-2006, 12:49 AM
Beryl gave Ryshana a deadpan look. "What's interesting is how I can still manage to sit on a chair." With that said, she shifted again, grimacing slightly. "Those mom cats don't mess around. Don't think I'll need stitches, but I really...  [Read More]
Posted in: MC: AOTE: Rhea
04-03-2006, 12:37 AM
"He said he was looking for a Jedi," Beryl stated flatly. "Apparently, suspected to be on a cargo ship that had landed in the area." She grinned, and took another drink before continuing. "Have you ever heard of such an outra...  [Read More]
Posted in: MC: AOTE: Rhea
04-03-2006, 12:25 AM
Beryl raised her eyebrows in shock, and felt herself begin to flush. “Erm…girlfriend? I am most certainly not any Stormtrooper’s girlfriend,” she said. “Penni just…helped me out a bit. Gave me a lift into Theed. Treated some of my wounds...  [Read More]
Erm...arrested? Again? Leaving only Jack, Jana, and Oliver (who's still sort of sick, right?) the only crewmembers on the Echo? I don't know about anyone else, but I'd rather not split up the crew at the present moment. Steven, could you give us a h...  [Read More]
Posted in: Knights Of The Old Republic: Darkness Falls
04-09-2006, 2:09 PM
When Jasra came to, the first thing she saw was Kira holding the implant between her fingers. “Nice one, Master Kira,” Jasra said, sitting up on the table and rubbing her head. “The implant… is it still working?” Kira nodded. “Good.”...  [Read More]
Posted in: Knights Of The Old Republic: Darkness Falls
04-09-2006, 1:37 PM
"We must have it," Jasra said, looking directly at Kira....  [Read More]
Posted in: Knights Of The Old Republic: Darkness Falls
04-09-2006, 9:19 AM
Crystal opened her eyes and stood. "Shall we perhaps say I remember everything now?" She smiled slightly. "After my encounter with the first shard, I found I couldn't remember much. Didn't know exactly where I was, though everyone's t...  [Read More]
Posted in: Knights Of The Old Republic: Darkness Falls
04-08-2006, 8:36 PM
Jasra raised her brow as Crystal fell to her knees. "Something wrong, Crystal?" she asked, thinking that maybe the teleporting journey had been too much for her to bear. "There's a med bay on board with an auto-doc, if you think that w...  [Read More]
Posted in: Knights Of The Old Republic: Darkness Falls
04-08-2006, 3:47 PM
Jasra was glad she was lying down instead of standing. Brax’s message was brief and clear, but it brought the pain of his loss close to the surface once again. So, he had cared for her, loved her, just as she had him. She brushed away a tear that h...  [Read More]
Posted in: Knights Of The Old Republic: Darkness Falls
04-08-2006, 9:45 AM
Shall I lay in a course getting you as close to where the fighter was landed?" The corners of Jasra's mouth lifted in a small smile as she took comfort in the sound of Brax's voice through the ship's computer. "Yes, please do," she an...  [Read More]
Posted in: Knights Of The Old Republic: Darkness Falls
04-06-2006, 3:08 PM
Since she was the only one going, Jasra used the Force to levitate Brax’s body into one of the two seats in the small fighter. She felt better about not having to stuff it in the cargo hold, even though she knew he probably would have scolded her f...  [Read More]
Posted in: Knights Of The Old Republic: Darkness Falls
04-05-2006, 3:23 PM
Jasra immediately recognised the black pulsing symbol of the Zedai, and she felt a twang of sadness as it spoke. Then she looked at Brax's body, shimmering with the stasis field she had put around to preserve it. Even though she knew Brax's spirit wa...  [Read More]
Posted in: Knights Of The Old Republic: Darkness Falls
04-04-2006, 7:36 PM
"Don't you want to stay with us?" Jasra asked condescendingly, as she took the special lightsabre crystals from Crystal and put them in her pocket. "You'd be very useful on our journey. More so than you would be on the Ebon Hawk."...  [Read More]
Posted in: Knights Of The Old Republic: Darkness Falls
04-04-2006, 7:11 PM
"Stop," Jasra said calmly, with a slight, wry grin at Kira. Jasra was rather pleased that she could control Crystal's actions. "Turn around."...  [Read More]
Posted in: Knights Of The Old Republic: Darkness Falls
04-04-2006, 6:53 PM
Jasra gave Crystal a curious, but blank stare. "Help? Sure. We could use some help." Jasra's connection with Crystal had been enhanced each time she had entered Crystal's mind, or vice-versa. Now, filled with the Dark Side, Jasra sought to...  [Read More]
Posted in: Knights Of The Old Republic: Darkness Falls
04-04-2006, 5:53 PM
"Karda and the Disciple can keep the others safe," Jasra said calmly to the semi-conscious Watcher. "I'm staying with Master Kira." Her eyes glinted with golden highlights. "The shards await us, Master. And we don't need Kar...  [Read More]
Posted in: Knights Of The Old Republic: Darkness Falls
04-04-2006, 4:56 PM
As The Watcher abandoned Brax to approach Kira, Jasra felt the spirit of Brax leave her body. She reached out towards the shimmering blue reflection of her former teacher, but all her fingers touched was air. “No….” The word escaped her parted...  [Read More]
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