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Star Wars: Warriors of the Force

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04-22-2006, 10:22 PM
Ty looked around and nodded to himself, standing up and unsheathing his rather large buster sword, looking around and finding a large rock, easily supporting two or three men. He waved slightly. "Not ready to go to bed yet, I probably will later.." He said, heaving the sword over his right shoulder and heading to the rock.

Once he made it there, he leaped ontop of it, setting his sword across the rock and grabbing a small sharpening block from his pack- he had snatched that along with the sword at the store. He started dragging the block against the blade's length, sending small sparks out to either side of the block.
04-22-2006, 10:41 PM
"I can't believe I have to sleep outside in the middle of no where. Me, of all people!" Tari murmured to herself. She had given up trying to argue with Tacit, however, (at least for the night) and so scooted closer to the fire, pulled the cloak tighter around her, and stuck her pack under her head. After a few minutes of quietly lying there, she sat up again.
"You know, this is never going to work. Anyone got a sleeping roll? Or a real pillow at least?"
04-23-2006, 4:36 AM
Out of nowhere, a large, tattered sack filled with cotton flew through the air and smacked her in the face. He was still sharpening his sword, yet he's the one that threw it.
 The Doctor
04-23-2006, 2:48 PM
((First thing, Steve:
There is no way for your character to know that Tari is the Ambassador's daughter - not when it's this dark, and when the only light is coming from behind her, making her sillouhetted. Ambassador Hrent would not exactly be broadcasting the fact that his daughter is leaving the city.
I kind of already had a plan as to what was going to happen tonight, and it's rather important to the story. Very important, actually. And it involves howling creatures in no way. I'm sorry, but... I have to ignore that last post, or a key plet point won't develop.))

Tacit looked up at the stars. "Should be a decent night..." he said to nobody in particular. "But it's going to rain tommorow. I can feel it. We'll stick to the treeline tommorow." He looked over at Tari. "Something tells me you're not a fan of being in the-"
He stopped, and his hand flew to his sword. "Get down!" he said sharply. He ignited his weapon, and held it in front of him.
The presence had returned. And it wasn't friendly.
He swung his weapon around and blocked a similar beam - but it this one was blood red, and hummed disconcertingly.
Tacit pushed back, then flipped over his opponent. As he landed, he blocked another attack, then snapped his blade forward sharply. He swung at where he predicted his assailant's arm was, but was blocked easily. He ducked as the red blade sliced through the air towards his face, then threw his weapon upwards to stop the attacker from bringing it back. He kicked out towards the enemy's chest, and felt his foot connect. The man flipped into the air, and landed a few feet behind Tacit. He sensed the red blade coming at his back. He wasn't going to be able to turn in time...

Another blade came soaring into the red blade's path, it's wielder giving Tacit a dark look from behind a mask that covered their face. With a grunt, the newcomer pushed the red blade back and kicked Tacit in the back of the knees. He fell face foward to the ground, his weapon rolling away.
The newcomer pressed the attack against the red bladed stranger, fighting with more tenacity than Tacit had seen in a long time.
A deep trumpet sound issued from off in the distance, and for the first time, he heard sounds of battle coming from far away. The red blade disappeared with a hiss, it's wielder disappearing into the woods. Tacit jumped to his feet, his weapon shooting into his outstretched hand, igniting as it landed in his palm. The green blade lit up the area - there was nobody there anymore.
Sparing a glance over his shoulder, he looked over at Tari. "Are you alright?" he asked.
04-23-2006, 3:31 PM
Before Tari could answer, Katri hissed softly and put her weapons away, closing the distance between herself and Tacit. "What is that... thing?" she demanded quietly. "And don't tell me another like us. I could sense as much on my own..."
 The Doctor
04-23-2006, 3:42 PM
"I don't know... I think it was..." he stopped, not sure how to continue. "It was a Jedia, but... not like us. Much... darker. I think it was a servant of Darla K'Tan."
He listened to the sounds of battle in the distance. Realisations struck.
"That battle... it's being fought in the city. We have to keep moving."
04-23-2006, 6:08 PM
If they were to glance over a Ty, he was already gone from his spot on the rock, his sharpening block still sitting on the ground. He had chased the assailant through the forest, and was still doing so. Knowing him, the assassin was bringing Ty right in the middle of the battlefield.
04-23-2006, 7:11 PM
"What??" Tari said, going over to Tacit and pushing his shoulder around so he was forced to look her in the eye. "What do you mean that battle's being fought in the city?? The meeting isn't for several days, and they wouldn't dare attack before then!"
04-23-2006, 7:19 PM
"These people have nothing like the sense of honor you've been taught," Katri said. "They would dare."
04-23-2006, 7:59 PM
"But what about the Embassy?" she said, horrified, "They...they wouldn't touch the Embassy...they couldn't hope to...there's no way..." she looked from Tacit to Katri helplessly, her eyes begging for reassurance.
 The Doctor
04-23-2006, 8:37 PM
"I'm sure that your father is fine," said Tacit calmly. "But we can't go back. We have to keep moving."
04-23-2006, 9:15 PM
If they were to glance over a Ty, he was already gone from his spot on the rock, his sharpening block still sitting on the ground. He had chased the assailant through the forest, and was still doing so. Knowing him, the assassin was bringing Ty right in the middle of the battlefield.

Suddenly, a tree branch bolted out of nowhere and smacked into Ty's chest, smacking him to the ground with such force that it knocked the wind out of him.

A dark figure, their face covered except for their eyes, stood over him, and they lowered their sword so its sharpened point rested in the hollow of Ty's throat.

"Fool," the figure said in a whispery voice. "You think to win against the Oshtenvul by yourself? Go back to your companions."

And with that said, the figure backed away and disappeared into the forest without a trace.
04-23-2006, 9:49 PM
Wow.. that totally and unbelievably screwed up what I wanted to do..))

He stood back up and shook his head, now his thoughts were on the man who approached him. He chased him, following the traces of footsteps he left behind.
04-24-2006, 3:20 PM
Tacit's words did little to settle Tari. She looked into the distance, as if searching out the city which was far out of view. She ran her hands up and down her upper arms, as if cold.
Papa...please be safe.
"There has to be something we can do..." she said, her voice hardly louder than a whisper, "All those people...they don't deserve it..."
 The Doctor
04-24-2006, 4:21 PM
He moved as if to put his arm on her shoulder, but thought better of it. "You're right. They don't," he said gently. "But... there's nothing we can do for them now. Even if we did go back, we would be too late. We have to get out of here - the battle won't stay in the city for long."
04-24-2006, 4:36 PM
Tari didn't reply, but she turned to look at him. After a moment, she nodded, slowly and silently. Her eyes roamed across the small camp...and she started. "Wait...Ty? Where'd Ty go?"
He wasn't on the boulder, as he had been before. The stone he had annoyingly dragged across that enormous blade of his had fallen on the ground, indicating that he had left in a hurry.
 The Doctor
04-24-2006, 8:18 PM
Tacit looked at the stone Ty had been sitting on. "I don't know..." he muttered. "We'll find him later. Gashon, put out the fire. Katri, gather up the water and what wood you can. Tari, stay close to me, and keep your sword out."
04-25-2006, 1:36 AM
"Holy shi-" He said, ducking under sniper fire for his head, then holding his rather large blade up infront of his face, blocking another shot. "Damnit!" He yelled, diving behind a tree as another shot graved his right arm, leaving behind red burn mark and searing pain creeping it's way to his fist, killing the strength in that arm. He pulled himself to his feet, dragging his sword along the ground in his weak right arm, hiding behind another boulder, three more rifle shots blazing past him.

He counted to three then grasped the sword with both hands, leaping into the air and landing ontop of the boulder, sliding down and zigzagging to two riflemen donned in black armor, missing every shot fired at him. He brought his sword up as another sniper shot rattled the blade and he slid along the ground, crouched before leaping into the air. (Here we go..) He flipped once in the air and spun before landing on the ground a few feet from the two men, the sword glowing with a purple fire as it embedded itself in the ground roughly, a large wave of energy sending out where he landed, knocking the men a few feet away. He moved his head to the right, dodging another sniper shot. He threw the sword as the men stood up, slicing through one and decapitating another before it shot back to his hand.

He knew what he was doing, and it was frowned upon, but he had to conceal his true nature from his companions. He ducked under another sniper shot and rolled behind a tree, taking a shot in the right arm again, incapacitating the arm completely, he let it lay limp on his side.
04-25-2006, 5:32 PM
The Ambassador's daughter took one last look in the direction of the closening din of battle, and drew her sword. The noise echoing from the city was terrible and painful to the ear. The screaming, the laughter, the shatter of was all more than she had ever had to handle before, and the thought of what was happening frightened her. The fact that the army could soon move on the Embassy, or even out here into the woods, make her sick to her stomach. Grabbing her pack, she slung it over one shoulder, and held her blade loosely in the other.
"Lead the way."
 The Doctor
04-27-2006, 5:58 PM
Tacit held his weapon in front of him, the green blade lighting their path.
"Holati, dren tau eshtan osh latai," he muttered. He turned to the others. "We'll continue North for a while. Once the sun breaks the horizon, we'll stop again. That should give us a good enough lead on the Oshtenvul."
04-27-2006, 6:08 PM
"And what about Ty?" she asked, "I won't leave him behind to face the monsters alone. He will be able to catch up, won't he?"
04-27-2006, 6:15 PM
"Damn.." He said to himself, tucking his arm behind him and using his other arm to put his blade on the ground and prop himself up. He managed to grab the sword and sheath it in the knotted sheath on his back before a sniper shot tore through the tree and struck him in the small of the back. It was a weak shot due to the decreased force of the tree, but it still knocked him down.

He landed roughly and rolled to the left, behind that same rock as two other shots flew past. He could hear cursing and a few clicking sounds. Bingo. He spun away from the rock and sprinted towards him. The speed of his sprint was faster than normal, and it was needed for the difficulty of this bout. He leapt into the air as the man loaded his rifle and aimed it at him. He managed to land on his head with his right foot, balancing for a few seconds before the force of the landing knocked the man to his feet. Ty backflipped off and landed on the ground gracefully, snatching up his rifle and walking towards him, the butt of the rifle under his right armpit. He kicked the man over to face upwards as the man coughed a little.

He brought the sniper's barrel to the man's forehead and pulled the trigger. He turned his head as the shot burnt a rather large hole in the man's forehead and left a scorch mark on the ground behind it, killing the man instantly. He slid the rifle around his shoulder and lifted his left arm, the feeling in it starting to come back.
 The Doctor
04-28-2006, 1:32 PM
"I... We don't have time to wait for him," said Tacit, looking around. "He'll have to catch up."
04-28-2006, 3:13 PM
The rattle of gunfire echoed from somewhere nearby, and Tari ducked on instinct.
"Agreed!" she said, and hurried ahead.
 The Doctor
04-28-2006, 3:21 PM
"Whatever you do, don't cut a path in the trees - that'll make it easier for them to track us," he whispered, holding his sword ahead of him. He lept over fallen trees and exposed roots with ease. After almost an hour, he stopped. "Alright. We can wait here for Ty for a few minutes. If he's not here in ten, we have to go on without him."
04-28-2006, 4:05 PM
"Note to self: running into a branch while fleeing a bunch of rouge Jedia in the pitch black is not good for the head. Or hair." Tari murmured, massaging a bruise on her head while carefully seperating a twig from her braid. "I hope he gets here soon. For some reason, having a bunch of blood thirsty maniacs sneaking up on me in the middle of the night does not seem very appealing."
04-28-2006, 4:50 PM
He slowly walked out of the shadows behind Tari, a sniper beam rifle strapped over his right shoulder and his buster sword sheathed on his back, the knotted sheath not holding up too well. "Hey.." He said, he was busted up. His lip was bleeding, a long scar adorned his right eyebrow to the bottom of his right ear, his forehead was bleeding, his clothes were torn and dirty. His right arm was beat red with two scorch marks down it and his left leg had a scorch mark on it.

His leather jacket had been ripped and torn, but he was still in one piece. "He's heading north, so we have to.. not go where they are.. because.. well.. even I couldn't do what I wanted..Even if she tried to kill us.."
04-28-2006, 4:56 PM
Jack had fallen sleep in the trench waiting for the possible threat to go. Instead he was awoken by a much more serious threat. The sounds of gun fire that rattled the forrest was a shock it Jack. He never thought the riots or attacks would reach this far. The sound of gunfire was too loud to be coming from the city. "How long have I been asleep?". Jack looked at his watch "Good god! I never thought this would happen so soon."

Jack got up a switched the light on his machiene gun, he then turned off the safety on the gun and charged up the trench. He legged it through bushes, leaves and brambels. Aside from his torchlight, everything was completely black.
04-28-2006, 5:05 PM
"By the gods!" Tari exclaimed, running to Ty and brushing his hair back to look at the cut on his forehead and glanced at his arm. "What happened to you? There's no way you can travel like this!"
 The Doctor
04-28-2006, 5:37 PM
Tacit pushed her gently out of the way to examine Ty's wounds. "These aren't too bad... There should be a plant nearby, with diamond shaped leaves. You might know it as the delisa. Bring me three of them, roots and all. Four, if you can. I can disinfect these wounds with the roots, and use the leaves as bandages. For the time being, at least."
04-28-2006, 5:49 PM
"I know, I saw them. I was thinking about picking some up as I ran through, but you were going to fast. That's when I hit my head."
When Tacit looked at her strangely, she sighed. "My father may not have taught me how to fight, but I've learned how to heal. I'm more skilled with real supplies, but my mother studied herbs. I found a few arcane remedies and things in some of her journals when she...when she died." she looked up at him, her mind snapping back to the present. "Look at him, Tacit. How much blood do you think he's lost already? A few poltices might be alright for a few minutes, but he can't travel very far. Not hurt the way he is."
 The Doctor
04-28-2006, 7:12 PM
"I know, but we don't have time to treat him properly. We have to get out of here. All we can do for now is stop the bleeding, and make sure his wouds aren't infected. Find me some delisa, and some hekma leaves, if you can find them - those should work for bandages over the larger wounds."
04-28-2006, 7:26 PM
"I'm.. fine. We can go, I won't be a burden. Plus, I feel fine," he said, walking forward, then stopping for a second, moving a hand up and slinging off some blood from his forehead. "It'll stop by itself, then i'll be fine."
 The Doctor
04-28-2006, 7:30 PM
"The soonest it will stop if you don't let me help is when your heart stops pumping blood to the rest of your body," snapped Tacit. "Don't be an idiot."
04-28-2006, 8:02 PM
"At least let him stop the bleeding." Tari pleaded, a small gathering of herbs now in her arms, "For now. When we get far enough away I'll bandage it up properly, and you'll be good as new."
04-28-2006, 10:14 PM
He sighed a little and turned around. "Depends who's the idiot here.. you barely know me and yet you want to heal my wounds?" He sighed and nodded at Tari. "Fine... do your worst."
 The Doctor
04-28-2006, 11:58 PM
"Tari, why don't you clean him up?" said Tacit, moving out of the way. His head was cocked to one side. "There's something..." he trailed off, removing his weapon from his belt, holding it ready. "Keep your heads down, and your weapons ready. I don't like this..."
04-29-2006, 1:53 AM
He held a hand up as if to halt Tari. "Wait," he said, spinning the sniper rifle around and pulled it off his shoulder, setting the butt under his armpit and lifting it, looking through the scope, switching on thermal vision, taking a 360 sweep of the area. "Nothing.." he said, moving the weapon down.

"So far.."
04-29-2006, 9:59 AM
High above them in a nearby tree, Zev watched the group below. The one they called Ty looked like he needed rest and healing, but obviously he was too proud to really submit to the girl Tari’s ministering. Well, it was his own fault he got injured. Zev had told him to go back and he had impulsively not heeded the warning.

“Fool,” Zev whispered.

"There's something..." Tacit trailed off, removing his weapon from his belt, holding it ready. "Keep your heads down, and your weapons ready. I don't like this..."

Tacit, however, was no fool, and Zev quickly flattened up against the trunk of the tree to avoid detection.

”Wait,” the one called Ty spoke. Then a pause. “Nothing. So far.”

Zev relaxed and watched them again. Not too far off in the distance, was a torchlight, bouncing and weaving through the thick forest, headed their way. A friend or a foe? Zev would just wait and see.
 The Doctor
04-29-2006, 10:16 AM
"Just... keep an eye out..." muttered Tacit distractedly, glancing up at the trees. There was something there...
"I'll be back," he said suddenly, moving away from the others. "Gashon: keep her safe," he ordered.
He moved off into the trees, igniting his weapon. He extended his senses, reaching out with his thoughts, touching the trees, the sleeping animals, the nocturnal predators...
Dropping to the ground and rolling, he threw his hand into the air and grabbed the figure with his mind, pulling it to the ground. A lithe figure landed on the ground, rolling into a crouch.
04-29-2006, 10:20 AM
"Relax, Ty." Tari said, putting a hand on his shoulder and motioning for him to sit. "Katri and Tacit are on their guard. With their senses, there's little chance of someone sneaking up on us." I hope.
The man reluctantly sat down, his eyes continuing to scan the area, his gun not far from his twitching fingers.
"Here, Tacit, throw me my pack. I have some bandages and things that we could use." the Jedia did so, and she began to bandage off Ty's wounds.
"What happened?" she asked as she worked, "These aren't just scratches...some are blaster wounds. You didn't run into a scouting party, did you?"
04-29-2006, 10:50 AM
“Clever boy,” Zev said in a low whispery sort of voice. “Foolish, but clever.”

As Tacit made a lunge forward. With lightning quick reactions, Zev leaped upwards, grabbed hold of a low hanging tree branch, and then rode it down to the ground before releasing it directly in Tacit’s path.

Unprepared for such an assault, the branch hit Tacit squarely in the chest, sending him flying backwards to the ground to lie on his back.

In an instant, a foot settled on the wrist holding his weapon, followed by a knee in his gut, essentially knocking the breath from him.

“I’ve no wish to harm you, Tacit,” Zev said, straddling over him as Tacit struggled to regain his breath. “But you left me no choice. A word of advice: before one attacks, it is wise to assess whether they are friend or foe.”

Zev released him, and moved back a few paces. “Someone approaches. Clumsy, and noisily, and afraid of the darkness. Beware.”

And with that, Zev stealthily disappeared into the dark forest, leaving little trace that they were ever there.
04-29-2006, 11:44 AM
"Tacit!" Tari called. She needed to make sure he was alright, but was unwilling to abandon her work. "Tacit, you okay? What was it?"
04-29-2006, 11:54 AM
He sighed a little. "He got him...too.." He said, setting the gun on the ground. "He's just too good, someone wants you dead, Tari."
04-29-2006, 12:00 PM
Tari's face paled, but her jaw was set defiantly. "It would only make sense." she murmured. She was the Ambassador's daughter. The daughter of one of the most important men on the planet, and that wasn't just her bragging. If not for her father, the government would have split long ago, and there would be three sides fighting in this war, not just two. By dividing the government, the Jedia would be able to weaken the resistance to their unified force, and the planet would be theirs. What better way to tear a chain apart than by removing the most crucial link?
 The Doctor
04-29-2006, 1:08 PM
Tacit stumbled into the clearing, coughing slightly, struggling to breath. "We have to keep moving," he said. "Tari, hurry up with him. We have to move. Now."
04-29-2006, 2:55 PM
"Two seconds." Tari said, and finished tying off a bandage on Ty's arm. At the same time, she was studying the skin on his lower arm which was rather distorted. She was looking at it in near darkness, of course, but the skin seemed to be riddled by several cuts, scars, and bruises, none of them recent. She would ask later, she decided, as the noise of shouting reached her ears. It was far off, but...
"Alright. That'll have to do for now." she said, stuffing the excess items into her pack and slinging it over her shoulder again.
04-29-2006, 3:29 PM
He nodded and stood up, walking over to Tacit, standing next to him. "Catch your breath, I have a feeling he's coming back," he said, waiting for Tari and walk up next to him. "Alright.. As long as we keep our eyes on you, you won't be harmed." He said, beginning to walk.
 The Doctor
04-29-2006, 3:37 PM
"I can take care of myself," snapped Tacit - but truthfully, he was glad Ty had his back. Something about that mysterious warrior made him nervous. How did he know my name?
04-29-2006, 3:41 PM
"I don't like it, guys." Tari said, being sure to keep nice and close to Tacit, Ty, Katri, and Gashon. "Something's just not right. Not about that man, nor about this Jedia attack. I'm no mastermind at battles and things, but it just doesn't add up."
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