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Page: 36 of 53
Posted in: Diaries of a Jedi
03-30-2006, 8:30 PM
I like this so far. But then again, I've always liked "diary" sort of stories. Would like to see more! Especially any entries that detail the upcoming Jedi purges by Sion. Keep it up! :)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Question..
03-27-2006, 1:44 AM
I believe it should be, at the least, Star Wars related. Check the sticky thread at the head of the forum (Guide to User Made Stories, aka Fan Fiction). It should tell you there. ;)...  [Read More]
Posted in: MC: AOTE: Rhea
04-03-2006, 12:06 AM
On her fourth drink already, Beryl replied, “You have no idea.” She quickly downed the glass and asked for another, before turning to face Ryshana. She paused, and her brow wrinkled slightly. “I am so glad to see you,” she said, with genuine...  [Read More]
Posted in: MC: AOTE: Rhea
04-02-2006, 11:37 PM
“Oh, look, isn’t that your wife?” Beryl said, quickly pointing towards the entrance. She had no idea what the nobleman’s wife looked like, but fortunately he was panicking too much with the thought of his wife discovering him there with her t...  [Read More]
Posted in: MC: AOTE: Rhea
04-02-2006, 10:57 PM
The nobleman excitedly scooped the chips on the table into his corner, but not before giving Beryl another well-placed but unwelcome ‘pat’. She glared at him, but he was too busy stacking his chips to notice her displeasure. “Another round?”...  [Read More]
Posted in: MC: AOTE: Rhea
04-02-2006, 10:17 PM
Beryl felt strange, helping the nobleman play Stud Pazzak against Ryshana instead of making a quick exit and heading for the Echo. But as the game progressed, Beryl began to relax a bit, although she wasn’t sure if the calmness she was feeling was...  [Read More]
Posted in: MC: AOTE: Rhea
04-02-2006, 12:10 PM
Ryshana stared back at Beryl from across the gaming table, as calm and collected as... well, as a Jedi. And Beryl took this as a sign for her to do the same. Or, at the least, try. She took a deep breath, then discreetly looked at the cards in her ...  [Read More]
Posted in: MC: AOTE: Rhea
04-02-2006, 8:21 AM
Looking directly at Beryl, Ryshana then stated, "Lets deal." “Well, well, well,” said the nobleman Beryl was with. “Looks like this table is finally attracting some real competition!” He draped an arm over Beryl’s shoulders and p...  [Read More]
Posted in: MC: AOTE: Rhea
04-01-2006, 4:58 PM
Stepping outside of the gates of the Imperial Base, Beryl was a bit unsure of where to go first. She’d never been to Theed before, and so didn’t have any contacts here, and by all appearances, it was a big city. Okay, first things first, she tho...  [Read More]
Posted in: MC: AOTE: Rhea
04-01-2006, 11:47 AM
Beryl flinched as Penni fumbled with the buttons up the back of her dress. “Sorry,” he apologised. “Cold hands.” It took him a few moments, but finally he did up the last one. “There. That should do it.” He eyed her over. “You look nic...  [Read More]
Posted in: MC: AOTE: Rhea
03-31-2006, 6:47 PM
With only a few leering looks from other soldiers, Sgt. Dukkette had managed to sneak Beryl into his dormitory room in the Imperial garrison. While Beryl used the refresher to clean herself up, Penni found her some decent clothes to replace her shred...  [Read More]
Posted in: MC: AOTE: Rhea
03-31-2006, 1:13 PM
Beryl estimated that she travelled through the jungle nearly two kilometres hoisted in the air by her arm before being dropped in a clearing. Again, recalling her combat training, she automatically rolled out of the fall when she hit the ground. Shak...  [Read More]
Posted in: MC: AOTE: Rhea
03-30-2006, 10:54 PM
Beryl awoke to realise she was lying face down on the ground, but her instincts told her not to move or open her eyes just yet. Her head was throbbing, her ribs ached, and her neck was stiff. The last thing she remembered was having a Tusk Cat leap a...  [Read More]
Posted in: MC: AOTE: Rhea
03-27-2006, 1:58 AM
((Ryshana can notice if you want her to. Safe to say, nothing is planned, Beryl is not severely injured, nor is she dead. She just is...missing, for the moment. There are clues that either party can find to tell them that something's happened to her,...  [Read More]
A Dark jedi could be nice - it will suit the RP with Jana. In RP: My person is dying right now. But there isen't anyway to save him. How do you think, i should save him? (if i should save him :P). He is dying because of his old freind, who has posio...  [Read More]
Posted in: [FIC] Hidden Shades of Grey
03-31-2006, 1:24 PM
Thanks a lot, Hallucination! I'll use that one for sure. :) And thanks to you, too, RC. I'll be sure to use your suggestions too! (Might even go back an edit what I've already written as well.) ;)...  [Read More]
Posted in: [FIC] Hidden Shades of Grey
03-30-2006, 8:20 PM
i absolutely CANNOT BELIEVE I MISSED THIS!!! this is one hell of a fic, Jasra, you have planned your story VERY well and i really like the long chapters. not many people can offer that, you know (especially not me :D). I really like the way you portr...  [Read More]
Posted in: Knights Of The Old Republic: Darkness Falls
04-02-2006, 8:55 PM
((OOC: Well, there is always the possibility of a sequel, 3yks! ;) )) Seeing the body of her teacher Brax lying lifeless on the ground, Crystal unconscious near the Watcher, and with Brax's spirit and Kira urging her to fight from within, Jasra summ...  [Read More]
Posted in: Knights Of The Old Republic: Darkness Falls
04-02-2006, 7:49 PM
Exar laughed, and flourished his double-sabre. "You? A Master?" He laughed again. "The double-bladed sabre was my own invention. I am the Master. And as for, you... you will either be my slave...." He did a vaulting leap into the...  [Read More]
Posted in: Knights Of The Old Republic: Darkness Falls
04-01-2006, 9:40 PM
"Silly girl!" Suspended in mid-air, Jasra's body struggled to move against the Crystal's telekinetic hold. But Exar had a trick up his proverbial sleeve. Only able to make Jasra move a single finger, it was enough for him to project the For...  [Read More]
Posted in: Knights Of The Old Republic: Darkness Falls
04-01-2006, 8:17 PM
The Watcher smiled. "Oh no, my friend. I am far more than 'just another Time Lord'," he said. "We shall see," said Exar/Jasra. Instead of using Force Lightning on the Watcher, Exar used it again on Kira and Brax. "You like s...  [Read More]
Posted in: Knights Of The Old Republic: Darkness Falls
04-01-2006, 4:06 PM
Jasra felt like she was slowly being crushed by a heavy weight. She couldn't barely breathe, much less move, and she began to feel anger well up inside of her because of it. Remembering what Brax had taught her about channelling her emotions, she le...  [Read More]
Posted in: Knights Of The Old Republic: Darkness Falls
03-31-2006, 1:54 PM
As Jasra stood there watching Kira and Brax fight, she heard the voice from her dreams once again. "" it hissed softly. "" She turned in the direction she thought it was coming from. A large, rectangula...  [Read More]
Posted in: Knights Of The Old Republic: Darkness Falls
03-28-2006, 6:32 AM
((, too. Confused, that is. ;) I was actually waiting for the Doctor to edit his post (because that's how I understood his OOC message) so maybe he'll edit Jasra and the Watcher to slide down the tunnel after Brax. Doctor?))...  [Read More]
Posted in: Knights Of The Old Republic: Darkness Falls
03-26-2006, 7:00 PM
Jasra studied the wall. "Nine symbols. Repeated nine times. One circle... but no hole for a door." She looked at Brax for a hint, but he merley leaned non-chalantly against the opposite wall and grinned. "No hole for a door," s...  [Read More]
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