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((OOC: Welcome back, Rob! We missed you! Glad you are able to take over Karda again. DF wouldn't be the same without him. ;) )) Having just reached the bridge of the Almanac, which was in disarray from the efforts of the scavengers, Jasra heard Tylo...  [Read More]
Jasra stared blankly at the explosive charge in her hand that Karda had given her. “Erm…you do know how to disarm that, don’t you, little Jedi?” one of the marines asked condescendingly. Jasra’s eyes flicked up to meet his. She grasped on...  [Read More]
Karda frowned. "Perhaps," he replied into the com link to Tylor. "Med bay and crew quarters...," he said quietly to himself. He paused, thinking for a minute. "Tylor, I think they may have been trying to hide something, rathe...  [Read More]
"Erm, thanks for the offer, but I think we'll skip the ventilation ducts and wait for you to open the way up to the bridge, Mr. Tylor," Karda said into his portable com as he stepped through the airlock and aboard the Almanac along with the...  [Read More]
“Tylor? Karda says to go in when you like,” Jasra said over the com to Tylor and his team on the Almanac. “Sounds like you’ve got some salvagers on board. Don’t know how many there are, but we can hear three of them where you are. They’ve...  [Read More]
”Perhaps the damage is more extensive than I realised…” said the Doctor. “That’s what I’ve been saying all along,” Jasra said to the Doctor. “Something isn’t….” She paused, and frowned as she adjusted the comlink in her ear. &...  [Read More]
Karda gave the Doctor a curious look. "You know, it's strange. At first, I could remember everything quite clearly in the other time line, and events in this one seemed to be almost like... like remembering the events in a story someone told me....  [Read More]
Jasra started to say something else, but suddenly, hearing Brax's voice run smoothly through her thoughts, she paused. Then, slowly, a smile crossed her lips. Brax. The very thought of him made her breath quicken with anticipation. “Forgive, Jasra...  [Read More]
“Right,” said Karda. “What we need your help on is finding a missing Jedi. Bastila Shan. She was travelling aboard that ship,” he pointed to the Almanac through the bridge’s window. “The Almanac, along with some prospective padawans. And...  [Read More]
Karda raised an eyebrow. Jasra tried to suppress a giggle. The Doctor's blue police box TARDIS was smack in the middle of the bridge. "Nice parking job," Jasra said cheerfully to the Doctor. And under her breath she said to Karda, "Gu...  [Read More]
((Steven, I've PM'd you about your question. Have fun with it!)) "Right," Karda said to Tylor. "Just let us know when you've secured the Almanac enough for us to board it." He nodded to Tylor, as the pilot left the bridge to asse...  [Read More]
Hearing the Doctor's response, Karda nodded. "I'm sending them to you now, Doctor," he said into the mic. Karda turned to their pilot. "Tylor? Please send the Doctor our exact co-ordinates. And I mean exact. The Doctor travels by rathe...  [Read More]
"There may be a few other Jedi joining us," Jasra volunteered to Tylor. "We need all the help we... can...." She slowed as she noticed Karda's stern look. "...get." She gave Karda a hopeful grin. "Right?" Kard...  [Read More]
Karda and Jasra both raised eyebrows, then exchanged looks with each other and Crystal. “That doesn’t sound like our ‘Doctor,’” Jasra said. “At least, not how I remember he sounded.” “Maybe… maybe he ‘changed’ again,” said Ka...  [Read More]
"Whenever you're ready, take your security team and board the Almanac," Karda said to Tylor. "If you find anyone aboard, I'd like them alive, if possible, just in case they may know something about the disappearance of the crew. But, w...  [Read More]
((OOC: Brax isn't there yet, Steven. Jasra's just warning Tylor about him before he shows up.)) "Brax, a Jedi? Erm...not exactly." Jasra quickly glanced at Karda uncomfortably, then turned back to Tylor. "He's a... erm... well, he's a...  [Read More]
Just an FYI that I've edited my post a bit and am waiting for someone else to post something....  [Read More]
"I'd better watch it?" Jasra shook her head, and tried to keep a straight face. "You'd better be careful. You don't want to go sliding all the way through the hull. Although, not having to open locked doors might be handy when we get t...  [Read More]
Jasra looked around the room. "Nice," she said with a hint of sarcasm. "Love what you've done to the place. I had no idea you were into the chaos-grunge look," she added, grinning. She jumped slightly, as a shower of sparks erupt...  [Read More]
With a dubious look on her face, Jasra looked Crystal up and down. "You, me, bridge, ten minutes," she saidslowly. Her eyes flicked between the closed door and the dishevled Crystal. "Erm...what just happened here? You alright?"...  [Read More]
“You alright?” Karda said, looking down at Jasra as she came out of her meditative state. “He’s coming,” she said calmly. "Brax. He's coming to me." “And how do you feel?” Karda asked. “Good.” Jasra grinned. “I feel...  [Read More]
Posted in: [Fic] The crystal of life.
05-18-2006, 8:43 PM
Great chapter! I'm looking forward to the upcoming epic battle between Linduu and the baddies (because I know it's coming!) And I didn't seen any glaring errors either. Keep up the good work!! :)...  [Read More]
Posted in: [FIC] Hidden Shades of Grey
05-24-2006, 8:50 PM
((Ok, well not as long as some of my other chapters, but it's something. Enjoy!)) ~~~~~~~ “Something’s odd about our passenger,” Rade said as he returned to the bridge from engineering. “And this surprises you?” Bastila asked, as she inp...  [Read More]
Posted in: [FIC] Hidden Shades of Grey
05-18-2006, 8:30 PM
Thanks for the compliments, guys! I'll try my best to upload the next chapter sooner than I did the last one. I'm not setting a deadline, as Darth RealLife likes to do sneak attacks, but I'll do my best to get something up within the week....  [Read More]
Posted in: [FIC] Hidden Shades of Grey
05-17-2006, 5:59 PM
((Yes, RC, the American spelling would be 'saber'. But here in the UK, it's 'sabre,' just like 'center' is 'centre', and 'theater' is 'theatre'. Anyway, I've finished another part of my story. Apologies to everyone for not posting sooner, but it se...  [Read More]
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