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Posted in: FOC Patch requests/suggestions/ideas
11-09-2006, 7:34 PM
I've noticed my units have a habit of getting stuck at points. For example in GC on Bothawai, Yoda was destroying a Consortium bunker but after destroying it, would not move. He was stuck in that spot. Then last night the same thing happened in Skirm...  [Read More]
Posted in: Got my copy, did you get yours?
10-26-2006, 1:26 PM
Mine is coming Friday, I preordered it thanks to amazon! (Standard Shipping) is why it is coming on friday. You got a shipping notice? Mine keeps saying shipping soon can not be changed and that the estimate is Nov 1st or 2nd. I placed this order Au...  [Read More]
Posted in: FoC: The Small Mod
10-10-2006, 4:38 PM
Does 2.1 have droidekas?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Critical features remain unanswered...(fill the list)
05-12-2006, 7:04 PM
Your description of diplomacy sounds similiar to the bribe option that was shown in the presentation video. Perhaps a modder, if they have access when the expansion comes out, can make diplomacy based on the bribe option....  [Read More]
Posted in: Units and planets seen in the trailer
05-10-2006, 3:24 PM
from the screenshots, theres definitly executor, but it looks like a background object, but in another screen you can definitly start blow it up hardpoint by hardpoint. Here's what I am finding there: Shot 9 Yoda Where exactly is yoda. I don't reca...  [Read More]
Posted in: hey guys i want to say a few things
03-01-2006, 3:28 PM
I've found skins for leia(award ceremony), luke (award ceremony), xizor, antilles, tarkin,piett and mon mothma among others. Also models for most. With the right editing, it might be possible to insert them. Not sure though. And a yoda is being made...  [Read More]
Posted in: Bothan Infiltrator
02-22-2006, 6:22 PM
I've managed to make most indigenous units buildable. But when I tried to make a bothan infiltrator, I encountered several issues.The first time the unit didn't show up for building. The second time, it was buildable but it didn't move. it was like a...  [Read More]
Posted in: Hero Creation?
02-22-2006, 2:09 PM
try changing company units to: Imperial_Elite_Guard If that doesn't work, also change <HeroCompany Name="Extas_Team"> to Imperial_Guard_Company That might fix it....  [Read More]
Posted in: Adding Indigenous or Pirate Units....
02-21-2006, 9:01 PM
First take open up groundcompaniesempire, groundcompaniesindigenous and specialstructures. This is a basic rebel unit (edited to mon cal): <GroundCompany Name="Mon_Calamari_Civ_Company"> <Text_ID>TEXT_INDIG_MONCAL_CIV</Text...  [Read More]
Posted in: Adding Indigenous or Pirate Units....
02-21-2006, 1:18 PM
I changed the starting units in conquest to add the imperial guard, bothan,sullustans, mon cal, geonosians, gungans etc. The file you want is groundcompaniesinigenous.xml Things like Imperial_Elite_Company should be the unit names. then just put t...  [Read More]
Posted in: Venator fully enabled for download here.
02-21-2006, 6:39 PM
Besides making the venator buildable, is it possible to make other things buildable such as indigenous species. For example Imperial_Guard_Company. I assume its possible. Is it a matter of finding the facility that trains either stormtroopers or fiel...  [Read More]
Posted in: Kyle Katarn in Galactic Conquest, what am i missing
02-20-2006, 12:45 PM
go to single campaigns_singleplayer.xml and copy the last land force for whatever planet you desire. then change the unit to Katarn_Team. You'll need to do this for each conquest. For example here's Alderaan's Demise <!-- Rebel Land Forces -->...  [Read More]
Posted in: Kyle Katarn in Galactic Conquest, what am i missing
02-20-2006, 7:49 AM
Found it. Katarn_Team is his unit name. Works perfectly for me....  [Read More]
Posted in: Invulnerbale Units (Space & Ground)
02-20-2006, 8:52 AM
you could increase the health of units. For example, Nameheroes has all the heroes. I made Kyle , Han and Chewie invincible....  [Read More]
Posted in: Cheat Files
02-19-2006, 1:50 PM
While looking at the XML, there were several files with cheat in them. <?xml version="1.0" ?> - <Story> - <!-- Mission_1 An Organized Resistance Mission_2 Conquer Fondor Mission_3 Pirate Menace Mission_4 Subjugating Geonos...  [Read More]
Posted in: Possible to have more than 1 hero with editing?
02-18-2006, 5:37 PM
I personally enjoy Veer's at at and obi-wan. Any way to get more than one of these guys?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Full expanded XML ready to go!
02-19-2006, 5:20 PM
anyone know what kyle katarn's unit is named. most are named Hero_Team such as Obi_Wan_Team but Kyle_Katarn_Team doesn't seem to work. Mara_Jade_Team worked fine however....  [Read More]
Posted in: THE ULTIMATE MOD (1.3)!!!!!!!!!!
01-21-2006, 8:11 PM
Does Vader actually work?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Has anyone been able to use obi-wan or luke on land?
01-21-2006, 11:21 PM
so mara might work on land is what you're saying?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Has anyone been able to use obi-wan or luke on land?
01-21-2006, 7:30 PM
What about imperials besides fett like palpatine, vader, mara jade, piett, tarkin etc.?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Has anyone been able to use obi-wan or luke on land?
01-21-2006, 6:15 PM
So Obi-Wan doesn't work. Do any other land heroes besides Han and Chewie work for anyone? Rebel or Empire?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Has anyone been able to use obi-wan or luke on land?
01-21-2006, 3:34 PM
I've tried several of these mods and most end up crashing on me. All I want to do is play a land battle, even if its at tatooaine with new units, heros and vehicles. I tried editing the campaign file and got an error when playing the game. the same I...  [Read More]
Posted in: New NPC Dialogue Trouble
01-13-2006, 10:14 PM
when I checked the mod, it had tsl checked. So I don't know if that's what you mean, bu t it looks like it was on tsl....  [Read More]
Posted in: New NPC Dialogue Trouble
01-13-2006, 9:20 PM
I've been over this problem all day. I've tried every edit available. I downloaded Achille's mendah recruit and looked at both the utc and dialogue. I have no clue what is causing the problem. If I zip up the files, would someone be willing to take a...  [Read More]
Posted in: New NPC Dialogue Trouble
01-12-2006, 5:35 PM
#13  [Read More]
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