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Page: 7 of 76
Posted in: New guy question!
03-14-2011, 7:14 PM
May I also have a copy of that ChAiNz.2da? ^Oh, oh me too. PM'ed :D If anyone else would like it, please make the request in the following thread please so we don't crowd this one up :)  [Read More]
Posted in: New guy question!
03-13-2011, 8:31 PM
There was the Revenge of the Sith mod by GSCCC (now Doc Valentine), but that went down with PCGameMods. Any chance of you or someone else having it? hehe Thank you all for your replies. :) I have version 1.0 (Reign of the Sith) in my archives. I k...  [Read More]
Posted in: Bendak Starkiller Emblem Armor
03-14-2011, 7:08 PM
C'est la vie, I guess. Well, since I waited a couple of years to put this mod out there, I suppose I can wait a little longer for technical issues to be resolved. If you'd like.. I can host the file on my server. At the very least it's a download li...  [Read More]
Posted in: Do you prefer to be hot or cold?
12-13-2010, 11:49 AM
Hot. I absolutely HATE cold weather. Living in Michigan was hell.. moving to TN was better, but now it seems the cold is following :¬:...  [Read More]
Posted in: [REL] Kaoru's Fenris Armor
09-16-2010, 7:03 PM
* Click For Important Note About Mod Permissions * ( Kaoru's Fenris Armor Click to download Kaoru's Fenris Armor @ NEXUS ( Click to download K...  [Read More]
Posted in: The dark secrets of the tools.
09-02-2010, 10:19 AM
Oh, and also, if i modify the character templates of the party members what is that i´m changing? Their base stats? it´s kinda confusing. Welcome to the forums Anthlacker :waive1: Always good to see someone interested in modding :D If you...  [Read More]
Posted in: Radio Drama: Missing scenes
09-01-2010, 2:15 PM
Gotta love YouTube ;) Been listening to these, while I do rendering and compositing, in the background at work. Great way to re-live the story and let your imagination rather than a tv prov...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Force Unleashed 2
08-31-2010, 2:02 PM
boo! The first one's control scheme was so buggered it completely upped the suck factor of TFU... unless they change that, TFU2 will just be a continuation of suck :xp: Love StarWars, but this game (tfu1) was just horrid... (imo of course) ;)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Achilles Has A Birthday
08-31-2010, 1:04 PM
Happy belated Birthday man! I hope you were enlightened on your Bday :D  [Read More]
Posted in: It's Time to Play "Truth or Crap"!
07-16-2010, 11:30 AM
Truth Or Crap: This thread should go in the Forum Games. :xp: Truth ;) Moved....  [Read More] put out an article titled The Day the Gaming Industry Died: Impressions from E3 2010 (  [Read More]
Posted in: North Korea
05-26-2010, 2:59 PM
nullify, repeal, revoke, or terminate EO 11905, 12036 & 12333. Problem Solved. ;)...  [Read More]
Posted in: SW:TOR Definitely NOT Coming to Consoles
06-28-2010, 11:02 AM
Really i think im just trying to understand WHY Revan is such a popular character, it's obvious that he is,...but *why*? There must be something im missing.. ^^^A major reason is fanboy/girl-isms for popularity. Characters like these are liked becau...  [Read More]
Hi, could someone post a valid link to download the D333 Party Manager Spawnband ? Thanks in advance! :) As many of you no doubt know already, Redhawke's website is down and he apparently doesn't check his PM's anymore either so can anybody hook m...  [Read More]
Yet another person looking for ilikecomma's Standard Robe Pack for use with Svцsh's Robe Collar Fix and Exile Pack here. Sent you a PM. Should include everything you need.. Robes, Models, Collar Fix, etc. An All-In-One deal. :D...  [Read More]
Might anyone happen to have "Shores of Death" or whatever it's called? sent you PM link. It's v1.0 though.. not sure if there is/was a newer version of it. :)...  [Read More]
Can anybody PM me mrdefender's Wrist Console please? I PM'ed you a link. I only have up to v.1.9 archived.. not sure if there's a higher version. If so, would any of the other members that might have it, send it to Revan_Krov? :)...  [Read More]
Can you send me a link to this too, ChAiNz? I've been looking all over the place for this mod. Done deal! check your PM's ;)...  [Read More]
Edit: Forgot to include in the first post, but does anyone have ilikecommas 'Standard Robe Pack for use with Svцsh's Robe Collar Fix' ? Sent you a link to the Robe Fix mod Does anyone happen to have Sciamano's Anakin Head? Sent you the link to some...  [Read More]
IIRC, Jango and Bobas armors are included in 'Movie Mandalorians v3.0'. They are :)...  [Read More]
Posted in: KotOR & TSL Save Game Files
08-16-2010, 10:57 AM
Please, if someone out there reading, each and every help would be appreciated. Please write down the method, of making a legitimate xbox savegame (edited by kse) and how to make it work - the very least in theory - , and where to put it exatly on th...  [Read More]
Posted in: KotOR & TSL Save Game Files
06-17-2010, 2:11 PM
Could anyone post a save game that just started, in TSL since my game always crashes for no apparent reason when it's loading to start the game. Tried reinstalling, downloading files etc to fix the problem. Maybe it just can't load the beginning. :c...  [Read More]
Posted in:  Zabrak Field Goggles Mark II
09-20-2010, 11:03 AM
Sorry for the resurrect, but since it's TUCE it doesn't matter :xp: hehehe Not sure how I missed this last entry T7 but now that I'm here.. I still have your original mod in my archives ;) If you want, I can host the file. I can change the original...  [Read More]
Posted in: Where can I find mods?
01-21-2011, 4:20 PM
Last week for me... The last time he posted, he shared with us the news that yes indeed his site was down. Then ChAiNz.2da offered to host his mods, and RedHawke gave his blessing. jumpstationz does not have the entire RH Moditorium, but it has mos...  [Read More]
Posted in:  Planet ORD Mandell Released (New Areas)
12-15-2010, 11:22 AM
Is it just me that is too stupid to find the correct link, or is the link to download version 1.2 dead? The only link in RedHawke's first post working for me is the alternative link for v1.0 :(. Anybody has a working link to download the newest versi...  [Read More]
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