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Posted in: Problems with creating a Merchant
10-10-2008, 9:40 AM
Make sure to set the .utm BuySellFlag to 3 (Buys/Sells) If you're using KotOR Tool, I believe there's a switch or drop-down menu that allows you to change this setting. :)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Bastilla: Like her or hate her
10-09-2008, 3:11 AM
Bastila has a very compelling character. On the surface she seems haughty and shallow (which in and of itself is unusual for a Jedi), but she obviously has some inner demons regarding the Force and the Jedi Code, and her game-long battle with it make...  [Read More]
Posted in: What's Your Favourite Musical?
10-08-2008, 5:49 AM
probably Jesus Christ Superstar, however I'm a fan of musicals (oddly enough) :xp: Grease!, Little Shop of Horrors and of course Les Miserables are high on the list. Cats? ..meh, I don't 'get it' why it's so popular.. a snoozer for me. (And though...  [Read More]
Posted in: "With Terrain Deformation I would..."
10-08-2008, 5:51 AM
Create a sinkhole under every single Starbucks that was on my way to work (damn traffic) :fist:...  [Read More]
Posted in: NWNNSSCOMP does not want to work
10-07-2008, 8:00 AM
Oh I see, How would i do this? LOL im a bit noobie :)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Teacher misconduct this election
10-06-2008, 4:02 PM
Do you know why Simpsons creator Matt Groening was banned from including "fake" news tickers in his show? Because a study done by Fox reported that Fox viewers thought those fake tickers, which were hilarious and impossible to take for rea...  [Read More]
Posted in: Random Loot System?
10-03-2008, 8:08 PM
This is a decent method to use, however it's uses are limited and many mods use it nowadays. Script merging may be required. however it's very effective to use to spawn a custom placeable :) Also,...  [Read More]
Posted in: Poll: Obama and McCain are both unqualified?
10-06-2008, 11:20 AM
(6) Course material and instruction shall advise 28 pupils that it is unlawful for males or females of any 29 age to engage in sexual conduct or have sexual relations 30 with a minor as specified in Article 12 of the Criminal 31 Code of 1961. ........  [Read More]
Posted in: Poll: Obama and McCain are both unqualified?
10-06-2008, 11:14 AM
Funny, but this is your link: Criminal Offenses: (720 ILCS S 5/) Criminal code of 1961:  [Read More]
Posted in: Poll: Obama and McCain are both unqualified?
10-06-2008, 11:09 AM
I have too, and I'm coming to a completely different interpretation, and I read it on the Illinois State Assembly's website. Uh that's a ni...  [Read More]
Posted in: Poll: Obama and McCain are both unqualified?
10-06-2008, 10:54 AM
You need to read it again. :confused: Uh huh, give me the section and lines where pedophiles and sexual predators are brought up cause I didn't see it (if it's there) in all the other stuff about sex education. (6) Course material and instruction s...  [Read More]
Posted in: Help with dialog updates
09-28-2008, 3:27 PM
OH sorry scrap this post Not a problem.. we're here to help :D Take a look at that tutorial though..Pavlos did a wonderful job on it :)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Help with dialog updates
09-28-2008, 3:25 PM
Chainz, can you confirm those scripts for me? Been a while since I've used them. Now… we’re going to attach some global scripts. These are standard game resources. We’re using them to check if the player has spoken to the NPC beforehand. If yo...  [Read More]
Posted in: Help with dialog updates
09-28-2008, 3:17 PM
ok thanks guys ill have a look in tuts but its for K1 Pavlos' tutorial I believe sets an example for a 'talked to' type setting. Might want to check it out :)  [Read More]
Posted in: Very Sensitive Issue: What If Obama Loses?
10-09-2008, 4:26 PM
Honestly if no one shot Bush I don't know that anyone will bother with Obama. >.> 2 words: President Cheney :whacked: EDIT: :lol: damn, Achilles is reading my braaaiinz.. or maybe I'm reading his.. muwahahaha...  [Read More]
Posted in: Whos getting it?
09-29-2008, 7:31 AM
The more I read on it.. the more I want. If just only to cause some major havoc :lol: Definitely going to keep my eyes on this title :D...  [Read More]
Posted in: Let's liven this place up!
09-30-2008, 6:19 AM
Hey Gang! My name is ChAiNz.2da and I'm an alcoho.... oh wait, wrong type of group ;) Looking forward to this forum's growth and the game itself :D...  [Read More]
Posted in: US Presidential debates
10-03-2008, 4:33 PM
They can make mistakes you know, but fact is there was 1 bill the President tried to have pushed through in 2003. Then there was the bill in 2005-2006 which McCain publically on the Senate floor spoke in favor of about this being necessary. Then th...  [Read More]
Posted in: US Presidential debates
10-03-2008, 9:26 AM
Now there has been some speculation about Biden saying some factually incorrect statements. I think we need to get the VP candidates' statements and compare with facts. Maybe something from fact checker. They seem to have gotten this one out rather...  [Read More]
It is eerily fitting that the game centres around a troubled economy... Indeed. Sad irony that some of the most engaging 'pretend' storylines are taken from history. Just look how popular War games are. :indif: Though I'm kind of startled that it h...  [Read More]
Thanks for the link, Aratoeldar! :D Could someone send me a link to MECK's Jabba's Palace mod? I installed it, and I'm finally about to get to Tatooine again, but I can't find the readme to tell me how to activate it! :eek: Prime's site has it (htt...  [Read More]
Does anyone have the Telos Billboard seriies? i know there in the plug-in but i don't like using that mod cause it conflicts with a few of my favorite mods. so...does anyone have it...those wonderful Telos Billboards? PM link sent :) I have sets #1...  [Read More]
Was there ever a revan mask for tsl if so could I get it? Yup :);69499...  [Read More]
Is there any improved AI mod? I'm seeking a challenge :shades2: K1 or TSL? There's a hardcore mod for K1 & Achilles made a pretty sweet Re-Balance mod for TSL. There's also this Difficulty Mod (  [Read More]
Chainz.2da, dude... could you help me with a problem? See I can't post attatchments...I don't have a host site to upload to... can I upload here? If not... You can find some nice hosts here: :) Bas...  [Read More]
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