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KotOR & TSL Save Game Files

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 Qui-Gon Glenn
03-19-2008, 1:18 PM
I know this has been said....

Thanks again for putting this resource together for us, ChAiNz! It has come in handy again and again... and moreso as I creep towards making something for others!

:bows low:
06-16-2008, 1:28 PM
Thanks :D
10-22-2008, 1:36 AM
Greets Everyone! -RH
hey im new where would i put these files exactly? see i have vista and kotor 2 dont work for me by doing this i might be able to play cuz i can get to main screen to load games
10-22-2008, 7:40 AM
I cant tell you what path to take to put them because i dont have vista but you put them in your saves folder.
11-24-2008, 7:52 AM
hey, i tried to download the partial dantooine saves, but when i click on the link, i get an option of either finding a program to use it, or to save. am i meant to click save?
anyway, i clicked save the first time, and put it into my save game folder (save 1), but when i load up the game, it says theres nothing there (i did delete all my saved games before hand, to put it into a fresh slot) any help here?
11-24-2008, 10:06 AM
Did you extract the files from the folder you Downloaded?
11-24-2008, 10:47 AM
hang on, ive got a better way to explain my problem; step by step.
1. i click on the links fo completed taris/partial dantooine
a box comes up saying:
Name: K1 saves-Taris_Jedi.rar
Find Save Cancel.

i click 'Save'

2. it opens up my computer, i go to the Lucas Arts folder, select SW KoTOR, and i find the saves folder.
3. i open the saves folder, and select 000001-Game1
4. in the empty folder, i select the save button at the bottom.
5. when it finishes the download, i hit the close button.
6. i then try to load SW KoTOR, and select load on the screen. it says there ae no saved files. ( i did delete all my save files before hand)
11-24-2008, 10:51 AM
This is because you didnt exract the files. Do you have 7z? or winrar? that could b the problem
11-24-2008, 11:23 AM
no havnt got winrar. ill get it now. ill post bck after. TY!
11-24-2008, 11:42 AM
Download 7zip. Itcan unpack winrar files and its free.
11-24-2008, 3:10 PM
right, i give up. ive downloaded WinRAR, and i can now have 'Open' instead of 'Find'.
now, ive got the saves on WinRAR, and ive selected them all, and 'Extract to folder'
ive selecten the SW KoTOR folder, and put them in saves. however, i cant see them normall, and i cant load them. PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 Star Admiral
11-24-2008, 3:20 PM
First, create a new folder on your desktop.
Second, extract the files from the archive into the folder you just created.
Third, open the folder you created and look for a folder called "saves".
Fourth, copy the folder "saves" into the main directory of wherever you installed K1, i.e., C:\Program Files\KOTOR\.
Finally, load up K1 and the saves should be there. You may need to hit the "Switch Characters" button on the load screen to see the new savegames.

Hope that helps. :)

- Star Admiral
11-25-2008, 4:09 AM
YAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it works! thanks to canderis and to Star Admiral, it worked when i put the files into a new folder. TY!
01-01-2009, 7:57 PM
This is a complete play through with 1.03 patch. I saved each location at the start before playing through, stayed light side all the way through but i did restart after completing the game at the temple summit for dark side ending as well. dark side endings ar the last in list and marked with ds at the end. there are 60 saves in total i did not save before each encounter but rather when entering area for the first time. games are un modded but i did use kse to add some items, all of which can be removed to your liking. character was LS male, but again can be changed. Hope this helps.

File is 100 MB used winrar and saved as zip file on rapid share premium account.
01-07-2009, 10:56 AM
Thanks a lot Bhickle, worked like a charm. I really wouldn't have cared to play the game through once again, now I don't have to! (:
02-07-2009, 4:07 PM
This is a complete play through with 1.03 patch. I saved each location at the start before playing through, stayed light side all the way through but i did restart after completing the game at the temple summit for dark side ending as well. dark side endings ar the last in list and marked with ds at the end. there are 60 saves in total i did not save before each encounter but rather when entering area for the first time. games are un modded but i did use kse to add some items, all of which can be removed to your liking. character was LS male, but again can be changed. Hope this helps.

File is 100 MB used winrar and saved as zip file on rapid share premium account.

Can you or anyone who has downloaded this re-upload somewhere other than rapidshare please? :)

02-08-2009, 6:23 PM
the rapidshare file seems to be corrupted. when I try to extract the files to a folder, I get the message:
"<location on my computer (docs& name...etc) cannot open location on my
THe System cannot find the file specified"

I am using WinRar btw.

if it helps, it is located in my 'temp' folder which I can't figure out how to access in normal my computer&the such
02-13-2009, 4:29 PM
You'll have to re-download it, and use "Save" Instead of "Open" this time :D
02-14-2009, 4:26 PM
You'll have to re-download it, and use "Save" Instead of "Open" this time :D

darn! took a long time to d/l the first time.
02-23-2009, 11:59 AM
hey im new where would i put these files exactly? see i have vista and kotor 2 dont work for me by doing this i might be able to play cuz i can get to main screen to load games

Click somewhere in the map above compatible files.
And there will be another save file folder.. Put them there.

Hope it helped and that i was not to late xD

Sincerly DJScias
02-23-2009, 6:52 PM
Click somewhere in the map above compatible files.
And there will be another save file folder.. Put them there.

Hope it helped and that i was not to late xD

Sincerly DJScias

I have this same problem i downloaded and loaded a save game still crashes right away i cant get to a part to actually play the game...its annoying and i would really like some1 to help. I dont have nvidia...
05-31-2009, 5:19 PM
There is something wrong with this TSL save. Character is just incredible powerfull... I loaded save on Telos,warped to Malachor and i could kill all enemies there...
06-27-2009, 9:52 AM
I need a save on right when you arrive on the unknown world. Can anyone hook me up with it?
 Hunters Run
06-28-2009, 8:27 PM
I need a save for TSL in which you visit dantooine last. Thanks
06-28-2009, 9:10 PM
I need a save on right when you arrive on the unknown world. Can anyone hook me up with it?
07-02-2009, 7:39 AM
Hi I search a savegame for Kotor II which plays after the first Level(Peragus)
I habe played the game 3x but i hate the peragus level so i need a savegame after it. My version 2.00.420 German but i can also update it.
The skills the player ion teh savegame have is not important for me so please upload it for me.

Thank you
07-02-2009, 10:20 AM
I don't have a savegame handy, but can I recommend:;41139)
Skip Peragus :naughty:
07-02-2009, 11:25 AM
That not use by me when i want to open to the medical computer to open the door to Kreia tehre are no options aviable and i can't go out of teh control so i must close the game by task manager
08-13-2009, 2:02 AM
Hey my computer keeps hanging when I try to escape out of the ancient ruins.
Can anyone please post the game save just after the ancient ruins??? Please.....
08-16-2009, 7:15 PM
What ancient ruins? There are more than one. KotOR 1 right?
09-01-2009, 8:40 PM
hey can someone post/pm a download link to a tsl savegame right after the beginning scene (with tutorial) i figure i can get past my dang black screen this way. i don't know if you can change names with the save game editor so the name will be madrauk, he will be a soldier and he will have the katarn template face (beard, brown hair) thanks in advance to anyone that helps!
09-20-2009, 4:46 AM
I thought I'd posted these in this thread ages ago, but apparently not.

My Radeon 4850 has previously had problems with the character creation screen of both K1 and TSL. Under previous versions of ATI's Catalyst driver it caused the GPU to become non-responsive requiring a system reset. The only way to play either game was to start from a save made on another machine (at the time of writing though, newer Catalyst drivers seem to have resolved this). I have a scoundrel save for K1 and a consular save for TSL. These are at the very start right after the initial cutscenes with empty inventories etc.

K1_Starting_Save_Scoundrel.7z (179 KB) (

TSL_Starting_Save_Consular.7z (193 KB) (

You can change the name, sex, class, head, and stats to whatever you prefer using KSE (
11-15-2009, 12:04 PM
I am in need of a save file for Kotor I before Leviathan.
12-05-2009, 8:16 PM
I was starting to make a video when I realized I didn't have a KOTOR 1 male lightside save of Bastila/Revan's sparkly kiss scene.

Could someone please upload this for me? Reward is good karma.:thmbup1:

 I Has The Pie
01-06-2010, 6:43 PM
Well idk, what happened to my stuff on Kotor 1.. I didn't know that the Best Of Pc pack had the updated Version of 1.03 and i downloaded it because Dantoonie was having graphic issue with my computer and i figure updating it would help.. I lost ALL of my game saves... :mad: and I don't know what happened to them... btw i'm downloading your saves Chainz
- Pie
03-10-2010, 7:41 AM
Could I get a save, right after the leviathan? LS preferable, and also one from somebody who has NOT installed a new planet mod.
03-10-2010, 8:20 AM
Could I get a save, right after the leviathan? LS preferable, and also one from somebody who has NOT installed a new planet mod.

Are other mods OK.
03-10-2010, 3:57 PM
Yea, as long as the characters aren't actually wearing the stuff, (and preferably BOSSR has not been used on the save, it may conflict with the current version of my mod)
04-20-2010, 5:00 AM
Hey everyone,

only just now discovered the sheer joy of KOTOR, and i'm just wondering, would someone posibly be able to upload an autosave file? I really need one for the pifo.IFO file contained within it. I don't have any way of extracting it on the mac i'm playing on right now and i need it to fix a corrupted save file (which i was up ALL night playing and then in the morning it didn't work...)

It'd be awesome if anyone could help! :-D
 Kyr'am Galaar
04-23-2010, 11:32 AM
Can I get a save right before the leviathan? Preferably with no mods.
05-20-2010, 12:05 PM
Can I get a savegame with finished main quests on Dantooine? My current one corrupted.
05-20-2010, 1:42 PM
Can I get a savegame with finished main quests on Dantooine? My current one corrupted.

We'll need to know which game. K1 or K2 (TSL)?
05-31-2010, 5:57 AM
Hey, Can I Get a Save Before the Character has Visited Korriban (Kotor 1) If The PC has Visted any Other Planets thats Fine.

And Could Juhani Be Dead but that is Not 100% Required :)

And No Big Mods or Reruitment Mods would also be Nice ;P

Thanks :)
06-17-2010, 1:40 PM
Could anyone post a save game that just started, in TSL since my game always crashes for no apparent reason when it's loading to start the game.
Tried reinstalling, downloading files etc to fix the problem.
Maybe it just can't load the beginning.
06-17-2010, 2:11 PM
Could anyone post a save game that just started, in TSL since my game always crashes for no apparent reason when it's loading to start the game.
Tried reinstalling, downloading files etc to fix the problem.
Maybe it just can't load the beginning.


The very first post in the thread contains an entire archive of TSL. There should be a save at the very beginning of the game. :)

There's also this post.
07-18-2010, 3:52 AM
The link for the complete on rapidshare is not working can someone please fix the link or give me another link? I need it badly, after finishing dantoiine i click any other planet and after the calo nord/malak cutscene ends im on Ebon hawk back room and I cant get out of it there is a button on ground saying cut start, Please help me out
 Canaan Sadow
07-18-2010, 4:01 AM
Do you have any mods installed?
07-18-2010, 4:07 AM
yes I do, the WSG wide screen 1440x900 mod only, and supersaber and supercape one i think... and cape flowing revan outfit, should I try deinstalling them all or should I reinstall the game entirely?

I just cleansed my override folder, Still no luck
 Canaan Sadow
07-18-2010, 4:14 AM
Here's what you do. Have a game save before you leave Dantooine (preferably right before you leave) and then deinstall all mods (just make a folder for them and highlight all of them and drag them to the folder)... leave dantooine. Save your game and then reinstall the mods. (highlight them again and drag them back to your override). And that should fix the problem. If not, then you might try reinstalling the game... but I think the mods are conflicting... so doing the uninstall-leave dantooine-reinstall should work. (:
07-18-2010, 6:36 AM
The link for the complete on rapidshare is not working can someone please fix the link or give me another link? I need it badly, after finishing dantoiine i click any other planet and after the calo nord/malak cutscene ends im on Ebon hawk back room and I cant get out of it there is a button on ground saying cut start, Please help me out

Firstly both these links are working, I just tested them...

-> Click To Download K1 Taris/partial Dantooine Archive <- (

-> Click To Download K1 Taris/partial Dantooine Archive (Alternate Link) <- (

If they are not working for you there is either an error with your computer, or you need to contact your ISP.

yes I do, the WSG wide screen 1440x900 mod only, and supersaber and supercape one i think... and cape flowing revan outfit, should I try deinstalling them all or should I reinstall the game entirely?

Here's what you do. Have a game save before you leave Dantooine (preferably right before you leave) and then deinstall all mods (just make a folder for them and highlight all of them and drag them to the folder)... leave dantooine. Save your game and then reinstall the mods. (highlight them again and drag them back to your override). And that should fix the problem. If not, then you might try reinstalling the game... but I think the mods are conflicting... so doing the uninstall-leave dantooine-reinstall should work. (:

Viridian Bandit is wrong in several of his answers, It would be nigh on impossible for saber or the flowing cape modifications to cause a conflict to cause this crash. However it is decidedly not helpful to not have listed the exact mods you have installed.

That said the mod most likely to be causing an issue is the widescreen mod, which I have found works for some, and causes issues for others and clearing out your Override will not uninstall the widescreen mod which is most likely the problem.

The first thing you could try is to change your graphic settings to be non widescreen mode, if that doesn't work you could try re-patching the game with the widescreen mod so that its back to original settings. The other thing you clould try is disabling in game video's in the the "swkotor.ini" file - you can open this in note pad, scroll down to game options and near the bottom of that list you will find "Disable Movies=0" change that to "Disable Movies=1" and see if that fixes your problem.

If all of the above does not work, then you'll need to reinstall your game, make sure after un-installing the game to make sure that the C:\Program Files\LucasArts\SWKotOR is empty of everything (if not delete anything there) to completely remove the widescreen patch. Then re-install and DON'T install the widescreen patch.
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