TSL Hak Pad - Booster Pack v2
Grab it while the gettin's good folks!
** Attention **
This is NOT a standalone mod! You will need to download and install my TSL Hak Pad Mod in order for this Booster Pack to work. You can get my Hak Pad Mod at either of these 2 sites:
This is another expansion pack to my TSL Hak Pad cheat mod. It is also backwards compatible with my Booster Pack v.1, meaning you don't have to download it (if you haven't already) to get the functions it added. If you HAVE downloaded it, then just overwrite the files when prompted :D
With permission, andargor has allowed me to incorporate his Holowan CLoakworks 2 Disguise mod! Over 500+ disguises are now available (PC & NPC)!
andargor -
- Added andargor's Holowan CLoakworks 2 Disguises function
- Tweaked a few dialogue tree descriptions / categories
- Added Set PC / NPC's Level
- Added Adjust Skill Point Levels Function
- Added Adjust Attribute Scores Function
- **Added a "hidden" Special Interface for other Modder's Tools
** What this means is that if you happen to have the following mods installed, you can access it's functions through the Hak Pad without having to equip it!
You WILL however have to download and install their mods for this function to be available. You will also need to have their mod items in your inventory (the actual armbands).
But don't worry! If you don't have the mods, the special dialogue won't appear! (No need to worry about accidentally choosing an invalid function and crashing your game).
- Darth333's Wherami Armband
- RedHawke's Mistake Correction Armband
- mrdefender's Wrist Console
If you have already installed the above mods and they're working fine, DON'T CHANGE a thing! BUT, if you would like to download and use them via the Hak Pad, here's a little tip... just install all of the files WITHOUT the spells.2da. That's right, you won't need to edit it because the Hak Pad will directly access it's functions via the item's dialogue! How's that for a "hack"?!.. hehehe
Keep in mind, if you don't install their entries in the spells.2da, you won't be able to use the item on it's own (you'll HAVE to use the Hak Pad to use their mods)... just a warning ;)
On a sidenote, thanks to feedback from the Original Hak Pad Mod, I have found that this mod also works for the Xbox!
2. STATS: (with Booster Pack v.2)
- Workbench
- Component Bench
- Medical Bench
- Virtual Items Storefront (FREE Items)
- Awards LS / DS Points
- Dispense Credits
- Create Chemicals Option
- Create Components Option
- Receive the Lightsaber Quest Parts
- "Train" NPC's into a Jedi Class!
- andargor's Holowan CLoakworks 2 Disguises (over 500+)
- Set PC / NPC's Level
- Adjust Skill Point Levels
- Adjust Attribute Scores
- Special Interface for other Modder's Tools
Though this mod is not a standalone mod, just a Booster Pack, the cheats below are for the actual Hak Pad.
1-) with cheats enabled, type "~" (without quotes) and enter:
giveitem hak_pad
2-) Press "ENTER"
** For the Anti-Console,
You're out of luck. Since this IS a "cheating/just for fun mod", I didn't feel "right" about adding it in the game. Kinda defeats the purpose. I'd suggest using tk102's Save Game Editor to get it:
Plus, since it's useable from the get go, there's no need to "back track" your steps or start a new game in order to get it.
Super-Special thanks to:
[] tk102
For posting the "Frequently Used Script Functions" thread over at Holowan Laboratories.
And for the DLGEditor! Without it, this Hak Pad Booster Pack (and the original mod) wouldn't have been possible! I'm way too lazy to try and do this in a GFF Editor ;) hehehe...
[] andargor, Darth333, RedHawke & mrdefender
For giving me permission to access their mods via the Hak Pad Interface.
andargor -
mrdefender -
[] Darth333, T7nowhere, RedHawke & Tupac Amaru
For pretty much "spoon feeding" me techniques on scripting, it's follies, it's functions & it's benefits once you've learned the mechanics.
Darth333 -
T7nowhere -
RedHawke -
Tupac Amaru -
[] stoffe -mkb-
For providing the custom script for the PC / NPC Set Level Function, and for providing the most excellent TSL Patcher application (used
for installing the original Hak Pad Mod)! Thanks to stoffe, you guys and gals don't have to worry about editing the .2da's, compatibility issues & other headaches involved with many of my mods.. hehehe.
(*) Read about the TSL Patcher/Installer here:
(*) Download the TSL Patcher/Installer here:
Special Thanks to:
- Holowan Laboratories for all the great resources!
- Fred Tetra for the Kotor Tool app, outstanding!
- To everyone else I may have forgotten, and to all who have tried this mod out (or at least got this far in the readme)...Thank you!