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Page: 49 of 76
Posted in: atris selectable character with ds transitions
09-03-2005, 12:13 AM
for some reason it has only one modle file when i tried it was coming out of another head were you using this model for Atris? p_atrisbb.mdl (the "White" version) If so, the textures associated with it is: - p_atrisba.tga (body/robe) -...  [Read More]
Posted in: atris selectable character with ds transitions
09-02-2005, 11:44 PM
i mean as a pc head oh... doh! :headbump my bad.. sorry about that... Have you tried Darkkender's tutorial on creating a new head (selectable pc)?  [Read More]
Posted in: atris selectable character with ds transitions
09-02-2005, 11:25 PM
Not sure if there are DS transitions, but there's a Recruitable Atris over at PCGM: I would highly suggest getting permission to use the mod (if that's what you intend to do)... but if for nothing else, it can serve...  [Read More]
Posted in: Request.
09-02-2005, 6:18 PM
All sorts of those :D Portable Bench & Lab Author: GotGoose? Defender's Wrist Console 1.4 Author: mrdefender Plus my Hak Pad mod will act as a work/component/lab bench as well...  [Read More]
Posted in: Best forum ever (hosted by Phantom 13 6x3)
09-01-2005, 12:18 PM
I'd beg to differ... you've just posted on the Best Forum(s) ever.. ;)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Iridonian Invasion Armor
09-01-2005, 2:56 AM
Once again, great mod Colja! :thumbsup: and just a sidenote, I noticed your comments over at PCGM. If users open your mod with winrar (since it can open .zip files too)... your folders do show up :D WinZip doesn't make folder architecture very 'int...  [Read More]
Posted in:  Lord Mathus Lightsaber Pack
09-02-2005, 9:54 PM
your naming convention is fine, it's probably just a "glitch" with PCGM and Sergio's updating (as Darth333 had said ;) )... I'd hold off on uploading a new version unless T7 thinks it would be a good idea. That, or if you have a site you c...  [Read More]
Posted in:  Lord Mathus Lightsaber Pack
08-31-2005, 6:01 AM
Looks great! :thumbsup: I'll have to check this one out :D...  [Read More]
Posted in: Multiple Force Whirlwind
08-30-2005, 10:45 AM
stoffe's High Level Force Powers has this force power in it already ;) Force Hurricane :)  [Read More]
"Fashionably Late" as always... but hey, Happy Birthday you blaster totin' monkey! :D Hope you have/had a great one! :D...  [Read More]
Posted in: New skin: Revan/Nihilis
08-30-2005, 3:07 PM
The problem with the Revan Model is that it doesn't have all of the proper camera hooks that a normal playable model has. Since it was never intended to be a player model, Bioware didn't add them. Therefore when you start moving around, the screen ju...  [Read More]
Posted in: Realism in KOTOR 3
09-01-2005, 11:31 AM
I am currently playing Dungeon Siege 2. It has a limited inventory and random item-drops, a lot of random item-drops. So with your limited inventory you must go to a merchant every 10 minutes. Needless to say it takes you out of immersion and it also...  [Read More]
Posted in:  Force Choke Anyone - v.1.2
08-28-2005, 9:19 AM
Uber fun mod D3! in the evil Sith kind of way... hehehe :devsmoke: Loving it! :D ahh... so many commoners, so little time... hehehe...  [Read More]
Posted in: Combat
08-30-2005, 7:05 AM
*Picks up both ChAiNz and TOK and hurls them down a nearby main power shaft... hears their screams on the way down and sees the blue flash as the main reactor doesn't seem to agree with them...* Ahh now I feel better! LOL! oh man, and I just did la...  [Read More]
Posted in: Combat
08-30-2005, 5:29 AM
"That big bad RedHawke is being a big meanie..." :lol: that should be your new custom title Red... you big bad poopy-head.. :xp: hehehe......  [Read More]
Posted in: Question about mods
08-27-2005, 9:47 AM
Hiya, Are there currently any mods about that have dramatically changed either KOTOR1 or KOTOR2??, e.g. new planets, new quests or even new storylines, any info would be greatly appreciated, Welcome to the Forums Phil8! :waive1: Not necessarily dra...  [Read More]
Posted in: Exchange Meeting
09-01-2005, 5:57 AM
override folder size shouldn't be a factor :confused: I've had over 300+ mb in my override ever since my first 4 non-modded playthroughs, from start to finish of the game and it's never been a problem... Though I won't discount your theory either L...  [Read More]
Posted in: Install/Uninstall unusual and frustrating glitch
09-01-2005, 4:15 AM
i deleted both the SWKotor key and the bioware key, maybe i should ask tech support after all. anyone got a linkie?  [Read More]
Posted in: No more choosing the Light or Dark Side in-game
08-26-2005, 6:39 AM
If you cannot argue effectively, then you should not argue at all. What do you call how the Empire sends stormtroopers to destroy Luke's home and the sandcrawler. There's also that relatively minor incident of the Death Star... I thought even you wo...  [Read More]
Posted in: High Level Force Powers V2.1 released
08-26-2005, 6:38 PM
Quick question stoffe... If we've already installed your Powers update via the beta version before release, this one should be safe to install over correct? Or is it even necessary? I didn't have any problems with the beta version, but was just wonde...  [Read More]
Posted in:  USM Released!!!
08-30-2005, 10:39 AM
Hello every one, Has someone noticed that the 4th update link for the USM mod doesn't work? I've tried to download it but everytime I try it will take me to a new internet explorer window full of strange codes. I wish I knew the problem so I can hel...  [Read More]
Posted in: SWK's Weekly Mod Report (notification)
09-04-2005, 12:29 PM
#42 Holowan "Weekly Mod Release" Report this weekend?? Must be due to the Labor Day holiday weekend:-) Hey CDR! yah, I've got the "parental units" in town visiting from Michigan, and we all know how "Mothers" ca...  [Read More]
Posted in: A-Z of Modeling a new Lightsaber
09-02-2005, 7:01 PM
You deserve bazillions of thanks plus a coffee cup for your nicest tutorial that I have followed and especially thanks for the help you offer to modelling beginners, such as myself http://img295.ima...  [Read More]
Posted in: Kotor Tool - v1.0.2210.16738 (2006-1-19 12:38)
09-02-2005, 7:39 AM
Just got through testing Fred, and everything seems to be working. Like everyone has stated so far, no one except the Maintenance Droid has 'dialogue' (or "beeps" if that counts...hehehe)... The chests in the rooms still had inventory in t...  [Read More]
Posted in: Kotor Tool - v1.0.2210.16738 (2006-1-19 12:38)
09-02-2005, 5:30 AM
@Fuu Just curious. Are you putting this in TSL's Modules folder? This mod is for KotOR I believe ;) Make sure you're putting the files in KotOR's module folder and not TSL's :)...  [Read More]
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