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Posted in:  Hk 47 for TSL as he should have been ;)
02-25-2005, 1:54 PM
You're a realy master Svosh... I especially like those Bastilla robes!...  [Read More]
Posted in: Mod Requests Thread (#3)
02-27-2005, 2:13 AM
Originally posted by The Lone Badger Already exists in-game. no it doesn't. It works only for lightsabers (uses your DEX bonus to attack roles instead of STR if it's higher) and I think Bao-dur can't wear robes becoause of his arms. al lthat ener...  [Read More]
Posted in: Mod Requests Thread (#3)
02-26-2005, 1:02 PM
Hmm....let's see. Things i would like to see in a MOD (forgive me if I repeat sonme requests..didn't bother to read all those previos posts) - More sensible cahrachter stats (stats that fit charachters better. Mandalore for instance, is a soldier th...  [Read More]
Posted in: Mav's WIP for TSL
02-25-2005, 3:19 PM
Nice... you know, I had an idea for a hilt too..actualyl a whole new sabre... Like this: ( A two-handed lightsabre. those cro...  [Read More]
Posted in: 2 Sabers down 4 to go
06-27-2004, 4:46 PM
#65's what I can do... I can do a 3D modle of the any 3D format.. But I have no idea how to import it into the game... (or what the textures must be like).. Ben busy with modding other games and exams......  [Read More]
Posted in: 2 Sabers down 4 to go
06-27-2004, 11:13 AM
Originally posted by maverick187 [Bg Oh and as far as your "sword hilt" idea it sounds cool, but I can't do that because I can't edit models, perhaps someone like cchargin could help you with that, but before I see your hilt , I would like...  [Read More]
Posted in: 2 Sabers down 4 to go
06-26-2004, 8:10 PM
WOW...... Maverick, you're da MAN!!!! Excellent job! I wish I had time to give it a go at making one myself... Say...could you do me one if it's not too much to ask? I was thinking something like the guardian of the light, but a bit different. AV...  [Read More]
Posted in: Classes and 2DA editing
02-14-2004, 9:02 PM
I tough that adding columns might help, but the featgain and classes call for some other files I couldn't locate.......  [Read More]
Posted in: Classes and 2DA editing
02-12-2004, 9:18 AM
Wow! - I didn't know that! I'll start doing my own class right away!...  [Read More]
Posted in: Classes and 2DA editing
02-09-2004, 7:49 PM
I tried making a new class a while ago... While you can add a new class to the classes.2da, it will call for powergain and featgain table of your own class (or you will be restricted to using some of the other classes). Now, you CAN'T add a new fea...  [Read More]
Posted in: Question?
02-08-2004, 9:55 PM
Is it possible to put new items in the game without the console...the console won't work on my PC, so it sucks... I hear that the Area editor wil be able to do that, but it's still not finished.......  [Read More]
Posted in: need Bandon Armor mod made, please
02-09-2004, 7:40 PM
When I try to open the apperance.2da with the 2Da tool it sez something like "index was outside the bonds of the aray" and won't open it...strange.. EDIT: I can edit it with Wordpad allso...k then... Wheree ate the textues located (I want...  [Read More]
Posted in: need Bandon Armor mod made, please
02-09-2004, 9:11 AM
#55 somone could tell me where he texture for the armor is located...hehe......  [Read More]
Posted in: need Bandon Armor mod made, please
02-08-2004, 9:52 PM
What I meant was...I equipp a Jedi Master Robe and I look liek I wear a Jedi Master Robe... I equipp a Guardain Armour(the Bandon-like it whatever you want) and I look like I wear it.. What happens when I put it on others - I do not care...  [Read More]
Posted in: need Bandon Armor mod made, please
02-08-2004, 9:23 PM
#50 are right there...the only way I can think of is making a whole new armor class...that way, no other armors will be affected...but I don't even know if it's posible... I have tried creationg a new player class...  [Read More]
Posted in: need Bandon Armor mod made, please
02-08-2004, 7:01 PM
Thanks for your help.... There is one problem tough...the above mentioned MOD (which I can't download...stupid Tripoid!) will make EVERY robe look like bandons...and I don't want that..I only want one robe to look like it... Oh wel...I'll return to...  [Read More]
Posted in: need Bandon Armor mod made, please
02-07-2004, 10:35 PM
Hmm... I can't download it...Something about a Tripoid Error.. It will replace any robe (on the PC) wiht Bandon's armour....nah..that's not what I was looking for... Let me go in detailed explanation: A single item, and only wearing that item will...  [Read More]
Posted in: Kotor Tool - v1.0.2210.16738 (2006-1-19 12:38)
06-10-2004, 8:05 PM
I haven't been around for awhile, but now that I see what a great tool you've done (still doing!), I'm very much tempted to start modding KOTOR again.... Yes....:D...  [Read More]
Posted in: Kotor Tool - v1.0.2210.16738 (2006-1-19 12:38)
02-17-2004, 9:13 PM
Good to know you're making solid progress!:D I agree that a savegame editor is not even near a top priority..Better take care of the area editing..that will give the comunity a kick!...  [Read More]
Posted in: Kotor Tool - v1.0.2210.16738 (2006-1-19 12:38)
02-09-2004, 6:50 PM
Not to mention the featgain and powergain, which is essential for creating new classes... With columns we might go a big step further......  [Read More]
Posted in: Kotor Tool - v1.0.2210.16738 (2006-1-19 12:38)
02-09-2004, 8:09 AM
Hmm...can you make the tool add new columns allso?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Kotor Tool - v1.0.2210.16738 (2006-1-19 12:38)
06-10-2004, 9:05 PM
I haven't been around for awhile, but now that I see what a great tool you've done (still doing!), I'm very much tempted to start modding KOTOR again.... Yes....:D...  [Read More]
Posted in: Kotor Tool - v1.0.2210.16738 (2006-1-19 12:38)
02-17-2004, 10:13 PM
Good to know you're making solid progress!:D I agree that a savegame editor is not even near a top priority..Better take care of the area editing..that will give the comunity a kick!...  [Read More]
Posted in: Kotor Tool - v1.0.2210.16738 (2006-1-19 12:38)
02-09-2004, 7:50 PM
Not to mention the featgain and powergain, which is essential for creating new classes... With columns we might go a big step further......  [Read More]
Posted in: Kotor Tool - v1.0.2210.16738 (2006-1-19 12:38)
02-09-2004, 9:09 AM
Hmm...can you make the tool add new columns allso?...  [Read More]
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