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The Search for Revan

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03-18-2007, 5:43 AM
"Yeah, I'll do that! Eliminating things is my hobby!"

Dwain focussed his attention back at the battle. There were only six fighters left.
As soon as two of the fighters edged closer between them, Dwain fired a Seeker.
The missle shot across towards the Fighters. Then Dwain fired the Turret at his launched missle. The combination made a huge explosion. Big enough to destroy both of the Fighters.

He decided to leave the rest for his hungry Kath Hounds in the Turrets.
03-18-2007, 7:26 AM
Natalie unsteadily opened one eye, then the other. She for a moment had a faint buzzing in her ears and couldnt remember anything. Her leg was bleeding rather badly and she couldnt move.

Then it all came back to her, she had sneaked aboard the ship when it came under sith attack, she fired the turret until a shot hit her position, knocking her out of it and onto the floor.

It was lucky to say the least the turret knocked her out, if not she would be more than a little crispy.
She groaned slightly on the floor as she tried to move. To no avail.

(And yes adia feel free to point that out. Shes at the moment kind of wounded in the main hold bit, if your basing this on the ebon hawk seen in the awesome series :P)
03-18-2007, 8:08 AM
"I want to fight on the ground again, soon, and longer this time! And when oh wehn do we get to lose the reddies!"
 Jason Skywalker
03-18-2007, 8:10 AM
"Hey, watch this!" Zayne shouted out as he started spinning the ship, as it collided with one of the Fighters, then flying back.

03-18-2007, 4:32 PM
"Hey, Zayne, just get us out of here without getting us killed, okay?" Dante shouted in his turrent, "We don't want to die under Sith's hands. That's a shame!" After he fired a couple shots and finished off the last star fighter, why don't we go into hyperdrive already?"
 Adia Lanna
03-18-2007, 5:25 PM
"Dwain, the person below in the second turret has been severly injured."

She turns to leave.

"I must go tend to their wounds. I believe we should leave immediately. This isn't a fight we can win."

She turned around and left with the swish of her robes.
 Jason Skywalker
03-18-2007, 6:29 PM
"Don't worry Dante, i'm a good flier!" He shouted on the comm link.

"Prepare people, entering hyperspace!" He punched the coordinates, but before they entered, he remembered, "Hey, where to actually?
03-19-2007, 1:08 AM
Dwain climbed down from his Turret, and walked to the cockpit.

"We'll head for Telos. Bastila Shan was last seen there, and she is the only person we know who understands the Unknown regions better than anybody. She might have some useful information on what to expect!"

He saw Zayne already punching in the coordinates on the control panel.

"Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll be in Med Lab, to check on our "passenger"" said Dwain, as he walked out the cockpit.
 Jason Skywalker
03-19-2007, 9:31 AM
"Alright boss!" Zayne told him, punching the coordinates and sending the ship onto the Telos hyperspace.

"Time to relax a little," He mumbled as he got out of the cockpit to explore a bit more the ship.

(OOC: I think NOW would be a good time to interact with everyone, getting to know their characters better.)
03-19-2007, 2:00 PM
(Ill just follow on from what u guys said)

Natalie was put into the med lab, in severe health, she wore common clothing of a civillian (what revan can wear when u choose to be a female scout on KOTOR) but she was obviously part of the military.
Her stomach area was bleeding rather badly and she was obviously unconscious
(Not a lot i can do atm since im knocked out lol)
03-19-2007, 2:02 PM
(Ill just follow on from what u guys said)

Natalie was put into the med lab, in severe health, she wore common clothing of a civillian (what revan can wear when u choose to be a female scout on KOTOR) but she was obviously part of the military.
Her stomach area was bleeding rather badly and she was obviously unconscious.
Her republic uniform and gear was located in the eastern dorimitory where she hid earlier, a blaster pisto hanged idly (spell?) at her right leg.
(Not a lot i can do atm since im knocked out lol)

(oh **** just relised that i double posted, ignore the post above and read this one instead.

sorry :( )
03-19-2007, 2:10 PM
Dante patted his head, and walked to the Med Lab. He saw the mysterious guest, but he was surprised that she was Force Sensitive. "Mmm..." Internal bleeding can be bad if not properly stopped, but compared to a Commando, it was nothing. "Nice sleep, young girl. This may sting a little, and I can guarantee you, you will be live...again." Then he put on Surgical gloves, and readied all equipment for surgery. As a commando, he sure learnt Anatomy, to perform emergency medical supply if available.

He injected 5 cc of Tranquilizer into her vein, and murmured: "Good sleep, Jedi."
 Adia Lanna
03-19-2007, 6:01 PM
"While she is force sensitive, she isn't a jedi. How the order never found her is startling." She sits next to her and pushes her hair out of her face. "Maybe she didn't want them to find her..."

(maybe that could be part of your backstory natalie? like you knew you were force sensitive but did not want to be a jedi? just throwing that out there)
 Jason Skywalker
03-19-2007, 6:05 PM
"I'm the exact contrary," Zayne said, looking at the med bay, his arms holding the exteriors of the entrance, "I'm not Force Sensitive but i wield a Lightsaber. If you want to know, forget it, long story, probably would bore you."
 Adia Lanna
03-19-2007, 6:30 PM
"I'm listening. If you've got I story to tell I wouldn't mind hearing it," said Adia. "It would probably be to our benefit if all of the crew knew a little about each other."
03-20-2007, 4:44 AM
"Oh, jeeze. What is it with people and sharing their life stories?" commented Dwain, as he walked into the Med Lab.

"Hows our guest?" he wondered, looking at the unconscious woman on the bed.
 Jason Skywalker
03-20-2007, 7:36 AM
"Bah, i'll tell it another time," He shrugged off.

"Oh, jeeze. What is it with people and sharing their life stories?" commented Dwain, as he walked into the Med Lab.

"Well chief, like Adia said, it's better that we know each other. And i'm guessing she's fine."
03-20-2007, 12:03 PM
(sure adia sounds good, good idea ;))

Natalie slowly opened her eyes, to find a group of people hanging over her. She tried to grab her blaster but it was not there, she suddenly relised how stupid she was to sneak aboard a ship, especially with jedi on it.......
03-20-2007, 1:45 PM
"Done. The Internal bleeding is stopped. But for best results, she needs a bacta tank. But she may go to action." Dante took off his gloves and threw them into trashcan, "That's all I can do." Then he walked out of Med bay. Before walking out, he looked at Dwain, and said: "Got any more Sith to blast?"
03-20-2007, 3:02 PM
She fainted once again from the blood loss, but something inside of her awoke, as if wanting to get out, as her eyes faded to unconsciousness (is that a word? lol) she caught a glimspe of a figure looming over her... its eyes stabbing her with hate........
03-20-2007, 5:14 PM
Ohoh... Darranak didn't feel very good. The stupid crate must have jolted, and made him hit his head in the cramped mini when is went into hyperspace. Maybe that hadn't actually been such a great idea. He got up and swung by teh Med lab to see who had died. He saw the Jedi laying on one of the beds. Bed. Not such a terrible idea right now. Maybe he would take a snooze.
But then he swung around again. Had he seen movement. Then he noticed the girl moving in her sleep. Maybe that was it. But in that condition, she should be under tranq right now, which would have kept her from having any dreams or hallucinations...
03-21-2007, 4:13 AM
Dwain laughed at Dante's question. Altough, he never really knew when the next time they will go into battle against the Sith.

"Okay, Skyblade! What do you do in the real world?" Dwain sighed.

(dont mind Dwain. He's just a complete scoundrel)
 Jason Skywalker
03-21-2007, 9:27 AM
(So is Zayne xD).

"Well chief," Zayne started, "Lemme' ask you the same question. What do YOU do in the real world?"
03-21-2007, 12:56 PM
(bah i got nothing to do since im knocked out and cant apparently dream)

Laying on the medical bed... her condition starting to stabilize
03-22-2007, 1:18 AM
What was there to tell, Dwain wondered.

"Well... err... I was one of the jedi who left the order, to join Revan in the Mandalorian wars. I became a High Officer who served with the Exile at Malachor V. After the war, I put aside my old life as a Jedi, and retired on Nar Shadda. What about you?"
03-22-2007, 2:23 PM
Her condition starts to stabalize even more at a incredibly fast rate than usual, soon she will wake up

(just putting in my daily 2 cents, BTW if i wake up and none of you are there I can go into hiding again XD, nah j/k ill just wait until u 'wake me up' or something)
 Jason Skywalker
03-22-2007, 3:55 PM
(You can have a flashback or a premonition. I guess.)

"Well chief, nothing glamorous about me. Just a man trying to get an easy life," He lied to him. There was more to him.
03-22-2007, 5:00 PM
(Alrighty then)

Natalie woke, and looked around, a great white abyss was before her, with a fading black coming from behind her, but she could not turn. She looked ahead slightly confused and also afraid, the same figure she had seen before she fell unconscious was looking at her. Still staring with those eyes..... those eyes of hate.

Natalie suddenly properly woke up, she was in the medbay and all seemed quiet. She felt terrified from the dream.. or nightmare or whatever she just had. She had a glass of water from the side of the bed that someone must of brought and she leant back, staring into the ceiling wondering what was happening at home.
 Jason Skywalker
03-22-2007, 5:05 PM
"Rise and shine sleeping beauty," Zayne told her, Natalie's eyes opening.

"She's up."
03-23-2007, 12:04 AM
"Am I interrupting anything?" Dante walked in and asked, "I'm just coming here to have my routine check on our patient." Then Dante asked Natalie: "How do you feel? No big movement please. You need rest."
03-23-2007, 9:16 AM
"Well, she's not dead, so I'm gonna turn in. Wake me up once you figure out why she's here. Or if we run into more hostiles. Or at lunchtime. Thank you." Then Darranak went to bed, falliing asleep instantly. He wasn't really into the whole small talk thing.
03-23-2007, 12:00 PM
Natalie looks around for a brief second, trying to piece together events.
"I .... I ... I cant remember...." She said uncertainly, several brief memories flashing back then fading into oblivion. Then she remembered as it all came rushing back.
"I was stationed at the republic embassey off duty.... when the sith attacked I lead the soldiers there..... I kind of... came aboard un-invited. Im sorry....." She chose her words carefully and she did not want to let on more than she was telling.
She leaned back into the bed.
"what happened to me.....?" She said quietly.
03-23-2007, 5:40 PM
"Don't worry, it's normal--after traumatic events, you would suffer temporarily memory loss. It's short-termed. And of course, resting helps." Dante smiled upon Natalie, "Go ahead--we're not out of hyperdrive yet--or are we?"
 Jason Skywalker
03-23-2007, 8:09 PM
"You mean hyperspace," Zayne corrected him, "And no. We'll reach Telos IV in an hour or so."
03-24-2007, 1:49 AM
"Yeah, thank you." Dante nodded in agreement, "One hour? Seems too long...But fine...I'll wait." Dante said, and sat down, began to read a book, titled "How to Kill a Sith."
03-24-2007, 2:31 AM
"You may have come aboard un-invited, but we welcome any help we receive!" Complimented Dwain.

"Now! If you'll excuse me, I be at the work bench, modifying my Lightsabers!"
03-24-2007, 7:48 AM
'Lightsabers?' Thought Natalie.
"urr... sure.. thanks" She replied uncertainly, she had bad memories of the jedi enclave on dantooine before it was destroyed and she didnt want to revisit such places.
She sat up from the bed and looked around briefly.
"Anything need fixing? I trained at Coruscant in tech specializations before I joined as a soldier." She asked quietly but politely.
 Jason Skywalker
03-24-2007, 7:53 AM
"Yeah, i'll be at my quarters. But since i don't have quarters, i'll be at the cockpit," Zayne smugged, "If you come with us pretty, you can go ahead and use the cargo hold as your "quarters"."

Zayne made his way into the cockpit. He sat on the pilot's seat, spun the chair, sitting his legs on the machine and entering in a deep sleep...

"WHAT DID YOU DO?!" Zayne's mom said. The corpse of a man lay dead, lying in a pool of his own blood.

"He was hurting you mommy," A young Zayne said, "He couldn't keep up or you would die!"

"But you killed your own father Zayne! How could you!?"

"He beat you up!"

"But, that's no excuse," She said, her eyes weeping in tears, "Get out of this house, you're not my son no longer!"

"Mommy..." Zayne started crying.

"GET OUT!" She shouted, falling over her dead husband as the young child, bathed in tears, left the house, his life destroyed because of something he didn't know.

The Force.
03-24-2007, 8:21 AM
(lets just face it everyone is gonna end up being FS lol, also i wonder, would a bit of... romance be in this rp at some point? lol)

"Alrighty then...." She said quickly as she headed to the cargo hold and just lumped her remaining gear down. She started to take her rifle to pieces and she began to work on upgrading the firing rate......

it didnt really need any work on it, but it took her mind off of things
 Jason Skywalker
03-24-2007, 11:40 AM
(Nah, Zayne's not really going to know much about it. He just thinks it's magic xD. Maybe. He's quite the womanizer.)

Zayne woke up in a hurry, breathing heavily.

"It's that dream again," He said to himself.
03-24-2007, 12:23 PM
(yea i dont intend her to be a baddass lightsaber wielding jedi, just a gun user who uses the force every now and then XD)
Natalie headed out from the cargo hold to just have a little scout and wander around the ship, she headed straight to the cockpit, to see where abouts they were.
Then she saw the man from earlier in the seat, looking a bit sweaty and nervous. She sat in the co-pilot seat and looked to him kindly.
"Everything ok?" She asked curiously.
 Jason Skywalker
03-24-2007, 12:40 PM
"Huh, oh, yeah, sure, thanks for asking," He said, making himself busy by pressing buttons that wheren't needed for anything and checking on the monitors.

"You know, you can check on with the others on the security room."
03-24-2007, 12:58 PM
"Ok then..." She quickly leaves seeing as shes not wanted nor needed, she heads back to her 'area' in the cargo hold and sits silently down, staring off into nothingness.
03-24-2007, 6:53 PM
After many minutes of complicated and specific modifications, Dwain walked away from the workbench. His newly improved Lightsabers were now quite deadly.

He stared at Darranak's mini-cruiser. Dwain was tempted to go for a ride in it, but he knew that Darranak would kill him for "borrowing" the love of his life.

Dwain passed by the Cargo Hold, and noticed that Zionne girl was sitting down on the floor in a state bordom.

"Err... what are you doing in the cargo hold just sitting there?" he wondered.
03-24-2007, 7:10 PM
"Nothing else to do, that and I dont exactly feel... welcome" She said softly, her eyes slightly watering from current predicaments.

"So what brought you on his trip anyway? sit down if you want...." She asked curiously.
03-24-2007, 7:27 PM
Dwain sat on one of the Cargo boxes.

"Heh, I was getting sick of Nar Shadda and its polluted air! I desperatly needed to get out of retirement! Also, Revan was my friend during the wars. It be nice to catch with him again!" Dwain replied.

"How about you? How... oh yeah, that's right! You snuck aboard." Dwain remembered.
03-25-2007, 7:14 AM
'Wow.... hes a bit hyperactive with all the ! in his sentences...' Thought Natalie.
"Yea I 'snuck' aboard, dont exactly know why though" She explained.
She didnt understand what drew her onto the ship, or something was calling her, she really could not explain what she felt....
03-25-2007, 7:47 AM
(yeah, sorry. It's just the way I write, is all!)

"hmmm... sneaking aboard a ship for no aparent reason. I'd hate to get all "Jedi", but perhaps the Force led you here for a reason. Only time will tell."

"Oh god! Jedi crap coming from my own mouth!" Dwain thought to himself. "I better stop before it causes more serious damage to myself."
03-25-2007, 8:38 AM
(lol its in character, i dont care how you type in real life lol, my character jus thinks your a bit.... hypo? :P)

"jedi? pffft...." She muttered
'I could have been a jedi once, but then the enclave was destroyed and I was forgotten about......' She thought for a minute
The she stood up and walked out.
"This ship must of took damage from the sith attack, ill see what I can patch up" She spoke as she walked out for a brief look around the ship.
The Garage area had a number of cracks which could break any moment and she sprinted over and started to work on it............
03-25-2007, 1:46 PM
Darranak had had a rather nice sleep. In hyperdrive, at least, the ride was smooth. He went back to the medical bay. On the way he saw that Dwain person talking with the stowaway. Guess she was 'in' with the crew now. He kept going to the medical bay, too spaced out to really realize that there was probably noone there anymore. ALl he saw was Dante with a book- ooh, nice reading list. "Can I borrow that when you're not reading it?"
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