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The Search for Revan

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12-04-2007, 6:01 PM
(Gah, dont you hate it when you do a really detailed post and the net suddenly goes offline for a few seconds?)

Natalie sprinted through the exit, and looked in surprise when the Thermal went off.

"What did I say?! A thermal might bring the roof down on us!" She shouted, in the chaos she glared up at the sturdy roof, then at the cracked wall which was right above the Kretch...

(Thats pretty much all the post, I put in a lot more detail but it crashed -.-)
12-06-2007, 7:55 AM
((Ah, I know how you feel Niftyeye. Its happened to me before... thats why I copy my message incase something happens!))

Dwain ran to the back of the puzzle room and conjured Force Lightning towards the beast. It brang shock throughout its body, and it seemed to slow the Queen down.

Then suddenly, the huge monster made a loud screech... or more like a call. The sound was devastating, it was enough to hurt Dwain's ears. Then he heared scuttling from all over the place.

Behind the Queen came groups of snarling Kretches. "Lets hope my phobia won't slow me down..." he thought. He reached from his Grenade pouch. But it was empty...
 Jason Skywalker
12-06-2007, 8:20 AM
"But as long as the Kretch dies, i don't care if the roof falls over!" Zayne shouted while running, then looking back at the Queen Kretch, "WHAT?! IT DIDN'T DIE?! SON OF A-" He then got cut off by more Kretches that appeared behind the Queen.

"This isn't good," Zayne mumbled, trying to think of an effective way to kill the beast, "Neither Force Powers nor grenades works, so...Everybody, BRING THE DAMNED ROOF DOWN!"

He quickly got his blaster out, dodging the Kretch's incoming attacks and shot madly at the roof.
12-06-2007, 4:28 PM
"The Rakatans won't be to happy when they find that they're precious temple is damaged," William said. He began to place mines of all different kinds over the floor. The mines did their job as many of the smaller Kretches died.

"If you're going to kill the queen, please don't bring the entire roof down, just a section."
 Ranis Hull
12-07-2007, 4:57 PM
"Bring the roof down? Well if you insist." Ranis looks up and sees a crack in the roof of the temple and pulls out his mandalorean heavy blaster carbines.

"Everybody aim for the crack in the roof above the beast and give it all you got!"
12-07-2007, 5:37 PM
Natalie didnt aim for the roof, she was too busy fighting the sheer amount of kretches that came swarming through the breach behind the queen.

She slashed through yet another with her sword and whipped out her pistol, firing several shots into a kretch about to attack her.
12-10-2007, 8:24 AM
Dwain threw his Sabers at the cracks up at the ceiling. He constantly did this process, up until some Kretches came rather too close.

"Ugh..." Dwain lunged his Lightsaber through the mouth of the nasty critter. It died instantly, making a gurgle sound.

The Queen made a screech of rage, and swiped a claw-like leg over towards the group. Dwain dodged the attack, just barely missing him by inches.
12-14-2007, 9:52 AM
Natalie noticed that the kretches had started to retreat back through the entrance, frightened of the slaughter being dealt upon them and at the same time noticing the roof problem, however, the queen was too big and too slow to get away in time...

"We need to get clear!"
 Ranis Hull
12-14-2007, 11:31 AM
As the kretches retreated Ranis used a power blast from both mandalorean heavy blasters and gave the roof one last blow. As soon as the blast hit the roof started to crumble and he heard Natile say to get clear.


Just as he said this the roof caved in and the queen was burried in the rubble. Ranis walked over to where the beast lay and said. "Just to make sure." He then pulled out his lightsabers and cut of the head of the beast. "Well captain.......what now?"
12-15-2007, 7:08 AM
"Heh... I'm starting to like this new guy!" Dwain commented when he saw Ranis slice the head off the beast.

"Well captain..... what now?"

"We get the hell out of here, thats what!" Dwain switched both his blades off and walked out of the room. Glad to now be away from the damn Kretches at last.
 Jason Skywalker
12-15-2007, 7:36 AM
"Sweet," Zayne said, looking at the carnage beyond him and the blood gushing out from the Queen Kretch's severed body. He had also admired the gracefulness with which Ranis had cut off the head. Not about the head, but more about the way he handled the Lightsabers. It just looked like something he would never witness again...

And then he woke up to the world again.

"Well, i guess we have all that is needed, no? Off to the..." He interrupted, gulping, "Chiss. Right?
12-15-2007, 7:50 AM
Natalie was already out of the room when the roof fell down, patiently leaning on the wall.

'...chiss right?'

She heard the words of zayne echo as they started to leave the room.

"Do you know where to find these Chiss?" She asked.
12-17-2007, 4:39 AM
Dwain pulled from his pocket the DataPad the ancient computer had uploaded the data of their next location. He turned it on, and accessed the new information.

"Our next destination is ... a planet called; Csilla. Like what the technical heap of trash ancient said, it has three moons orbiting the planet. One of them is where we shall find a True Sith Settlement... or something!"

He put away the journal and exited the room with the others...


It was nice to once again breath fresh sea air outside the temple. Dwain walked down the steps calmly and was greeted by Republic Soldiers.

"We heard loud bangs in there... is everthing okay? Did you get what you came for?"

"We sure did..." Dwain said cheerfully.
 Jason Skywalker
12-17-2007, 7:20 AM
Upon exiting the temple, Zayne started to cough violently, "Damn dust," He managed to say while coughing. He looked at the bright view around him. Much better than the dull grey of the temple.

"Well, now can we get the hell of this god-damned backwater planet, Cap'n?"
12-18-2007, 6:47 AM
"Heh... I suppose we can if you want to, Zayne!" Dwain responded. "I need to go to my cabin and have a heart attack after my traumatic experience in there! I hate bugs!"

"Our general has requested you accompany us back to the Enclave..." one of the troops said.

"Suppose there is no harm in doing... afterall, we did come back from a huge battle in there and we need to recover!" Dwain brushed his jacket full of dust. "Lead the way..."
12-18-2007, 12:14 PM
Something didnt feel right, but Natalie kept her intentions hidden.

"Im going to head back to the ship, I feel... tired, see you later." She said heading off.

(Im not out of the RP, and whether the Troops stop her or not is up to you, shes just heading back to the ship to wind down, like people do.. )
12-20-2007, 10:36 AM
((yep, thats fine. The troops wont stop ya'))

The troops led the way back to the Enclave, where at the front was the greeting Republic Officer and Rakaten Elders.

"Thank goodness you're alive! Did you get what you came for?"

"Yeah, we did... oh, and uh you might wanna consider renovating a certain area and not to mention fumigate..."

This didn't seem to concern the Officer or the Rakatans. "Eh, the place was always falling to pieces anyway... and fumigate?"

"Yeah, there was a nest of Kretches living inside of the temple."

"So thats where our shipment went!" the High Officer announced. "Months ago, we ordered a shipment of Kretches for experiments of the eco system of the planet. They must have dropped it at the wrong landing sight and the nest got free!"

"Huh... that does explain a lot... I guess!"

"I assume you shall be leaving right away?" the Officer asked.

"Yup! Our next destination is a world called Csillia..."
12-27-2007, 2:44 PM
(Been a while, so Im posting)

Natalie walked up the ramp of the ship, it felt so long that she had even forgotten the name of it.

She walked into the compartment and slung all her things on the floor, just then she wondered - what made her suddenly pull away from the rest of the party?

She didnt know... but the feeling she had then had gone when she was back safe on the ship.
01-01-2008, 9:37 AM
((Ah, the christmas and new year holidays give us all an attribute of laziness :lol: ))

"Then you better take this with you..." the Republic Officer placed in Dwains hand what appeared to be a small homming beacon. "The minute you discover the True Sith's location, you can use this Beacon for us to track the exact location of there strong hold."

"So to launch a full scale attack against an army you have never faced before?"

"Well, we have dealed with situations like these before... take the Star Forge, for example."

"Yes, well... we can contact you incase there is something you may need to know about these sith." said Dwain. "Anyway, we best be off!"

"Wait, one more thing!" the Officer exclaimed. A Rakatan elder handed Dwain somekind of small, circular shaped artifact. "Its a token of the Rakatan's appreciation. Though it has been known there Midichlorians have been made impetant, they have the knowledge to believe this will increase you and other force sensitive crewmen force powers!"

"Wow... we can't accept that..."

"No please take it!" The Officer insisted. "It be an insult to the Elders if you didn't accept there token of appreciation.

Dwain pocketed the artefact in his pouch.


Dwain walked back up the ramp of the ship. Its been quite awhile since he last stepped off of it, even though it has been a few hours...

"Okay, Zayne. You know the drill... fire her up and take us to Csilla..."

He needed to talk with Natalie. It concerned over her... abilities...
 Jason Skywalker
01-01-2008, 1:11 PM
"Aye aye and with pleasure cap'n!" Zayne told him, running to the cockpit and jumping onto the pilot seat, then starting to input the coordinates.

"I would advise everybody to take care while we lift off and then go to hyperspace, thank you," He said through the ship-wide microphone, then finishing as the ship then lifted and flew off.

"And here we go."
01-02-2008, 10:32 AM
Natalie walked into the cockpit

"So we're attacking and looking for an enemy no one has ever met? Do you really think the True Sith is an army or fleet?" She asked Zayne and anyone else present.
01-02-2008, 10:53 AM
It's possible that they could be both," answered William. "They've had a long time to raise an army and build a fleet so if we're caught, we're in trouble."
 Jason Skywalker
01-02-2008, 11:18 AM
"To be true," Zayne told them, putting his feet over the flying controls, "I don't really care right now. After all, don't worry today about tomorrow's problems. Don't you agree?" He slightly tilted his head to his side to look at them.
01-04-2008, 7:38 AM
"Ill be in the Crew Quarters then..." And with that she quickly walked off, she didnt feel happy knowing that the crew had no idea what they were dealing with, but atleast she knew that all the problems they had faced so far had been overcome.

She walked into the quarters and climbed onto one of the beds, she was too tired to tuck herself or take off any garments, she practically fell asleep as soon as she hit the pillow.
01-12-2008, 8:17 AM
"Even so..." Dwain was present in the cockpit during the conversation. "We still must expect the unexpted. These True Sith oughta have a few suprises up their sleeve!"

He could see out the window that they had just left the atmosphere of Lehon and back into the darkness of space. Then the stars began to stretch, and the Strider entered the spinning vortex of hyperspace.

He jumped into the co-pilot seat and ran a status diagnostic of the ship. Everything seemed okay... then Dwain noted something he had long forgot about.

"Heh... have you noticed we still haven't used the cloaking device?"
 Ranis Hull
01-15-2008, 12:34 AM
"Knowing the sith I've delt with before, i'd say we'll face more fire and man power than the average invasion army........ maybe the entire true sith armada." Ranis has a distracted look on his face. "I'll be meditating in the cargo hold. If you need me or have any questions.........." He then walks out of the cockpit.
01-16-2008, 4:08 AM
After Ranis's little speech, he turned to Zayne. "I'm starting to wonder about that Sith-guy... Ranis, thats his name!"

He flicked a few switched on the control panel. "I don't know... can we trust him? I mean, he comes from a background filled with deceit and evil! Yet he seems like a good fighter and perhaps a good companion..."
 Jason Skywalker
01-16-2008, 6:57 AM
"Heh... have you noticed we still haven't used the cloaking device?"

"Oh sh-" Zayne started before quickly iniciating the cloaking sequence, "Crisis averted."

"I don't know... can we trust him? I mean, he comes from a background filled with deceit and evil! Yet he seems like a good fighter and perhaps a good companion..."

"Yeah, and they all say the same thing," He slightly chuckled, "Anyways, i wouldn't trust him off the bat but too much distrust might be bad. Imagine you are the head of a battle and are leading an army of Sith yet you are a Jedi. You are against the Mandalorians. Were you to distrust them or were they to distrust you, the battle would have been won by the Mandalorians immediately. So, let's make his actions speak louder than his words."
01-16-2008, 2:45 PM
Natalie slept sweating and with a aching mind.

'You fools... a you really think the True Sith is an armada? You really think the True Sith has as many men as you have foolishness?! You will see girl.. you are your friends'

She suddenly shot up and looked about, nothing but the quiet humming of the ship, she looked down to see her clothes were soaked with sweat, and her heart was pounding.

She laid back down, staring at the ceiling.
01-18-2008, 12:40 AM
"Hmm... I suppose you bring a good point there..." Dwain agreed. "I suppose we could give this Darth-guy a chance..."

He ficked a few buttons and control switches on the panel, then jumped out of the seet. "I'll be back, I'm just need to talk to Natalie about something... it concerns over her "abilities"..."

He left the cockpit and walked down the corridor into the crew quarters. He saw just in time Natalie sweating madly.

"You okay there, kid? You look like you had a nightmare..."

He walked closer into the room. "Is this a bad time to talk about your... "gift"?"
01-18-2008, 2:43 PM
Natalie looked over to see Dwain entered, and then sat up heavily.

She wiped her forehead and looked up at Dwain more calmly

"No Im fine... its not a bad time."
01-23-2008, 10:32 AM
Dwain had folded his arms and leaned against the wall. "During our encounter with reaper, we had noticed a certain ability of yours... stopping a blast bolt in mid air, and letting it evaporate."

"May I ask what you were thinking at the time, when that happened? Was it pure instict? Something like this would require some training, indicating you must have had some previous training..."
01-26-2008, 1:50 PM
Natalie's eyes glanced all about the room, before finally meeting Dwain's.

"It was pure reflex I guess, so who is this Reaper anyway?" She asked, obviously trying to change the subject.
01-27-2008, 5:18 AM
"Why are you asking me for? Its not like I ever knew the guy personally..." he frowned. "I've seen and heard all I needed to know about Reaper; he is an ally of the True Sith, the very thing Revan was out in search for. Reaper is an example of the power the True Sith hold..."

"But let us not change the subject... clearly there is something in you that Reaper wants! We all know that! Which is why I wish to train you as my apprentice, so you can at least stand a chance against Reaper... what do you say kiddo?"
01-31-2008, 4:06 PM
Natalie thought for a moment, and then answered.


(Say 'KOTOR III' If you think this RP beats the storyline of other games :P)

~Let's keep an eye on our post length, shall we? With an average of about ten words a post, Nifty, I find it hard to imagine that I could honestly say 'Kotor III' right now... ~ FFWM
02-01-2008, 2:04 AM
((uh... This RP beating the story lines of other games? I'm hearing good things about Mass Effect, you know :lol: ))

There was a brief silence between the two. Then the grey Jedi ran a smirk across his face.

"So be it..." he murmured.

Time had passed, about a few hours. During that time, Dwain had taught Natalie how to channel her force powers. It was difficult enough making her move objects using the force. But her progress was amazing...

Dwain picked up Natalies blaster pistol and placed it on the palm of his hand. "Pick it up..." he said. An indication he wanted Natalie to grab it with the Force.
 Ranis Hull
02-01-2008, 8:05 PM
Ranis is sitting in the center of the dark cargo hold meditating. Although hid face is blank you can tell many thoughts occupy his meditation. He is dead silent, except for in his thoughts.

"It's been a long time, and yet your face is still stuck in my thoughts. Your teachings have been distorted by some, and ignored by others. Those who betrayed you shall die soon enough. These true sith will...."

A cold shiver runs down Ranis's spine. It is a presence he has not felt in years. Master Jack Reed.

"Master! your...."

"....only a vision through the force."

"But why are you here now?"

"The true sith are more powerful than you think my old friend, but so are you. You could have easily taken down the beast in that temple by yourself, but you have denied yourself the training that you need. i can tell you where to find an old friend of mine on the planet you are headed to. He will give you a few things to help your training. He is an old Rodian named Zalroy, and he lives in the city of......"

Ranis's concentration is suddenly Broken by the feeling of great power comming from somwhare on the ship.

"She's being trained."
02-02-2008, 2:21 PM
(Lol, didnt realise you can get warned for making posts too small, and about the KOTOR III line, I was only joking.)

Natalie looked at the blaster pistol rather uncertainly, despite the fact she was slightly learning, she still felt a bit nervous and 'awekward' using the force.

She focused on it, and tried to feel the texture, its size, weight, she held out her hand, nothing happened.

She quickly broke the concentration and then tried to remember Dwain's words, he told not to think she could do it, KNOW she could do it, she closed her eyes, didnt know but it just helped.

The pistol scraped slightly toward Dwain, and then stopped, Natalie sat back on the bed, out of breath.

"Its ... tiring.. but Im.. getting there." She said in between breathes, she was getting the hang of it, and everything only needed time.
02-08-2008, 10:04 AM
Dwain placed the blaster onto the bedside table. "I had some difficulty with it at first. But practice makes perfect... I think you need some rest at the moment..."

He leaned against the wall. "Tell me something... you are quite strong in the Force. You seem kind of familiar somehow... I was trained at the Dantooine Academy, before it was destroyed by Darth Malak... were you a student there also?"
02-08-2008, 1:16 PM
Natalie looks at Dwain for a long moment, and then looks at the floor

"Yes.. I didnt know who else survived the bombing.... I was lucky."
 Jason Skywalker
02-10-2008, 7:40 AM
Zayne yawned. Still would be a few more time 'till they would arrive on Csilla and onto the- Ok, cut that thought. Yet, nothing to do. He decided to check on the ship and their crew. The Strider was actually a nice ship, unlike how Zayne called it the first time he saw it. Then again, he's used to more beautiful and bigger ships. Then he recalled Dwain saying something about Natalie's "abilities". He decided to check that out and made his way to her quarters and knocked on the door.

"Yo! Room for a spectator?" He asked cheerfully.
02-11-2008, 6:17 AM
Dwain chuckled when Zayne entered the room. "Be my guest... whose flying the ship? ... oh yeah, I keep forgetting about the auto-pilot."

Dwain patted Natalie's back. "She's been making progress this one! She's getting there..."

He then glanced back up at Zayne. "How far are we from Csilla?"
 Jason Skywalker
02-11-2008, 7:39 AM
"I'd still say some more three hours. So, you still have lots of time to train..." He then stopped. He looked at them. What exactly were they training?

Suddenly, a lecherous grin passed across Zayne's face.

"What exactly are you training hum? Oops, sorry, i guess you guys also need your personal time, right?" He said, trying to hide his chuckle.
02-11-2008, 8:56 PM
Dwain slightly blushed after Zayne's remark.

"Woah, I wouldn't go there man!" he chuckled. "She's like a sister... besides, you two have your moments alone together!" he winked at Zayne. "What do you do when I'm not around, huh?
02-12-2008, 12:10 PM
"Probably something that we shouldn't mention," William said with a small smirk.

"Just make sure that you're training in something that is Jedi related."
02-12-2008, 12:53 PM
Natalie frowned at the fact that the other crew members were speculating on whether she was romantically involved with anyone, still, it wasnt far out of reach.

She began to speak, feeling a bit awekward

"So umm...whats the plan when we actually get there?"
02-13-2008, 5:42 AM
Dwain glanced over at Natalie after the awkward silence. "I thought we'd find the capital city first. Try and make friends with the Chiss species... gather some information on their moons. Simple as that..."

Dwain left the room with his hands in his jacket pockets...


The Strider finally approached the ice planet Csilla, the Chiss homeworld. Dwain long stared at it from the windshield of the the freighter.

"Time to get ourselves ready..." he muttered.
02-13-2008, 6:15 PM
(Assuming this is all moving ahead)

Some hours later, Natalie walked into the cockpit, and looked at the planet ahead.

"Theres that feeling again" She muttered
 Jason Skywalker
02-14-2008, 7:15 AM
"Just make sure that you're training in something that is Jedi related."

Suddenly, Zayne didn't feel as omnipotent as he felt a few seconds back. His expression became a blank. His lecherous grin became a broken gasp. And what both William and Dwain said didn't help. At that moment, he was so embarrassed, he would have almost been broken into ashes and swept by the wind. He should stop doing those remarks when he's unsure of what's going on.

"Hum, what i say, hum, i mean, that is, of course i knew you were training your Jedi abilities, ahah," He nervously chuckled, "Well, um, gotta go, keep on training!


Now, Zayne had more pressing concerns. The Chiss. He turned to Dwain:

"Say, it seems a bit cold, mind if i don't go? Hmm?" He asked, trying to escape his idiotic phobia and fate.
 Ranis Hull
02-15-2008, 8:47 PM
"Doesn't seem like a problem if you stay, for now. I dont sense any immediate danger, but I do sense what I can only describe as a wave. Somthing big, slowly comming this way. We've only hit the beginning of the wave............... and the middle of the wave is huge. May be even big enough to change the entire structure of the chiss government. It's hard to tell for sure, but one things for sure............. I sense the presence of the dark side on this world."
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