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Darth Draugmahl

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Posted in: My questions....
 Darth Draugmahl
04-27-2002, 4:18 PM
Up there by file and edit should be a selection called grid.........  [Read More]
Posted in: Some genius questions
 Darth Draugmahl
04-27-2002, 4:21 PM
The camera in 3d view operates on the idea that the absolute center of the screen is the "stationary" point. If you click at the very top center it will moved you forward as fast as the camera can move. If you click just above the very cent...  [Read More]
Posted in: Something MUST be wrong, help me
 Darth Draugmahl
04-27-2002, 4:15 PM
It depends on a few factors. If you maps is really complex or poorly made it can take a horrendous amount of time to compile. My first map for Heretic II took 46 minutes to compile under full vis and it had polygons overlapping and quickly made plugs...  [Read More]
Posted in: What Is That Red Line
 Darth Draugmahl
04-27-2002, 3:52 PM
Sounds like the map editor has determined that your map has a leak. Follow the line whereever it interesects with the outermost and see of there is a whole that allows you to "see" into the void (The area outside your enclosed map area)...  [Read More]
Posted in: First map ever... help!
 Darth Draugmahl
04-27-2002, 2:23 PM
just be careful when using the subtract command. If you're not paying attention you can create a ton of extra polys and really hike up the rspeeds on your maps...  [Read More]
You'll only find that if someone other than the game designers make the editor. The game designers take whatever editor and slap together whatever changes they need to make to it to get it to do what they need it to do. They tweak it until it's stabl...  [Read More]
Hey Vorax, what are the chances of me picking your brain for about a half an hour sometime? I am not a mapping n00b BUT I am new to mapping for q3. Most of this stuff is coming real easy,but I am having a problem wrapping my brain around a few things...  [Read More]
LOL I want RuneEd for JKII......but since that won't happen, JK2Radient is fine for me. All these radient editors seem to me to be almost identical so I don't care which one I use as long as it works and doesn't bug out too much. Thank God for the au...  [Read More]
I'm pretty certain that the duel mode is not a function of the map itself based on the info in the editor so as noted before you should select that gametype as duel and I would assume the map will work fine....  [Read More]
Posted in: Models and collision detection
 Darth Draugmahl
04-25-2002, 8:12 PM
the other way is to as closely as possible draw brushes around the tree and also assign the clip texture to them. Keeping the shape of the tree as closely as possible allows you to interact with it as if it were solid rather than matching the boundin...  [Read More]
I had this identical problems and for whatever reason, if you put your textures in a pk3 file they should work fine...  [Read More]
Posted in: Editing Tools Q&A
 Darth Draugmahl
04-23-2002, 6:34 AM
Ok here's all the info I could find which probably anyone who mapped for this engine before already knew. I didn't, I only recognized some of the same issues I had when I toyed with the RTCW editor so I checked a RCTW mapping site which confirmed tha...  [Read More]
Posted in: Editing Tools Q&A
 Darth Draugmahl
04-23-2002, 5:33 AM
I dug through the pk3 after you posted Absath and based on what I could determine between the md3's and the pk3 file it "should" be working for you if you placed the .jpg files where the md3 viewer is looking for them (the xwing looks for i...  [Read More]
Posted in: Editing Tools Q&A
 Darth Draugmahl
04-23-2002, 2:19 AM
Hmm I thought I posted but perhaps I only previewed it... Anyway, I haven't ever mapped for a q3 engine game before so if this is a newbie question I apologize. What is it that I need to do to get existing md3's from the pk3 file that aren't showin...  [Read More]
Posted in: Radiant Editor Resources and Links
 Darth Draugmahl
04-23-2002, 3:23 PM
The best link I've found so far is Everything is pretty concise and the author makes it all pretty easy to understand....  [Read More]
Posted in: Radiant Editor Resources and Links
 Darth Draugmahl
03-31-2002, 9:06 PM
Hey PJ Long time no see!! Thanks for the great links everyone, I haven't edited a game on this engine for quite some time (since heretic 2) and I look forward to doing so. Any words from people who've started before I get started?...  [Read More]
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