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Page: 12 of 33
Posted in: Inside the Nine
07-09-2007, 5:35 AM
I guess no one is interested......  [Read More]
Posted in: Inside the Nine
07-04-2007, 2:33 AM
Name: Tex (ST-411) Age: 35 Rank: Captain Appearance: 5’11, 180 pounds, Black Stormtrooper armor Weapons: E-11b Blaster Rifle, DLT-19 Heavy Blaster Rifle/Sniper on back, Scout Blaster Pistol in leg holster Inventory: 2 EMP Grenades, 2 Frag Grenades,...  [Read More]
Posted in: Inside the Nine
07-04-2007, 2:13 AM
Inside the Nine The galaxy is at war. The Rebels have been become a thorn in the Empire's side, after their successful destruction of the Empire's Death Star. The Emperor is not pleased with this, and has ordered the Rebel threat eliminated. Legions...  [Read More]
Posted in: Homeschooling--pros and cons
06-28-2007, 12:04 AM
You've started homeschooling? I've been homeschooled for the past several years. How are you liking it? It's pretty cool. It takes me about 3 hours to do my homework, but next year I have to go to the high school for two classes, then I come home an...  [Read More]
Posted in: Fallout: A Post-Nuclear RP
07-03-2007, 6:26 PM
@ Rogue: I believe the Vault has a firing range (I believe I saw mention of it in an earlier post) so he could have trained for years down there....  [Read More]
Posted in: Fallout: A Post-Nuclear RP
07-02-2007, 6:42 PM
Oh. One week!...  [Read More]
Posted in: Fallout: A Post-Nuclear RP
07-02-2007, 4:16 AM
Sweet. One day to go!...  [Read More]
Posted in: Fallout: A Post-Nuclear RP
06-29-2007, 11:16 AM
This sounds really cool, can't wait for it to start....  [Read More]
Posted in: Fallout: A Post-Nuclear RP
06-28-2007, 4:18 AM
Name: The Rev Age: 36 Appearance: 5'11, 180 pounds Advanced recon armor, recovered from the depths of the Vault. Given to limited military personel. ( History: The Rev is one of the Vault's security...  [Read More]
Posted in: Star Wars:The Imperial knights
07-05-2007, 9:33 PM
Voltare stood on the bridge of his ship, The Infinity, a freshly produced Star Destroyer from Kuat Ship Yards. Behind Voltare, two more Destroyers follow, in triangle formation. Admiral Dustane and Ross chime in on the comm unit. "Sir, our scan...  [Read More]
Posted in: Star Wars:The Imperial knights
07-02-2007, 8:10 PM
Name: Voltare Age: 38 Gender: Male Species: Human/Chiss Organization: Imperial Knight Rank: Ex - Imperial Knight/Alpha Class Spy Operative Appearance: Weapons: Silver Single Blade ligh...  [Read More]
Posted in: Forces Of Darkness: RP Thread
01-16-2007, 4:30 PM
Zakk, still questioning the idea of more attack droids, ran into an old friend. "Zakk!" "Quin! Oh, how glad I am to see you!" Zakk exclaims. "Any idea where to find assualt droids?" "Of course! My shop has tons,...  [Read More]
Posted in: Forces Of Darkness: RP Thread
01-16-2007, 7:39 AM
Zakk felt through the force Damien's attack. He rushes through the street, and back to the junkyard. The lone figure knocks back Damien, and runs off. Zakk runs over to Damien. "You alright?" "Yeah, who was that?" "Most li...  [Read More]
Posted in: Forces Of Darkness: RP Thread
01-15-2007, 8:01 PM
"Alright, good to see its coming along." Zakk walked back to the cabin and check the astro log. After finding what he needed, he returned to the dormatory. Damien was fast asleep. Zakk sits down and begins another healing trance....  [Read More]
Posted in: Forces Of Darkness: RP Thread
01-15-2007, 7:55 PM
A few hours later, Zakk went to go inquire on Jaara's droid. Zakk steps into the cargo hold. "How's it coming Jaara?"...  [Read More]
Posted in: Forces Of Darkness: RP Thread
01-15-2007, 7:37 PM
"Alright." Using the Force, Zakk levitated the parts onto the ship and to the hold. There he waited for Jaara....  [Read More]
Posted in: Forces Of Darkness: RP Thread
01-15-2007, 6:59 PM
"Yes, very good." Zakk found a shop, Droid and More. "Maybe we should check here?"...  [Read More]
Posted in: Forces Of Darkness: RP Thread
01-15-2007, 6:48 PM
"Understood." Zakk walked over to another seller, and picked up a proccessor core. "Hey, is this good enough for that droid?"...  [Read More]
Posted in: Forces Of Darkness: RP Thread
01-15-2007, 6:02 PM
"Listen to him Jaraa. We dont want any problems already."...  [Read More]
Posted in: Forces Of Darkness: RP Thread
01-15-2007, 5:23 PM
The ship decends through the planet's atmosphere. Zakk pilots the ship and lands at the As'pin'a spaceport. He calls everyone to the cabin. "Alright. First off we need to help Jaara with his combat droid. Everyone split up and look for any key...  [Read More]
Posted in: Forces Of Darkness: RP Thread
01-15-2007, 5:07 PM
An alarm sounds onthe ship, telling the crew that its exiting hyperspace. Zakk gets up, and walks to the cabin. Jaara and his droid stop him for a sec. "Master Jaara proclaims we look for parts to build ourselves a comabt droid." says the...  [Read More]
Posted in: Forces Of Darkness: RP Thread
01-15-2007, 4:57 PM
"Im alright Damien. Just a few noteworthy visions, thats all." Zakk glanced at a screen nearby, it read 12 hours til arrival. "Hmm, 12 hours til we reach Asthor. At least we will be ready." With that, Zakk enters his trance onc...  [Read More]
Posted in: Forces Of Darkness: RP Thread
01-15-2007, 4:36 PM
Visions flooded Zakk's mind. War, Death, and the Sith. All their traits came to him, as if the Force was trying to tell him of what was to come. Then heard a whisper, Treyas. He had heard that name before, but from where? The Council never mentioned...  [Read More]
Posted in: Forces Of Darkness: RP Thread
01-15-2007, 4:24 PM
"We are traveling to Asthor, Damien. Everything you need to know is on this datapad. We will arrive in 2 standard days, so I recommend everyone rests and meditates, because this mission will not be easy." Zakk sets the ship on auto pilot,...  [Read More]
Posted in: Which console do you most want to succeed?
01-15-2007, 7:04 PM
360...  [Read More]
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