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Posted in: Which is the best choice?
11-14-2007, 2:09 PM
I love my keyboard. It has a lifetime warranty :O So if it breaks, I'll get it replaced for free!...  [Read More]
Posted in: halo-star wars vehicles
10-11-2007, 8:05 PM
Most Sci-Fi vehicles look similar and are all slightly related... But yeah, I can see the Star Wars influence....  [Read More]
Posted in: Halo 3 for the wii or ps3
09-25-2007, 7:42 PM
Not Xbox, to Microsoft. Both Halo games have also been released for Windows, which is neatly under Microsoft's wing. Kind of ironic considering Bungie was originally a Mac-only developer, as I'm sure many of you know. :D They eventually released a...  [Read More]
Posted in: Very good things! *keep it clean* (big images)
04-07-2008, 11:19 PM
Also, happy day, my first car sold for $143,000 on Forza 2. Just pay $94,000 for the 2002 Honda Mugen Integra, give it $5000 worth of upgrades to the tires (nice big-assed rims), ???, Profit! And since I'm starting out in career mode, this is a huge...  [Read More]
Posted in: Very good things! *keep it clean* (big images)
04-01-2008, 1:57 AM
Nice to see you have your xbox back. Mine took about 3 weeks from RROD to new box's arrival. Did you have decent service?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Very good things! *keep it clean* (big images)
03-25-2008, 11:54 PM
IIRC, there is a repair center in Washington?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Very good things! *keep it clean* (big images)
03-24-2008, 12:12 AM
#3173 Words can not describe....  [Read More]
Posted in: Very good things! *keep it clean* (big images)
03-15-2008, 5:52 PM
Just bought Audiosurf off of Steam. Best 10 USD I've ever spent :D...  [Read More]
Posted in: Very good things! *keep it clean* (big images)
02-22-2008, 7:20 PM
Look, I know I came off a bit harsh. I'm not against being proud of gaming accomplishments or achievements in general, but you're just making the whole practice sound like a huge competition when you're really not competing against anyone (unless, of...  [Read More]
Posted in: Very good things! *keep it clean* (big images)
02-20-2008, 11:50 PM
Apparently you're a stranger to the feeling of accomplishment. Like the only kid who fails a test in class saying "Who ****ing cares about grades?". Edit: You've been emblazoned on my signature now, hope you're happy. I play video games...  [Read More]
Posted in: Very good things! *keep it clean* (big images)
02-20-2008, 11:08 AM
^^ Thank you 4chan... doesn't look special to me, looks like a coked-out Marlyn Monroe wannabe. I just finally 100%'d skate. today - finished all the challenges finally and hit all the milestones. Getting me 175G. Also, I broke my manual distance...  [Read More]
Posted in: Very good things! *keep it clean* (big images)
02-04-2008, 6:12 PM
#3005 Can FINALLY play all my games I bought in December >.<...  [Read More]
Posted in: Very good things! *keep it clean* (big images)
01-14-2008, 8:15 PM
It doesn't come with a memory card. If someone didn't have an HDTV and didn't care about a headset, it's a reasonable choice. EDIT: Back in my day, alls we got with our pro system was a lousy console! :p So maybe it doesn't make much sense anymore...  [Read More]
Posted in: Very good things! *keep it clean* (big images)
01-14-2008, 5:55 PM
You could get a core and a used hard drive for cheaper than a Pro system. Elitist, much?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Very good things! *keep it clean* (big images)
01-13-2008, 10:11 PM
Pfft, more like $300-500 if you upgrade. Is it just me or does that guitar look a little too big? The neck looks right but the head and body look huge. You're not concerned that it is made of disco ball?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Very good things! *keep it clean* (big images)
01-11-2008, 6:59 PM
Heavenly Sword was reallllly short. Had no puzzles whatsoever....  [Read More]
Posted in: Very good things! *keep it clean* (big images)
01-06-2008, 7:23 PM
How's that record coming along, anyway? :xp: He needs more Chipotle....  [Read More]
Posted in: Very good things! *keep it clean* (big images)
11-30-2007, 8:01 PM
I just got my Halo 3 Limited Edition disc back from the big M. They gave me a free month of XBL for my troubles :D...  [Read More]
Posted in: Very good things! *keep it clean* (big images)
11-14-2007, 10:51 PM
#2830 I really like it. 107 USD and I'm using the 150 that I saved for a mac :3...  [Read More]
Posted in: Very good things! *keep it clean* (big images)
11-05-2007, 11:20 PM
Very good thing: Deleted the god-awful Crysis Demo thread. Martha Stuart has now made this a Very Bad Thing Thread....  [Read More]
Posted in: Very good things! *keep it clean* (big images)
09-19-2007, 5:58 PM
#2669 $60 and a free Faceplate (The one with Allegretto) Edit: The starting is sorta weird, it shows the girl on the cover Polka essentially committing suicide. Wonder what will happen?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Very good things! *keep it clean* (big images)
09-17-2007, 8:18 PM
#2662 Just got this today, along with putting down 55 bucks towards Halo 3 Limited Edition, and my god, it's the best purchase I've ever made in the history of ever. After playing Gears Of War a...  [Read More]
Posted in: Very good things! *keep it clean* (big images)
09-09-2007, 4:14 PM
Jade Empire kicks 9 kinds of ass. Damnit, now I feel like playing that again >< All 9, plus the Wolverine-esque claws are there should a 10th be discovered....  [Read More]
Posted in: Very good things! *keep it clean* (big images)
08-12-2007, 2:13 PM
Ahem, Graphic Novels :p...  [Read More]
Posted in: Very good things! *keep it clean* (big images)
07-28-2007, 11:32 PM
What modeling programs do you use and how do you use them? AKA keyboard + mouse, Wacom tablet, power glove, etc etc....  [Read More]
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