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09-01-2001, 3:21 PM

let's hope they put one of these in galactic battles WITH concussion grenade launcher and lasers!!!!!!
09-01-2001, 3:23 PM
What is it, Rouge? (j/k 'bout name ;) )
09-01-2001, 3:25 PM
Originally posted by Darth_Rommel
What is it, Rouge? (j/k 'bout name ;) )
Ummm...Isn't that an AT-PT?:) It's in the games
09-01-2001, 3:29 PM
yep that's an atpt. :D
 Sherack Nhar
09-01-2001, 3:29 PM
I expected no less from you, Rogue15.


But the screenshot is from JED right?
 Tie Guy
09-01-2001, 3:33 PM
Wow, is that the one you've been working on for your Fest level?
09-01-2001, 3:35 PM
yep. It's for MOTS.
09-01-2001, 3:36 PM
I was just at read this:

"well...maybe not 'control' it 'cause i don't know how to make frames...however...I CAN somehow get it to fire straight ahead...perhaps one button for laser cannons, and 1 button for concussion grenade launcher? mwahahahah! I still need to mat it"

-Rogue 15

Neat 'eh... :D
09-01-2001, 3:55 PM
You lost me. :confused: What was that all about?
09-01-2001, 5:01 PM
beastmaster said he could do the frames for it and make it as an enemy! hehehe. btw, tie guy, Fest is already done. I submitted it to and should be able to dload it w/in a week. It's best play with Manowars 3. hehehehehe.
09-02-2001, 2:42 PM
where was this topic moved to/from?
 Boba Rhett
09-04-2001, 1:36 AM
Beastmaster won't be able to make frames for it if you haven't given it Heirarchy Nodes.
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