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Favorite Special Unit

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08-27-2001, 3:06 PM
i think a good unit would be the millenium falcon

with chewie as pilot with the wookies, and solo as pilot for the rebels
08-27-2001, 3:27 PM
Originally posted by Tie Guy
Beserker, "when wookies get mad, run"

"Unless you have a ranged weapon"
08-27-2001, 3:37 PM
Do u really think that Snowspeeders r good enough 2 be the rebs special unit. All the other deep space fighters would dominate snowspeeders. Face it, if the snowspeeders couldn't penetrate an AT-AT's armor then how could they be strong against ground mechs?
 Tie Guy
08-27-2001, 3:41 PM
They are going to be very strong against mechs, although i asked the same question myself when i first heard. The other air units aren't good against mech, so that is what makes the speeder different from other air units, and superior too, IMO.
08-27-2001, 3:45 PM
But u can't overlook that the snowspeeder's lasers didn't effect the AT-AT's armor at all. Does this mean it had tow cables?:eek:
 trade fed fred
08-27-2001, 4:01 PM
Droidreikas all the way!
they roll in and reak havock!
:bdroid2: :bdroid2: :bdroid2:
08-27-2001, 4:11 PM
Did you mean "wreak" or "reek"? :D
08-27-2001, 6:37 PM
No offense, but id take the Fambassa Shield generator over the Snowspeeder anyday.

Heck, id take most special units over the snow speeder... Why couldnt it be a Bothan spy!! or a B-wing!! WHY!!! :(
 xwing guy
08-27-2001, 7:16 PM
I think Mr. Gaber said the B-wing would be a regular fiying unit for the Rebels.
08-27-2001, 7:58 PM
i dont think so i think all he said was x wings and y wings and a wings but i may b wrong
 Tie Guy
08-27-2001, 9:09 PM
Your right, the alliance only has Y-wings, X-wings, and their UU the snowspeeder. The B-wing will make an appearance in the editor i believe.
08-27-2001, 9:16 PM
Wow, I would have thought that the A-wing would be a regular unit.
 Darth Maul Jr.
08-27-2001, 9:25 PM
well luke took out an AT-AT by using a Snowspeeder...and since it would be too much coding and programing to make snowspeeders shoot out a wire and fly around AT-AT's they just decided the best way to recapture the magic that the snowspeeder performed against the AT-AT( im guessing the mech of all mech's) is to just give Snowspeeders a benefit when attacking mech's and thus illustrating its legendary importance. I guess this works kinda like a post a guy made about jedi's deflecting lasers...he said instead of making them actually reach out and block lasers every now and then (probably a programmers nightmare) to just give Jedi's a benefit against Infantry laser fire. So since Snowspeeders kicks mech butt (kinda like a space age A-10 Warthog) it is obvious their power since the only thing that would be able to scare a Snowspeeder im guess is a pack of air defense units or like some kinda heavy deathstar type air unit!!:D
 Admiral Odin
08-27-2001, 10:33 PM
I was thinking about the Famba shield generator. It could be very effective. Think about it to have a forward base you would need to build things. Now this Famba can give you a mobile forward base. Also place it around resources with some units and you can control the economy of the map.
 Admiral Odin
08-27-2001, 11:02 PM
Originally posted by Gamma732
Wow, I would have thought that the A-wing would be a regular unit.

According to Gaber it is.

Originally posted by Garry_M_Gaber
No TIE Defenders, B-wings, E-wings or K-wings are currently planned for the game. But we do have A-wings, X-wings and Y-wings, amongst others. X-wings opening and closing S-foils is an item we are

there is your answere A-wings will be in the game.
08-27-2001, 11:26 PM
Hm...Is that from the thread from a few days ago? Oh well, thats good to hear.
08-28-2001, 2:38 AM
:( my poor bwing :( i want my bwing!!!

oh and good point odin.
08-28-2001, 4:39 AM
the basic premise of the game is that all civs have three aircraft-types, four if their UU is an aircraft.

or the Rebels, these are taken by A-wings, x-wings, y-wings and snowspeeder as the UU.
Towcables would require such detail that you'd need quite the computer...
overall, i'd say the battles will resemble those we know from the movie by their look, but they'll play out like a natural 2D RTS.
08-28-2001, 6:03 AM
what goes the a- wing do? i heard it was going to be x-wing, transport, y-wing, z-95, and UU
08-28-2001, 7:19 AM
what i mean by three types is fighter-types. Yes, there are transports. My guess is Z-95's can be 'upgraded' to X-Wings.
08-28-2001, 7:32 AM
oh thanks i though that the a-wing was only avvalable to the senerio editor.
08-28-2001, 12:59 PM
In PC Gamer's huge article on SWBG, there were screen shots of A-wings! *Vol. 8 No. 6 *JUNE 2001*
08-28-2001, 1:05 PM
Snowspeeders can't penetrate an AT-AT's ARMOR! HOW COuld they possibly create it 2 be strong VS MECHS! :eek: :eek:
08-28-2001, 2:56 PM
Originally posted by Paladin
Snowspeeders can't penetrate an AT-AT's ARMOR! HOW COuld they possibly create it 2 be strong VS MECHS! :eek: :eek:

It was the snowspeeders that took out the AT-AT's in the Battle of Hoth. Like a lot of other people said, since they couldn't put a tow cable in the game, they just made the speeders good against mechs.
08-28-2001, 2:58 PM
they will probably either have a lazer bonus vs atat or have toe cables i think the laser thing is better though
 Admiral Odin
08-28-2001, 3:34 PM
I think it will be an overall mech bonus not just for an AT AT, the snowspeeder is supposed to be the only air unit good against

Oh that was from Gabers thread in the developers (one where he wanted our questions)
08-29-2001, 9:08 AM
i like the dark troopers because they're cheap and are semi-powerful. the rebal UU is going to be tough to beat with the imps though.
 Darth Maul Jr.
08-29-2001, 8:32 PM
Also think of how much time it would take for that Snowspeeder to shoot out its wire then fly a couple circles around an AT-AT! It would have to be really fast, cuz if it wasnt the other units would shoot the Snowspeeder down while it was making it laps. So if they did it and it was done fast enough it would probably be too fast to be worth watching. Also i think Snowspeeders will rule the air since speed an maneuverability wont play a role in this game cuz the air units dont dog fight each other, they just hover and blast each other, therefore the ship with the best armor and attack will win, so Snowspeeders will own mechs and it will own air.:D
08-29-2001, 9:03 PM
I bet the levels of the Rebels fighters are

1. Z-95

2. X-Wing

3. Super X-Wing?

4. A-Wing
 Tie Guy
08-29-2001, 10:28 PM
I'll take that bet, coz it is already confirmed that the rebel snubfighters will be:

1. X-Wing
2. Y-wing
UU: Snowspeeder

not neccessarily in that order. Also, i think that the Z-95 will be upgraded to the X-wing, but that's not confirmed. There will be no A-wing, except in the editor.
08-30-2001, 12:31 PM
They have Z-95 headhunters?
08-30-2001, 12:43 PM
does anyone have any idea what the bonuses are on the naboo royal guards???

post number 250 im a tusken raider ahhhhhhhhhhhh
08-30-2001, 12:49 PM

I heard they are strong against Jedi.:)
08-30-2001, 12:50 PM
Do they have Z-95s?
 Tie Guy
08-30-2001, 5:33 PM
Originally posted by JEDI_MASTA
[B]does anyone have any idea what the bonuses are on the naboo royal guards???

This isn't confirmed, but i believe that they will be resistant to conversion and will have powerfull melee.

Oh, and they might have Z-95s, and then later in the ame you can upgrade them to X-wings, but i'm aren't sure about that.
08-30-2001, 5:36 PM
Originally posted by Tie Guy
Oh, and they might have Z-95s, and then later in the ame you can upgrade them to X-wings, but i'm aren't sure about that.

Most likly your right about that. The early screens shot Z-95s and they havn't changed too greatly much since then so they are probably still in there...(Quad Y-Wings:( How stupid)
 Admiral Odin
08-30-2001, 7:06 PM
I agree. I would rather have a upgrade to a B-Wing
08-30-2001, 7:49 PM
Yes, the Y-wing should upgrade to a B-wing or K-wing. :(
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