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Page: 49 of 164
Posted in: Cantina Part 10: The Dawning
06-12-2003, 4:13 PM
((....the heck? I posted in this topic last night. Where did it go? o.O;; Oh well, this'll be short. First: A clone of Orthos wouldn't mean Orthos was coming back. Clones are not the same as the original person. Second: If the Imperials were able...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina Part 10: The Dawning
06-11-2003, 12:05 AM
Coruscant *Before Deac throws his saber, Gilian shoots the vampire in the heart with a crossbow bolt. It dissolves into dust. She knocks the other vampire, the one shot by Greer, to the ground and beheads it.* Gilian: Don't waste time! *The group...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina Part 10: The Dawning
06-10-2003, 12:33 AM
Couscant Gilian: I know because I am a vampire. But I'm different from the others - the fact that I'm helping you should be your first big hint. Starr: Care to explain... Gilian: I have a soul. Long story. Anyway we don't have time for explanation...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina Part 10: The Dawning
06-09-2003, 6:07 AM
((You assume right, JM. ^_^ I'm also assuming Kalidor is with us.)) Gilian: Be careful what you wish for. *The glider lands in a dark alleyway. The hovering disks dissolve. An abandoned tower stands close by* Gilian: I can smell the vampires...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina Part 10: The Dawning
06-08-2003, 3:45 AM
((BD: You absolutely do not and cannot control all Jedi everywhere...besides you already don't. Misae is a Jedi. -.- Also, I can't break character to leave the Relentless to you...however the nature of my character's plans should leave plenty of tim...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina Part 10: The Dawning
06-07-2003, 3:08 AM
((OOS: BD doesn't control all Jedi everywhere...)) Starr: *to Irvine, before leaving* A transport is coming for you. Go with them if you want medical help. Or follow them in your ship if you don't trust them, I don't care....  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina Part 10: The Dawning
06-06-2003, 11:48 PM
Starr: I'd also like to know where the Force Cracken is. I do know there's a cloaked ship in orbit above Coruscant. It's an automated planet destroyer built by the New Republic. In less than twenty-three hours it's programmed to immolate Coruscant. B...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina Part 10: The Dawning
06-06-2003, 1:06 AM
*Cracken receives no answer from the whiteness. Alys' mental signature remains just out of reach* *Starr picks up his comlink* Yes? Who is it?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina Part 10: The Dawning
06-06-2003, 12:57 AM
Rwos: Get Coruscant out of danger from the Destroyer. I have a couple plans...but they depend on several factors that I can't be sure of until I see the area....  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina Part 10: The Dawning
06-06-2003, 12:19 AM
((I didn't say they were unknown. I said the Old Republic did not use them, which is a little inaccuracte - I should say it was Sienar technology. We all know what that means. From :...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina Part 10: The Dawning
06-04-2003, 9:29 PM
((OOS: I have to agree with Deac, BD, using something like this is extremely out of character for the NR. I hope there's an explanation in the offing... Also the Old Republic didn't use the cloak, Darth Maul did...)) Gilian: *powering up her glid...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Matrix RPG
06-10-2003, 1:05 AM
((OOS: Heh. Who here has played Enter the Matrix? It kinda shows how well a really good rebel (Ghost, Niobe) would stand up against an Agent. -In case you're thinking it's just a game, nothing to do with the movie, well it's directed by the Wachowsk...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Matrix RPG
06-06-2003, 12:48 AM
((OOS: Isn't one of the rules of this RPG You cannot fight agents without being captured/killed? Or has Jokemaster changed that rule :)))...  [Read More]
Posted in: Dark Ages, 10,000 BBY
06-07-2003, 4:05 PM
((When I said material I didn't mean...oh, never mind :p But it's okay, because Deac's post gave me something to work with ;))) *Aeriv watches the broadcast silently. One of his trusted aides walks in* Aeriv: Any information on the assassinations...  [Read More]
Posted in: Dark Ages, 10,000 BBY
06-06-2003, 11:06 PM
((Yes, but BD that's the point, everyone in WWI was desperate for this case supposedly no one is. House Raven of Darkholme doesn't want war (even though Slythen does), and everyone else has stated in one way or another that...oh whatever. *G...  [Read More]
Posted in: Dark Ages, 10,000 BBY
06-05-2003, 11:30 PM
((Not necessarily if someone simply claiming to represent France did it...unless England was looking for an excuse to go to war. Now this is what's throwing me off: there was no investigation into the assassination, no other actions on Darkholme's pa...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Lost Mines of Inthenkar
06-04-2003, 9:34 PM
*Jalil aims his missile launcher and fires. The axes are blown away, the fragments smashing into the stormtroopers* Jalil: Doctor? Hah!...  [Read More]
Posted in: Mrear 2!
06-07-2003, 4:09 PM
*K'Warra crushes the gem under his foot. He grabs Itrok by the throat, lightning fast, and shoves him against a building wall* K'Warra: If I find out out that this is a trick, then I promise you elf, not even the Starkiller will be able to save you...  [Read More]
Posted in: Mrear 2!
06-06-2003, 11:47 PM
((Okay, I admit the below is because I haven't thought of anything yet :D)) K'Warra: I don't see anything you stupid---- *He cuts off, looking in the gem. He looks stunned at what he sees. Then he throws the gem away, hard* No. I don't believe it!...  [Read More]
Posted in: Mrear 2!
06-06-2003, 12:35 AM
K'Warra: Plenty. *to Itrok* Bull. I don't believe you. ---------- Kvana: Very well. *He shuts his eyes and concentrates. Blue fire spreads across his body. He opens his eyes and smiles at Vertmor's expression* A teleportation spell. One of my newes...  [Read More]
Posted in: C10: Jedi attributes
06-09-2003, 11:31 PM
Well, firstly he isn't a Jedi. (;)) Secondly I'm sort of waiting for BD, cuz I'm too lazy to think of a description format (and I don't like yours, sorry ;)) The third reason is that Starr has learned alot of weird Force techniques that I wrote down...  [Read More]
Posted in: C10: Jedi attributes
06-09-2003, 5:49 AM
Eh? External and internal mean nothing in that case. The Force flows "through" you, remember? ;)...  [Read More]
Posted in: C10: Jedi attributes
06-08-2003, 2:16 AM
Vanguards don't feed off emotions, Scar. ;)...  [Read More]
At least you two only need to deal with ONE alternate personality. :D Chere: What do you mean alternate personality? Cody: I think I may be insulted. K'Warra: *pops up* What are you looking at? Here, have a sarcastic comment. Happy now? Chere: No...  [Read More]
This thread is very special. :D *runs away* Welcome back armie! ^__^ edit: -*and obligingly stickys thread, *cough*evenifitisn'tanRPG*cough* :D...  [Read More]
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