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Mrear 2!

Page: 8 of 12
05-23-2003, 12:22 AM
*Kvana looks up* Be careful, aren't quite experienced enough yet with that Avatar to be a threat. Keep that in mind.

K'Warra: You want the Cauldron...fine. I had it before, and discarded it. It is useless to me. You do know what the Cauldron is...

Kvana: I know exactly what it is. *He laughs at an apparently personal joke* If you bring me the Cauldron I will create your charge a heir. There's your deal.
 Scar Da Kookee
05-23-2003, 12:46 AM
Vertmor: "Kvana, if you don't mind, I'd like to stay here. I wish to speak with you on some other matters, alone."
05-23-2003, 4:31 PM
Itrok: Tell me, K'warra, why are you doing these bizarre breeding experiments to this girl? Answer quickly, or get a smiting
05-23-2003, 8:19 PM
Drago: Easy Starkiller. I'm sure he has a perfectly unreasonable explanation. Besides, you can no more kill him than me.
05-24-2003, 12:02 AM
*Kvana looks even more amused. K'Warra looks at Itrok with a purely annoyed expression. Then his expression changes, as if he suddenly found the situation ever-so-slightly funny*

K'Warra: Breeding? Experiments? You are certainly a strange little half-elf...

Kvana: *to Vertmor* One moment. *He taps his fingers on the table, closes his eyes, and whispers a few words. A portal opens in the air. Through it the streets of the city outside are seen*

Kvana: Until we meet again, strangers.
 Scar Da Kookee
05-24-2003, 3:27 PM
*Vertmor waits patiently for the group to leave.*
05-24-2003, 3:40 PM
Itrok: And as for the rest of you, you'd better lie low. If I here about any blood drinking here again, then it's holy water for the lot of you.
05-24-2003, 6:41 PM
Drago: *To Itok* I'm starting to like you, Lad
05-24-2003, 9:57 PM
*K'Warra and the girl/Elizabeth ((I've had K'Warra say her name so why not use it? ;))) step through the portal. The others, except Vertmor, are teleported with them*

K'Warra: What, for stupidity? Vampires are bloodsuckers. Threatening them won't change that.

Elizabeth: I still don't like having to trust one of them...

K'Warra: I told you, the Kvana Clare always keeps their word. It's one of the traits of the line. Or I would never trust him.
 Scar Da Kookee
05-24-2003, 11:48 PM
Vertmor: *To the rest of the vampire's in the room* "When I ment alone... I ment..."

*The other vampires panic a little and run outside.*

Vertmor: *to Kvana* "First off, obviously Uma, she's still very jelious of you getting the title. She'll have to be killed, or else she might have an opertunity to do away with you instead. Next, my second problem, I want Vorador dead, as in his head on a stake, dead. Once's he's dead who ever was a follower of him, would be too afriad to take on who ever killed him. Which I come at request for 'assistence', the price, his throne, split evenly."
05-25-2003, 12:47 AM
Kvana: You can't kill Vorador. He's already dead. The only way to rid yourself of him is to make the Reaver his soul is trapped in dormant. As for Uma, I'm not concerned about her. She didn't get the title because she wasn't good enough for it, and she won't ever be. Her jealous, miserable quest for revenge can only fail.
 Scar Da Kookee
05-25-2003, 8:17 PM
05-26-2003, 4:46 AM
((OOS: Uma was able to tell by sensing it, remember? Deduction tells you Kvana should know as well (since he has the powers of the person who trained her.) :)))
 Scar Da Kookee
05-26-2003, 9:40 AM
((you'd think that maybe uma found out iby different means. becuase if it was sensed that vorador wasn't there in body, then every vampire would know cus they'd sense it too))
05-26-2003, 10:11 AM
[So where are we now?]
05-26-2003, 5:44 PM
05-28-2003, 3:42 AM
((OOS: Different means, exactly. Kvana has the same type of magic Uma has, and it's a rare type.

Deac: You're in the streets of the town we're in))

Elizabeth: So...

K'Warra: So we're going to get the Cauldron of Life.

Elizabeth: Do you know where it is?

K'Warra: No. But I know who does.
 Scar Da Kookee
05-28-2003, 8:42 AM
((damnit, why can't I make a plot w/o you sasying it can't happen. for taht matter this is more of a prequel to c8,c9 & c10. Notice in that one when Vertmor got the blade that Kvana didn't say anything about if Vorador was in it or not? Cus I wanted one of those facts that those characters don't know about. Uma knows by other means, not her abilities.))
05-28-2003, 3:56 PM
*Itrok marches over to K'Warra*

Itrok: And you're really gonna let that scum-sucking vampire get the cauldron? And then...what are you hoping to breed? Some kind of hybrid.

This ends now. You tell me what you're up to or I behead you. I can do it.

*Extends Starkiller*
05-28-2003, 8:52 PM
Drago: You can't kill him, same as you can't kill me. However chopping his head off would probably hurt. Why does she need an heir, she could just get married.

So how about you give us an explanation, or I tie you down and the elf tickles your feet till you go mad?
05-29-2003, 4:21 AM
((Scar: This is where thinking out things ahead of time comes in handy ;) Hint: You should probably figure out how you want Uma to know Vorador's secret, rather than say I should assume the obvious isn't true ;)

taht matter this is more of a prequel to c8,c9 & c10.

Actually it's supposed to be a story in its own right, not just "what happened before C8-10".

Disregard my posts in question, cuz I don't feel like editing ^_~ [would also screw up thread integrity]))

Kvana: Really. Before I do anything... what, pray tell, has brought on this sudden mutual enmity between you and our vampire lord?


K'Warra: *annoyed* You two need to know nothing. You pair of chanting clowns, what gives you the right to meddle in my affairs?

*Elizabeth grumbles to herself* Talking about me like I'm not even there...typical.
 Scar Da Kookee
05-29-2003, 8:50 AM
Vertmor: "I'm not sure. I believe I played a good lacky for several good millina. This just gives me a reason for a change in power..."
05-29-2003, 4:20 PM
*Itrok is held motionless as the Avatar comes out of him*

As a celestial agent for this plane, I think we have a right to know. You intend to create what from this girl? And did she agree to this?
05-29-2003, 6:06 PM
*Drago has one of those blinding flashes of inspiration which raley eflict Irishmen.*

Drago: *Turns to Elizabeth.* I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name. Why pray tell is the Gargoyle trying to achieve for you imaculate conception?
05-29-2003, 11:11 PM
Elizabeth:'s nothing...*she looks incredibly embarassed*

K'Warra: Leave her alone.


Kvana: *taking another drink* You can't be telling me you aren't even interested?
05-30-2003, 11:04 AM
*The Starkiller only strengthens it's resolve*

Did she agree? Yes or no?
05-30-2003, 8:32 PM
((This is getting very boring. Whats the point of having a plot if you don't tell us?))
06-01-2003, 6:19 AM
((OOS: Um, BD, this isn't THE PLOT of this RPG. There's plenty else [edit: Well, SOME stuff, at least ;p] going on; only Deac has made his personal plot depend on mine (i.e. follow K'Warra to harm the Darkstar)))

Elizabeth: Yes, yes I agreed. It was...well, a little idea. You can blame me. You don't have to be---you um, can, stop glowing now.
06-01-2003, 9:44 AM
*The Starkiller returns to Itrok*

Itrok: Why? Why are you doing this? What purpose does this all have? Why am I even here!?
 Scar Da Kookee
06-01-2003, 2:17 PM
Vertmor: "What? Of course I want his power. I was merely asking if you were interested in a piece of it. And of course, I'd also like to know what will be happening with those two, I can't help but ponder their logic."
06-02-2003, 12:54 AM
Kvana: I didn't mean that. I meant, aren't you even interested in knowing why he decided he wants you dead so suddenly?


K'Warra: That's a very good question.

Elizabeth: I need a child. But not, um, through "normal channels". *She looks as if she's confused herself* If that made any sense.

K'Warra: We're leaving. *He traces a circular outline in the air with his finger, then blows on it. A glowing rip in space opens up*
 Scar Da Kookee
06-02-2003, 1:17 AM
Vertmor: "For all I know, he'd want me dead for bringing in that creature inot his dining hall. During a meal..."
06-02-2003, 1:39 AM
Kvana: So I take it you aren't interested. *He puts down his cup* As for the gargoyle and his ward, I don't know yet. I have my suspicions, but I expect they will be confirmed soon enough...
06-02-2003, 3:04 PM
*Itrok steps in front of K'Warra.*

Itrok: I can't let you give him the Cauldron.
06-02-2003, 8:24 PM
Drago: I tell you what, K'warra can give him the cauldren, then, half a second later I'll kill him. Will eternal life even work for a Vampire? They're imortal anyway.
06-02-2003, 11:00 PM
K'Warra: You will NOT kill Kvana until he does what I requested. Besides, I don't believe a dolt like you could anyway. *turning on Itrok* Nor even the Starkiller, in a half-elf as brainless as you.

*Elizabeth winces at K'Warra's rudeness. One of the silent demon hunters suddenly speaks up*

Hunter: It is said that the Cauldron of Life, once filled with the right potion, will let whoever bathes in it live as long as the mountain stones. Vampires, however can be killed. *Hefts his halbred* I should know. I have killed fourteen of them with this very weapon. If this Kvana attains the Cauldron's eternal life, with his powers as a mage and as an ancient vampire, he would be a terrible force of evil to be reckoned with...

K'Warra: I fail to see where this concerns me.
 Scar Da Kookee
06-02-2003, 11:18 PM
Vorador: "Well, I suppose I should take a gander at why he wants my head." *Picks up his drink.* "The Cauldron... That would be an interesting to have along side Voradors sword..."
06-03-2003, 3:26 PM
*Itrok will have no more of this*

Itrok: Brainless? Excuse me, mister demon, but some of us didn't get demonic princes for fathers! If you think you can really take on all I represent, then BRING IT ON!

*Jiyle steps forward*

Jiyle: Itrok, that's not the way of the Starkiller. That's the Darkstar! You have no idea what you're meant to be doing, so you randomly follow this villain around? Can't you see what an opportunity this is? We can overwhelm Kvana and kill him once he bathes in it! He will become mortal again!
06-03-2003, 7:00 PM
Drago: Dolt? Why you little! *Lunges at K'warra.*
06-03-2003, 10:48 PM
K'Warra: *to Jiyle* What are you babbling about, clown? What makes you think the Cauldron of Life make a vampire mortal aga---

*He is interrupted by Drago lunging at him. He takes the blow, tumbling, dragging the vampire hunter with him. Rolling, he uses his legs to toss Drago into the air.

Instantly, all the demon hunter's weapons are drawn and/or trained on K'Warra. They do not shoot immediately however for fear of hitting Drago*
06-04-2003, 3:20 PM
[Redwing: I decided to check out some of your other work on the site and came across....Termand Rwos..

HE LOOKS LIKE THAT!!!!!!!!:D I should try drawing Deac sometime on Paint or something...]

Itrok: K'Warra, you might be able to hurt us, but eventually we're going to overwhelm you. So here's how we play it now; you tell us exactly what you're planning, and how this might afect Taarnt.


*A figure steps out of a bath of blood. In the dark room, demons and vampires chant.*

Evil: All hail the Vampiric Darkstar!
06-04-2003, 5:03 PM
((OSS: Oh dear.... Here we go.))

*Drago tucks himself into a ball, sumersualts and then lands.*

Drago: Not bad. Don't do it again.

*Drago draws his black sword. Something smimmers in the blade.*
06-04-2003, 9:23 PM
((LOL @ Deac :D Yup, he DOES look like 'that' ;) Were you horrified? :D

I would be delighted to see how Deac looks, too ^_^

Btw, all those thingys were made with pen/ink on paper, scanned and then colored. :D I wouldn't recommend using Paint for the drawing ;)

Lol @ BD))

K'Warra: *to Itrok* You idiot, this has nothing to do with Taarnt! And overwhelm me? As if! *pointing a finger at Drago* Only an immortal could afford to be as stupid as you. Go ahead and attack me again. See if your head stays attached.

Elizabeth: *anxiously* K'Warra, please! We should go.


Kvana: This affair sounds like it could become quite interesting. *He gets up* On an aside, I was just on my way to see the Vener oracles. Would you care to join me?
 Scar Da Kookee
06-04-2003, 10:32 PM
Vertmor: "Well I didn't have any plans on doing anything for a while, maybe til those fools come back with that cauldron... How ever, sure I'll take you up on that offer."
06-05-2003, 3:38 PM
Itrok: Isn't he? Well then, let me show you something. You see, back in the city, my mother made a living as a scryer. Now, with this Avatar, I should be pretty good at it...

*Itrok pulls out a scrying gem and places it on the ground*

Now for a magical ingrediant. Hmmm, this oughta do it...

*Itrok stabs his finger and drips his blood onto the gem, and an explosion of colour bursts forth.*

Look...what do you see? I see...hmmmm. My, that is interesting. It seems I see Taarnt causing your destruction, K'warra.
06-05-2003, 8:07 PM
*Drago looks at Kwarra.* Only an Imortal could be so arogant, how many times has yours rolled?
06-06-2003, 12:35 AM
K'Warra: Plenty. *to Itrok* Bull. I don't believe you.


Kvana: Very well. *He shuts his eyes and concentrates. Blue fire spreads across his body. He opens his eyes and smiles at Vertmor's expression* A teleportation spell. One of my newest "parlor tricks". I suppose it could be called my personal compensation for the fact that I will never evolve wings. *He holds his hand out to Vertmor* Care to come?
 Scar Da Kookee
06-06-2003, 8:45 AM
*vertmor grabs hold, onto Kvana's arm.*

Vertmor :"I don't do the hand thing..."
06-06-2003, 3:50 PM
Itrok: Really? Take a look. What do you see

*Hands to fizzing gem to K'warra*
06-06-2003, 11:47 PM
((Okay, I admit the below is because I haven't thought of anything yet :D))

K'Warra: I don't see anything you stupid----

*He cuts off, looking in the gem. He looks stunned at what he sees. Then he throws the gem away, hard* No. I don't believe it! It's a trick. You think you can manipulate me?


*Kvana smiles at Vertmor's nervousness. The two disappear in a flash.

They reappear in a large cavern. Ash litters the floor. A flat stone lies on the floor in the far end of the room, facing a large shrine. Around the stone are carefully-placed offerings*

Kvana: Have you ever been to see the Vener, Vertmor?
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