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Page: 52 of 164
Posted in: Cont
05-17-2003, 4:46 PM
Er...what's this? Are you sure you didn't miss the Story forum or something? ^.^...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina Part 10: The Dawning
05-19-2003, 9:39 AM
((OOS: Ummmm....whu? o.O Reality check is in order... How is the entire population of Coruscant realistically going to evacuated? Where are the NR/Imperials planning to put the entire population of Coruscant? What gives the NR the right to drag ev...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina Part 10: The Dawning
05-18-2003, 7:15 PM
((OOS: Scar, what woman? Where did your last post take place? BD: Meep o.O Evacuate the planet? Why? Would the NR really leave billions of innocent civilians at the mercy of vampires? Because there's no sunlight? Also note the sun isn't entirely b...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina Part 10: The Dawning
05-18-2003, 12:19 AM
((OOS: Scar, three things: A) "The fools" are all at the very top of the tower. Thus Irvine is somewhere off in outer space. B) Kvana is nowhere near the tower. What made you think he was? C) Irvine cannot blend in with magic. It's impos...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina Part 10: The Dawning
05-17-2003, 6:21 PM
Rwos: Cracken, I don't know what happened to you, but you have no idea what you speak of. I don't know what you are, but it isn't magic. We're going to find the vampire. There is only so many places he can hide....  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina Part 10: The Dawning
05-17-2003, 4:52 PM
Rwos: Gilian has a soul. You could say she is a half-vampire. Gilian: Why do you think we're here? We need to kill the vampires. We know it isn't safe. Also, I believe you're lying. No one in this dimension has the kind of--- Rwos: No. Gilian, he's...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina Part 10: The Dawning
05-17-2003, 4:32 PM
Rwos: Cracken...what are you talking about? Gilian: Who are you?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina Part 10: The Dawning
05-17-2003, 4:10 PM
((Okay...fully back online now (I hope) ^_^)) Coruscant Gilian: And we're supposed to believe you have our best interests in mind? Rwos: The energy that was protecting Kvana wasn't his own magic. It was a effect of the spells he was casting, usin...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina Part 10: The Dawning
05-15-2003, 10:33 AM
((OOS: Sorry for delay, was temporarily computer-less. ^^ Cracken: I assume we're talking about the same tower)) Coruscant *Gilian and Rwos re-enter the top of the tower* Gilian: Another vampire? *She draws her blade* You should have run with the...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina Part 10: The Dawning
05-12-2003, 7:53 PM
Ulna Shardes Artemis: He...I don't get it. He was pratically comatose until a few minutes ago. He's not conscious, but his brain activity is... *Suddenly, Farran's eyes open. He shoots straight up in his bed* Farran: The sun! ---------- Coruscan...  [Read More]
Posted in: How old are you?
05-11-2003, 6:48 AM
*snerk* I think this is supposed to be a subtle commentary on the way forums are run ;p *Edit* And I still demand copyright payments on that name, dammit! :xp:...  [Read More]
Posted in: Dodge This!
05-11-2003, 7:00 AM
Originally posted by Darth Eggplant the movie network is playing the matrix Revisited doccumentary on May 11tth, I believe. I have the wide screen VHS of Matrix and it has 4 doccumentaries at the end of it. this has more stuff like interviews, and c...  [Read More]
Posted in: Dark Ages, 10,000 BBY
05-12-2003, 1:21 PM
((Well see, you didn't say that. ;) But still I thought getting a war started here would be harder.)) *By evening, House Darkholme had issued condolences, and a statement that they had nothing to do with the assassinations. But at the same time Hous...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Lost Mines of Inthenkar
05-17-2003, 5:17 PM
*Jalil hefts his missile launcher and follows the others*...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Lost Mines of Inthenkar
05-15-2003, 11:27 AM
Jalil: Blood god? Great....  [Read More]
Posted in: The Lost Mines of Inthenkar
05-11-2003, 5:07 AM
Jalil: Hey! How are we supposed to step on the white squares if you rail all of them?!...  [Read More]
Posted in: Mrear 2!
05-19-2003, 7:53 AM
Kvana: *smiles* I'm sure she will be. *to K'Warra* What do you want, and what do you have for me? K'Warra: Tell me what you want, and I'll get it for you. Kvana: What if I told you I wanted your girl? *The girl sends him a death glare. Kvana smile...  [Read More]
Posted in: Mrear 2!
05-18-2003, 11:24 PM
*K'Warra walks over to the corner. A pale vampire looks up at him. The face he wore was human...but looked alien. K'Warra stared, trying to figure out what...* Vampire: Greetings, K'Warra K'laar. I've been expecting you. *K'Warra finally realized....  [Read More]
Posted in: Mrear 2!
05-18-2003, 6:50 PM
((LOL @ Deac :D Scar: Why do you keep stalling everything :p after all, it's your city so I can't move action along very easily)) *Time skip* *K'Warra and Vertmor arrive at the vampire bar* K'Warra: Is this the place?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Mrear 2!
05-17-2003, 5:35 PM
K'Warra: *impatiently* Fine. Let's go....  [Read More]
Posted in: Mrear 2!
05-17-2003, 4:39 PM
K'Warra: Wait. First you weren't sure where vampires would be here, and then suddenly you know about a vampire bar?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Mrear 2!
05-12-2003, 1:12 PM
*K'Warra lands in an empy alley* K'Warra: Now, where might I find a vampire in a place like this?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Mrear 2!
05-11-2003, 5:11 AM
*K'Warra gathers a ball of light in his hand and throws it at the ground. The immense flash of light blinds everyone nearby* K'Warra: Now. *He grabs the arms of the girl, and Vertmor, and leaps on top of the wall, then over* So much for subtlety....  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina 9-The Last Hope
05-12-2003, 1:23 PM
((OOS: BD, re the books: right idea, wrong timing. The dark energy is pretty much making everything it touches temporarily invulnerable)) Kvana: 'Twas a fool's game and he lost. I did say never touch a Jedi's weapon. *The dark energy around Kvana l...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina 9-The Last Hope
05-11-2003, 5:12 AM
((Can Dark-siders heal themselves? I thought they couldn't use a healing trance. Also Scar you realize Rwos is unconscious ;))) Kvana: *keeping the corner of his eye on the sun through the window* If this Jedi is so confident he can stop us...why...  [Read More]
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