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Page: 53 of 164
Posted in: Z-95 for sale
05-09-2003, 5:32 AM
I could have sworn I closed this gem. Kevin Katarn, I'm sorry, but this thread is quite obviously not an RPG. There isn't any role-playing or story of any kind going on. Etc. If you want to set up an RPG around buying your Z-95 Headhunter, then plea...  [Read More]
Posted in: assault on lance (Captain EjL 2)
05-09-2003, 5:38 AM
*Breaking in* marichui, don't make me delete joke posts. No trolling, please. Craig, it's all your fault for replying, now I don't want to muss thread integrity ;) /end OOS...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Jedimaster
05-01-2003, 7:07 AM
So not an RPG ( Sorry, guys. ;)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Dark Ages, 10,000 BBY
05-10-2003, 7:02 PM
((I hate to point this out, but besides what the assassin said there's no evidence House Darkholme did anything ;)))...  [Read More]
Posted in: Dark Ages, 10,000 BBY
05-09-2003, 12:28 AM
((OOS: I'm kinda lost here...Houses Starkiller and Flax are supposed to be the good guys and yet they're spoiling for war? Are they just really desparate to kill people? Did I miss something? o.O))...  [Read More]
Posted in: Dark Ages, 10,000 BBY
05-07-2003, 1:06 AM
*Two disguised transports leave the station, holding Quiv and Aeriv* Aeriv: This could mean war, you realize. Undoubtably they will pin this on either House Darkholme or Oz. And Oz seems to wish to involve themselves in our business whether we would...  [Read More]
Posted in: Dark Ages, 10,000 BBY
05-01-2003, 4:28 AM
*The assassin turns on one knee, drawing an automatic* Assassin: For House Darkholme! *He fires point-blank at Malken* ---------- *Aeriv hears the explosion, and the alarms following. A bodyguard runs up to him* Guard: Time to go, sir... *Aeri...  [Read More]
Posted in: Xtasy.
05-09-2003, 11:32 AM
((Dead after less than a week? No. That just means everyone needed a break. Inactive for two, three weeks, a month, then you worry. And even then, you can bring it back. So don't give up for that reason at least ;)))...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Lost Mines of Inthenkar
05-09-2003, 11:27 AM
Jalil: I think it leans more towards "Most Foreboding". A monster? You should have called me. I feel left out now....  [Read More]
Posted in: The Lost Mines of Inthenkar
05-07-2003, 9:58 PM
((Sorry, was unable to post for a few days.)) *Jalil hurries up to catch up with the group* Sorry, I was looking for that odd guy Joe. Did I miss anything?...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Lost Mines of Inthenkar
05-01-2003, 4:22 AM
Jalil: Imperials. *Pats rocket launcher* Looks like we get some action early....  [Read More]
Posted in: Mrear 2!
05-07-2003, 1:11 AM
K'Warra: You're all deficient, but it's more blindingly obvious with the rest of you tagalongs. Girl: But why can't we just fly over the wall? K'Warra: I doubt they'd be fooled by such a simple ruse. Especially given their paranoia about--- Girl:...  [Read More]
Posted in: Mrear 2!
05-06-2003, 5:10 AM
K'Warra: Don't act deficient, vampire. If I didn't need you to find Kvana I wouldn't have brought you here in the first place, and for all the good you would do me out here you might as well be dead...but I am finished with this annoying little chat....  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina 9-The Last Hope
05-10-2003, 7:31 PM
Rwos: I've seen other Jedi do that; I didn't realize you'd never tried... *Kvana, without turning around, swings his fist. Dark energy catches Deac and hurls him backwards. Rwos leaps at Kvana before he could focus energy again. His fist meets Kvan...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina 9-The Last Hope
05-09-2003, 5:14 AM
Rwos: You know I can only glide with these....besides, you're forgetting how high you can jump using the Force. But we need to get close to the tower first, or the vampire will have a clear shot at us. *Rwos looks up at the tower* The power up ther...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina 9-The Last Hope
05-08-2003, 2:44 PM
*The girl laughs delightedly* Not bad a question. *She walks up to him, putting her hands on his waist, and turns him towards the window* But shouldn't you be asking yourself, Cracken, how you know about this power...and that it summoned the meteors?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina 9-The Last Hope
05-07-2003, 9:49 PM
((OOS: Deac, Gilian is up in the tower. The Golem and everyone else is on the ground. *Politely waits for others to post ;)*))...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina 9-The Last Hope
05-07-2003, 2:28 AM
((OOS: Unstoppable, BD?)) Tower Kvana: An interesting case indeed. You are truly something which I do not understand. There was one like you in my time as well, and I understood her even less... You are one of us. A vampire, a demon. Why fight with...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina 9-The Last Hope
05-06-2003, 4:23 AM
Kvana: They are expendable. The mortals will be unable to kill enough in the next hour to make a dent in the power I'll need, and there are only a few minutes remaining till the sun reaches the point where I can cast the spell. *Gilian lands from a...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina 9-The Last Hope
05-05-2003, 6:26 AM
(( Very sorry peoples, been unable to post for the last two days. I'll stop holding up the RPG in a few hours ^^;; One note to Cracken: Too many asteroids to take out in one salvo, think ESB))...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina 9-The Last Hope
05-02-2003, 2:29 AM
*The girl smiles* As I said, you have a taste for red... Poor, poor boy. Such spirit, yet so little understanding....  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina 9-The Last Hope
05-02-2003, 2:20 AM
Girl: So full of questions! Your daughter Alys and apprentice Starr are safe. For now. But what makes you think I brought you here?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina 9-The Last Hope
05-02-2003, 2:10 AM
Girl: Everyone wants something. It's the curse of living. *She spreads her arms* You are everywhere and nowhere. Everything and nothing. Does that confuse you? *She laughs, and looks at his lightsaber* Your sword is so pretty. I love red. You have a...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina 9-The Last Hope
05-02-2003, 1:57 AM
Rwos: If they manage to block out the suns... Gilian: Forget it. They won't, because we'll stop them. Rwos: Deac... Gilian: Rwos, he isn't going to come. Let's go! *She leaps on top of a building and sprints off, incredibly fast. Rwos hesitates...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina 9-The Last Hope
05-01-2003, 4:17 AM
((Finally, BD's back, now I can stop stalling ;))) Rwos: Deac, forget him! We can't leave and we can't stay here. There is an immense power here about to be unleashed. We have to get to its center and stop it before it...does whatever it's about to...  [Read More]
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