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Page: 43 of 164
Posted in: assault on lance (Captain EjL 2)
09-01-2003, 9:32 AM
((Freaks :D *runs*))...  [Read More]
Well, hey. Single blade gets three styles, two blades get one, same with staff. So I don't think you can really say it's obsolete ;)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Why does Elite Force 2 look better?
09-04-2003, 7:54 AM
Originally posted by Blademaster_109 Yeah, master william are you a fruit or something. I mean maybe the girls could catch Kyle swimming but like dancing at a bat. Yosafe Oh, YEAH, pander to the guys and screw the girls, eh? Mas...  [Read More]
Posted in: What will you be doing between now and Sept 17th
09-03-2003, 7:08 AM
College work, hopefully playing a bit of MotS again and playing KotOR through a second time on the dark path. Either that, or I'll get moving on my webcomic. ;) *shrug* I most likely won't be getting JA the day it's released anyway......  [Read More]
Posted in: What other Species did you want to be?
09-02-2003, 3:44 AM
The strangely omitted male Zabrak, male Twi'lek, female Rodian, and female Kel Dor. :/...  [Read More]
Posted in: Your Favorite Lightsaber Style
09-02-2003, 3:30 AM
Hm..each style looks to have its selling points. I guess I'll reserve judgement until I have the game ^_~...  [Read More]
Posted in: Human Male Skin Issues
09-03-2003, 6:34 AM
Actually, BloodRiot, even in anime some basic rules are...generally...followed - altered with style of course ;) If you're going for realism, for one thing, eyes should always be separated from each other by about the width of one eye. Look at prett...  [Read More]
Posted in: Human Male Skin Issues
09-02-2003, 3:49 AM
I really dislike alot of the faces I've seen from JA...incorrect proportions annoy me. ;) Oh well....  [Read More]
Posted in: Wheres the red gone??
09-02-2003, 4:19 AM
Well, since in the lovely JK tradition you can turn to the dark side, I think it's a safe bet you'll be able to snag a red saber or two. ;)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Gender-specific dialogue ingame?
09-04-2003, 2:38 AM
I remember the stormies in MotS saying "Blast her!" when referring to Mara. :D It would really be shoddy work if everyone referred to your character in the game as male, even if you were a different gender......  [Read More]
Posted in: Ghrrrrr?
09-03-2003, 9:41 AM
Oh c'mon. "Old Folk's Home" does have a nice ring to it...;)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Will this be answered?
09-03-2003, 7:29 AM
Pfft - I adored it! Sure, a couple things could've been better, if it hadn't been rushed. But seriously, it was a great game. ^_^ Sadly, the CD I have for it is broken. :( But I expect I can pick up another copy somewhere for a low price......  [Read More]
Posted in: Will this be answered?
09-02-2003, 9:29 PM
Originally posted by Pedro The Hutt Aye, this is the first forum I ever joined, so I'd hate to see it die >.> \ Not my first forum, but my first game-! :D No, you shouldn't run in fear. We don't bite...much. ;)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Will this be answered?
09-01-2003, 10:27 PM
Pretty much we've posted here for a long time and don't want to see the forum die. :D...  [Read More]
Posted in: Will this be answered?
08-30-2003, 6:11 PM
Hm...he/she's got a point ^_~...  [Read More]
Posted in: Gone GOLD - release on 17 Sept 2003
09-02-2003, 4:34 AM
Originally posted by GonkH8er Preorder gift - Licence plate frame UNLEASH YOUR INNER NERD! STICK THIS BABY ON YOUR 1984 HONDA CIVIC AND PREPARE TO BE EGGED AND TAUNTED! :) ......  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina Part 11- The Darkest Hour
09-04-2003, 3:16 AM
((Um, Scar, I hope that was Force speed or something, considering Irvine had mere seconds to do all that ;))) *The rocket hits the ship, and its shields absorb the impact. The ship flies away from the hospital* Rwos: *speaking louder above the nois...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina Part 11- The Darkest Hour
09-04-2003, 12:12 AM
((Edit: JM, the hatch wasn't blown open. ^_~)) *The ship is unaffected by Irvine's attacks. It proceeds to rake the room with a deadly spray of energy, then moves away from the window. As it turns away, Gilian runs for the window. She leaps out, la...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina Part 11- The Darkest Hour
09-03-2003, 4:18 AM
((Scar: Told you so. ;p Um...since when is force-lightning an anti-ship weapon? Also I'm not sure what you mean by the shielding...)) *More grenades bounce from the open hatch into the room. Gilian dives for cover as they explode, sending waves of...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina Part 11- The Darkest Hour
09-02-2003, 1:55 AM
((OOS: Fused Irvine couldn't have killed some of the attackers by deflecting their shots. Their ship is shielded.)) Gilian: Who the hell are you? *A blaze of the shipboard cannons forces Irvine backwards. The ship's hatch opens, a plane attaching t...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina Part 11- The Darkest Hour
09-02-2003, 1:13 AM
Ackbar Memorial Hospital *A round object bounces into Deac's room in the hospital. Rapidly, Gilian knocks it back out of the room. It explodes harmlessly in the hallway* Stun grenade. *The transparisteel windows shatter inwards under a barrage of...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina Part 11- The Darkest Hour
09-01-2003, 9:13 AM
Coruscant *Rwos' ship emerges from warpspace and rockets down towards the planet's surface* Rwos: I hope then, that you have a way to save him. *Rwos' fighter lands. Rwos and Hilth get out. Suddenly, Hilth collapses. Rwos feels a dart impact his...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina Part 11- The Darkest Hour
08-27-2003, 6:54 AM
Rwos' Ship Rwos: But Deac escaped. I still don't see how the Avatars fit into this, however...nor the sickness which is killing him now......  [Read More]
Posted in: Any suggestions ??
09-03-2003, 11:05 AM
I care in that I sympathize, despite having never heard of those books. :D I refuse to read book trilogies out of order. >.<...  [Read More]
I had school! You can't blame me for that! :D...  [Read More]
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