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Page: 42 of 164
Posted in: Mrear 2!
09-25-2003, 2:57 AM
*K'Warra takes the opportunity to hurl a spell at Taarnt. The energy passes through the lich and hurtles off into the distance* K'Warra: Damn the mage who taught me that spell! That wasn't supposed to happen......  [Read More]
Posted in: Mrear 2!
09-23-2003, 6:19 PM
*K'Warra grabs Sertmor's arm, unnecessarily* K'Warra: Young fool, what do you think you're doing? *to Taarnt* Excellent. Now that you're undead, I don't need to worry about killing you when I rip what I want to know out of your skull!...  [Read More]
Posted in: Mrear 2!
09-23-2003, 6:38 AM
*K'Warra dashes over to Taarnt's body* K'Warra: DAMN! No, impossible, he wouldn't die just like that...something funny's going on here......  [Read More]
Posted in: Mrear 2!
09-22-2003, 6:15 AM
*K'Warra laughs* K'Warra: How pathetic, Taarnt. So afraid of a corpse that you must appeal to its sense of morality?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Mrear 2!
09-21-2003, 6:35 AM
((Hm. It still says I'm the last poster in this thread, except, as I just discovered, I'm not. :/)) *K'Warra focuses his senses on Taarnt, attempting to find a weakness* Perhaps if the half-elf weakens him...but I must find some way to prevent them...  [Read More]
Posted in: Yo Guys Ive Replied To All The Treads
09-14-2003, 9:00 AM
Someone is very bored. ...Or was. Two days ago. But it's still funny. *Runs*...  [Read More]
Posted in: Explain!
09-08-2003, 9:11 AM
I love brain washing....  [Read More]
Posted in: Hahaha, you narcs!
09-14-2003, 8:53 AM
Little girly? Chat girls? I disapprove of "girly" being used as an insult. ;p Remember kids, sexism is bad for your teeth!...  [Read More]
Posted in: Battle!!!
09-11-2003, 12:17 AM
Right then. ;) *obligingly stickies*...  [Read More]
Posted in: A poll
09-11-2003, 5:44 PM
Waaaah! Another reason for me to get TPM CD broke before I got to play him :( I pretty much liked Obi and Qui-Gon. ^^ I did like Panaka's martial arts, tho :D...  [Read More]
Originally posted by Darth Groovy As a side note, I think all your arguments would hold up better if you would stop saying things like "The XWAer's this", the "Aresener's that", this discussion reads like a bloody social studies...  [Read More]
Originally posted by Neil Joshi I have never been happy, fun, witty or pissy. And Carl Shutt? I don't know what that is, but i'm sure I'm not one. Seriously, I don't hate y'all, I'd just a feel a whole lot better if some of you were dead, that's al...  [Read More]
Hm...the funny thing is, I mostly see A) the escapemi'ers B) the non-escapemi "rebels" C) outraged XWA'ers D) lots of happy fun witty and/or pissy supermods, mods, and Carl Shutt A), B), and C) want D) to die painfully, and D) wants th...  [Read More]
Posted in: Let's try something a little different.
09-10-2003, 8:30 AM
Originally posted by SyntheticGerbil Stop being an asskisser. You'll never be a supermod. My dreams are crushed. Oh, and Charles Barkley isn't even all that hot....  [Read More]
Posted in: Let's try something a little different.
09-08-2003, 9:19 AM
I like Jake's style. ;)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina Part 11- The Darkest Hour
09-26-2003, 5:57 AM
*Rwos, feeling a sense of deja vu, jumps down froim the ship and rushes over to Deac* It's just like how it happened before...except the person on the floor then was me... ----------- *The Vanguard captain turns around* Captain: New target...unid...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina Part 11- The Darkest Hour
09-25-2003, 3:23 AM
Coruscant Aren: So what do you say, Blade? A temporary truce? Rwos: Supposing we did agree to help each other. Wouldn't that defeat both our jobs here? My mission is to keep ...people... like you out of this dimension. If I helped you, I would be...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina Part 11- The Darkest Hour
09-22-2003, 6:11 AM
Coruscant Aren: You underestimate us, Mr. Hilth. If we weren't interested, we wouldn't have brought you here. Besides, it seems pretty clear to me that the Starkiller, not to mention the ruler of a planet, would be fairly important to an Imperial wa...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina Part 11- The Darkest Hour
09-20-2003, 10:17 AM
((I like Crix, and I disliked the way the author wrote him when he killed him. So - bah! ;))) Coruscant - Shadow Base Aren: *bemused* An interesting observation, Mr. Hilth. Gilian: You're a pack of fools. If you wish to appeal to my darker side, t...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina Part 11- The Darkest Hour
09-18-2003, 9:07 AM
Coruscant Aren: You needn't worry. Starkiller is in suspended animation, and in no danger for the time being. Rwos: Why have you brought us here? Aren: As you're definitely aware, we've had our eye on you for a while, Termand Rwos. We have somethi...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina Part 11- The Darkest Hour
09-17-2003, 8:09 AM
((Okay, sorry for the lack of postage everyone. XD)) Coruscant *An enormous set of doors open in front of the ship Rwos and Gilian are hitching a ride on top of. The two crouch low. The ship slowly comes in for a landing, as the bright lights illum...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina Part 11- The Darkest Hour
09-16-2003, 8:12 AM
((I believe there's conflicting EU accounts of the fate of Crix Madine :D Welcome back, Deac. ^_^ *can't post at the moment as needs to leave - just letting people know that I'm alive ^^;;*))...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina Part 11- The Darkest Hour
09-11-2003, 6:05 PM
((Well that was...uh...spectacular :rolleyes: :p)) *The ship flies low and enters a broken-down building* Rwos: They'll be expecting us. Get ready... ---------- *Starr watches the ship enter the building. Then, suddenly, he finds his ship buffete...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina Part 11- The Darkest Hour
09-10-2003, 9:30 AM
((Sorry for the relative lack of postage. Been, um, ...busy ^~)) *The ship enters one of Coruscant's abandoned financial districts. Rwos and Gilian stay low on the ship's topside* Gilian: I'm picking up a large amount of life-form readings up ahead...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina Part 11- The Darkest Hour
09-07-2003, 10:56 PM
((I could've SWORN I replied here already x_x)) Coruscant *The ship carrying Deac streaks off into the darkness* Gilian: They're not entering warp. Rwos: Then...they must have a destination located on this planet... Gilian: Perhaps we shouldn't...  [Read More]
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